2012-06-04 12:54:51 +00:00
2010-10-20 23:58:36 +00:00
const command_t COMMANDS [ ] =
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " about " , " Displays information about Shell \n \r " , & cmd_about } ,
{ " alias " , " Allows the user view the current aliases \n \r " , & cmd_alias } ,
{ " cd " , " Changes current directory. Usage: \n \r cd <directory name> \n \r " , & cmd_cd } ,
{ " clear " , " Clears the screen \n \r " , & cmd_clear } ,
2013-02-16 11:25:37 +00:00
{ " cp " , " Copies file \n \r " , & cmd_cp } ,
2020-04-16 21:50:49 +00:00
{ " mv " , " Moves file \n \r " , & cmd_mv } ,
{ " ren " , " Renames file \n \r " , & cmd_ren } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " date " , " Returns the current date and time \n \r " , & cmd_date } ,
{ " echo " , " Echoes the data to the screen. Usage: \n \r echo <data> \n \r " , & cmd_echo } ,
{ " exit " , " Exits from Shell \n \r " , & cmd_exit } ,
2012-06-04 12:54:51 +00:00
{ " free " , " Displays total, free and used memory \n \r " , & cmd_memory } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " help " , " Gives help on commands. Usage: \n \r help ;it lists all builtins \n \r help <command> ;help on command \n \r " , & cmd_help } ,
2012-06-04 12:54:51 +00:00
{ " history " , " Lists used commands \n \r " , & cmd_history } ,
2021-06-12 21:34:41 +00:00
{ " kfetch " , " Prints logo and information about system. \n \r " , & cmd_kfetch } ,
2013-02-17 15:22:51 +00:00
{ " kill " , " Stops a running process. Usage: \n \r kill <PID of process> \n \r kill all \n \r " , & cmd_kill } ,
2021-04-01 22:06:12 +00:00
{ " pkill " , " Kills all processes by name. Usage: \n \r pkill <process_name> \n \r " , & cmd_pkill } ,
2017-09-27 18:44:15 +00:00
{ " ls " , " Lists the files in a directory. Usage: \n \r ls ;lists the files in current directory \n \r ls <directory> ;lists the files at specified folder \n \r ls -1 ;lists the files in a single column \n \r " , & cmd_ls } ,
2021-09-02 21:20:12 +00:00
{ " mkdir " , " Create directory and parent directories as needed. Usage: \n \r mkdir <folder/name> \n \r " , & cmd_mkdir } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " more " , " Displays a file data to the screen. Usage: \n \r more <file name> \n \r " , & cmd_more } ,
2017-01-06 16:12:57 +00:00
{ " ps " , " Lists the current processes running \n \r or shows more info on <procname> and save LASTPID \n \r " , & cmd_ps } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " pwd " , " Displays the name of the working directory \n \r " , & cmd_pwd } ,
2011-01-30 11:52:46 +00:00
{ " reboot " , " Reboots the computer or KolibriOS kernel. Usage: \n \r reboot ;reboot a PC \n \r reboot kernel ;reboot the KolibriOS kernel \n \r " , & cmd_reboot } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " rm " , " Removes a file. Usage: \n \r rm file name> \n \r " , & cmd_rm } ,
{ " rmdir " , " Removes a folder. Usage: \n \r rmdir <directory> \n \r " , & cmd_rmdir } ,
{ " shutdown " , " Turns off the computer \n \r " , & cmd_shutdown } ,
2012-06-04 12:54:51 +00:00
{ " sleep " , " Stops the shell for the desired period. Usage: \n \r sleep <time in the 1/100 of second> \n \r Example: \n \r sleep 500 ;pause for 5sec. \n \r " , & cmd_sleep } ,
2010-10-21 04:37:59 +00:00
{ " touch " , " Creates an empty file or updates the time/date stamp on a file. Usage: \n \r touch <file name> \n \r " , & cmd_touch } ,
2010-10-21 04:53:41 +00:00
{ " uptime " , " Displays the uptime \n \r " , & cmd_uptime } ,
2013-02-16 11:25:37 +00:00
{ " ver " , " Displays version. Usage: \n \r ver ;Shell version \n \r ver kernel ;version of KolibriOS kernel \n \r ver cpu ;information about CPU \n \r " , & cmd_ver } ,
2017-01-06 16:12:57 +00:00
{ " waitfor " , " Stops console waiting while process finish. Usage: \n \r waitfor ;waiting previous started executable LASTPID \n \r waitfor <PID>;awaiting PID finish \n \r " , & cmd_waitfor } ,
2012-06-04 12:54:51 +00:00
} ;
2013-02-17 15:22:51 +00:00
2021-06-12 21:34:41 +00:00
# define CMD_ABOUT_MSG "Shell %s\n\r"
# define CMD_CD_USAGE " cd <directory>\n\r"
# define CMD_CP_USAGE " cp <file_in> <file_out>\n\r"
# define CMD_DATE_DATE_FMT " Date [dd.mm.yy]: %x%x.%x%x.%x%x"
# define CMD_DATE_TIME_FMT "\n\r Time [hh:mm:ss]: %x%x:%x%x:%x%x\n\r"
# define CMD_FREE_FMT " Total [kB / MB / %%]: %-7d / %-5d / 100\n\r Free [kB / MB / %%]: %-7d / %-5d / %d\n\r Used [kB / MB / %%]: %-7d / %-5d / %d\n\r"
# define CMD_HELP_AVAIL " %d commands available:\n\r"
# define CMD_HELP_CMD_NOT_FOUND " Command \'%s\' not found.\n\r"
# define CMD_KILL_USAGE " kill <PID>\n\r"
# define CMD_MKDIR_USAGE " mkdir <directory>\n\r"
# define CMD_MORE_USAGE " more <filename>\n\r"
# define CMD_MV_USAGE " mv <file_in> <file_out>\n\r"
# define CMD_PKILL_HELP " pkill <process_name>\n\r"
# define CMD_PKILL_KILL " PID: %u - killed\n"
# define CMD_PKILL_NOT_KILL " PID: %u - not killed\n"
# define CMD_PKILL_NOT_FOUND " No processes with this name were found!\n"
# define CMD_REN_USAGE " ren <file> <new_name>\n\r"
# define CMD_RM_USAGE " rm <filename>\n\r"
# define CMD_RMDIR_USAGE " rmdir <directory>\n\r"
# define CMD_SLEEP_USAGE " sleep <time in the 1 / 100 of second>\n\r"
# define CMD_TOUCH_USAGE " touch <filename>\n\r"
# define CMD_UPTIME_FMT " Uptime: %d day(s), %d:%d:%d.%d\n\r"
# define CMD_VER_FMT1 " KolibriOS v%d.%d.%d.%d. Kernel SVN-rev.: %d\n\r"
# define CMD_WAITFOR_FMT " Awaing finish PID %d\n\r"
# define EXEC_STARTED_FMT " '%s' started. PID = %d\n\r"
# define EXEC_SCRIPT_ERROR_FMT "Error in '%s' : script must start with #SHS line\n\r"
# define UNKNOWN_CMD_ERROR " Error!\n\r"
# define CON_APP_ERROR " Error in console application.\n\r"
# define FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR " File '%s' not found.\n\r"