
273 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2020. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Boot:
; BOOT_LO / boot_data structure
; 0:9000 byte bits per pixel
; 0:9001 word scanline length
; 0:9008 word vesa video mode
; 0:900A word X res
; 0:900C word Y res
; 0:9014 dword Vesa 1.2 pm bank switch
; 0:9018 dword Vesa 2.0 LFB address
; 0:901C byte 0 or 1 : enable MTRR graphics acceleration
; 0:901D byte (0 or 1) start the first app (right now it's LAUNCHER) after kernel is loaded?
; 0:901E byte If nonzero, duplicates debug output to the screen.
; 0:901F byte DMA write : 1=yes, 2=no
; 0:9020 8bytes pci data
; 0:9030 byte shutdown type (see sysfn 18.9)
; 0:9040 dword entry point of APM BIOS
; 0:9044 word version (BCD)
; 0:9046 word flags
; 0:9050 word APM_CODE_32
; 0:9052 word APM_CODE_16
; 0:9054 word APM_DATA_16
; 0:907F byte number of BIOS hard disks
; 0:9080 Nbytes BIOS hard disks
; 0:9100 word available physical memory map: number of blocks
; 0:9104 available physical memory map: blocks
; Runtime:
; 0x00000000 -> 0x7FFFFFFF application 2Gb
; 0x80000000 -> 0FFF physical page zero - do not write
; (used by int 13h in some configurations)
; 0x80001000 -> 2FFF window_data - 256 entries
; 0000 dword x start
; 0004 dword y start
; 0008 dword x size
; 000C dword y size
; 0010 dword color of work area
; 0014 dword color of grab bar
; 0018 dword color of frames
; 001C dword window flags, +30 = window drawn, +31 redraw flag
; 3000 -> 4FFF task list - 256 entries
; 00 dword process count
; 04 dword no of processes
; 10 dword base of running process at 0x3000+
; 20 dword application event mask
; 24 dword PID - process identification number
; 2a byte slot state: 0=running, 1,2=suspended
; 3=zombie, 4=terminate,
; 5=waiting for event, 9 = not used
; 2e byte window number on screen
; 30 dword exact position in memory
; 34 dword counter sum
; 38 dword time stamp counter add
; 3c dword cpu usage in cpu timer tics
; 5000 -> 68FF free (6k6)
; 6900 -> 6EFF saved picture under mouse pointer (1k5)
; 6F00 -> 6FFF free (256)
; 7000 -> 7FFF used CD driver
; 8000 -> A3FF used FLOPPY driver
; A400 -> B0FF free (3k3), unused ACTIVE_PROC_STACK
; B100 -> B307 IDT for int_0x00..int_0x40
; B308 -> BFFF free (3k3)
; C000 -> C3FF window stack C000 no of windows - all in words
; C402 -> C7FF window position in stack
; D000 -> D1FF FDC controller
; D200 -> D3FF FDC controller for Fat12
; D400 -> DFFF free (3k)
; E000 byte multitasking started
; E020 dword putpixel address
; E024 dword getpixel address
; E030 dword Vesa 1.2 pm bank switch address
; E034 -> F1FF free (4k5)
; F200 dword mousepicture -pointer
; F204 dword mouse appearance counter
; F208 -> F2FF free (248)
; F300 dword x & y temp for windowmove
; F304 -> F3FF free (252)
; F400 byte no of keys in buffer
; F401 byte 'buffer'
; F402 -> F4FF reserved for keys
; F500 byte no of buttons in buffer
; F501 dword 'buffer'
; F502 -> F5FF reserved for buttons
; F600 dword tsc / second
; F604 byte (unused?) mouse port: 1 ps2, 2 com1, 3 com2
; F605 -> FAFF free (1k2)
; FB00 -> FB0F mouse memory 00 chunk count, that includes:
; FB08 word -- mouse H-scroll
; FB0A word -- mouse x
; FB0C word -- mouse y
; FB0E word -- mouse V-scroll
; FB10 -> FB17 mouse color mem
; FB21 x move
; FB22 y move
; FB28 high bits temp
; FB30 color temp
; FB40 byte buttons down
; FB44 byte 0 mouse down -> do not draw
; FB4A -> FB4D FB4A-B x-under - FB4C-D y-under
; FBF1 byte bits per pixel
; FC00 -> FCFE com1/ps2 buffer
; FCFF com1/ps2 buffer count starting from FC00
; FD00 -> FDFF free (256)
; FE00 dword screen x size
; FE04 dword screen y size
; FE08 dword screen y multiplier
; FE0C dword screen mode
; FE10 -> FE7F free (112)
; FE80 dword address of LFB in physical
; FE84 dword address of applications memory start in physical ?
; FE88 dword address of button list
; FE8C dword memory to use
; FE90 -> FEFF free (112)
; FF00 byte 1 = system shutdown request
; FF01 byte task activation request?
; FFF0 byte >0 if redraw background request from app
; FFF1 byte free
; FFF2 write and read bank in screen
; FFF4 byte 0 if first mouse draw & do not return picture under
; FFF5 byte 1 do not draw pointer
; FFFF byte do not change task for 1/100 sec.
; 0x80010000 -> 7BC00 kernel, 32-bit run-time code (up to 431k)
; 0x8007CC00 -> 7DBFF stack at boot time (4k)
; 0x8007E000 -> 7FFFF main page directory
; 0x80080000 -> 8FFFF additional app info, in 256 byte steps - 256 entries
; 00 11db name of app running
; 0x10 dword pointer to fpu save area
; 0x14 dword event count
; 0x18 dword user fpu exceptoins handler
; 0x1c dword user sse exceptions handler
; 20 dword PL0 stack base
; 24 dword user heap base
; 28 dword user heap top
; 2c dword window cursor handle
; 30 dword first event in list
; 34 dword last event in list
; 38 dword first kernel object in list
; 3c dword last kernel object in list
; 40 dword thread esp
; 44 dword io permission map page 0
; 48 dword io permission map page 1
; 4c dword debug state: 1= load debug registers
; 50 dword current directory ptr
; 54 dword wait timeout
; 58 dword thread TSS._esp0 (= pl0 stack base + size except for V86)
; 5C-7F unused
; 80 dword address of random shaped window area
; 84 byte shape area scale
; 88 dword free
; 8C dword application memory size
; 90 dword window X position save
; 94 dword window Y position save
; 98 dword window X size save
; 9C dword window Y size save
; A0 dword IPC memory start
; A4 dword IPC memory size
; A8 dword event bits: mouse, stack,..
; AC dword 0 or debugger slot
; B0 dword free
; B4 byte keyboard mode: 0 = keymap, 1 = scancodes
; B8 dword physical address of directory table
; BC dword address of debug event memory
; C0 5 dd thread debug registers: DR0,DR1,DR2,DR3,DR7
; 0x80090000 -> 9FFFF free (64k)
; 0x800A0000 -> AFFFF screen access area
; 0x800B0000 -> FFFFF bios rest in peace -area (320k) ?
; 0x80100000 -> 27FFFF diskette image (1m5)
; 0x80280000 -> 283FFF free (16k)
; 0x80284000 -> 28BFFF HDD DMA AREA (32k)
; 0x8028C000 -> 297FFF free (48k)
; 0x80298000 -> 29FFFF auxiliary table for background smoothing code (32k)
; 0x802A0000 -> 2B00FF wav device buffer (64k)
; 0x802A0000 -> 2B00FF wav device status (256)
; 0x802B0100 -> 2B3FFD free (15k7)
; 0x802B3FEE -> 2B3FEF button info (64K+ 16 + 2 byte)
; 2B3FEE 0000 word number of buttons
; 2B3FF0 first button entry
; button entry at 0x10
; +0000 word process number
; +0002 word button id number : bits 00-15
; +0004 word x start
; +0006 word x size
; +0008 word y start
; +000A word y size
; +000C word button id number : bits 16-31
; 0x802C4000 -> 2C9FFF area for fast getting offset to LFB (24k)
; BPSLine_calc_area
; 0x802CA000 -> 2CFFFF area for fast getting offset to _WinMapAddress (24k)
; d_width_calc_area
; 0x802D0000 -> 2DFFFF reserved port area (64k)
; 0000 dword no of port areas reserved
; 0010 dword process id
; dword start port
; dword end port
; dword 0
; 0x802E0000 -> 2EFFFF irq data area (64k) ;BOOT_VAR
; 0x802F0000 -> 317fff free (160k)
; 0x80318000 -> 31ffff skin_data (32k)
; 0x80320000 -> 323FF3 draw data - 256 entries (4k)
; 00 dword draw limit - x start
; 04 dword draw limit - y start
; 08 dword draw limit - x end
; 0C dword draw limit - y end
; 0x8032BFF4 -> 32BFFF background info
; 0x80323FF4 BgrDrawMode
; 0x80323FF8 BgrDataWidth
; 0x80323FFC BgrDataHeight
; 0x80324000 page map (length b = memsize shr 15)
; 0x80324000 + b start of static pagetables
; 0x803FFFFF <- no direct address translation beyond this point
; =============================================================
; 0x805FF000 -> 5FFF80 TSS
; 0x80600000 -> 601FFF i/o maps
; 0x80800000 -> kernel heap
; 0x80FFFFFF heap min limit
; 0xFDBFFFFF heap max limit
; 0xF0000000 -> 0xF1FFFFFF PCI-express extended config space
; 0xFDC00000 -> 0xFDFFFFFF page tables 4Mb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF LFB 32Mb
; 0xFE000000 -> 0xFE7FFFFF application available LFB 8Mb
; 0xFE800000 -> 0xFFFFFFFF kernel LFB part 24 Mb