[KERNEL] Add sysfn 39.3 - copy rect of background image to buffer.

Previously was only 39.2 that reads one pixel from background image.
(39.2 is shomehow useless due to big context switching overhead if you trying to read some area of pixels using 39.2)

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@9458 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
Rustem Gimadutdinov (rgimad) 2021-12-22 17:10:59 +00:00
parent 78e0396849
commit 3d99a055b8
3 changed files with 135 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -2023,6 +2023,24 @@ path db 'HD0/1',0
* Есть парная функция установки точки на фоновом изображении -
подфункция 2 функции 15.
---------------------- Константы для регистров: ----------------------
== Функция 39, подфункция 3 - получить прямоугольную область фона =
* eax = 39 - номер функции
* ebx = 3 - номер подфункции
* ecx = [x]*65536 + [y]
* edx = [width]*65536 + [height]
* esi = адрес буфера
Возвращаемое значение:
* eax = 0 - успех
* eax = -1 - ошибка
* Функция копирует указанную прямоугольную область в буфер в формате
---------------------- Константы для регистров: ----------------------

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@ -2004,6 +2004,24 @@ Remarks:
* There is a pair function to set pixel on the background image -
subfunction 2 of function 15.
---------------------- Constants for registers: ----------------------
== Function 39, subfunction 3 - get rect from the background image. =
* eax = 39 - function number
* ebx = 3 - subfunction number
* ecx = [x]*65536 + [y]
* edx = [width]*65536 + [height]
* esi = buffer address
Returned value:
* eax = 0 - success
* eax = -1 - error
* Function copies specified rectangle of background image to buffer
in 0x00RRGGBB format
---------------------- Constants for registers: ----------------------

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@ -3053,10 +3053,10 @@ force_redraw_background:
align 4
; cmp eax,1 ; SIZE
sys_getbackground: ; sysfn 39
dec ebx
jnz nogb1
jnz .nogb1
; sysfn 39.1:
mov eax, [BgrDataWidth]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, word [BgrDataHeight]
@ -3064,17 +3064,15 @@ sys_getbackground:
align 4
; cmp eax,2 ; PIXEL
dec ebx
jnz nogb2
jnz .nogb2
; sysfn 39.2:
mov eax, [img_background]
test ecx, ecx
jz @f
cmp eax, static_background_data
jz .ret
align 4
mov ebx, [mem_BACKGROUND]
@ -3088,22 +3086,109 @@ align 4
and eax, 0xFFFFFF
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
align 4
.x dd ?
.y dd ?
.w dd ?
.h dd ?
.subrect_startptr dd ?
.subrect_bytes dd ?
align 4
dec ebx
jnz .nogb3
; sysfn 39.3 read background subrect to buffer
; ecx - <x, y>
; edx - <w, h>
; esi - buffer of 0x00RRGGBB
mov eax, [img_background]
cmp eax, static_background_data
jz .ret_39_3
align 4
movzx eax, cx ; store y in eax
mov [.y], eax
; cmp eax,4 ; TILED / STRETCHED
shr ecx, 16 ; ecx = x
mov [.x], ecx
imul eax, [BgrDataWidth]
add eax, ecx
imul eax, 3
mov [.subrect_startptr], eax
movzx eax, dx ; store h in eax
mov [.h], eax
shr edx, 16 ; edx = w
mov [.w], edx
imul eax, edx
mov [.subrect_bytes], eax
; check bounds
mov ebx, [mem_BACKGROUND]
add ebx, 4095
and ebx, -4096
sub ebx, 4
add eax, [.subrect_startptr]
cmp eax, ebx
ja .fail_39_3
; copy contents
mov edi, [img_background]
xor ecx, ecx ; ecx - row index
cmp ecx, [.h]
jae .end_copy_rect
xor edx, edx ; edx - column index
cmp edx, [.w]
jae .end_copy_row
mov ebx, ecx
imul ebx, [BgrDataWidth]
add ebx, edx
imul ebx, 3
add ebx, [.subrect_startptr]
mov eax, [edi + ebx]
mov ebx, ecx
imul ebx, [.w]
add ebx, edx
and eax, 0xFFFFFF
mov [esi + ebx*4], eax
inc edx
jmp .copy_row
inc ecx
jmp .copy_rect
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
align 4
mov eax, -1
align 4
align 4
dec ebx
dec ebx
jnz nogb4
jnz .nogb4
; sysfn 39.4:
mov eax, [BgrDrawMode]
align 4
mov [esp+32], eax