697 lines
24 KiB
697 lines
24 KiB
; standard driver stuff
format MS COFF
; this is for DEBUGF macro from 'fdo.inc'
__DEBUG__ = 1
include 'proc32.inc'
include 'imports.inc'
include 'fdo.inc'
public START
public version
; USB constants
; USB structures
virtual at 0
.bLength db ?
.bDescriptorType db ?
.wTotalLength dw ?
.bNumInterfaces db ?
.bConfigurationValue db ?
.iConfiguration db ?
.bmAttributes db ?
.bMaxPower db ?
end virtual
virtual at 0
.bLength db ?
.bDescriptorType db ?
.bInterfaceNumber db ?
.bAlternateSetting db ?
.bNumEndpoints db ?
.bInterfaceClass db ?
.bInterfaceSubClass db ?
.bInterfaceProtocol db ?
.iInterface db ?
end virtual
virtual at 0
.bLength db ?
.bDescriptorType db ?
.bEndpointAddress db ?
.bmAttributes db ?
.wMaxPacketSize dw ?
.bInterval db ?
end virtual
; Driver data for all devices
virtual at 0
.type dd ? ; 1 = keyboard, 2 = mouse
.intpipe dd ? ; interrupt pipe handle
.packetsize dd ?
.packet rb 8 ; packet with data from device
.control rb 8 ; control packet to device
end virtual
; Driver data for mouse
virtual at device_data.sizeof
; no additional data
end virtual
; Driver data for keyboard
virtual at device_data.sizeof
.handle dd ? ; keyboard handle from RegKeyboard
.configpipe dd ? ; config pipe handle
.prevpacket rb 8 ; previous packet with data from device
.timer dd ? ; auto-repeat timer handle
.repeatkey db ? ; auto-repeat key code
.ledstate db ? ; state of LEDs
align 4
end virtual
section '.flat' code readable align 16
; The start procedure.
; 1. Test whether the procedure is called with the argument DRV_ENTRY.
; If not, return 0.
xor eax, eax ; initialize return value
cmp dword [esp+4], 1 ; compare the argument
jnz .nothing
; 2. Register self as a USB driver.
; The name is my_driver = 'usbhid'; IOCTL interface is not supported;
; usb_functions is an offset of a structure with callback functions.
stdcall RegUSBDriver, my_driver, eax, usb_functions
; 3. Return the returned value of RegUSBDriver.
ret 4
; This procedure is called when new HID device is detected.
; It initializes the device.
; Arguments are addressed through esp. In this point of the function,
; [esp+4] = a handle of the config pipe, [esp+8] points to config_descr
; structure, [esp+12] points to interface_descr structure.
; 1. Check device type. Currently only mice and keyboards with
; boot protocol are supported.
; 1a. Get the subclass and the protocol. Since bInterfaceSubClass and
; bInterfaceProtocol are subsequent in interface_descr, just one
; memory reference is used for both.
mov edx, [esp+12]
push ebx ; save used register to be stdcall
mov cx, word [edx+interface_descr.bInterfaceSubClass]
; 1b. For boot protocol, subclass must be 1 and protocol must be either 1 for
; a keyboard or 2 for a mouse. Check.
cmp cx, 0x0101
jz .keyboard
cmp cx, 0x0201
jz .mouse
; 1c. If the device is neither a keyboard nor a mouse, print a message and
; go to 6c.
DEBUGF 1,'K : unknown HID device\n'
jmp .nothing
; 1d. If the device is a keyboard or a mouse, print a message and continue
; configuring.
DEBUGF 1,'K : USB keyboard detected\n'
push keyboard_data.sizeof
jmp .common
DEBUGF 1,'K : USB mouse detected\n'
push mouse_data.sizeof
; 2. Allocate memory for device data.
pop eax ; get size of device data
; 2a. Call the kernel, saving and restoring register edx.
push edx
call Kmalloc
pop edx
; 2b. Check result. If failed, say a message and go to 6c.
test eax, eax
jnz @f
DEBUGF 1,'K : no memory\n'
jmp .nothing
xchg eax, ebx
; HID devices use one IN interrupt endpoint for polling the device
; and an optional OUT interrupt endpoint. We do not use the later,
; but must locate the first. Look for the IN interrupt endpoint.
; 3. Get the upper bound of all descriptors' data.
mov eax, [esp+8+4] ; configuration descriptor
movzx ecx, [eax+config_descr.wTotalLength]
add eax, ecx
; 4. Loop over all descriptors until
; either end-of-data reached - this is fail
; or interface descriptor found - this is fail, all further data
; correspond to that interface
; or endpoint descriptor found.
; 4a. Loop start: eax points to the interface descriptor.
; 4b. Get next descriptor.
movzx ecx, byte [edx] ; the first byte of all descriptors is length
add edx, ecx
; 4c. Check that at least two bytes are readable. The opposite is an error.
inc edx
cmp edx, eax
jae .errorep
dec edx
; 4d. Check that this descriptor is not interface descriptor. The opposite is
; an error.
cmp byte [edx+endpoint_descr.bDescriptorType], INTERFACE_DESCR_TYPE
jz .errorep
; 4e. Test whether this descriptor is an endpoint descriptor. If not, continue
; the loop.
cmp byte [edx+endpoint_descr.bDescriptorType], ENDPOINT_DESCR_TYPE
jnz .lookep
; 5. Check that the descriptor contains all required data and all data are
; readable. If so, proceed to 7.
cmp byte [edx+endpoint_descr.bLength], endpoint_descr.sizeof
jb .errorep
sub eax, endpoint_descr.sizeof
cmp edx, eax
jbe @f
; 6. An error occured during processing endpoint descriptor.
; 6a. Print a message.
DEBUGF 1,'K : error: invalid endpoint descriptor\n'
; 6b. Free memory allocated for device data.
xchg eax, ebx
call Kfree
; 6c. Return an error.
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
ret 12
; 7. Check that the endpoint is IN interrupt endpoint. If not, go to 6.
test [edx+endpoint_descr.bEndpointAddress], 80h
jz .errorep
mov cl, [edx+endpoint_descr.bmAttributes]
and cl, 3
jnz .errorep
; 8. Open pipe for the endpoint.
; 8a. Load parameters from the descriptor.
movzx ecx, [edx+endpoint_descr.bEndpointAddress]
movzx eax, [edx+endpoint_descr.bInterval]
movzx edx, [edx+endpoint_descr.wMaxPacketSize]
; 8b. Call the kernel, saving and restoring edx.
push edx
stdcall USBOpenPipe, [esp+4+24], ecx, edx, INTERRUPT_PIPE, eax
pop edx
; 8c. Check result. If failed, go to 6b.
test eax, eax
jz .free
; We use 12 bytes for device type, interrupt pipe and interrupt packet size,
; 8 bytes for a packet and 8 bytes for previous packet, used by a keyboard.
; 9. Initialize device data.
mov [ebx+device_data.intpipe], eax
push 8
pop ecx
cmp edx, ecx
jb @f
mov edx, ecx
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx+device_data.packetsize], edx
mov dword [ebx+device_data.packet], eax
mov dword [ebx+device_data.packet+4], eax
mov edx, [esp+12+4] ; interface descriptor
movzx ecx, [edx+interface_descr.bInterfaceProtocol]
mov [ebx+device_data.type], ecx
cmp ecx, 1
jnz @f
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.handle], eax
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.timer], eax
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.repeatkey], al
mov dword [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket], eax
mov dword [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket+4], eax
mov eax, [esp+4+4]
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.configpipe], eax
; 10. Send the control packet SET_PROTOCOL(Boot Protocol) to the interface.
lea eax, [ebx+device_data.control]
mov dword [eax], 21h + (0Bh shl 8) + (0 shl 16) ; class request to interface + SET_PROTOCOL + Boot protocol
and dword [eax+4], 0
mov dl, [edx+interface_descr.bInterfaceNumber]
mov [eax+4], dl
; Callback function is mouse_configured for mice and keyboard_configured1 for keyboards.
mov edx, keyboard_configured1
cmp ecx, 1
jz @f
mov edx, mouse_configured
stdcall USBControlTransferAsync, [esp+4+28], eax, 0, 0, edx, ebx, 0
; 11. Return with pointer to device data as returned value.
xchg eax, ebx
pop ebx
ret 12
; This function is called when SET_PROTOCOL command for keyboard is done,
; either successful or unsuccessful.
xor edx, edx
; 1. Check the status of the transfer.
; If the transfer was failed, go to the common error handler.
cmp dword [esp+8], edx ; status is zero?
jnz keyboard_data_ready.error
; 2. Send the control packet SET_IDLE(infinity). HID auto-repeat is not useful.
mov eax, [esp+20]
push edx ; flags for USBControlTransferAsync
push eax ; userdata for USBControlTransferAsync
add eax, device_data.control
mov dword [eax], 21h + (0Ah shl 8) + (0 shl 24) ; class request to interface + SET_IDLE + no autorepeat
stdcall USBControlTransferAsync, dword [eax+keyboard_data.configpipe-device_data.control], \
eax, edx, edx, keyboard_configured2; , <userdata>, <flags>
; 3. Return.
ret 20
; This function is called when SET_IDLE command for keyboard is done,
; either successful or unsuccessful.
; Check the status of the transfer and go to the corresponding label
; in the main handler.
cmp dword [esp+8], 0
jnz keyboard_data_ready.error
mov edx, [esp+20]
push edx
stdcall RegKeyboard, usbkbd_functions, edx
pop edx
mov [edx+keyboard_data.handle], eax
jmp keyboard_data_ready.next
; This function is called when another interrupt packet arrives,
; processed either successfully or unsuccessfully.
; It should parse the packet and initiate another transfer with
; the same callback function.
; 1. Check the status of the transfer.
mov eax, [esp+8]
test eax, eax
jnz .error
; Parse the packet, comparing with the previous packet.
; For boot protocol, USB keyboard packet consists of the first byte
; with status keys that are currently pressed. The second byte should
; be ignored, and other 5 bytes denote keys that are currently pressed.
push esi ebx ; save used registers to be stdcall
; 2. Process control keys.
; 2a. Initialize before loop for control keys. edx = mask for control bits
; that were changed.
mov ebx, [esp+20+8]
movzx edx, byte [ebx+device_data.packet] ; get state of control keys
xor dl, byte [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket] ; compare with previous state
; 2b. If state of control keys has not changed, advance to 3.
jz .nocontrol
; 2c. Otherwise, loop over control keys; esi = bit number.
xor esi, esi
; 2d. Skip bits that have not changed.
bt edx, esi
jnc .controlnext
push edx ; save register which is possibly modified by API
; The state of the current control key has changed.
; 2e. For extended control keys, send the prefix 0xE0.
mov al, [control_keys+esi]
test al, al
jns @f
push eax
mov ecx, 0xE0
call SetKeyboardData
pop eax
and al, 0x7F
; 2f. If the current state of the control key is "pressed", send normal
; scancode. Otherwise, the key is released, so set the high bit in scancode.
movzx ecx, al
bt dword [ebx+device_data.packet], esi
jc @f
or cl, 0x80
call SetKeyboardData
pop edx ; restore register which was possibly modified by API
; 2g. We have 8 control keys.
inc esi
cmp esi, 8
jb .controlloop
; 3. Initialize before loop for normal keys. esi = index.
push 2
pop esi
; 4. Process one key which was pressed in the previous packet.
; 4a. Get the next pressed key from the previous packet.
movzx eax, byte [ebx+esi+keyboard_data.prevpacket]
; 4b. Ignore special codes.
cmp al, 3
jbe .normalnext1
; 4c. Ignore keys that are still pressed in the current packet.
lea ecx, [ebx+device_data.packet]
call haskey
jz .normalnext1
; 4d. Say warning about keys with strange codes.
cmp eax, normal_keys_number
jae .badkey1
movzx ecx, [normal_keys+eax]
jecxz .badkey1
; 4e. For extended keys, send the prefix 0xE0.
push ecx ; save keycode
test cl, cl
jns @f
push ecx
mov ecx, 0xE0
call SetKeyboardData
pop ecx
; 4f. Send the release event.
or cl, 0x80
call SetKeyboardData
; 4g. If this key is autorepeating, stop the timer.
pop ecx ; restore keycode
cmp cl, [ebx+keyboard_data.repeatkey]
jnz .normalnext1
mov eax, [ebx+keyboard_data.timer]
test eax, eax
jz .normalnext1
stdcall CancelTimerHS, eax
and [ebx+keyboard_data.timer], 0
jmp .normalnext1
DEBUGF 1,'K : unknown keycode: %x\n',al
; 5. Process one key which is pressed in the current packet.
; 5a. Get the next pressed key from the current packet.
movzx eax, byte [ebx+esi+device_data.packet]
; 5b. Ignore special codes.
cmp al, 3
jbe .normalnext2
; 5c. Ignore keys that were already pressed in the previous packet.
lea ecx, [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket]
call haskey
jz .normalnext2
; 5d. Say warning about keys with strange codes.
cmp eax, normal_keys_number
jae .badkey2
movzx ecx, [normal_keys+eax]
jecxz .badkey2
; 5e. For extended keys, send the prefix 0xE0.
push ecx ; save keycode
test cl, cl
jns @f
push ecx
mov ecx, 0xE0
call SetKeyboardData
pop ecx
; 5f. Send the press event.
and cl, not 0x80
call SetKeyboardData
; 5g. Stop the current auto-repeat timer, if present.
mov eax, [ebx+keyboard_data.timer]
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall CancelTimerHS, eax
; 5h. Start the auto-repeat timer.
pop ecx ; restore keycode
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.repeatkey], cl
stdcall TimerHS, 25, 5, autorepeat_timer, ebx
mov [ebx+keyboard_data.timer], eax
jmp .normalnext2
DEBUGF 1,'K : unknown keycode: %x\n',al
; 6. Advance to next key.
inc esi
cmp esi, 8
jb .normalloop
; 7. Save the packet data for future reference.
mov eax, dword [ebx+device_data.packet]
mov dword [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket], eax
mov eax, dword [ebx+device_data.packet+4]
mov dword [ebx+keyboard_data.prevpacket+4], eax
pop ebx esi ; restore registers to be stdcall
; 8. Initiate transfer on the interrupt pipe.
mov eax, [esp+20]
push 1 ; flags for USBNormalTransferAsync
push eax ; userdata for USBNormalTransferAsync
add eax, device_data.packet
stdcall USBNormalTransferAsync, dword [eax+device_data.intpipe-device_data.packet], \
eax, dword [eax+device_data.packetsize-device_data.packet], \
keyboard_data_ready;, <userdata>, <flags>
; 9. Return.
ret 20
; An error has occured.
; 10. If an error is caused by the disconnect, do nothing, it is handled
; in DeviceDisconnected. Otherwise, say a message.
cmp eax, 16
jz @f
push esi
mov esi, errormsgkbd
call SysMsgBoardStr
pop esi
ret 20
; Auxiliary procedure for keyboard_data_ready.
push 2
pop edx
cmp byte [ecx+edx], al
jz @f
inc edx
cmp edx, 7
jbe @b
; Timer function for auto-repeat.
mov eax, [esp+4]
movzx ecx, [eax+keyboard_data.repeatkey]
test cl, cl
jns @f
push ecx
mov ecx, 0xE0
call SetKeyboardData
pop ecx
and cl, not 0x80
call SetKeyboardData
ret 4
; This function is called to update LED state on the keyboard.
mov eax, [esp+4]
add eax, device_data.control
mov dword [eax], 21h + (9 shl 8) + (2 shl 24)
; class request to interface + SET_REPORT + Output zero report
mov byte [eax+6], 1
mov edx, [esp+8]
shr dl, 1
jnc @f
or dl, 4
lea ecx, [eax+keyboard_data.ledstate-device_data.control]
mov [ecx], dl
stdcall USBControlTransferAsync, dword [eax+keyboard_data.configpipe-device_data.control], \
eax, ecx, 1, keyboard_data_ready.nothing, 0, 0
ret 8
; This function is called when it is safe to free keyboard data.
mov eax, [esp+4]
push ebx
call Kfree
pop ebx
ret 4
; This function is called when SET_PROTOCOL command for mouse is done,
; either successful or unsuccessful.
; Check the status of the transfer and go to the corresponding label
; in the main handler.
cmp dword [esp+8], 0
jnz mouse_data_ready.error
mov eax, [esp+20]
add eax, device_data.packet
jmp mouse_data_ready.next
; This function is called when another interrupt packet arrives,
; processed either successfully or unsuccessfully.
; It should parse the packet and initiate another transfer with
; the same callback function.
; 1. Check the status of the transfer.
mov eax, [esp+8]
test eax, eax
jnz .error
mov edx, [esp+16]
; 2. Parse the packet.
; For boot protocol, USB mouse packet consists of at least 3 bytes.
; The first byte is state of mouse buttons, the next two bytes are
; x and y movements.
; Normal mice do not distinguish between boot protocol and report protocol;
; in this case, scroll data are also present. Advanced mice, however,
; support two different protocols, boot protocol is used for compatibility
; and does not contain extended buttons or scroll data.
mov eax, [esp+12] ; buffer
push eax
xor ecx, ecx
cmp edx, 4
jbe @f
movsx ecx, byte [eax+4]
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp edx, 3
jbe @f
movsx ecx, byte [eax+3]
neg ecx
push ecx
xor ecx, ecx
cmp edx, 2
jbe @f
movsx ecx, byte [eax+2]
neg ecx
push ecx
movsx ecx, byte [eax+1]
push ecx
movzx ecx, byte [eax]
push ecx
call SetMouseData
pop eax
; 3. Initiate transfer on the interrupt pipe.
stdcall USBNormalTransferAsync, dword [eax+device_data.intpipe-device_data.packet], \
eax, dword [eax+device_data.packetsize-device_data.packet], mouse_data_ready, eax, 1
; 4. Return.
ret 20
; An error has occured.
; 5. If an error is caused by the disconnect, do nothing, it is handled
; in DeviceDisconnected. Otherwise, say a message.
cmp eax, 16
jz @f
push esi
mov esi, errormsgmouse
call SysMsgBoardStr
pop esi
ret 20
; This function is called when the device is disconnected.
push ebx ; save used register to be stdcall
; 1. Say a message. Use different messages for keyboards and mice.
mov ebx, [esp+4+4]
push esi
mov esi, disconnectmsgk
cmp byte [ebx+device_data.type], 1
jz @f
mov esi, disconnectmsgm
stdcall SysMsgBoardStr
pop esi
; 2. If device is keyboard, then we must unregister it as a keyboard and
; possibly stop the auto-repeat timer.
cmp byte [ebx+device_data.type], 1
jnz .nokbd
mov eax, [ebx+keyboard_data.timer]
test eax, eax
jz @f
stdcall CancelTimerHS, eax
mov ecx, [ebx+keyboard_data.handle]
jecxz .nokbd
stdcall DelKeyboard, ecx
; If keyboard is registered, then we should free data in CloseKeyboard, not here.
jmp .nothing
; 3. Free the device data.
xchg eax, ebx
call Kfree
; 4. Return.
pop ebx ; restore used register to be stdcall
ret 4 ; purge one dword argument to be stdcall
; strings
my_driver db 'usbhid',0
errormsgmouse db 'K : USB transfer error, disabling mouse',10,0
errormsgkbd db 'K : USB transfer error, disabling keyboard',10,0
disconnectmsgm db 'K : USB mouse disconnected',10,0
disconnectmsgk db 'K : USB keyboard disconnected',10,0
; data for keyboard: correspondence between HID usage keys and PS/2 scancodes.
EX = 80h
label control_keys byte
db 1Dh, 2Ah, 38h, 5Bh+EX, 1Dh+EX, 36h, 38h+EX, 5Ch+EX
label normal_keys byte
db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 1Eh, 30h, 2Eh, 20h, 12h, 21h, 22h, 23h, 17h, 24h, 25h, 26h ; 0x
db 32h, 31h, 18h, 19h, 10h, 13h, 1Fh, 14h, 16h, 2Fh, 11h, 2Dh, 15h, 2Ch, 02h, 03h ; 1x
db 04h, 05h, 06h, 07h, 08h, 09h, 0Ah, 0Bh, 1Ch, 01h, 0Eh, 0Fh, 39h, 0Ch, 0Dh, 1Ah ; 2x
db 1Bh, 2Bh, 2Bh, 27h, 28h, 29h, 33h, 34h, 35h, 3Ah, 3Bh, 3Ch, 3Dh, 3Eh, 3Fh, 40h ; 3x
db 41h, 42h, 43h, 44h, 57h, 58h,37h+EX,46h,0,52h+EX,47h+EX,49h+EX,53h+EX,4Fh+EX,51h+EX,4Dh+EX ; 4x
db 4Bh+EX,50h+EX,48h+EX,45h,35h+EX,37h,4Ah,4Eh,1Ch+EX,4Fh,50h,51h,4Bh,4Ch,4Dh,47h ; 5x
db 48h, 49h, 52h, 53h, 56h,5Dh+EX,5Eh+EX,59h,64h,65h,66h, 67h, 68h, 69h, 6Ah, 6Bh ; 6x
db 6Ch, 6Dh, 6Eh, 76h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h ; 7x
db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 7Eh, 00h, 73h, 70h, 7Dh, 79h, 7Bh, 5Ch, 00h, 00h, 00h ; 8x
db 0F2h,0F1h,78h, 77h, 76h
normal_keys_number = $ - normal_keys
; Exported variable: kernel API version.
align 4
version dd 50005h
; Structure with callback functions.
dd 12
dd AddDevice
dd DeviceDisconnected
; Structure with callback functions for keyboards.
dd 12
dd CloseKeyboard
dd SetKeyboardLights
; for DEBUGF macro
; for uninitialized data
section '.data' data readable writable align 16