merge trunk
git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -552,11 +552,11 @@ end if
adc byte [di+preboot_dma-preboot_device], 0
cmp byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 1
adc byte [di+preboot_biosdisk-preboot_device], 0
; default value for VRR is OFF
cmp byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 0
jnz @f
mov byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 2
;; default value for VRR is OFF
; cmp byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 0
; jnz @f
; mov byte [di+preboot_vrrm-preboot_device], 2
; notify user
_setcursor 5,2
@ -584,9 +584,9 @@ end if
mov si, usebd_msg
cmp [preboot_biosdisk], 1
call .say_on_off
mov si, vrrm_msg
cmp [preboot_vrrm], 1
call .say_on_off
; mov si, vrrm_msg
; cmp [preboot_vrrm], 1
; call .say_on_off
mov si, preboot_device_msg
call print
mov al, [preboot_device]
@ -674,9 +674,9 @@ end if
jz .change_a
cmp al, 'b'
jz .change_b
cmp al, 'c'
jz .change_c
cmp al, 'd'
; cmp al, 'c'
; jz .change_c
cmp al, 'c' ; 'd'
jnz .show_remarks
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, bdev
@ -784,15 +784,15 @@ end if
mov [preboot_biosdisk], al
_setcursor 11,0
jmp .d
_setcursor 15,0
mov si, vrrmprint
call print
mov bx, '12'
call getkey
mov [preboot_vrrm], al
_setcursor 12,0
jmp .d
; _setcursor 15,0
; mov si, vrrmprint
; call print
; mov bx, '12'
; call getkey
; mov [preboot_vrrm], al
; _setcursor 12,0
; jmp .d
@ -947,10 +947,10 @@ end if
mov al, [preboot_dma]
mov [es:0x901F], al
mov al,[preboot_vrrm]
mov [es:0x9030], al
; mov al,[preboot_vrrm]
; mov [es:0x9030], al
mov [es:0x901E], byte 1
@ -23,43 +23,27 @@ d80x25_bottom:
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
vervesa db "Version of Vesa: Vesa x.x",13,10,0
novesa db "Display: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Version of VESA: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Select a videomode: ",13,10,0
;s_bpp db 13,10,186," ƒ«ã¡¨ 梥â : "
; .bpp dw "??"
; db 13,10,0
vrrmprint db "Apply VRR? (picture frequency greater than 60Hz"
db " only for transfers:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 and 800*600->640*480) [1-yes,2-no]:",0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "3-use preloaded ram-image from kernel restart;"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
bdev db "Load ramdisk from [1-floppy; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
end if
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Use standart graphics mode? [1-yes, "
db "2-probe bios (Vesa 3.0)]: ",0
;memokz256 db 13,10,186," RAM 256 Mb",0
;memokz128 db 13,10,186," RAM 128 Mb",0
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomode not found.",0
;modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ required.",0
btns db "Fatal - Can't determine color depth.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Graphics mode not supported by hardware.",0
pres_key db "Press any key to choose a new videomode.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Bad sector. Replace floppy.",0
@ -77,21 +61,15 @@ time_str db " 5 seconds"
current_cfg_msg db "Current settings:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomode: ",0
;modes_msg dw mode4,mode1,mode2,mode3
;modevesa20 db " with LFB",0
;modevesa12 db ", VESA 1.2 Bnk",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",13,10,0
;probeno_msg db " (standard mode)",0
;probeok_msg db " (check nonstandard modes)",0
;dma_msg db " [b] Use DMA for HDD access:",0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
on_msg db " on",13,10,0
off_msg db " off",13,10,0
;readonly_msg db " only for reading",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] Use VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Floppy image: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [c] Floppy image: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "real floppy",13,10,0
@ -103,7 +81,9 @@ pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "use already loaded image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Loading KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Remember current settings? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader data invalid, I cannot continue. Stopped.",0
@ -116,7 +96,6 @@ _rs db 186,'
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If you have CRT-monitor, enable VRR in the item [c].",0
remark3 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
remark2 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2
num_remarks = 2
@ -13,43 +13,24 @@
db 186,' KolibriOS based on MenuetOS and comes with ABSOLUTELY '
db 'NO WARRANTY ',186
db 186,' See file COPYING for details '
db 186,' KolibriOS pohineb MenuetOS ja kaasas IGASUGUSE GARANTI'
db 'ITA ',186
db 186,' Naha faili COPYING detailid '
db ' ',186
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
novesa db "Ekraan: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
vervesa db "Vesa versioon: Vesa x.x",13,10,0
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
gr_mode db 186," Vesa 2.0+ 16 M LFB: [1] 640x480, [2] 800x600, "
db "[3] 1024x768, [4] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," Vesa 1.2 16 M Bnk: [5] 640x480, [6] 800x600, "
db "[7] 1024x768, [8] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 värvi: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 värvi: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," Vali reziim: ",0
bt24 db "Bitti pikseli kohta: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "Bitti pikseli kohta: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "Kinnita VRR? (ekraani sagedus suurem kui 60Hz"
db " ainult:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 ja 800*600->640*480) [1-jah,2-ei]:",0
;askmouse db " Hiir:"
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " Vali port [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186, " No COM1 mouse",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186, " No COM2 mouse",0
;ask_dma db "Use DMA for HDD access? [1-yes, 2-only for reading, 3-no]: ",0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
;gr_direct db 186," Use direct LFB writing? "
; db "[1-yes/2-no] ? ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Motherboard memory [1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb] ? ",0
;bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
novesa db "Ekraan: EGA/CGA",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Vesa versioon: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Vali videomode: ",13,10,0
ask_bd db "Lisa kettad nahtavaks BIOS reziim V86? [1-jah, 2-no]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Paigalda mäluketas [1-diskett; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
@ -59,18 +40,12 @@ bdev db "Paigalda m
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-loo tühi pilt]: ",0
end if
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Kasuta standartset graafika reziimi? [1-jah, "
db "2-leia biosist (Vesa 3.0)]: ",0
;memokz256 db 13,10,186," RAM 256 Mb",0
;memokz128 db 13,10,186," RAM 128 Mb",0
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db "Fataalne - Videoreziimi ei leitud.",0
;modena db "Fataalne - VBE 0x112+ on vajalik.",0
not386 db "Fataalne - CPU 386+ on vajalik.",0
btns db "Fataalne - Ei suuda värvisügavust määratleda.",0
fatalsel db "Fataalne - Graafilist reziimi riistvara ei toeta.",0
pres_key db "Vajutage suvalist klahvi, et valida uus videomode.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fataalne - Vigane sektor. Asenda diskett.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fataalne - Int 0x15 liigutamine ebaõnnestus.",0
okt db " ... OK"
@ -85,24 +60,16 @@ time_str db " 5 sekundit"
db " automaatseks jätkamiseks",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Praegused seaded:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videoreziim: ",0
mode1 db "640x480",0
mode2 db "800x600",0
mode3 db "1024x768",0
mode4 db "1280x1024",0
modes_msg dw mode4,mode1,mode2,mode3
modevesa20 db " koos LFB",0
modevesa12 db ", VESA 1.2 Bnk",0
mode9 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 värvi",0
mode10 db "640x480, VGA 16 värvi",0
probeno_msg db " (standard reziim)",0
probeok_msg db " (kontrolli ebastandardseid reziime)",0
;dma_msg db " [b] Kasuta DMA'd HDD juurdepääsuks:",0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 värvi",0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 värvi",0
usebd_msg db " [b] Lisa kettad nahtavaks BIOS:",0
on_msg db " sees",13,10,0
off_msg db " väljas",13,10,0
;readonly_msg db " ainult lugemiseks",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] Kasuta VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Disketi kujutis: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [c] Disketi kujutis: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "reaalne diskett",13,10,0
@ -114,14 +81,21 @@ pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "kasuta juba laaditud kujutist",13,10,0
pdm4 db "loo tühi pilt",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Laadin KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Jäta meelde praegused seaded? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Alglaaduri andmed vigased, ei saa jätkata. Peatatud.",0
end if
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If you have CRT-monitor, enable VRR in the item [c].",0
remark3 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
_r1 db 186,' ³ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors ³ ³',13,10,0
_r2 db 186,' ³ 640x480 VGA 16 colors ³ ³',13,10,0
_rs db 186,' ³ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA ³ ³',13,10,0
remark1 db "Vaikimisi maaratud vaartused on valitud mugavuse enamikes, kuid mitte koik.",0
remark2 db "Kui susteem ei kaivitu, proovige lulitada kirje [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2
num_remarks = 2
@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ $Revision$
; db 186,' KolibriOS based on MenuetOS and comes with ABSOLUTELY '
; db 'NO WARRANTY ',186
; db 186,' See file COPYING for details '
; db ' ',186
db 186,' KolibriOS basiert auf MenuetOS und wird ohne jegliche '
db ' Garantie vertrieben ',186
db 186,' Details stehen in der Datei COPYING '
@ -27,34 +22,15 @@ d80x25_bottom:
d80x25_bottom_num = 3
novesa db "Anzeige: EGA/CGA ",13,10,0
vervesa db "Vesa-Version: Vesa ",13,10,0
msg_apm db " APM x.x ", 0
gr_mode db 186," Vesa 2.0+ 16 M LFB: [1] 640x480, [2] 800x600, "
db "[3] 1024x768, [4] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," Vesa 1.2 16 M Bnk: [5] 640x480, [6] 800x600, "
db "[7] 1024x768, [8] 1280x1024",13,10
db 186," EGA/CGA 256 Farben: [9] 320x200, "
db "VGA 16 Farben: [0] 640x480",13,10
db 186," Waehle Modus: ",0
bt24 db "Bits Per Pixel: 24",13,10,0
bt32 db "Bits Per Pixel: 32",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "VRR verwenden? (Monitorfrequenz groesser als 60Hz"
db " only for transfers:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768->800*600 und 800*600->640*480) [1-ja,2-nein]:",0
;askmouse db " Maus angeschlossen an:"
; db " [1] PS/2 (USB), [2] Com1, [3] Com2."
; db " Waehle Port [1-3]: ",0
;no_com1 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM1 Maus",0
;no_com2 db 13,10,186, " Keine COM2 Maus",0
;ask_dma db "Nutze DMA zum HDD Zugriff? [1-ja, 2-allein fur Lesen, 3-nein]: ",0
ask_bd db "Add disks visible by BIOS emulated in V86-mode? [1-yes, 2-no]: ",0
;gr_direct db 186," Benutze direct LFB? "
; db "[1-ja/2-nein] ? ",0
;mem_model db 13,10,186," Hauptspeicher [1-16 Mb / 2-32 Mb / "
; db "3-64Mb / 4-128 Mb / 5-256 Mb] ? ",0
;bootlog db 13,10,186," After bootlog display [1-continue/2-pause] ? ",0
novesa db "Anzeige: EGA/CGA ",13,10,0
s_vesa db "Vesa-Version: "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "Wahlen Sie einen videomode: ",13,10,0
ask_bd db "Add-Festplatten sichtbar BIOS in V86-Modus emuliert? [1-ja, 2 nein]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-kolibri.img]: ",0
@ -64,18 +40,12 @@ bdev db "Lade die Ramdisk von [1-Diskette; 2-C:\kolibri.img (FAT32);"
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-create blank image]: ",0
end if
probetext db 13,10,13,10,186," Nutze Standardgrafikmodi? [1-ja, "
db "2-BIOS Test (Vesa 3.0)]: ",0
;memokz256 db 13,10,186," RAM 256 Mb",0
;memokz128 db 13,10,186," RAM 128 Mb",0
;memokz64 db 13,10,186," RAM 64 Mb",0
;memokz32 db 13,10,186," RAM 32 Mb",0
;memokz16 db 13,10,186," RAM 16 Mb",0
prnotfnd db "Fatal - Videomodus nicht gefunden.",0
;modena db "Fatal - VBE 0x112+ required.",0
not386 db "Fatal - CPU 386+ benoetigt.",0
btns db "Fatal - konnte Farbtiefe nicht erkennen.",0
fatalsel db "Fatal - Grafikmodus nicht unterstuetzt.",0
pres_key db "Drucken Sie eine beliebige Taste, um eine neue videomode wahlen.",0
badsect db 13,10,186," Fatal - Sektorfehler, Andere Diskette neutzen.",0
memmovefailed db 13,10,186," Fatal - Int 0x15 Fehler.",0
okt db " ... OK"
@ -84,30 +54,22 @@ diskload db "Lade Diskette: 00 %",8,8,8,8,0
pros db "00"
backspace2 db 8,8,0
boot_dev db 0 ; 0=floppy, 1=hd
start_msg db "Druecke [abcd], um die Einstellungen zu aendern , druecke [Enter] zum starten",13,10,0
start_msg db "Druecke [abcd], um die Einstellungen zu aendern, druecke [Enter] zum starten",13,10,0
time_msg db " oder warte "
time_str db " 5 Sekunden"
db " bis zum automatischen Start",13,10,0
current_cfg_msg db "Aktuelle Einstellungen:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] Videomodus: ",0
mode1 db "640x480",0
mode2 db "800x600",0
mode3 db "1024x768",0
mode4 db "1280x1024",0
modes_msg dw mode4,mode1,mode2,mode3
modevesa20 db " mit LFB",0
modevesa12 db ", VESA 1.2 Bnk",0
mode9 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",0
mode10 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",0
probeno_msg db " (Standard Modus)",0
probeok_msg db " (teste nicht-standard Modi)",0
;dma_msg db " [b] Nutze DMA zum HDD Aufschreiben:",0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add disks visible by BIOS:",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 colors",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 colors",13,10,0
usebd_msg db " [b] Add-Festplatten sichtbar durch das BIOS:",0
on_msg db " an",13,10,0
off_msg db " aus",13,10,0
;readonly_msg db " fur Lesen",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] Nutze VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Diskettenimage: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [c] Diskettenimage: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db "Echte Diskette",13,10,0
@ -119,14 +81,21 @@ pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "Nutze bereits geladenes Image",13,10,0
pdm4 db "create blank image",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "Lade KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader
save_quest db "Aktuelle Einstellungen speichern? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Bootloader Daten ungueltig, Kann nicht fortfahren. Angehalten.",0
end if
remark1 db "Default values were selected to match most of configurations, but not all.",0
remark2 db "If you have CRT-monitor, enable VRR in the item [c].",0
remark3 db "If the system does not boot, try to disable the item [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
_r1 db 186,' ³ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 colors ³ ³',13,10,0
_r2 db 186,' ³ 640x480 VGA 16 colors ³ ³',13,10,0
_rs db 186,' ³ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA ³ ³',13,10,0
remark1 db "Die Standardwerte sind fur die meisten gewahlt, aber nicht fur jedermann.",0
remark2 db "Wenn das System nicht bootet, versuchen, das Element [b] deaktivieren.",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2
num_remarks = 2
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ $Revision$
db 186,' Kolibri OS ®á®¢ Menuet OS ¨ ¥ ¯à¥¤®áâ ¢«ï¥â '
db '¨ª ª¨å £ àa⨩. ',186
db 186,' KolibriOS ®á®¢ MenuetOS ¨ <20>… <20><>…„Ž‘’€‚‹Ÿ…’ <20>ˆ'
db 'Š€Šˆ• ƒ€<C692>A<EFBFBD>’ˆ‰. ',186
db 186,' <20>®¤à®¡¥¥ ᬮâà¨â¥ ¢ ä ©«¥ COPYING.TXT '
db ' ',186
@ -28,11 +28,9 @@ s_vesa db "
.ver db "?.?",13,10,0
gr_mode db "‚ë¡¥à¨â¥ ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬: ",13,10,0
vrrmprint db "ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì VRR? (ç áâ®â ª ¤à®¢ ¢ëè¥ 60 ƒæ"
db " ⮫쪮 ¤«ï ¯¥à¥å®¤®¢:",13,10
db 186," 1024*768>800*600 ¨ 800*600>640*480) [1-¤ , 2-¥â]: ",0
;ask_dma db "ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ âì DMA ¤«ï ¤®áâ㯠ª HDD? [1-¤ , 2-⮫쪮 ç⥨¥, 3-¥â]: ",0
ask_bd db "„®¡ ¢¨âì ¤¨áª¨, ¢¨¤¨¬ë¥ ç¥à¥§ BIOS ¢ ०¨¬¥ V86? [1-¤ , 2-¥â]: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
bdev db "‡ £à㧨âì ®¡à § ¨§ [1-¤¨áª¥â ; 2-kolibri.img ¨§ ¯ ¯ª¨ § £à㧪¨]: ",0
@ -42,7 +40,9 @@ bdev db "
db 13,10,186," "
db "4-ᮧ¤ âì ç¨áâë© ®¡à §]: ",0
end if
prnotfnd db "Žè¨¡ª - ‚¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬ ¥ ©¤¥.",0
not386 db "Žè¨¡ª - ’ॡã¥âáï ¯à®æ¥áá®à 386+.",0
fatalsel db "Žè¨¡ª - ‚ë¡à ë© ¢¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬ ¥ ¯®¤¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï.",0
pres_key db "<EFBFBD> ¦¨¬¨â¥ «î¡ãî ª« ¢¨èã, ¤«ï ¯¥à¥å®¤ ¢ ¢ë¡®à ०¨¬®¢.",0
@ -61,16 +61,15 @@ time_str db " 5 ᥪ㭤 "
current_cfg_msg db "’¥ªã騥 áâனª¨:",13,10,0
curvideo_msg db " [a] ‚¨¤¥®à¥¦¨¬: ",0
mode0 db "320x200, EGA/CGA 256 梥⮢",13,10,0
mode9 db "640x480, VGA 16 梥⮢",13,10,0
usebd_msg db " [b] „®¡ ¢¨âì ¤¨áª¨, ¢¨¤¨¬ë¥ ç¥à¥§ BIOS:",0
on_msg db " ¢ª«",13,10,0
off_msg db " ¢ëª«",13,10,0
readonly_msg db " ⮫쪮 ç⥨¥",13,10,0
vrrm_msg db " [c] ˆá¯®«ì§®¢ ¨¥ VRR:",0
preboot_device_msg db " [d] Ž¡à § ¤¨áª¥âë: ",0
preboot_device_msg db " [c] Ž¡à § ¤¨áª¥âë: ",0
if defined extended_primary_loader
preboot_device_msgs dw 0,pdm1,pdm2,0
pdm1 db " áâ®ïé ï ¤¨áª¥â ",13,10,0
@ -82,22 +81,21 @@ pdm2 db "C:\kolibri.img (FAT32)",13,10,0
pdm3 db "¨á¯®«ì§®¢ âì 㦥 § £àã¦¥ë© ®¡à §",13,10,0
pdm4 db "ᮧ¤ âì ç¨áâë© ®¡à §",13,10,0
end if
loading_msg db "ˆ¤ñâ § £à㧪 KolibriOS...",0
if ~ defined extended_primary_loader ; saving not supported in this case
save_quest db "‡ ¯®¬¨âì ⥪ã騥 áâனª¨? [y/n]: ",0
loader_block_error db "Žè¨¡ª ¢ ¤ ëå ç «ì®£® § £àã§ç¨ª , ¯à®¤®«¦¥¨¥ ¥¢®§¬®¦®.",0
end if
_r1 db 186,' ³ 320x200 EGA/CGA 256 梥⮢ ³ ³ ',13,10,0
_r2 db 186,' ³ 640x480 VGA 16 梥⮢ ³ ³ ',13,10,0
_rs db 186,' ³ ????x????@?? SVGA VESA ³ ³ ',13,10,0
remark1 db "‡ ç¥¨ï ¯® 㬮«ç ¨î ¢ë¡à ë ¤«ï 㤮¡á⢠¡®«ìè¨á⢠, ® ¥ ¢á¥å.",0
remark2 db "…᫨ ã ‚ á <20>‹’-¬®¨â®à, ¢ª«îç¨â¥ VRR ¢ ¯ãªâ¥ [c].",0
remark3 db "…᫨ ã ‚ á ¥ £à㧨âáï á¨á⥬ , ¯®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ®âª«îç¨âì ¯ãªâ [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2, remark3
num_remarks = 3
remark2 db "…᫨ ã ‚ á ¥ £à㧨âáï á¨á⥬ , ¯®¯à®¡ã©â¥ ®âª«îç¨âì ¯ãªâ [b].",0
remarks dw remark1, remark2
num_remarks = 2
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; ;;
$Revision: 1962 $
$Revision: 2261 $
; All parsers are called with ds:si -> value of the variable,
; possibly with spaces before, and dx = limit of config file.
@ -57,16 +57,16 @@ parse_vbemode:
; vrr is a boolean setting
call parse_bool
jc .nothing
; convert 0 to 2, 1 to 1
inc ax
xor al, 3
mov [es:preboot_vrrm], al
;; vrr is a boolean setting
; call parse_bool
; jc .nothing
;; convert 0 to 2, 1 to 1
; inc ax
; xor al, 3
; mov [es:preboot_vrrm], al
; ret
; using biosdisks is a boolean setting
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ y_save dw 0 ; y
number_vm dw 0 ;
;pixel_save dw 0 ; per to pixel
preboot_gprobe db 0 ; probe vesa3 videomodes (1-no, 2-yes)
preboot_vrrm db 0 ; use VRR_M (1-yes, 2- no)
;preboot_vrrm db 0 ; use VRR_M (1-yes, 2- no)
preboot_dma db 0 ; use DMA for access to HDD (1-always, 2-only for read, 3-never)
preboot_device db 0 ; boot device
; (1-floppy 2-harddisk 3-kernel restart 4-format ram disk)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
@echo off
set languages=en ru ge et
set drivers=com_mouse emu10k1x ensoniq fm801 infinity sis sound viasound vt823x
set drivers=com_mouse emu10k1x fm801 infinity sis sound viasound vt823x
set targets=all kernel drivers skins clean
call :Check_Target %1
@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ goto :eof
if not %errorlevel%==0 goto :Error_FasmFailed
cd ..
move bin\drivers\vmode.obj bin\drivers\vmode.mdr
kpack >nul 2>&1
@ -298,23 +298,22 @@ SB16_Status equ (OS_BASE+0x02B0000)
BUTTON_INFO equ (OS_BASE+0x02C0000)
IRQ_SAVE equ (OS_BASE+0x02E0000)
BOOT_VAR equ (OS_BASE+0x02f0000)
BOOT_VAR equ (OS_BASE+0x02E0000)
stack_data_start equ (OS_BASE+0x0300000)
eth_data_start equ (OS_BASE+0x0300000)
stack_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0304000)
stack_data_end equ (OS_BASE+0x031ffff)
resendQ equ (OS_BASE+0x0320000)
stack_data_start equ (OS_BASE+0x02F0000)
eth_data_start equ (OS_BASE+0x02F0000)
stack_data equ (OS_BASE+0x02F4000)
stack_data_end equ (OS_BASE+0x030ffff)
resendQ equ (OS_BASE+0x0310000)
skin_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0328000)
draw_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0330000)
skin_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0318000)
draw_data equ (OS_BASE+0x0320000)
BgrDrawMode equ (OS_BASE+0x0333FF4)
BgrDataWidth equ (OS_BASE+0x0333FF8)
BgrDataHeight equ (OS_BASE+0x0333FFC)
BgrDrawMode equ (OS_BASE+0x0323FF4)
BgrDataWidth equ (OS_BASE+0x0323FF8)
BgrDataHeight equ (OS_BASE+0x0323FFC)
sys_pgmap equ (OS_BASE+0x0334000)
sys_pgmap equ (OS_BASE+0x0324000)
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ config_file_variables:
config_variable 'timeout', parse_timeout
config_variable 'resolution', parse_resolution
config_variable 'vbemode', parse_vbemode
config_variable 'vrr', parse_vrr
; config_variable 'vrr', parse_vrr
config_variable 'biosdisks', parse_biosdisks
config_variable 'imgfrom', parse_imgfrom
dw 0
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ char2 db '/sys/FONTS/CHAR2.MT',0
bootpath db '/KOLIBRI '
bootpath2 db 0
vmode db '/sys/drivers/VMODE.MDR',0
vrr_m db 'VRR_M',0
;vrr_m db 'VRR_M',0
kernel_file db 'KERNEL MNT'
dev_data_path db '/RD/1/DRIVERS/DEVICES.DAT',0
@ -635,6 +635,15 @@
Ά δ®ΰ¬ β¥ ―®¤δγ<CEB3>樨 2 δγ<CEB3>樨 37 Ά ¬®¬¥β η « ¦ β¨ο
<20>®―<C2AE>γ, § ¨α<C2A8>«ξ票¥¬ ¬« ¤θ¥£® ΅¨β (α®®βΆ¥βαβΆγξι¥£® «¥Ά®©
<20>®―<C2AE>¥ ¬λθ¨), <20>®β®ΰλ© α΅ΰ αλΆ ¥βαο.
= ”γ<CEB3>ζ¨ο 18, ―®¤δγ<CEB3>ζ¨ο 1 - ᤥ« βμ α ¬λ¬ ¨¦¨¬ ®<>® ―®β®<CEB2> . =======
<EFBFBD> ΰ ¬¥βΰλ:
* eax = 18 - ®¬¥ΰ δγ<CEB3>樨
* ebx = 1 - ®¬¥ΰ ―®¤δγ<CEB3>樨
* ecx = ®¬¥ΰ α«®β ―®β®<CEB2>
‚®§Άΰ ι ¥¬®¥ § 票¥:
* δγ<CEB3>ζ¨ο ¥ Ά®§Άΰ ι ¥β § 票ο
==== ”γ<CEB3>ζ¨ο 18, ―®¤δγ<CEB3>ζ¨ο 2 - § Ά¥ΰθ¨βμ ―ΰ®ζ¥αα/―®β®<CEB2> ―® α«®βγ. ====
@ -626,6 +626,17 @@ Remarks:
as in subfunction 2 of function 37 at the beginning
of button press, excluding lower bit, which is cleared.
===================== Function 18, subfunction 1 =====================
============= Make deactive the window of the given thread. ==========
* eax = 18 - function number
* ebx = 1 - subfunction number
* ecx = number of the thread slot
Returned value:
* function does not return value
= Function 18, subfunction 2 - terminate process/thread by the slot. =
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,736 +0,0 @@
; MenuetOS Driver (vmode.mdr)
; Target: Vertical Refresh Rate programming and videomode changing
; Author: Trans <<<<<13>>>>>
; Date: 20.07.2003
; Version: 1.0
; OS: MenuetOS
; Compiler: FASM
OS_BASE equ 0x80000000
macro align value { rb (value-1) - ($ + value-1) mod value }
org OS_BASE+0x0328000
mdid db 'MDAZ' ; 4 byte id
mdhver dd 0x00 ; header version
mdcode dd MDSTART ; start of code
mdver dd 0x00000001 ; driver version (subversion*65536+version)
mdname db 'Trans VideoDriver' ; 32 bytes of full driver name
times (32-($-mdname)) db ' ' ;
times (256-headerlen) db 0 ; reserved area for future
MDSTART: ; start of driver code ( base_adr+256 bytes)
; ebx(=ecx in program):
; 1 - Get DriverInfo and Driver Initial Set
; 2 - Get Current Video Mode With Vertical Refresh Rate
; 3 - Change Video Mode
; 4 - Return at Start System Video Mode
; 5 - Change vertical and horizontal size of visible screen area
; 6 - Change Vert/Hor position visible area on screen (not complete yet)
; MAXF - ...
;-------Main Manager-------------
cmp ebx,1
jb mdvm_00
cmp ebx,MAXF
ja mdvm_00
shl ebx,2
add ebx,mdvm_func_table
call dword [ebx]
mov [esp+28],eax
mov [esp+24],ecx
mov [esp+20],edx
mov [esp+16],ebx
xor eax,eax
dec eax
; ------Drivers Functions----------
align 4
; EBX=1 (in applications ECX=1)- Get DriverInfo and Driver Initial Set
; IN: ecx (in app. edx) - pointer to 512-bytes info area in application
; OUT:
push ecx
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jnz .vmii_00
call vm_safe_reg
call vm_get_initial_videomode
mov eax,[initvm]
mov [currvm],eax
call vm_search_sys_func_table
call vm_get_cur_vert_rate
mov [initrr],eax
call vm_calc_pixelclock
call vm_calc_refrate
inc [mdrvm]
pop ecx
call vm_transfer_drv_info
mov ebx,dword [refrate]
mov eax,dword [mdid] ;dword [systlb]
align 4
; EBX=2 (in applications ECX=2)- Get Current Video Mode
; OUT: eax = X_screen*65536+Y_screen
; ebx = current vertical rate
; ecx = current video mode (number)
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jz .vmgcm_00
call vm_get_cur_vert_rate
mov eax,[OS_BASE+0FE00h]
mov ebx,[OS_BASE+0FE04h]
shl eax,16
add eax,ebx
add eax,00010001h
mov ebx,[refrate]
mov ecx,[currvm]
xor eax,eax
dec eax
align 4
; EBX=3 (in applications ECX=3)- Change Video Mode
; IN: ecx = VertRate*65536+VideoMode
; OUT: eax = 0 if no error
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jz .vmsvm_00
call vm_set_selected_mode
; xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax
dec eax
align 4
; EBX=4 (in applications ECX=4)- Return at Start System Video Mode
; IN:
; OUT: eax = = 0 if no error
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jz .vmrivm_00
call vm_restore_reg
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax
dec eax
align 4
; EBX=5 (in applications ECX=5)- Change vertical and horizontal size
; of visible screen area
; IN: ecx (in app. edx) = 0/1 - -/+ horizontal size on 1 position
; = 2/3 - -/+ vertical size on 1 position (8 pixels)
; ^-^----- not complete yet
; OUT: eax = = 0 if no error
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jz .vmcss_00
cmp cl,1
ja .vmcss_01
mov eax,ecx
call vm_inc_dec_width
xor eax,eax
and ecx,01h
mov eax,ecx
; call vm_inc_dec_high ; not complete yet
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax
dec eax
align 4
; EBX=6 (in applications ECX=6)- Change Vert/Hor position visible area on screen
; IN: ecx (in app. edx) = 0/1 - -/+ horizontal position on 1 point
; = 2/3 - -/+ vertical position on 1 pixel
; ^-^----- not complete yet
; OUT: eax = 0 if no error
cmp [mdrvm],dword 0
jz .vmcps_00
; ...
xor eax,eax
xor eax,eax
dec eax
;-----Drivers Subfunctions---------
; Searching i40 system functions pointer table in kernel area location
push eax ; eax - current value
push ecx ; ecx - will be counter of equevalent value
push edx ; edx - last value
push esi ; esi - current address
xor ecx,ecx
mov esi,OS_BASE+010000h ; Start address of kernel location
mov edx,eax
cmp esi,OS_BASE+30000h
ja .vmssft_03
inc ecx
cmp edx,eax
mov edx,eax
je .vmssft_00
cmp ecx,128
ja .vmssft_02
xor ecx,ecx
jmp .vmssft_00
cmp edx,0
je .vmssft_01
sub esi,256*4-1
mov [systlb],esi
xor ecx,ecx
inc ecx
cmp edx,eax
mov edx,eax
jne .vmssft_03_0
mov esi,dword [systlb]
cmp cx,60
jae .vmssft_03
add esi,256*4-4
mov edx,eax
jmp .vmssft_01
mov [systlb],esi
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
; IN:
; OUT: eax= vertical rate in Hz
push edx
push ebx
xor eax,eax
mov edx,eax
mov ebx,eax
mov dx,03DAh
in al,dx
test al,8
jz .vmgcvt_00
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz .vmgcvt_01
mov ebx,edx
mov edx,ebx
mov ebx,eax
in al,dx
test al,8
jz .vmgcvt_02
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz .vmgcvt_03
sub eax,ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,[OS_BASE+0F600h]
xor edx,edx
div ebx
inc eax
mov [refrate],eax
pop ebx
pop edx
push ebx
push edx
xor eax,eax
mov al,[_00]
add ax,5
shl eax,3
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,[_06]
mov bh,[_07]
and bh,00100001b
btr bx,13
jnc .vmcpc_00
or bh,2
xor edx,edx
mul ebx
xor edx,edx
mul [initrr]
mov [pclock],eax
pop edx
pop ebx
; Safe of initial CRTC state
push edx
push ebx
push ecx
push edi
mov dx,3d4h ; CRTC
mov al,11h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,7fh
out dx,al ; Clear protection bit
dec dx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,19h
xor bl,bl
mov edi,CRTCreg
mov al,bl
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
dec dx
inc bl
loop .vmsr_00
pop edi
pop ecx
pop ebx
pop edx
; Restore of initial CRTC state
push eax
push ebx
push edx
push esi
mov eax,[oldX]
mov [OS_BASE+0FE00h],eax
mov eax,[oldY]
mov [OS_BASE+0FE04h],eax
mov dx,03dah
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz .vmrr_00
in al,dx
test al,8
jnz .vmrr_01
mov dx,03c4h
mov ax,0101h
out dx,ax
mov dx,3d4h ; CRTC
mov al,11h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,7fh ; Clear Protection bit
out dx,al
dec dx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,19h
mov esi,CRTCreg
xor bl,bl
mov ah,al
mov al,bl
out dx,ax
inc bl
loop .vmrr_02
; call ref_screen
pop esi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop eax
; Calculate of possible vertical refrash rate
; (light version of function)
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
push edi
push esi
mov eax,[pclock]
xor edx,edx
mov edi,_m1
mov ebx,eax
mov ecx,(1696*1065)
div ecx
xor edx,edx
add edi,8
mov eax,ebx
mov ecx,(1344*804)
div ecx
xor edx,edx
add edi,8
mov eax,ebx
mov ecx,(1056*636)
div ecx
xor edx,edx
add edi,8
mov eax,ebx
mov ecx,(800*524)
div ecx
xor edx,edx
mov edi,_m1
mov esi,edi
mov ecx,5*4
cmp ax,55
jb .vmcrr_01
loop .vmcrr_00
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
xor ax,ax
loop .vmcrr_00
pop esi
pop edi
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
push eax
mov eax,dword [OS_BASE+0FE00h]
mov [oldX],eax
mov eax,dword [OS_BASE+0FE04h]
mov [oldY],eax
mov eax,dword [OS_BASE+0FE0Ch] ; initial video mode
and ax,01FFh
mov dword [initvm],eax
pop eax
; IN: eax = 0/1 - -/+ 1 position of width
push ebx
push edx
mov ebx,eax
mov dx,3d4h ; CRTC
mov al,11h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,7fh ; Clear Protection bit
out dx,al
dec dx
xor al,al
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
dec al
cmp bl,0
jnz .vmidr_00
inc al
inc al
out dx,al
pop edx
pop ebx
; Copy driver info to application area
; IN: ecx (in app. edx) - pointer to 512-bytes info area in application
; OUT:
push ecx
push edi
push esi
mov eax,ecx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,32/4
mov esi,mdname
mov edi,drvname
rep movsd
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,[mdver]
mov [drvver],eax
mov edi,[OS_BASE+3010h]
mov edi,[edi+10h]
add edi,ecx
mov esi,drvinfo
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,512
rep movsb
pop esi
pop edi
pop ecx
; Set selected video mode
; (light version)
; IN: ecx = VertRate*65536+VideoMode
push edx
push ecx
push esi
ror ecx,16
cmp cx,00h
je .vmssm_03
rol ecx,16
mov eax,ecx
shl eax,16
shr eax,16
mov [currvm],eax
cmp cx,112h
jne .vmssm_00
mov esi,mode0
mov ecx,639
mov edx,479
jmp .vmssm_st00
cmp cx,115h
jne .vmssm_01
mov esi,mode1
mov ecx,799
mov edx,599
jmp .vmssm_st00
cmp cx,118h
jne .vmssm_02
mov esi,mode2
mov ecx,1023
mov edx,767
jmp .vmssm_st00
cmp cx,11Bh
jne .vmssm_03
mov esi,mode2
mov ecx,1279
mov edx,1023
jmp .vmssm_st00
xor eax,eax
dec eax
pop esi
pop ecx
pop edx
mov [OS_BASE+0FE00h],ecx
mov [OS_BASE+0FE04h],edx
mov dx,03c4h
out dx,ax
mov dx,03d4h
mov al,11h
out dx,al
inc dx
in al,dx
and al,7fh
out dx,al
dec dx
mov ecx,13
out dx,ax
loop .vmssm_st01
xor eax,eax
pop esi
pop ecx
pop edx
;------------DATA AREA---------------
align 4
dd vm_info_init, vm_get_cur_mode
dd vm_set_video_mode, vm_restore_init_video_mode
dd vm_change_screen_size, vm_change_position_screen
_00 db ?
_01 db ?
_02 db ?
_03 db ?
_04 db ?
_05 db ?
_06 db ?
_07 db ?
_08 db ?
_09 db ?
_0a db ?
_0b db ?
_0c db ?
_0d db ?
_0e db ?
_0f db ?
_10 db ?
_11 db ?
_12 db ?
_13 db ?
_14 db ?
_15 db ?
_16 db ?
_17 db ?
_18 db ?
_19 db ?
align 4
oldX dd ?
oldY dd ?
initvm dd ?
currvm dd 0
refrate dd 0
initrr dd 0
systlb dd 0
pclock dd ?
mdrvm dd 0 ; 0 - not drv init yet, 1 - already drv init
drvname: times 32 db ' '
drvver dd 0
times (32-($-drvver))/4 dd 0
drvmode dw 011Bh,0118h,0115h,0112h
times (64-($-drvmode))/2 dw 00h
_m1 dw 0,0,0,0,0
_m2 dw 0,0,0,0,0
_m3 dw 0,0,0,0,0
_m4 dw 0,0,0,0,0
_m5 dw 0,0,0,0,0
times (512-($-drvinfo)) db 0
;1280x1024 - 11Bh
dw 0101h
dw 0d000h,9f01h,9f02h,9303h,0a904h,1905h,2806h,5a07h
dw 0110h,8411h,0ff12h,0ff15h,2916h
;1024x768 - 118h
dw 0101h
dw 0a400h,7f01h,7f02h,8703h,8404h,9505h,2406h,0f507h
dw 0310h,8911h,0ff12h,0ff15h,2516h
;800x600 - 115h
dw 0101h
dw 8000h,6301h,6302h,8303h,6a04h,1a05h,7206h,0f007h
dw 5910h,8d11h,5712h,5715h,7316h
;640x480 - 112h, 12h
dw 0101h
dw 6000h,4f01h,4f02h,8303h,5304h,9f05h,00b06h,3e07h
dw 0ea10h,8c11h,0df12h,0df15h,0c16h
; 640x400
; dw 0101h
;_0_7 dw 5f00h,4f01h,4f02h,8303h,5304h,9f05h,0BF06h,1f07h
; dw 9c10h,8e11h,8f12h,9615h,0B916h ;,4013h
; 640x800
; dw 0101h
; dw 5f00h,4f01h,4f02h,8003h,5004h,9f05h,06006h,0FF07h
; dw 2d10h,8f11h,2012h,2615h,05716h ;,4013h
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1163,7 +1163,7 @@ sys_window_end_moving_handler: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////
;> esi = process slot
mov edi, ebx
call window._.draw_negative_box
call window._.end_moving__box
mov edi, esi
shl edi, 5
@ -1306,18 +1306,7 @@ end if
mov ecx, 4
repz cmpsd
pop edi
jnz @f
mov edi,eax
mov eax, [edi + BOX.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edi + BOX.left]
add ax, word[edi + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [edi + - 2]
mov bx, word[edi +]
add bx, word[edi + BOX.height]
xor esi,esi
call draw_rectangle.forced
jmp .exit
jz .exit
add esp, -BOX.sizeof
@ -1823,6 +1812,9 @@ window._.window_activate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; if type of current active window is 3 or 4, it must be redrawn
mov ebx, [TASK_COUNT]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : TASK_COUNT (0x%x)\n", ebx
movzx ebx, word[WIN_POS + ebx * 2]
shl ebx, 5
add eax, window_data
@ -1849,6 +1841,13 @@ window._.window_activate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .move_self_up
inc eax
; push ebx
; xor ebx,ebx
; mov bx,[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
; DEBUGF 1, "K : DEC WIN_STACK (0x%x)\n",ebx
; pop ebx
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jbe .next_stack_window
dec word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
@ -1881,6 +1880,53 @@ window._.window_activate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
pop ebx eax
window._.window_deactivate: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Deactivate window
;> esi = pointer to WIN_POS+ window data
push eax ebx
; ax <- process no
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; ax <- position in window stack
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + ebx * 2]
; up others
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .move_self_down
inc eax
cmp [WIN_STACK + eax * 2], bx
jae .next_stack_window
inc word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
jmp .next_stack_window
movzx ebx, word[esi]
; this is the last (and the low)
mov [WIN_STACK + ebx * 2], word 1
; update on screen - window stack
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jae .reset_vars
inc eax
movzx ebx, word[WIN_STACK + eax * 2]
mov [WIN_POS + ebx * 2], ax
jmp .next_window_pos
mov byte[KEY_COUNT], 0
mov byte[BTN_COUNT], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_H], 0
mov word[MOUSE_SCROLL_V], 0
pop ebx eax
align 4
window._.check_window_draw: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
@ -2084,13 +2130,24 @@ window._.draw_negative_box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
push eax ebx esi
mov esi, 0x01000000
mov eax, [edi + BOX.left - 2]
mov ax, word[edi + BOX.left]
add ax, word[edi + BOX.width]
mov ebx, [edi + - 2]
mov bx, word[edi +]
add bx, word[edi + BOX.height]
mov esi, 0x01000000
call draw_rectangle.forced
pop esi ebx eax
window._.end_moving__box: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////
;? Draw positive box
;> edi = pointer to BOX struct
push eax ebx esi
xor esi,esi
jmp window._.draw_negative_box.1
@ -867,17 +867,17 @@ end if
cmp byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9030],1
jne no_load_vrr_m
; cmp byte [BOOT_VAR+0x9030],1
; jne no_load_vrr_m
mov ebp, vrr_m
call fs_execute_from_sysdir
; cmp eax,2 ; if vrr_m app found (PID=2)
sub eax,2
jz first_app_found
; mov ebp, vrr_m
; call fs_execute_from_sysdir
;; cmp eax,2 ; if vrr_m app found (PID=2)
; sub eax,2
; jz first_app_found
mov ebp, firstapp
call fs_execute_from_sysdir
@ -1935,7 +1935,7 @@ sys_end:
align 4
dd exit_for_anyone ; 1 = obsolete
dd sysfn_deactivate ; 1 = deactivate window
dd sysfn_terminate ; 2 = terminate thread
dd sysfn_activate ; 3 = activate window
dd sysfn_getidletime ; 4 = get idle time
@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@ sys_system_table:
dd sysfn_min_rest_window ; 22 = minimize and restore any window
sysfn_num = ($ - sys_system_table)/4
dec ebx
cmp ebx, sysfn_num
@ -1968,8 +1968,7 @@ sys_system:
jmp dword [sys_system_table + ebx*4]
sysfn_shutdown: ; 18.9 = system shutdown
cmp ecx,1
jl exit_for_anyone
@ -1986,7 +1985,7 @@ sysfn_shutdown: ; 18.9 = system shutdown
shutdown_processes: dd 0x0
sysfn_terminate: ; 18.2 = TERMINATE
cmp ecx,2
jb noprocessterminate
@ -2010,7 +2009,7 @@ sysfn_terminate: ; 18.2 = TERMINATE
;lock application_table_status mutex
@ -2037,7 +2036,34 @@ sysfn_terminate2:
mov [application_table_status],0
or dword [esp+32],-1
sysfn_deactivate: ; 18.1 = DEACTIVATE WINDOW
cmp ecx,2
jb .nowindowdeactivate
cmp ecx,[TASK_COUNT]
ja .nowindowdeactivate
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx*2]
cmp esi, 1
je .nowindowdeactivate ; already deactive
mov edi, ecx
shl edi, 5
add edi, window_data
movzx esi, word [WIN_STACK + ecx * 2]
lea esi, [WIN_POS + esi * 2]
call window._.window_deactivate
xor eax, eax
mov byte[MOUSE_BACKGROUND], al
mov byte[DONT_DRAW_MOUSE], al
mov byte[MOUSE_DOWN], 0
call syscall_display_settings._.calculate_whole_screen
call syscall_display_settings._.redraw_whole_screen
sysfn_activate: ; 18.3 = ACTIVATE WINDOW
cmp ecx,2
jb .nowindowactivate
@ -2058,28 +2084,29 @@ sysfn_activate: ; 18.3 = ACTIVATE WINDOW
call waredraw
sysfn_getidletime: ; 18.4 = GET IDLETIME
mov eax,[idleusesec]
mov [esp+32], eax
sysfn_getcpuclock: ; 18.5 = GET TSC/SEC
mov eax,[CPU_FREQ]
mov [esp+32], eax
; SAVE ramdisk to /hd/1/menuet.img
include 'blkdev/'
align 4
sysfn_getactive: ; 18.7 = get active window
mov eax, [TASK_COUNT]
movzx eax, word [WIN_POS + eax*2]
mov [esp+32],eax
sysfn_sound_flag: ; 18.8 = get/set sound_flag
; cmp ecx,1
dec ecx
@ -2094,10 +2121,11 @@ sysfn_sound_flag: ; 18.8 = get/set sound_flag
xor byte [sound_flag], 1
sysfn_minimize: ; 18.10 = minimize window
mov [window_minimize],1
align 4
sysfn_getdiskinfo: ; 18.11 = get disk info table
; cmp ecx,1
@ -2122,18 +2150,18 @@ sysfn_getdiskinfo: ; 18.11 = get disk info table
rep movsd
sysfn_lastkey: ; 18.12 = return 0 (backward compatibility)
and dword [esp+32], 0
sysfn_getversion: ; 18.13 = get kernel ID and version
mov edi,ecx
mov esi,version_inf
mov ecx,version_end-version_inf
rep movsb
sysfn_waitretrace: ; 18.14 = sys wait retrace
;wait retrace functions
@ -2144,7 +2172,7 @@ sysfn_waitretrace: ; 18.14 = sys wait retrace
jz WaitRetrace_loop
and [esp+32],dword 0
align 4
sysfn_centermouse: ; 18.15 = mouse centered
; removed here by <Lrz>
@ -2163,8 +2191,8 @@ sysfn_centermouse: ; 18.15 = mouse centered
xor eax,eax
and [esp+32],eax
; pop eax
align 4
sysfn_mouse_acceleration: ; 18.19 = set/get mouse features
test ecx,ecx ; get mouse speed factor
@ -2211,7 +2239,7 @@ sysfn_mouse_acceleration: ; 18.19 = set/get mouse features
mov [mouse_active],1
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
shl eax, 2
@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Call of videomode driver's functions
; (Add in System function 21 (and/or 26) as a subfunction 13)
; Author: Trans
; Date: 19.07.2003
; Include in MeOS kernel and compile with FASM
old_screen_width dd ?
old_screen_height dd ?
dec ebx
jnz .no_vmode_drv_access
pushd [Screen_Max_X] [Screen_Max_Y]
popd [old_screen_height] [old_screen_width]
or eax,-1 ; If driver is absent then eax does not change
call (VMODE_BASE+0x100) ; Entry point of video driver
mov [esp+36-4],eax
mov [esp+24-4],ebx
mov [esp+32-4],ecx
; mov [esp+28],edx
mov eax,[old_screen_width]
mov ebx,[old_screen_height]
sub eax,[Screen_Max_X]
jnz @f
sub ebx,[Screen_Max_Y]
jz .resolution_wasnt_changed
jmp .lp1
@@: sub ebx,[Screen_Max_Y]
.lp1: sub [screen_workarea.right],eax
sub [screen_workarea.bottom],ebx
call repos_windows
xor eax,eax
xor ebx,ebx
mov ecx, [Screen_Max_X]
mov edx, [Screen_Max_Y]
call calculatescreen
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
; Load of videomode driver in memory
; (driver is located at VMODE_BASE - 32kb) // if this area not occuped anything
; Author: Trans
; Date: 19.07.2003
; Include in MeOS kernel and compile with FASM
; If vmode.mdr file not found
or eax,-1 ; Driver ID = -1 (not present in system)
mov [VMODE_BASE],eax ;
mov [VMODE_BASE+0x100],byte 0xC3 ; Instruction RETN - driver loop
stdcall read_file, vmode, VMODE_BASE, 0, 0x8000 ;{SPraid.simba}
; mov esi, vmode
; xor ebx, ebx
; mov ecx, 0x8000 ; size of memory area for driver
; mov edx, VMODE_BASE ; Memory position of driver
; xor ebp, ebp
; call fs_RamdiskRead
Reference in New Issue
Block a user