initial deleting cross regisres in system calls

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
Iliya Mihailov (Ghost) 2007-11-12 23:08:54 +00:00
parent 4cc19614ca
commit 4f0542fd62
3 changed files with 332 additions and 428 deletions

View File

@ -7,6 +7,20 @@
; Old style system call converter
align 16
; load all registers in crossed order
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, esi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, [esp+28 + 4]
and edi,0xff
call dword [servetable+edi*4]
;; ;;
@ -14,36 +28,15 @@ $Revision$
;; ;;
align 16
; diamond, 27.03.2007: handler does not require disabled interrupts
; so interrupts remain enabled when calling int 0x40
; mov ax, word app_data
; mov ds, ax
; mov es, ax
; load all registers in crossed order
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, esi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, [esp+28]
; enable interupts - a task switch or an IRQ _CAN_ interrupt i40 handler
; sti
push eax
and edi,0xff
call dword [servetable+edi*4]
pop eax
and eax, 0xff
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
;; ;;
@ -61,17 +54,8 @@ sysenter_entry:
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, esi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, [esp + 28]
push eax
and edi, 0xff
call dword [servetable + edi * 4]
pop eax
and eax, 0xff
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
@ -99,37 +83,15 @@ syscall_entry:
push ecx
mov ecx, [ecx]
; mov [ss:sysenter_stack - 4], eax
; mov eax, [ss:CURRENT_TASK]
; shl eax, 8
; mov eax, [ss:SLOT_BASE + eax + APPDATA.pl0_stack]
; lea esp, [eax + RING0_STACK_SIZE] ; configure ESP
; mov eax, [ss:sysenter_stack - 4] ; eax - original eax, from app
; mov ax, word app_data
; mov ds, ax
; mov es, ax
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, edx
mov edx, esi
mov esi, edi
mov edi, [esp + 28]
push eax
and edi, 0xff
call dword [servetable + edi * 4]
pop eax
and eax, 0xff
call dword [servetable2 + eax * 4]
mov ecx, [ss:esp+4]
pop esp
@ -143,45 +105,45 @@ iglobal
dd sys_drawwindow ; 0-DrawWindow
dd syscall_setpixel ; 1-SetPixel
dd sys_getkey ; 2-GetKey
dd sys_clock ; 3-GetTime
dd 0
dd 0
dd syscall_writetext ; 4-WriteText
dd delay_hs ; 5-DelayHs
dd syscall_openramdiskfile ; 6-OpenRamdiskFile
dd syscall_putimage ; 7-PutImage
dd 0
dd sys_button ; 8-DefineButton
dd sys_cpuusage ; 9-GetProcessInfo
dd sys_waitforevent ; 10-WaitForEvent
dd sys_getevent ; 11-CheckForEvent
dd sys_redrawstat ; 12-BeginDraw and EndDraw
dd syscall_drawrect ; 13-DrawRect
dd syscall_getscreensize ; 14-GetScreenSize
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd sys_background ; 15-bgr
dd sys_cachetodiskette ; 16-FlushFloppyCache
dd sys_getbutton ; 17-GetButton
dd 0
dd 0
dd sys_system ; 18-System Services
dd paleholder;undefined_syscall ; 19-reserved
dd 0
dd sys_midi ; 20-ResetMidi and OutputMidi
dd sys_setup ; 21-SetMidiBase,SetKeymap,SetShiftKeymap,.
dd sys_settime ; 22-setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
dd sys_wait_event_timeout ; 23-TimeOutWaitForEvent
dd 0
dd syscall_cdaudio ; 24-PlayCdTrack,StopCd and GetCdPlaylist
dd sys_sb16 ; 25-SetSb16
dd sys_getsetup ; 26-GetMidiBase,GetKeymap,GetShiftKeymap,.
dd undefined_syscall ; 27-reserved
dd 0
dd sys_sb16II ; 28-SetSb16
dd sys_date ; 29-GetDate
dd 0
dd sys_current_directory ; 30-Get/SetCurrentDirectory
dd undefined_syscall ; 31-reserved
dd 0
dd syscall_delramdiskfile ; 32-DelRamdiskFile
dd syscall_writeramdiskfile; 33-WriteRamdiskFile
dd undefined_syscall ; 34-reserved
dd syscall_getpixel ; 35-GetPixel
dd syscall_readstring ; 36-ReadString (not yet ready)
dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
dd readmousepos ; 37-GetMousePosition_ScreenRelative,.
dd syscall_drawline ; 38-DrawLine
dd sys_getbackground ; 39-GetBackgroundSize,ReadBgrData,.
dd set_app_param ; 40-WantEvents
dd 0
dd syscall_getirqowner ; 41-GetIrqOwner
dd get_irq_data ; 42-ReadIrqData
dd sys_outport ; 43-SendDeviceData
@ -195,12 +157,12 @@ iglobal
dd syscall_threads ; 51-Threads
dd stack_driver_stat ; 52-Stack driver status
dd socket ; 53-Socket interface
dd user_events ; 54-User events
dd 0
dd sound_interface ; 55-Sound interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 56-reserved
dd sys_pcibios ; 57-reserved
dd 0
dd sys_pcibios ; 57-PCI BIOS32
dd file_system ; 58-Common file system interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 59-reserved
dd 0
dd sys_IPC ; 60-Inter Process Communication
dd sys_gs ; 61-Direct graphics access
dd sys_pci ; 62-PCI functions
@ -215,7 +177,86 @@ iglobal
dd syscall_windowsettings ; 71-Window settings
dd sys_sendwindowmsg ; 72-Send window message
times 255 - ( ($-servetable) /4 ) dd undefined_syscall
align 4
dd cross_order ; 0-DrawWindow
dd cross_order ; 1-SetPixel
dd sys_getkey ; 2-GetKey
dd sys_clock ; 3-GetTime
dd cross_order ; 4-WriteText
dd cross_order ; 5-DelayHs
dd cross_order ; 6-OpenRamdiskFile
dd syscall_putimage ; 7-PutImage
dd cross_order ; 8-DefineButton
dd cross_order ; 9-GetProcessInfo
dd sys_waitforevent ; 10-WaitForEvent
dd sys_getevent ; 11-CheckForEvent
dd sys_redrawstat ; 12-BeginDraw and EndDraw
dd syscall_drawrect ; 13-DrawRect
dd syscall_getscreensize ; 14-GetScreenSize
dd cross_order ; 15-bgr
dd sys_cachetodiskette ; 16-FlushFloppyCache
dd sys_getbutton ; 17-GetButton
dd cross_order ; 18-System Services
dd paleholder ; 19-reserved
dd cross_order ; 20-ResetMidi and OutputMidi
dd cross_order ; 21-SetMidiBase,SetKeymap,SetShiftKeymap,.
dd cross_order ; 22-setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock
dd sys_wait_event_timeout ; 23-TimeOutWaitForEvent
dd cross_order ; 24-PlayCdTrack,StopCd and GetCdPlaylist
dd cross_order ; 25-SetSb16
dd cross_order ; 26-GetMidiBase,GetKeymap,GetShiftKeymap,.
dd undefined_syscall ; 27-reserved
dd cross_order ; 28-SetSb16
dd sys_date ; 29-GetDate
dd cross_order ; 30-Get/SetCurrentDirectory
dd undefined_syscall ; 31-reserved
dd cross_order ; 32-DelRamdiskFile
dd cross_order ; 33-WriteRamdiskFile
dd undefined_syscall ; 34-reserved
dd syscall_getpixel ; 35-GetPixel
dd undefined_syscall ; 36-reserved
dd cross_order ; 37-GetMousePosition_ScreenRelative,.
dd cross_order ; 38-DrawLine
dd cross_order ; 39-GetBackgroundSize,ReadBgrData,.
dd set_app_param ; 40-WantEvents
dd cross_order ; 41-GetIrqOwner
dd cross_order ; 42-ReadIrqData
dd cross_order ; 43-SendDeviceData
dd cross_order ; 44-ProgramIrqs
dd cross_order ; 45-ReserveIrq and FreeIrq
dd cross_order ; 46-ReservePortArea and FreePortArea
dd cross_order ; 47-WriteNum
dd cross_order ; 48-SetRedrawType and SetButtonType
dd cross_order ; 49-Advanced Power Management (APM)
dd cross_order ; 50-Window shape & scale
dd cross_order ; 51-Threads
dd cross_order ; 52-Stack driver status
dd cross_order ; 53-Socket interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 54-reserved
dd cross_order ; 55-Sound interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 56-reserved
dd cross_order ; 57-PCI BIOS32
dd cross_order ; 58-Common file system interface
dd undefined_syscall ; 59-reserved
dd cross_order ; 60-Inter Process Communication
dd cross_order ; 61-Direct graphics access
dd cross_order ; 62-PCI functions
dd cross_order ; 63-System message board
dd cross_order ; 64-Resize application memory usage
dd cross_order ; 65-PutImagePalette
dd cross_order ; 66-Process definitions - keyboard
dd cross_order ; 67-Window move or resize
dd cross_order ; 68-Some internal services
dd cross_order ; 69-Debug
dd cross_order ; 70-Common file system interface, version 2
dd cross_order ; 71-Window settings
dd cross_order ; 72-Send window message
times 255 - ( ($-servetable2) /4 ) dd undefined_syscall
dd sys_end ; -1-end application

View File

@ -468,18 +468,18 @@ restore .event
call get_event_for_app
mov [esp+36],eax
mov [esp + 32],eax
or eax, 0xFFFFFFFF ; infinite timeout
or ebx, 0xFFFFFFFF ; infinite timeout
jmp @f
add eax, [timer_ticks]
add ebx, [timer_ticks]
mov ebx, [current_slot]
mov [ebx + APPDATA.wait_timeout], eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
mov [eax + APPDATA.wait_timeout], ebx
call get_event_for_app
test eax, eax
jnz eventoccur
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ sys_wait_event_timeout:
mov eax, [event_sched]
mov [esp+36], eax
mov [esp+32], eax

View File

@ -1034,14 +1034,6 @@ reserve_irqs_ports:
mov [irq_owner+4*14], 1 ; ide I
mov [irq_owner+4*15], 1 ; ide II
; movzx eax,byte [0xf604] ; mouse irq
; dec eax
; add eax,mouseirqtable
; movzx eax,byte [eax]
; shl eax,2
; mov [irq_owner+eax],byte 1
mov edi,1 ; 0x00-0x2d
@ -1071,26 +1063,6 @@ reserve_irqs_ports:
mov [RESERVED_PORTS+edi+4],dword 0xe5
mov [RESERVED_PORTS+edi+8],dword 0xff
; cmp [0xf604],byte 2 ; com1 mouse -> 0x3f0-0x3ff
; jne ripl1
; inc dword [0x2d0000]
; mov edi,[0x2d0000]
; shl edi,4
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+0],dword 1
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+4],dword 0x3f0
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+8],dword 0x3ff
; ripl1:
; cmp [0xf604],byte 3 ; com2 mouse -> 0x2f0-0x2ff
; jne ripl2
; inc dword [0x2d0000]
; mov edi,[0x2d0000]
; shl edi,4
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+0],dword 1
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+4],dword 0x2f0
; mov [0x2d0000+edi+8],dword 0x2ff
; ripl2:
@ -1472,22 +1444,6 @@ division_64_bits:
; dtext
; eax x & y
; ebx color
; ecx start of text
; edx length
; edi 1 force
; mov edi,[CURRENT_TASK]
; shl edi,8
; add ax,word[]
; rol eax,16
; add ax,word[edi+SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
; rol eax,16
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,64+4
sub ecx,eax
@ -1512,17 +1468,6 @@ draw_num_text:
mov edi, [esp+64+4]
jmp dtext
; eax read_area
; ebx color of letter
; ecx color of background
; edx number of letters to read
; esi [x start]*65536 + [y_start]
align 4
@ -2408,50 +2353,22 @@ UID_MENUETOS=1 ;official
UID_KOLIBRI=2 ;russian
; pushad
; cmp eax,1
; jne no_write_all_of_ramdisk
; call fdc_writeramdisk
; popad
; ret
; no_write_all_of_ramdisk:
; cmp eax,2
; jne no_write_part_of_ramdisk
; call fdc_commitflush
; popad
; ret
; no_write_part_of_ramdisk:
; cmp eax,3
; jne no_set_fdc
; call fdc_set
; popad
; ret
; no_set_fdc:
; cmp eax,4
; jne no_get_fdc
; popad
; call fdc_get
; mov [esp+36],ecx
; ret
; no_get_fdc:
; popad
; ret
cmp eax,1
jne no_floppy_a_save
mov [flp_number],1
jmp save_image_on_floppy
cmp eax,2
jne no_floppy_b_save
mov [flp_number],2
cmp ebx, 1
jne .no_floppy_a_save
mov [flp_number], 1
jmp .save_image_on_floppy
cmp ebx, 2
jne .no_floppy_b_save
mov [flp_number], 2
call save_image
mov [esp+36],dword 0
cmp [FDC_Status],0
je yes_floppy_save
mov [esp+36],dword 1
mov [esp + 32], dword 0
cmp [FDC_Status], 0
je .yes_floppy_save
mov [esp + 32], dword 1
@ -2684,49 +2601,45 @@ sys_getbackground:
align 4
mov [esp+36],dword 1
; test main buffer
mov [esp + 32],dword 1
; test main buffer
movzx ecx,word [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
mov edx,[TASK_COUNT]
cmp ecx,edx
movzx ecx, word [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT]
cmp ecx, edx
jne .finish
cmp [KEY_COUNT],byte 0
cmp [KEY_COUNT], byte 0
je .finish
movzx eax,byte [KEY_BUFF]
shl eax,8
movzx eax, byte [KEY_BUFF]
shl eax, 8
push eax
dec byte [KEY_COUNT]
and byte [KEY_COUNT],127
movzx ecx,byte [KEY_COUNT]
add ecx,2
; mov esi,0xf402
; mov edi,0xf401
; cld
; rep movsb
mov eax, KEY_BUFF+1
and byte [KEY_COUNT], 127
movzx ecx, byte [KEY_COUNT]
add ecx, 2
mov eax, KEY_BUFF + 1
mov ebx, KEY_BUFF
call memmove
pop eax
mov [esp+36],eax
mov [esp + 32], eax
; test hotkeys buffer
mov ecx, hotkey_buffer
cmp [ecx], ebx
jz .found
add ecx, 8
cmp ecx, hotkey_buffer+120*8
cmp ecx, hotkey_buffer + 120 * 8
jb @b
mov ax, [ecx+6]
mov ax, [ecx + 6]
shl eax, 16
mov ah, [ecx+4]
mov ah, [ecx + 4]
mov al, 2
and dword [ecx+4], 0
and dword [ecx + 4], 0
and dword [ecx], 0
jmp .ret_eax
@ -2735,19 +2648,19 @@ align 4
mov [esp+36],dword 1
mov [esp + 32], dword 1
movzx ecx, word [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
mov edx, [TASK_COUNT] ; less than 256 processes
cmp ecx,edx
cmp ecx, edx
jne .exit
movzx eax,byte [BTN_COUNT]
test eax,eax
movzx eax, byte [BTN_COUNT]
test eax, eax
jz .exit
mov eax,[BTN_BUFF]
shl eax,8
mov [BTN_COUNT],byte 0
mov [esp+36],eax
mov eax, [BTN_BUFF]
shl eax, 8
mov [BTN_COUNT], byte 0
mov [esp + 32], eax
@ -2906,7 +2819,7 @@ sys_clock:
movzx edx,al
add ecx,edx
mov [esp+36],ecx
mov [esp + 32], ecx
@ -2915,7 +2828,6 @@ align 4
@@: mov al, 10
out 0x70, al
in al, 0x71
@ -2941,47 +2853,38 @@ sys_date:
in al,0x71
mov cl,al
mov [esp+36],ecx
mov [esp+32], ecx
; redraw status
cmp eax,1
cmp ebx, 1
jne no_widgets_away
; buttons away
mov ecx,[CURRENT_TASK]
mov edi,[BTN_ADDR]
cmp [edi],dword 0 ; empty button list ?
cmp [edi], dword 0 ; empty button list ?
je end_of_buttons_away
movzx ebx,word [edi]
movzx ebx, word [edi]
inc ebx
mov eax,edi
dec ebx
jz end_of_buttons_away
add eax,0x10
cmp cx,[eax]
add eax, 0x10
cmp cx, [eax]
jnz sys_newba
push eax ebx ecx
mov ecx,ebx
inc ecx
shl ecx,4
mov ebx,eax
add eax,0x10
shl ecx, 4
mov ebx, eax
add eax, 0x10
call memmove
dec dword [edi]
pop ecx ebx eax
@ -2994,27 +2897,24 @@ sys_redrawstat:
cmp eax,2
cmp ebx, 2
jnz srl1
mov edx,[TASK_BASE] ; return whole screen draw area for this app
add edx,draw_data-CURRENT_TASK
mov [edx+RECT.left], 0
mov [], 0
mov eax,[ScreenWidth]
mov [edx+RECT.right],eax
mov eax,[ScreenHeight]
mov [edx+RECT.bottom],eax
mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
or [edi-twdw+WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1 ; no new position & buttons from app
mov edx, [TASK_BASE] ; return whole screen draw area for this app
add edx, draw_data - CURRENT_TASK
mov [edx + RECT.left], 0
mov [edx +], 0
mov eax, [ScreenWidth]
mov [edx + RECT.right], eax
mov eax, [ScreenHeight]
mov [edx + RECT.bottom], eax
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
or [edi - twdw + WDATA.fl_wdrawn], 1 ; no new position & buttons from app
call sys_window_mouse
@ -3888,12 +3788,8 @@ delay_ms: ; delay in 1/1000 sec
push edi
mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
mov [edi+TASKDATA.event_mask],eax
pop edi
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
mov [edi + TASKDATA.event_mask], ebx
@ -4330,11 +4226,6 @@ drawbackground:
align 4
syscall_putimage: ; PutImage
mov edx,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov ebx, eax
test ecx,0x80008000
jnz .exit
@ -4771,9 +4662,9 @@ sys_msg_board:
; eax=1 : write : bl byte to write
; eax=2 : read : ebx=0 -> no data, ebx=1 -> data in al
mov ecx,[msg_board_count]
mov ecx, [msg_board_count]
cmp eax, 1
jne smbl1
jne .smbl1
mov [msg_board_data+ecx],bl
@ -4782,35 +4673,23 @@ sys_msg_board:
mov [msg_board_count], ecx
mov [check_idle_semaphore], 5
cmp eax, 2
jne smbl2
jne .smbl2
test ecx, ecx
jz smbl21
; mov edi, msg_board_data
; mov esi, msg_board_data+1
; movzx eax, byte [edi]
jz .smbl21
mov eax, msg_board_data+1
mov ebx, msg_board_data
movzx edx, byte [ebx]
call memmove
; push ecx
; shr ecx, 2
; cld
; rep movsd
; pop ecx
; and ecx, 3
; rep movsb
dec [msg_board_count]
mov [esp+36], edx ;eax
mov [esp+24], dword 1
mov [esp + 36], edx ;eax
mov [esp + 24], dword 1
mov [esp+36], ecx
mov [esp+24], ecx
@ -5024,33 +4903,36 @@ align 4
syscall_drawrect: ; DrawRect
mov edi,ecx
and edi,0x80FFFFFF
test ax,ax
je drectr
test bx,bx
je drectr
movzx ecx,ax
shr eax,16
movzx edx,bx
shr ebx,16
mov esi,[current_slot]
add eax,[esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ebx,[]
add ecx,eax
add edx,ebx
mov edi, edx ; color + gradient
and edi, 0x80FFFFFF
test bx, bx ; x.size
je .drectr
test cx, cx ; y.size
je .drectr
mov eax, ebx ; bad idea
mov ebx, ecx
movzx ecx, ax ; ecx - x.size
shr eax, 16 ; eax - x.coord
movzx edx, bx ; edx - y.size
shr ebx, 16 ; ebx - y.coord
mov esi, [current_slot]
add eax, [esi + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add ebx, [esi +]
add ecx, eax
add edx, ebx
jmp [drawbar]
align 4
syscall_getscreensize: ; GetScreenSize
movzx eax,word[ScreenWidth]
shl eax,16
mov ax,[ScreenHeight]
mov [esp+36],eax
mov ax, [ScreenWidth]
shl eax, 16
mov ax, [ScreenHeight]
mov [esp + 32], eax
align 4
@ -5137,48 +5019,39 @@ syscall_writeramdiskfile: ; WriteRamdiskFile
align 4
syscall_getpixel: ; GetPixel
mov ecx,[ScreenWidth]
mov ecx, [ScreenWidth]
inc ecx
xor edx,edx
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ebx
div ecx
mov ebx,edx
xchg eax,ebx
call dword [GETPIXEL]
mov [esp+36],ecx
mov ebx, edx
xchg eax, ebx
call dword [GETPIXEL] ; eax - x, ebx - y
mov [esp + 32], ecx
align 4
syscall_readstring: ; ReadString
mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
add edi,TASKDATA.mem_start
add eax,[edi]
call read_string
mov [esp+36],eax
align 4
syscall_drawline: ; DrawLine
mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
movzx edx,word[]
mov ebp,edx
mov esi,[current_slot]
add ebp,[esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add dx,word[esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
shl edx,16
add ebp,edx
movzx edx,word[]
add eax,ebp
mov ebp,edx
add ebp,[]
add dx,word[]
shl edx,16
xor edi,edi
add edx,ebp
add ebx,edx
mov edi, [TASK_BASE]
movzx edx, word[]
mov ebp, edx
mov esi, [current_slot]
add ebp, [esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
add dx, word[esi+APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
shl edx, 16
add ebp, edx
movzx edx, word[]
add eax, ebp
mov ebp, edx
add ebp, []
add dx, word[]
shl edx, 16
xor edi, edi
add edx, ebp
add ebx, edx
jmp [draw_line]
align 4
@ -5237,15 +5110,6 @@ socket: ; Socket interface
align 4
user_events: ; User event times
mov eax,0x12345678
mov [esp+36],eax
align 4
read_from_hd: ; Read from hd - fn not in use
mov edi,[TASK_BASE]
@ -5321,8 +5185,7 @@ sys_apm:
align 4
undefined_syscall: ; Undefined system call
mov [esp+36],dword -1
mov [esp + 32], dword -1
align 4