; KolSPForth v12 ;Memory Map ; ;0 ;0x02C7D ;I_END ;0x05430 ;CTOP ;0x3F800 ;Data stack ;0x3FA00 ;return stack ;0x3FC00 ;User ;0x3FE00 ;TIB ;0x30000 ;FILE BUFF ;0x40000 (256K) ;; Version control VER EQU 1 ;major release version EXT EQU 0 ;minor extension ;; Constants TRUEE EQU -1 ;true flag COMPO EQU 040H ;lexicon compile only bit IMEDD EQU 080H ;lexicon immediate bit MASKK EQU 01FH ;lexicon bit mask CELLL EQU 4 ;size of a cell BASEE EQU 10 ;default radix VOCSS EQU 8 ;depth of vocabulary stack BKSPP EQU 8 ;back space LF EQU 10 ;line feed CRR EQU 13 ;carriage return ERR EQU 27 ;error escape TIC EQU 39 ;tick CALLL EQU 0E8H ;CALL opcodes ROWH EQU 13 KEY_DELAY EQU 20 FW_WIDTH equ 500 FW_HEIGHT equ 352 ;; Memory allocation EM EQU 256*1024 ;top of memory FILE_BS EQU 64*1024 ;file buff size US EQU 128*CELLL ;user area size in cells RTS EQU 1024*CELLL ;return stack/TIB size FILE_B EQU EM-FILE_BS ;terminal input buffer (TIB) TIBB EQU FILE_B-RTS ;terminal input buffer (TIB) ; UPP EQU TIBB-US ;start of user area (UP0) RPP EQU UPP-RTS ;start of return stack (ESP0) SPP EQU RPP-RTS ;start of data stack (EBP0) LastNFA = 0 LastCFA EQU INIT macro AHEADER FLAG,ID,F_CFA { db FLAG DD F_CFA DD LastNFA The_Nfa = $ DB ID,0 LastNFA = The_Nfa F_CFA: } macro cfa_AHEADER FLAG,ID,F_CFA { db FLAG DD cfa_#F_CFA DD LastNFA The_Nfa = $ DB ID,0 LastNFA = The_Nfa cfa_#F_CFA: } ;; Main entry points and COLD start data use32 format binary as "" org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd ORIG ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image MEMS: dd EM ; memory for app dd SPP ; esp dd params dd cur_dir_path lang fix ru_RU include 'macros.inc' include 'proc32.inc' align 4 proc strncmp stdcall, s1:dword, s2:dword, n:dword push esi push edi mov ecx, [n] test ecx, ecx ; Max length is zero? je .done mov esi, [s1] ; esi = string s1 mov edi, [s2] ; edi = string s2 cld .compare: cmpsb ; Compare two bytes jne .done cmp byte [esi-1], 0 ; End of string? je .done dec ecx ; Length limit reached? jne .compare .done: seta al ; al = (s1 > s2) setb ah ; ah = (s1 < s2) sub al, ah movsx eax, al ; eax = (s1 > s2) - (s1 < s2), i.e. -1, 0, 1 pop edi pop esi ret endp align 4 proc GetPr stdcall, exp:dword, sz_name:dword mov edx, [exp] .next: push edx stdcall strncmp, edx, [sz_name], 16 pop edx test eax, eax jz .ok mov edx, [edx-4] test edx, edx jnz .next mov eax,edx ret .ok: mov eax, [edx-8] ret endp AHEADER 0 ,'GETPR',cfa_GETPR JMP GetPr ORIG: MOV EBP,RPP ;initialize RP CLD ;ESI gets incremented finit call draw_window call calc_lines XCHG ESP,EBP CALL amain BYE: mcall -1 ULAST: ; DD 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 draw_cursor: draw_window: pusha mcall 12,1 mov [fRed],ebx mcall 0, <0,FW_WIDTH>, <0,FW_HEIGHT>, 0x54000000 ; mcall 0,,,COL_WINDOW_BG, ,title ; define window mcall 71, 1, header mcall 9,pinfo,-1 mov eax,[pinfo.box.width] cdq sub eax,20 mov ebx,6 div ebx mov [pinfo.box.left],eax mov eax,[pinfo.box.height] cdq sub eax,40 mov ebx,ROWH div ebx mov [pinfo.box.top],eax call erase_screen mcall 12, 2 mcall 67,-1,-1,FW_WIDTH,FW_HEIGHT popa ret macro GetSkinHeight { mov eax,48 mov ebx,4 int 0x40 } erase_screen: GetSkinHeight mov ecx,eax shl ecx,16 add ecx,[pinfo.box.height] sub ecx,eax sub ecx,4 mov ebx,[pinfo.box.width] add ebx,5 shl 16 - 9 mcall 13,,,0;xff ret AHEADER 0,"CC_LINES",cfa_CC_LINES calc_lines: cmp dword[UPP+10*4],0 je .ex pusha mov ebp,os_work mov al,0xd mov edi,screen_buf ; mov esi,[cursor] ; mov byte[esi],'_' ; inc [cursor] .again: mov [ebp],edi mov esi,[cursor] sub esi,edi mov ecx,[pinfo.box.left] ; test ecx,ecx ; jnz .no0 ; inc ecx ; .no0: cmp ecx,esi jbe .ok mov ecx,esi .ok: repne scasb jecxz .nocrlf cmp byte[edi],10 jne .nocrlf inc edi .nocrlf: mov ecx,edi sub ecx,[ebp] add ebp,8 mov [ebp-4],ecx cmp edi,[cursor] jb .again and dword[ebp],0 ; dpd esi mov eax,[pinfo.box.top] shl eax,3 sub ebp,eax cmp ebp,os_work jae .ok2 mov ebp,os_work .ok2: cmp ebp,[last_ebp] je .ok3 mov [last_ebp],ebp call erase_screen .ok3: mov ebx,10 shl 16 +30 ; ud2 .newl: mcall 4,,0xffffff,[ebp],[ebp+4] add ebp,8 add ebx,ROWH cmp dword[ebp],0 jnz .newl SUB ebx,ROWH call set_cur popa .ex: ret set_cur: MOV ecx,EBX shl ecx,16 add ecx,EBX MOV EAX,[ebp+4-8] add EAX,2 imul EAX,6 mov EBX,EAX shl ebx,16 add EBX,EAX mov [lastcur],ecx mov [lastcur+4],ebx ret e_calc_lines: cmp dword[UPP+10*4],0 je e_.ex pusha mov ebp,os_work mov al,0xd mov edi,screen_buf ; mov esi,[cursor] ; mov byte[esi],'_' ; inc [cursor] e_.again: mov [ebp],edi mov esi,[cursor] sub esi,edi mov ecx,[pinfo.box.left] ; test ecx,ecx ; jnz .no0 ; inc ecx ; .no0: cmp ecx,esi jbe e_.ok mov ecx,esi e_.ok: repne scasb jecxz e_.nocrlf cmp byte[edi],10 jne e_.nocrlf inc edi e_.nocrlf: mov ecx,edi sub ecx,[ebp] add ebp,8 mov [ebp-4],ecx cmp edi,[cursor] jb e_.again and dword[ebp],0 ; dpd esi mov eax,[pinfo.box.top] shl eax,3 sub ebp,eax cmp ebp,os_work jae e_.ok2 mov ebp,os_work e_.ok2: cmp ebp,[last_ebp] je e_.ok3 mov [last_ebp],ebp cmp byte[edi],10 jne e_.ok3 call erase_screen e_.ok3: mov ebx,10 shl 16+30 ; ud2 e_.newl: ; mcall 4,,0xffffff,[ebp],[ebp+4] add ebp,8 add ebx,ROWH cmp dword[ebp],0 jnz e_.newl SUB ebx,ROWH mcall 4,,0x00ffffff,[ebp-8],[ebp+4-8] call set_cur popa e_.ex: ret AHEADER 0,"?KEY",cfa_queKEY PUSH EDI XCHG EBP,ESP PUSH EAX POP EBX mov eax,10 test ebx,ebx jz QRX0 inc eax QRX0: XOR ECX,ECX ;EBX=0 setup for false flag mcall cmp eax,1 jne QRX_ call draw_window call calc_lines QRX_: cmp eax,3 je BYE cmp eax,2 jne QRX3 mcall 2 QRX1: MOVZX ECX,AH QRX2: PUSH ECX ;save character QRX_TRUE: MOV ECX,TRUEE ;true flag QRX3: PUSH ECX POP eax XCHG EBP,ESP POP EDI ret ; ?RX ( -- c T | F ) ; Return input character and true, or a false if no input. AHEADER 0,"EMIT_N",cfa_EMIT_N PUSH EDI XCHG EBP,ESP ;char in AL CMP AL,0FFH ;0FFH is interpreted as input JNZ TX2 ;do NOT allow input MOV AL,32 ;change to blank TX2: mov ebx,[cursor] mov [ebx],AL inc [cursor] POP eax XCHG EBP,ESP POP EDI RET ;; Basic I/O cfa_AHEADER 0,'CL_CUR',CL_CUR PUSH EAX mcall 38,[lastcur+4],[lastcur],0 POP EAX RET cfa_AHEADER 0,'DR_CUR',DR_CUR PUSH EAX mcall 38,[lastcur+4],[lastcur],0x00FF00FF POP EAX RET COLOR_ORDER equ MENUETOS include 'gif_lite.inc' cfa_AHEADER 0,'READ_GIF',READ_GIF ;( gif_ptr, out_ptr -- result ) push esi push edi push ebp mov edi, eax mov esi,[ebp] mov eax,os_work call ReadGIF pop ebp pop edi pop esi add ebp,4 RET ;=============================================================== cursor dd screen_buf fRed dd 1 last_ebp dd 0 include 'amain.asm' header db 'Kolibri Forth v12.1',0 params: rb 256 cur_dir_path: rb 4096 FINFO: .mode dd 0 dd 0 .blk dd 1 .buf dd 0 .work dd os_work lastcur dd 0,0 I_END: squote_buf rb 1024 sys_v rd 6 screen_buf: ; sc_end: rb 4096 pinfo process_information os_work rb 16*1024 CTOP = $ ;next available memory in code dictionary ;=============================================================