use32 db 'MENUET01' dd 1 dd Start dd I_END MemSize dd Mem dd StackTop dd 0,AppPath VERSION equ '0.01+' ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitness equ 32 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bit equ 1 shl by equ shl 8 + %B = 32 macro even Value { rb (Value-1)-($+Value-1) mod Value } macro ifc Opc& { local ..L jnc ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifa Opc& { local ..L jna ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifae Opc& { local ..L jnae ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifb Opc& { local ..L jnb ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifbe Opc& { local ..L jnbe ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifg Opc& { local ..L jng ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifge Opc& { local ..L jnge ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifl Opc& { local ..L jnl ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifle Opc& { local ..L jnle ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifno Opc& { local ..L jo ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifnp Opc& { local ..L jp ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifns Opc& { local ..L js ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifnz Opc& { local ..L jz ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifo Opc& { local ..L jno ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifp Opc& { local ..L jnp ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifs Opc& { local ..L jns ..L Opc ..L: } macro ifz Opc& { local ..L jnz ..L Opc ..L: } macro lea Dst,Src { local ..L,..H virtual at 0 mov al,byte Src load ..L byte from 0x0 if ..L = 0xA0 load ..H dword from 0x1 end if end virtual if ..L = 0xA0 mov Dst,..H else lea Dst,Src end if } include '' include '../../' include '' include '' include '' virtual at rsp All: .edi dd ? .esi dd ? .ebp dd ? .res dd ? .ebx dd ? .edx dd ? .ecx dd ? .eax dd ? end virtual macro jecxnz Target { inc ecx loop Target } TestFile db '/sys/develop/scancode',0 MinWidth = 90 MaxWidth = 255 MinHeight = 75 MaxHeight = 255 DATA_WIDTH = 88 ; in characters, multiple of 4 CMD_WIDTH = DATA_WIDTH CursorNormSize = 2 CursorBigsSize = FontHeight ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Fast load test file event DoLoad: mov esi,TestFile mov edi,LoadName jmp OnLoadInit ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Load executable event OnLoad: mov esi,[CurArg] OnLoadInit: mov edi,LoadName or [PrgNameLen],-1 mov [PrgNamePtr],edi .CopyName: lodsb stosb inc [PrgNameLen] cmp al,'/' jnz @F or [PrgNameLen],-1 mov [PrgNamePtr],edi @@: cmp al,' ' ja .CopyName mov byte [edi-1],0 and [LoadParams],0 dec esi call GetArg.SkipSpaces cmp al,0 jz @F mov [LoadParams],esi @@: ;and [DumpPos],0 mov ecx,[Symbols] jecxz DoReLoad mcall 68,13 and [Symbols],0 and [NumSymbols],0 DoReLoad: mcall 18,7 mov [DbgWnd],eax xchg ecx,eax mcall 70,FN70LoadBlock test eax,eax jns .Loaded .LoadErr: push eax mov esi,LoadErrMsg call PutMessage pop eax not eax cmp eax,0x20 jae .UnkErr mov esi,[LoadErrMsgs+eax*4] test esi,esi jnz PutMessage .UnkErr: mov esi,UnkErrMsg inc eax push eax call PutMessageNoDraw jmp DrawMessages .Loaded: mov [DebuggeePID],eax mov [bSuspended],1 mcall 5,20 push ecx call GetContext mov edi,OldContext mov ecx,(CtxEnd-Context)/4 rep movsd ; activate debugger window pop ecx mcall 18,3 call GetDump if 1 push dword [ShowNames] mov [ShowNames],-1 end if mov [AfterKey],0 call ShowImage mov esi,LoadSuccMsg push [DebuggeePID] call PutMessageNoDraw call DrawMessages ; try to load symbols mov esi,LoadName mov edi,SymbolsFile push edi @@: lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @B lea ecx,[edi-1] @@: dec edi cmp edi,SymbolsFile jb @F cmp byte [edi],'/' jz @F cmp byte [edi],'.' jnz @B mov ecx,edi @@: mov dword [ecx],'.dbg' mov byte [ecx+4],0 pop esi mov ebp,esi push ecx esi call OnLoadSymbols.Silent ; Try to load .dbg file pop esi ecx xor eax,eax cmp [NumSymbols],eax jne @F mov dword [ecx],'.map' ; If failed, try .map file too call OnLoadSymbols.Silent @@: if 1 pop eax mov [ShowNames],al call DrawMessages end if ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Working with debug context GetNewContext: mov esi,Context mov edi,OldContext mov ecx,(CtxEnd-Context)/4 rep movsd GetContext: mcall 69,1,[DebuggeePID],CtxEnd-Context,Context ret SetContext: mcall 69,2,[DebuggeePID],28h,Context ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Resume process event DoResume: mcall 69,5,[DebuggeePID] mov [bSuspended],0 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Breakpoints manipulation OnBp: mov esi,[CurArg] call CalcExpression jc .Ret xchg eax,ebp push eax call FindBreakPoint inc eax pop eax jz .NotFound mov esi,aDuplicateBreakpoint jmp .SayErr .NotFound: mov bl,1 call AddBreakPoint jnc .Ret mov esi,aBreakpointLimitExceeded .SayErr: call PutMessage .Ret: jmp DrawMessages;DrawDisAsm ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Dump memory event OnDump: mov esi,[CurArg] cmp byte [esi],0 jnz .Param ;add [DumpPos],DUMP_HEIGHT*10h add [DataAddr],8*8 jmp .DoIt .Param: call CalcExpression jc .Ret ;mov [DumpPos],ebp mov [DataAddr],ebp .DoIt: ;call GetDump ;call DrawDump.Redraw call DrawMessages .Ret: ret OnBpmb: mov dh,0011b jmp DoBpm OnBpmw: mov dh,0111b jmp DoBpm OnBpmd: mov dh,1111b DoBpm: mov esi,[CurArg] cmp byte [esi],'w' jnz @F and dh,not 2 inc esi @@: push edx call CalcExpression pop edx jnc @F ret ; ebp = expression, dh = flags @@: movzx eax,dh shr eax,2 test ebp,eax jz @F mov esi,aUnaligned jmp PutMessage @@: mov eax,ebp mov bl,0Bh call AddBreakPoint jnc @F mov esi,aBreakpointLimitExceeded jmp PutMessage ; now find index @@: push eax xor ecx,ecx .L1: cmp [DrXBreak+ecx*4],0 jnz .L2 push ecx mov dl,cl mov esi,ebp mcall 69,9,[DebuggeePID] test eax,eax jz .OK pop ecx .L2: inc ecx cmp ecx,4 jb .L1 pop eax call ClearBreakPoint mov esi,aBreakpointLimitExceeded jmp PutMessage .OK: pop ecx pop eax and byte [edi],not 2 ; breakpoint is enabled shl dl,6 or dl,dh mov byte [edi+1],dl inc eax mov [DrXBreak+ecx*4],eax ret OnBc: mov esi,[CurArg] @@: call GetHexNumber jc OnBp.Ret call ClearBreakPoint jmp @B OnBd: mov esi,[CurArg] @@: call GetHexNumber jc OnBp.Ret call DisableBreakPoint jmp @B OnBe: mov esi,[CurArg] @@: call GetHexNumber jc OnBp.Ret push eax call FindEnabledBreakPoint pop eax jz .Err call EnableBreakPoint jmp @B .Err: mov esi,OnBeErrMsg jmp PutMessage GetHexNumber: call GetArg.SkipSpaces xor ecx,ecx xor edx,edx @@: lodsb call IsHexDigit jc .Ret shl edx,4 or dl,al inc ecx jmp @B .Ret: dec esi cmp ecx,1 xchg eax,edx ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Breakpoints list event OnBl: mov esi,[CurArg] cmp byte [esi],0 jz .ListAll call GetHexNumber jc .Ret cmp eax,BreakPointsN jae .Err push eax add eax,eax lea edi,[BreakPoints+eax+eax*2] pop eax test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Err call ShowBreakInfo .Ret: ret .Err: mov esi,aInvalidBreak jmp PutMessage .ListAll: mov edi,BreakPoints xor eax,eax @@: test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Cont push edi eax call ShowBreakInfo pop eax edi .Cont: add edi,6 inc eax cmp eax,BreakPointsN jb @B ret ShowBreakInfo: push edi test byte [edi+4],8 jnz .DR push dword [edi] push eax mov esi,aBreakNum call PutMessageNoDraw jmp .CMN .DR: push eax mov esi,aMemBreak1 call PutMessageNoDraw pop edi push edi mov esi,aMemBreak2 test byte [edi+5],2 jz @F mov esi,aMemBreak3 @@: call PutMessageNoDraw pop edi push edi mov esi,aMemBreak6 test byte [edi+5],8 jnz @F mov esi,aMemBreak5 test byte [edi+5],4 jnz @F mov esi,aMemBreak4 @@: call PutMessageNoDraw pop edi push edi push dword [edi] mov esi,aMemBreak7 call PutMessageNoDraw .CMN: pop edi test byte [edi+4],2 jz @F push edi mov esi,aDisabled call PutMessageNoDraw pop edi @@: test byte [edi+4],4 jz @F mov esi,aOneShot call PutMessageNoDraw @@: mov esi,NewLine jmp PutMessage ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Unpack executable event OnUnpack: ; program must be loaded - checked when command was parsed ; program must be stopped mov esi,aRunningErr cmp [bSuspended],0 jz PutMessage ; all breakpoints must be disabled mov edi,BreakPoints @@: test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Cont test byte [edi+4],2 jnz .Cont mov esi,aEnabledBreakErr jmp PutMessage .Cont: add edi,6 cmp edi,BreakPoints+BreakPointsN*6 jb @B ; ok, now do it ; set breakpoint on 0xC dword access push 9 pop ebx mov ecx,[DebuggeePID] mov dx,1111b*256 push 0xC pop esi @@: mcall 69 test eax,eax jz .BreakOK inc edx cmp dl,4 jb @B .BreakOK: call GoOn ; now wait for event .Wait: mcall 10 dec eax jz .Redraw dec eax jz .Key dec eax jnz .Debug ; button; we have only one button, close or eax,-1 mcall .Redraw: mov [DoDraw],1 call DrawWindow jmp .Wait .Key: mov al,2 mcall cmp ah,3 ; Ctrl+C jnz .Wait .UserBreak: mov esi,aInterrupted .X1: push edx esi call PutMessage pop esi edx or dh,80h mcall 69,9,[DebuggeePID] cmp esi,aUnpacked jnz OnSuspend jmp AfterSuspend .Debug: cmp [DbgBufLen],4*3 jnz .NotOur cmp dword [DbgBuf],3 jnz .NotOur test byte [DbgBuf+8],1 jnz .Our .NotOur: mov esi,aInterrupted push edx call PutMessage pop edx or dh,80h mcall 69,9,[DebuggeePID] jmp DebugMsg .Our: and [DbgBufLen],0 push edx call GetContext push eax mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID],4,0xC,esp pop eax pop edx cmp eax,[_EIP] jz .Done call DoResume jmp .Wait .Done: mov esi,aUnpacked jmp .X1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Calculate expression event OnCalc: mov esi,[CurArg] call CalcExpression jc .Ret push ebp mov esi,CalcString call PutMessageNoDraw jmp DrawMessages .Ret: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Access to register value event OnReg: mov esi,[CurArg] call GetArg.SkipSpaces call FindReg jnc @F .Err: mov esi,RSyntax jmp PutMessage @@: call GetArg.SkipSpaces test al,al jz .Err cmp al,'=' jnz @F inc esi call GetArg.SkipSpaces test al,al jz .Err @@: push edi call CalcExpression pop edi jc .Ret ; now edi=register id, ebp=value cmp [bSuspended],0 mov esi,aRunningErr jz PutMessage xchg eax,ebp cmp edi,24 jz .EIP sub edi,4 jb .8LO sub edi,4 jb .8HI sub edi,8 jb .16 mov [_EAX+edi*4],eax jmp .Ret .16: mov word [_EAX+(edi+8)*4],ax jmp .Ret .8LO: mov byte [_EAX+(edi+4)*4],al jmp .Ret .8HI: mov byte [_EAX+(edi+4)*4+1],al jmp .Ret .EIP: mov [_EIP],eax ;call UpdateDisAsmEIP .Ret: call SetContext jmp DrawMessages;DrawRegisters.ReDraw ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Step execution event ;Here we get [] argument at do step times OnStepMultiple: cmp [bSuspended],0 jz OnStep.Running mov [StepNum],1 mov esi,[CurArg] test esi,esi jz .Do cmp byte [esi],0 jz .Do call GetHexNumber jc .Ret or eax,eax ; check if lesser or equal than 0 jle .Ret mov [StepNum],eax .Do: call OnStep dec [StepNum] jnz .Do .Ret: ret OnStep: cmp [bSuspended],0 jz .Running call GetContext or byte [_EFL+1],1 ; set TF call SetContext and byte [_EFL+1],not 1 ; if instruction at eip is "int xx", set one-shot breakpoint immediately after mov eax,[_EIP] call FindEnabledBreakPoint jnz @F cmp byte [edi+5],0xCD jz .Int @@: push 0 mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID],3,[_EIP],esp cmp eax,edx pop eax jnz .DoIt cmp al,0xCD jz .Int cmp ax,0x050F jz .SysCall cmp ax,0x340F jz .SysEnter ; resume process .DoIt: call GoOn cmp [bAfterGo],0 jz @F mov [bAfterGo],2 @@: ret ; return address is [ebp-4] .SysEnter: push 0 inc edx ; read 4 bytes mov esi,[_EBP] sub esi,4 mcall 69 cmp eax,edx pop eax jnz .SysCall push eax and byte [_EFL+1],not 1 call SetContext pop eax jmp @F .SysCall: and byte [_EFL+1],not 1 ; clear TF - avoid system halt (!) call SetContext .Int: mov eax,[_EIP] inc eax inc eax @@: push eax call FindEnabledBreakPoint pop eax jz .DoIt ; there is no enabled breakpoint yet; set temporary breakpoint mov bl,5 call AddBreakPoint jmp .DoIt .Running: mov esi,aRunningErr jmp PutMessage ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Proceed process event ;Here we get [] argument at do step times OnProceedMultiple: cmp [bSuspended],0 jz OnStep.Running mov [ProcNum],1 mov esi,[CurArg] test esi,esi jz .Do cmp byte [esi],0 jz .Do call GetHexNumber jc .Ret or eax,eax ; check if lesser or equal than 0 jle .Ret mov [ProcNum],eax and [CurArg],0 .Do: call OnProceed dec [ProcNum] jnz .Do .Ret: ret OnProceed: cmp [bSuspended],0 jz OnStep.Running mov esi,[_EIP] @@: call GetByteNoBreak jc OnStep inc esi ; skip prefixes call IsPrefix jz @B cmp al,0xE8 ; call jnz @f add esi,4 jmp .DoIt ; A4,A5 = movs; A6,A7 = cmps @@: cmp al,0xA4 jb @F cmp al,0xA8 jb .DoIt ; AA,AB = stos; AC,AD = lods; AE,AF = scas @@: cmp al,0xAA jb @F cmp al,0xB0 jb .DoIt ; E0 = loopnz; E1 = loopz; E2 = loop @@: cmp al,0xE0 jb .NoLoop cmp al,0xE2 ja .NoLoop inc esi jmp .DoIt ; FF /2 = call .NoLoop: cmp al,0xFF jnz OnStep call GetByteNoBreak jc OnStep inc esi mov cl,al and al,00111000b cmp al,00010000b jnz OnStep ; skip instruction mov al,cl and eax,7 shr cl,6 jz .Mod0 jp .DoIt cmp al,4 jnz @F inc esi @@: inc esi dec cl jz @F add esi,3 @@: jmp .DoIt .Mod0: cmp al,4 jnz @F call GetByteNoBreak jc OnStep inc esi and al,7 @@: cmp al,5 jnz .DoIt add esi,4 .DoIt: ; insert one-shot breakpoint at esi and resume call GetByteNoBreak jc OnStep mov eax,esi call FindEnabledBreakPoint jz @F mov eax,esi mov bl,5 call AddBreakPoint jmp OnStep.DoIt @@: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Read next byte of machine code GetByteNoBreak: mov eax,esi call FindEnabledBreakPoint jnz .NoBreak mov al,[edi+5] clc ret .NoBreak: xor edx,edx push edx inc edx mov edi,esp mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID] dec eax clc jz @F stc @@: pop eax ret IsPrefix: cmp al,0x64 ; fs: jz .Ret cmp al,0x65 ; gs: jz .Ret cmp al,0x66 ; use16/32 jz .Ret cmp al,0x67 ; addr16/32 jz .Ret cmp al,0xF0 ; lock jz .Ret cmp al,0xF2 ; repnz jz .Ret cmp al,0xF3 ; rep(z) jz .Ret cmp al,0x2E ; cs: jz .Ret cmp al,0x36 ; ss: jz .Ret cmp al,0x3E ; ds: jz .Ret cmp al,0x26 ; es: .Ret: ret OnResume: mov esi,[CurArg] cmp byte [esi],0 jz GoOn call CalcExpression jc .Ret .Jmp: mov eax,ebp push eax call FindEnabledBreakPoint pop eax jz GoOn mov bl,5 ; valid enabled one-shot call AddBreakPoint jnc GoOn mov esi,aBreakpointLimitExceeded call PutMessage .Ret: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Jump event OnJump: mov esi,[CurArg] cmp byte [rsi],0 jz .Ret call CalcExpression jc .Ret mov ecx,[CurrentWindow] mov [CodeAddr+rcx*4],ebp jecxnz .Next mov [CPUYPos],1 .Next: cmp ecx,1 ;Reg Window? jnz .NReg mov eax,[RegXPtr] cmp eax,9 jae .NReg mov eax,[RegRTab+rax*4] mov [rax],ebp call SetContext .NReg: mov [AfterKey],1 call ShowImage .Ret: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Help event OnHelp: mov esi,HelpMsg mov edi,[CurArg] cmp byte [edi],0 jz .X mov esi,HelpGroups call FindCmd jc .NoCmd mov esi,[esi+12] .X: jmp PutMessage .NoCmd: mov esi,aUnknownCommand jmp .X ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Detach process event OnDetach: mcall 69,3,[DebuggeePID] and [DebuggeePID],0 call FreeSymbols mov esi,aContinued jmp PutMessage ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Reload executable event OnReLoad: cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jnz TerminateReLoad mov esi,NeedDebuggee cmp byte [LoadName],0 jnz DoReLoad jz PutMessage TerminateReLoad: mov [bReload],1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Terminate process event OnTerminate: mcall 69,8,[DebuggeePID] ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Suspend process event AfterSuspend: mov [bSuspended],1 call GetNewContext call GetDump call ShowImage ret OnSuspend: mcall 69,4,[DebuggeePID] call AfterSuspend mov esi,aSuspended jmp PutMessage GoOn: ; test for enabled breakpoint at eip mov eax,[_EIP] call FindEnabledBreakPoint jnz .NoBreak ; temporarily disable breakpoint, make step, enable breakpoint, continue inc eax mov [TempBreak],eax mov [bAfterGo],1 dec eax call DisableBreakPoint call GetContext or byte [_EFL+1],1 ; set TF call SetContext and byte [_EFL+1],not 1 call DoResume ret .NoBreak: call DoResume ShowImage: pushad call InitConsole call DrawWindow popad ret even 4 InitConsole: mov eax,[CurWidth] mul [CurHeight] mov ecx,eax mov edi,ConsoleDataPtr mov eax,3F203F20h shr ecx,1 rep stosd adc cl,cl rep stosw ; mov ebx,MSG_HEIGHT ;dY mov ecx,[CurWidth] ;\dX sub ecx,2 ;/ mov esi,1 ;X mov edi,MinHeight-MSG_HEIGHT-1 ;Y mov edx,87208720h call ClearWindow ; call DrawFrame ret InitCoords: mov [CPUXPos],1 mov [CPUYPos],1 mov [CPUXPtr],0 mov [MemXPos],11 mov [MemYPos],41 mov eax,[CurWidth] SUB eax,21 mov [StkXPos],eax mov [StkYPos],28 mov [RegXPos],1 mov [RegYPos],30 mov [RegLDat],12 and [RegXPtr],0 ret GetDataByte: ;I: esi - address ;O: al - byte pushad mov al,0 push eax mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID],1,[All.esi+4],esp if 1 mov esi,[All.esi+4] mov edi,esp call RestoreFromBreaksOne end if cmp eax,-1 ;invalid PID? jz @F ;Yes,CF=0 cmp eax,1 ;CF=1,eax=1 if OK cmc @@: pop dword [esp+1Ch] popad ret SafeStoreDD: pushad mov eax,69 mov ebx,7 mov ecx,[DebuggeePID] mov edx,4 mov esi,edi lea edi,[All.eax] int 40h popad ret SafeStore: pushad mov eax,69 mov ebx,7 mov ecx,[DebuggeePID] mov edx,1 mov esi,edi lea edi,[All.eax] int 40h popad ret DrawWindow: btr dword [DoDraw],0 jc .CopyDraw mov esi,ConsoleDataPtr mov edi,ConsoleDataOld mov ecx,[CurWidth] imul ecx,[CurHeight] shr ecx,1 repz cmpsd jnz .CopyDraw adc cl,cl repz cmpsw jz .SkipDraw .CopyDraw: mov esi,ConsoleDataPtr mov edi,ConsoleDataOld mov ecx,[CurWidth] imul ecx,[CurHeight] shr ecx,1 rep movsd adc cl,cl rep movsw push SF_REDRAW pop eax push SSF_BEGIN_DRAW pop ebx int 40h mov al,SF_STYLE_SETTINGS mov bl,SSF_GET_SKIN_HEIGHT int 40h mov [SkinH],eax mov ebx,[CurWidth] imul ebx,FontWidth add ebx,100*65536+5*2-1 mov ecx,[CurHeight] imul ecx,FontHeight lea ecx,[eax+ecx+5-1+100*65536] xor eax,eax mov edx,0x53000000 mov edi,HeaderN cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jz @F mov edi,HeaderY @@: int 40h mov al,SF_DRAW_RECT xor edx,edx cmp [FillWidth],0 jz @F mov ebx,[WndWidth] sub ebx,[FillWidth] sub ebx,5-1 shl ebx,16 mov bx,word [FillWidth] mov ecx,[SkinH-2] mov cx,word [WndHeight] sub cx,word [SkinH] sub cx,5-1 int 40h @@: cmp [FillHeight],0 jz @F xor edx,edx mov ebx,50000h mov bx,word [WndWidth] sub ebx,9 mov ecx,[WndHeight] sub ecx,[FillHeight] sub ecx,5-1 shl ecx,16 mov cx,word [FillHeight] int 40h @@: call DrawImage mov al,SF_PUT_IMAGE_EXT mov ebx,[MemForImage] test ebx,ebx jz @F mov ecx,[CurWidth] imul ecx,FontWidth*10000h mov cx,word [CurHeight] imul cx,FontHeight mov edx,[SkinH] add edx,5*10000h mov esi,8 mov edi,ConsoleColors xor ebp,ebp int 40h @@: mov al,SF_REDRAW push SSF_END_DRAW pop ebx int 40h .SkipDraw: ret align 16 DrawImage: mov [bMemForImageValidData],byte 1 cmp [MemForImage],0 jnz .Allocated ; allocate memory for image mov ecx,[CurWidth] imul ecx,[CurHeight] imul ecx,FontWidth*FontHeight call PGAlloc test eax,eax ifz ret mov [MemForImage],eax mov [bMemForImageValidData],byte 0 .Allocated: push ebp and [MaxX],0 or [MinX],-1 and [MaxY],0 or [MinY],-1 mov eax,[CursorY] mul [CurWidth] add eax,[CursorX] add eax,eax add eax,ConsoleDataPtr xchg [CurCursorPos],eax mov [OldCursorPos],eax mov edi,[MemForImage] mov esi,ConsoleDataPtr mov ecx,[CurHeight] .LH: push ecx mov ecx,[CurWidth] .LW: push ecx mov eax,[CurWidth] imul eax,[CurHeight] mov ebx,[esi] cmp [bMemForImageValidData],0 jz @F cmp esi,[CurCursorPos] jz @F cmp esi,[OldCursorPos] jz @F cmp bx,[eax*2+esi] jnz @F inc esi inc esi jmp .SkipSymbol @@: mov [eax*2+esi],bx cmp ecx,[MinX] ja @F mov [MinX],ecx @@: cmp ecx,[MaxX] jb @F mov [MaxX],ecx @@: mov eax,[esp+4] mov [MinY],eax cmp eax,[MaxY] jb @F mov [MaxY],eax @@: push edi xor eax,eax mov al,[esi+1] and al,0xF mov ebx,eax mov al,[esi+1] shr al,4 mov ebp,eax sub ebx,ebp lodsb inc esi if FontWidth > 8 lea edx,[eax+eax+Font] else lea edx,[eax+Font] end if .SH: mov ecx,[edx] repeat FontWidth shr ecx,1 sbb eax,eax and eax,ebx add eax,ebp mov [edi+%-1],al end repeat mov eax,[CurWidth] if FontWidth = 6 lea eax,[eax*2+eax] lea edi,[edi+eax*2] else if FontWidth = 7 lea edi,[edi+eax*8] sub edi,eax else if FontWidth = 8 lea edi,[edi+eax*8] else if FontWidth = 9 lea edi,[edi+eax*8] add edi,eax else if FontWidth = 10 lea eax,[eax*4+eax] lea edi,[edi+eax*2] else Unknown FontWidth Value! end if if FontWidth > 8 add edx,256*2 cmp edx,Font+256*2*FontHeight else add edx,256 cmp edx,Font+256*FontHeight end if jb .SH pop edi .SkipSymbol: pop ecx add edi,FontWidth dec ecx jnz .LW mov eax,[CurWidth] imul eax,(FontHeight-1)*FontWidth add edi,eax pop ecx dec ecx jnz .LH ; cursor mov eax,[CursorY] inc eax jz .NoCursor mul [CurWidth] imul eax,FontHeight*FontWidth mov edx,[CursorX] inc edx imul edx,FontWidth add eax,edx add eax,[MemForImage] mov edx,[CurWidth] imul edx,FontWidth neg edx mov ecx,[CursorSize] .CursorLoop: push ecx mov ecx,FontWidth add eax,edx push eax @@: xor byte [eax-1],7 sub eax,1 loop @B pop eax pop ecx loop .CursorLoop .NoCursor: cmp [MinY],-1 jz .NoDraw mov ecx,[CurWidth] mov ebx,[CurHeight] mov eax,ebx sub ebx,[MaxY] sub eax,[MinY] sub eax,ebx inc eax imul ebp,eax,FontHeight mov edx,ecx sub edx,[MaxX] imul edx,FontWidth mov eax,edx shl edx,16 imul dx,bx,FontHeight imul ebx,[CurWidth] mov ecx,[MaxX] sub ecx,[MinX] inc ecx imul ecx,FontWidth*10000h add ecx,ebp imul ebx,FontWidth*FontHeight add ebx,[MemForImage] add ebx,eax add edx,[SkinH] add edx,5*10000h imul esi,[CurWidth],FontWidth mov ebp,ecx shr ebp,16 sub esi,ebp mov ebp,esi push SF_PUT_IMAGE_EXT pop eax mov edi,ConsoleColors push 8 pop esi int 40h .NoDraw: pop ebp ret even 4 Redraw: mov al,SF_THREAD_INFO mov ebx,ProcInfo or ecx,-1 int 40h ; test if rolled up ; height of rolled up window is [skinh]+3 mov eax,[ebx+46] sub eax,[SkinH] cmp eax,5 ja @F mov al,SF_REDRAW push SSF_BEGIN_DRAW pop ebx int 0x40 xor eax,eax ; ebx, ecx, edi are ignored by function 0 after first redraw mov edx,0x53000000 int 0x40 mov al,SF_REDRAW inc ebx int 0x40 jmp WaitEvent @@: xor ecx,ecx mov eax,[ebx+42] mov [WndWidth],eax sub eax,5*2-1 jae @F xor eax,eax @@: cdq mov esi,FontWidth div esi cmp eax,MinWidth jae @F mov al,MinWidth mov ch,1 @@: cmp eax,MaxWidth jbe @F mov eax,MaxWidth mov ch,1 @@: cmp eax,[CurWidth] mov [CurWidth],eax setnz cl or cl,ch test edx,edx mov [FillWidth],edx setnz ch mov eax,[ebx+46] mov [WndHeight],eax sub eax,[SkinH] sub eax,5-1 jns @F xor eax,eax @@: cdq mov esi,FontHeight div esi cmp eax,MinHeight jae @F mov al,MinHeight mov cl,1 @@: cmp eax,MaxHeight jbe @F mov eax,MaxHeight mov cl,1 @@: mov [FillHeight],edx cmp eax,[CurHeight] mov [CurHeight],eax jnz .ReSize test cl,cl jnz .ReSize test edx,edx setnz cl or cl,ch jz @F test byte [ebx+70],1 jnz @F .ReSize: push SF_CHANGE_WINDOW pop eax or ebx,-1 or ecx,-1 mov edx,[CurWidth] imul edx,FontWidth add edx,5*2-1 mov esi,[CurHeight] imul esi,FontHeight add esi,[SkinH] add esi,5-1 int 40h .ReSizeDraw: mov ecx,[MemForImage] call PGFree and [MemForImage],0 call InitConsole call InitCoords jmp WaitEvent @@: mov [DoDraw],1 call DrawWindow jmp WaitEvent even 4 Start: xor eax,eax mov edi,NeedZeroStart mov ecx,(NeedZeroEnd-NeedZeroStart+3)/4 rep stosd call DetectCPU mov [CPUType],dl call DetectFPU mov [FPUType],al cmp [CPUType],5 jb @F xor eax,eax cpuid mov edi,MsgXMMX+4 mov [edi+0],ebx mov [edi+4],edx mov [edi+8],ecx cmp eax,1 jl .L1 xor eax,eax inc eax cpuid xchg eax,edx jmp .L2 .L1: xor eax,eax .L2: test eax,00800000h ; CPU have MMX? setnz [MMXType] test eax,02000000h ; CPU have SSE? setnz [XMMType] @@: push SF_SYS_MISC pop eax push SSF_HEAP_INIT pop ebx int 40h call InitCmdHistBuffer call InitDefault call InitCoords call ShowImage ; set event mask - default events and debugging events mcall 40,EVM_REDRAW or EVM_KEY or EVM_BUTTON or EVM_DEBUG ; set debug messages buffer mov ecx,DbgBufSize mov dword [ecx],256 xor ebx,ebx mov [ecx+4],ebx mov al,69 mcall call ShowImage WaitEvent: push SF_WAIT_EVENT pop eax int 40h cmp al,9 jz DebugMsg dec eax jz Redraw dec eax jz Key sub eax,4 jz Mouse ; button - we have only one button, close ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Quit event OnQuit: or eax,-1 int 40h Key: mov al,SF_KEYBOARD push SSF_GET_CONTROL_KEYS pop ebx int 0x40 and eax,0x3F mov [CtrlState],al mov al,SF_GET_KEY int 40h test al,al jnz WaitEvent shr eax,8 cmp ah,5Dh ifz call DumpScreen cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jz DoCommandLine cmp [CmdLineActive],0 jnz GetCommandLine jmp WinSwitch F7: cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jz .No call OnStep .No:jmp WaitEvent F8: cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jz F7.No call OnProceed jmp F7.No even 16 Mouse: if 0 mov eax,SF_MOUSE_GET mov ebx,SSF_BUTTON_EXT int 0x40 mov byte [MouseState],1 bt eax,24 ;left but. double click jc @F mov byte [MouseState],0 bt eax,8 ;left but. down jc @F jmp WaitEvent @@: mov eax,SF_MOUSE_GET mov ebx,SSF_WINDOW_POSITION int 0x40 end if jmp WaitEvent DumpScreen: pushad mov dword [DumpName+4],'0000' .1: mov [DumpBlock.Func],SSF_GET_INFO mcall 70,DumpBlock or eax,eax jnz .2 inc byte [DumpName+7] cmp byte [DumpName+7],'9' jbe .1 mov byte [DumpName+7],'0' inc byte [DumpName+6] cmp byte [DumpName+6],'9' jbe .1 mov byte [DumpName+6],'0' popad ret .2: mov [DumpBlock.Func],SSF_CREATE_FILE mcall 70,DumpBlock or eax,eax jnz .Err mov ebx,[CurHeight] mov esi,ConsoleDataPtr mov edi,ConsoleDataOld .3: mov ecx,[CurWidth] .4: mov al,[rsi] test al,al jz .5 cmp al,0Ah jz .5 cmp al,0Dh jz .5 cmp al,10h jb .X jmp .6 .5: mov al,20h jmp .6 .X: mov al,'.' .6: mov [rdi],al add esi,2 inc edi loop .4 mov byte [rdi],13 inc edi dec ebx jnz .3 mov ecx,[CurWidth] inc ecx imul ecx,[CurHeight] mov [DumpBlock.Size],ecx mov [DumpBlock.Func],SSF_WRITE_FILE mcall 70,DumpBlock .Err: popad ret AfterGoException: push eax mov eax,[TempBreak] dec eax push esi call EnableBreakPoint ; in any case, clear TF and RF call GetNewContext and [_EFL],not 10100h ; clear TF,RF call SetContext xor edx,edx mov [TempBreak],edx xchg dl,[bAfterGo] pop esi pop eax cmp dl,2 jnz @F lodsd push esi call GetDump jmp Exception.Done @@: test eax,eax jz .NotInt1 ; if exception is result of single step, simply ignore it and continue test dword [esi],0xF jnz DbgMsgStart.5 lodsd push esi mov esi,OldContext mov edi,Context mov ecx,28h/4 rep movsd call DoResume jmp DbgMsgEnd .NotInt1: ; in other case, work as without temp_break lodsd push esi push eax jmp Exception.4 .NoTour: DebugMsg: neg [DbgBufSize] mov esi,DbgBuf DbgMsgStart: lodsd add esi,4 dec eax jz Exception dec eax jz Terminated dec eax jnz DbgNotify mov [bSuspended],1 cmp [bAfterGo],0 jnz AfterGoException push esi call GetNewContext and [_EFL],not 10100h ; clear TF,RF call SetContext pop esi .5: push esi call GetDump pop esi lodsd xor ecx,ecx .6: bt eax,ecx jnc .7 mov ebx,[DrXBreak+ecx*4] test ebx,ebx jz .7 pushad dec ebx push ebx mov esi,aBreakStop call PutMessageNoDraw popad .7: inc ecx cmp cl,4 jb .6 push esi jmp Exception.DoneDraw DbgNotify: int3 add esi,32 push esi jmp DbgMsgEnd Terminated: push esi mov esi,TerminatedMsg call PutMessage and [DebuggeePID],0 and [TempBreak],0 mov [bAfterGo],0 xor eax,eax mov ecx,BreakPointsN*6/4+4 mov edi,BreakPoints rep stosd cmp [bReload],1 sbb [bReload],-1 jnz Exception.Done call FreeSymbols jmp Exception.Done Exception: mov [bSuspended],1 cmp [bAfterGo],0 jnz AfterGoException lodsd push esi push eax call GetNewContext and [_EFL],not 10100h ; clear TF,RF call SetContext .4: call GetDump pop eax ; int3 command generates exception 0x0D, #GP push eax cmp al,0x0D jnz .NotDbg ; check for 0xCC byte at eip push 0 mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID],1,[_EIP],esp pop eax cmp al,0xCC je .Int3 ; check for 0xCD03 word at eip push 0 inc edx mcall 69;,6,[DebuggeePID],2,[_EIP],esp pop eax cmp ax,0x03CD jne .NotDbg mov eax,[_EIP] inc [_EIP] inc [_EIP] jmp .UserINT3 .Int3: ; this is either dbg breakpoint or int3 cmd in debuggee mov eax,[_EIP] call FindEnabledBreakPoint jnz .UserINT3 ; dbg breakpoint; clear if one-shot pop ecx push eax mov esi,aBreakStop test byte [edi+4],4 jz .PutMsgEAX pop ecx call ClearBreakPoint jmp .Done .UserINT3: mov eax,[_EIP] inc [_EIP] .UserINT3_: pop ecx push eax call SetContext mov esi,aUserBreak jmp .PutMsgEAX .NotDbg: pop eax push eax push eax mov esi,aException call PutMessageNoDraw pop eax cmp al,16 ja .Suspended mov esi,[MsgFaultSel+eax*4] .ShowMess: call PutMessageNoDraw .Suspended: mov esi,aSuspended .PutMsgEAX: call PutMessageNoDraw .DoneDraw: call DrawMessages .Done: mcall 18,3,[DbgWnd] ; activate dbg window call ShowImage DbgMsgEnd: pop esi mov ecx,[DbgBufLen] add ecx,DbgBuf cmp esi,ecx jnz DbgMsgStart and [DbgBufLen],0 neg [DbgBufSize] cmp [bReload],2 jnz @F mov [bReload],0 call DoReLoad @@: jmp WaitEvent ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Add breakpoint ; in: EAX = address; BL = flags ; out: CF = 1 => error ; CF = 0 and EAX = breakpoint number AddBreakPoint: xor ecx,ecx mov edi,BreakPoints @@: test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Found add edi,6 inc ecx cmp ecx,BreakPointsN jb @B stc ret .Found: stosd xchg eax,ecx mov [edi],bl test bl,2 jnz @F or byte [edi],2 push eax call EnableBreakPoint pop eax @@: clc ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Remove breakpoint ClearBreakPoint: cmp eax,BreakPointsN jae .Ret mov ecx,4 inc eax .1: cmp [DrXBreak-4+ecx*4],eax jnz @F and [DrXBreak-4+ecx*4],0 @@: loop .1 dec eax push eax add eax,eax lea edi,[BreakPoints+eax+eax*2+4] test byte [edi],1 pop eax jz .Ret push edi call DisableBreakPoint pop edi mov byte [edi],0 .Ret: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Disable breakpoint DisableBreakPoint: cmp eax,BreakPointsN jae .Ret add eax,eax lea edi,[BreakPoints+eax+eax*2+5] test byte [edi-1],1 jz .Ret test byte [edi-1],2 jnz .Ret or byte [edi-1],2 test byte [edi-1],8 jnz .DR push esi mcall 69,7,[DebuggeePID],1,[edi-5] pop esi .Ret: ret .DR: mov dl,[edi] shr dl,6 mov dh,80h mcall 69,9,[DebuggeePID] ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Enable breakpoint EnableBreakPoint: push esi cmp eax,BreakPointsN jae .Ret add eax,eax lea edi,[BreakPoints+eax+eax*2+5] test byte [edi-1],1 jz .Ret test byte [edi-1],2 jz .Ret and byte [edi-1],not 2 test byte [edi-1],8 jnz .DR mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID],1,[edi-5] dec eax jnz .Err push 0xCC mov edi,esp inc ebx mcall 69 pop eax .Ret: pop esi ret .Err: or byte [edi-1],2 mov esi,aBreakErr call PutMessage pop esi ret .DR: mov esi,[edi-5] mov dl,[edi] shr dl,6 mov dh,[edi] and dh,0xF mcall 69,9,[DebuggeePID] test eax,eax jnz .Err pop esi ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Find breakpoint FindBreakPoint: xor ecx,ecx xchg eax,ecx mov edi,BreakPoints @@: test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Cont test byte [edi+4],8 jnz .Cont cmp [edi],ecx jz .Found .Cont: add edi,6 inc eax cmp eax,BreakPointsN jb @B or eax,-1 .Found: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; FindEnabledBreakPoint: xor ecx,ecx xchg eax,ecx mov edi,BreakPoints @@: test byte [edi+4],1 jz .Cont test byte [edi+4],2 or 8 jnz .Cont cmp [edi],ecx jz .Found .Cont: add edi,6 inc eax cmp eax,BreakPointsN jb @B or eax,-1 .Found: ret GetDump: if 0 mov edi,DumpData mov esi,[edi-4] mov edx,DUMP_HEIGHT*10h mov ecx,edx xor eax,eax push edi rep stosb pop edi mcall 69,6,[DebuggeePID] cmp eax,-1 jnz @F mov esi,ReadMemErr call PutMessage xor eax,eax @@: mov [edi-8],eax ; in: edi=buffer,eax=size,esi=address RestoreFromBreaks: mov ebx,BreakPoints @@: test byte [ebx+4],1 jz .Cont ; ignore invalid test byte [ebx+4],2 or 8 jnz .Cont ; ignore disabled and memory breaks mov ecx,[ebx] sub ecx,esi cmp ecx,eax jae .Cont mov dl,[ebx+5] mov [edi+ecx],dl .Cont: add ebx,6 cmp ebx,BreakPoints+BreakPointsN*6 jb @B end if ret ; in: edi=buffer,esi=address RestoreFromBreaksOne: mov ebx,BreakPoints @@: test byte [ebx+4],1 jz .Cont ; ignore invalid test byte [ebx+4],2 or 8 jnz .Cont ; ignore disabled and memory breaks mov ecx,[ebx] sub ecx,esi cmp ecx,1 jae .Cont mov dl,[ebx+5] mov [edi+ecx],dl jmp .Exit .Cont: add ebx,6 cmp ebx,BreakPoints+BreakPointsN*6 jb @B .Exit: ret GetCommandLine: cmp ah,0x01 jz .Esc cmp al,8 jz .Backspace cmp al,0xB0 jz .Left cmp al,0xB3 jz .Right cmp al,0x0D jz .Enter cmp al,0xB6 jz .Del cmp al,0xB4 jz .Home cmp al,0xB5 jz .End cmp al,0xB1 jz .Dn cmp al,0xB2 jz .Up mov [CmdHistBuffer.TmpLineFlag],0 cmp [CmdLineLen],CMD_WIDTH jae WaitEvent push eax call ClearCmdLineEnd pop eax mov edi,CmdLine mov ecx,[CmdLineLen] add edi,ecx lea esi,[edi-1] sub ecx,[CmdLinePos] std rep movsb cld stosb inc [CmdLineLen] call DrawCmdLineEnd inc [CmdLinePos] call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Esc: xor eax,eax mov [CmdLinePos],eax mov [CmdLineLen],eax mov [CmdLineActive],al call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Backspace: mov [CmdHistBuffer.TmpLineFlag],0 cmp [CmdLinePos],0 jz WaitEvent dec [CmdLinePos] .DelChar: mov [CmdHistBuffer.TmpLineFlag],0 call ClearCmdLineEnd mov edi,[CmdLinePos] dec [CmdLineLen] mov ecx,[CmdLineLen] sub ecx,edi add edi,CmdLine lea esi,[edi+1] rep movsb call DrawCmdLineEnd call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Del: mov eax,[CmdLinePos] cmp eax,[CmdLineLen] jae WaitEvent jmp .DelChar .Left: cmp [CmdLinePos],0 jz WaitEvent call HideCursor dec [CmdLinePos] call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Right: mov eax,[CmdLinePos] cmp eax,[CmdLineLen] jae WaitEvent call HideCursor inc [CmdLinePos] call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Home: call HideCursor and [CmdLinePos],0 call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .End: call HideCursor mov eax,[CmdLineLen] mov [CmdLinePos],eax call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent .Up: xor edx,edx jmp .Hist .Dn: xor edx,edx inc edx .Hist: cmp [CmdHistBuffer.TmpLineFlag],1 je @F mov eax,CmdLine mov ecx,[CmdLineLen] mov byte [eax+ecx],0 call AddCmdHistTmpLine @@: test edx,edx jnz .Hist.Next cmp [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag],0 jne @F call GetCmdHistLine inc [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag] jmp .Hist.CPLine @@: call PrevCmdHistLine jc WaitEvent call GetCmdHistLine inc [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag] jmp .Hist.CPLine .Hist.Next: cmp [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag],0 je WaitEvent call NextCmdHistLine call GetCmdHistLine jnc .Hist.CPLine call GetCmdHistTmpLine mov [CmdHistBuffer.TmpLineFlag],0 mov [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag],0 .Hist.CPLine: mov esi,eax mov edi,CmdLine xor ecx,ecx @@: inc ecx lodsb stosb test al,al jnz @B dec ecx mov [CmdLinePos],0 call ClearCmdLineEnd mov [CmdLineLen],ecx mov [CmdLinePos],ecx call DrawCmdLine call DrawCursor jmp WaitEvent ; We also trying to execute previous command, if empty command_line .Enter: mov [CmdLineActive],0 mov ecx,[CmdLineLen] test ecx,ecx jnz .ExecCur mov cl,byte [CmdLinePrev] cmp cl,0 jz WaitEvent .ExecPrev: mov esi,CmdLinePrev jmp .Exec .ExecCur: mov esi,CmdLine .Exec: mov byte [esi+ecx],0 mov eax,esi call AddCmdHistLine mov [CmdHistBuffer.NFlag],0 and [CmdLinePos],0 push esi call ClearCmdLineEnd call DrawCursor pop esi and [CmdLineLen],0 ; skip leading spaces call GetArg.SkipSpaces cmp al,0 jz WaitEvent ; now esi points to command push esi mov esi,Prompt call PutMessageNoDraw pop esi push esi call PutMessageNoDraw Z1: mov esi,NewLine call PutMessage pop esi push esi call GetArg mov [CurArg],esi pop edi mov esi,Commands call FindCmd mov eax,aUnknownCommand jc .X11 ; check command requirements ; flags field: ; &1: command may be called without parameters ; &2: command may be called with parameters ; &4: command may be called without loaded program ; &8: command may be called with loaded program mov eax,[esi+8] mov ecx,[CurArg] cmp byte [ecx],0 jz .NoArgs test byte [esi+16],2 jz .X11 jmp @F .NoArgs: test byte [esi+16],1 jz .X11 @@: cmp [DebuggeePID],0 jz .NoDebuggee mov eax,aAlreadyLoaded test byte [esi+16],8 jz .X11 jmp .X9 .NoDebuggee: mov eax,NeedDebuggee test byte [esi+16],4 jnz .X9 .X11: xchg esi,eax call PutMessage ; store cmdline for repeating .X10: mov esi,CmdLine mov ecx,[CmdLineLen] @@: or ecx,ecx jle .We mov al,[esi+ecx] mov [CmdLinePrev+ecx],al dec ecx jmp @B .We: mov [CmdLineLen],0 jmp WaitEvent .X9: call dword [esi+4] jmp .X10 PutMessage: call PutMessageNoDraw DrawMessages: mov [AfterKey],1 call ShowImage ret include "" include "" include "" HeaderN db 'SunSys Debugger ver ',VERSION,' - No program loaded',0 HeaderY db 'SunSys Debugger ver ',VERSION,' - ',60 dup 32,0 HeaderE: ; LoadErrMsg db 'Cannot load program. ',0 UnkErrMsg db 'Unknown error code -%4X',10,0 aCannotLoadFile db 'Cannot load file. ',0 UnkErrMsg2 db 'Unknown error code %4X.',10,0 LoadErrMsgs: dd .1,0,.3,0,.5,.6,0,0,.9,.A,0,0,0,0,0,0 dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,.1E,.1F,.20 .1 db 'HD undefined.',10,0 .3 db 'Unknown FS.',10,0 .5 db 'File not found.',10,0 .6 db 'Unexpected EOF.',10,0 .9 db 'FAT table corrupted.',10,0 .A db 'Access denied.',10,0 .1E db 'No memory.',10,0 .1F db 'Not Menuet/Kolibri executable.',10,0 .20 db 'Too many processes.',10,0 LoadSuccMsg db 'Program loaded successfully! PID=%4X. Use "g" to run.',10,0 TerminatedMsg db 'Program terminated.',10,0 MsgFaultSel dd aDivide,aDebug,aNonMask,aUndefined,aOverflow dd aBounds,aInvalid,aCoProcessorNA,aDoubleFault dd aUndefined,aInvalidTSS,aSegment,aStack dd aProtection,aPageFault,aUndefined,aCoProcessor aDivide db '(Divide error)',10,0 aDebug db '(Single-step/debug exception)',10,0 aNonMask db '(Nonmaskable interrupt)',10,0 aOverflow db '(Overflow)',10,0 aBounds db '(Bounds check)',10,0 aInvalid db '(Invalid opcode)',10,0 aCoProcessorNA db '(Coprocessor not available)',10,0 aDoubleFault db '(Double fault)',10,0 aUndefined db '(Undefined fault)',10,0 aInvalidTSS db '(Invalid TSS)',10,0 aSegment db '(Segment not present)',10,0 aStack db '(Stack fault)',10,0 aProtection db '(General protection fault)',10,0 aPageFault db '(Page fault)',10,0 aCoProcessor db '(Coprocessor error)',10,0 aSuspended db 'Suspended',10,0 aContinued db 'Continuing',10,0 aRunningErr db 'Program is running',10,0 aException db 'Debugged program caused an exception %2X. ',0 aBreakErr db 'Cannot activate breakpoint, it will be disabled',10,0 aDuplicateBreakpoint db 'Duplicate breakpoint',10,0 aInvalidBreak db 'Invalid breakpoint number',10,0 aBreakNum db '%2X: at %8X',0 aMemBreak1 db '%2X: on ',0 aMemBreak2 db 'read from ',0 aMemBreak3 db 'access of ',0 aMemBreak4 db 'byte',0 aMemBreak5 db 'word',0 aMemBreak6 db 'dword',0 aMemBreak7 db ' at %8X',0 aOneShot db ', one-shot',0 aDisabled db ', disabled',0 aBreakStop db 'Breakpoint #%2X',10,0 aUserBreak db 'int3 command at %8X',10,0 ReadMemErr db 'ERROR: cannot read process memory!!!',10,0 aBreakpointLimitExceeded db 'Breakpoint limit exceeded',10,0 aUnknownCommand db 'Unknown command',10,0 NeedDebuggee db 'No program loaded. Use "load" command.',10,0 aAlreadyLoaded db 'Program is already loaded. Use "terminate" or "detach" commands',10,0 aParseError db 'Parse error',10,0 aDivByZero db 'Division by 0',10,0 CalcString db '%8X',10,0 aNoMemory db 'No memory',10,0 aSymbolsLoaded db 'Symbols loaded',10,0 aUnaligned db 'Unaligned address',10,0 aEnabledBreakErr db 'Enabled breakpoints are not allowed',10,0 aInterrupted db 'Interrupted',10,0 aUnpacked db 'Unpacked successful!',10,0 OnBeErrMsg db 'There is already enabled breakpoint on this address',10,0 DumpPath db '/TMP0/1/' DumpName db 'DUMP0000.TXT',0 even 4 ConsoleColors dd 0x000000,0x000080,0x008000,0x008080 dd 0x800000,0x800080,0x808000,0xC0C0C0 dd 0x1D272F,0x0000FF,0x00FF00,0x00FFFF;0x808080,0x0000FF,0x00FF00,0x00FFFF dd 0xFF0000,0xFF00FF,0xFFFF00,0xFFFFFF CurWidth dd MinWidth CurHeight dd MinHeight FillWidth dd 0 FillHeight dd 0 MemForImage dd 0 bWasE0 db 0 CtrlState db 0 MouseState db 0 bMemForImageValidData db 0 bReload db 0 bAfterGo db 0 bSuspended db 0 CodeType db 32 DoDraw db 0 SymbolSection db 0 CmdLineActive db 0,? CursorX dd -1 CursorY dd -1 CursorSize dd CursorNormSize CurCursorPos dd -1 OldCursorPos dd -1 DebuggeePID dd 0 DumpBlock: .Func dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 .Size dd 0 dd ConsoleDataOld db 0 dd DumpPath FN70LoadBlock: dd 7 dd 1 LoadParams dd 0 dd 0 dd 0 LoadName: db 0 rb 255 FN70ReadBlock: dd 0 rq 1 dd ? dd ? db 0 dd ? FN70AttrBlock: dd 5 dd 0,0,0 dd FileAttr db 0 dd ? IncludeAllGlobals DbgWnd dd ? TempBreak dd ? WndWidth dd ? WndHeight dd ? MinY dd ? MaxY dd ? MinX dd ? MaxX dd ? Tmp dd ? SkinH dd ? StdColors rd 10 AppPath rb 4096 ProcInfo rb 1024 even 16 ConsoleDataPtr rw (MaxWidth+0)*MaxHeight even 16 ConsoleDataOld rw (MaxWidth+1)*MaxHeight even 16 NeedZeroStart: DbgBufSize dd ? DbgBufLen dd ? DbgBuf rb 256 FileAttr rb 40 even 4 Context: _EIP dd ? _EFL dd ? _EAX dd ? _ECX dd ? _EDX dd ? _EBX dd ? _ESP dd ? _EBP dd ? _ESI dd ? _EDI dd ? _CTX_FLAGS: dd ? dd ? _SSE_FLAGS: _FCW dw ? _FSW dw ? _FTW db ? db ? _FOP dw ? _FPU_IP dd ? dw ? dw ? _FPU_DP dd ? dw ? dw ? _MXCSR dd ? _MXCSRM dd ? FPU_CONTEXT: MMX_CONTEXT: _ST0: _MM0: rq 2 _ST1: _MM1: rq 2 _ST2: _MM2: rq 2 _ST3: _MM3: rq 2 _ST4: _MM4: rq 2 _ST5: _MM5: rq 2 _ST6: _MM6: rq 2 _ST7: _MM7: rq 2 SSE_CONTEXT: _XMM0 rq 2 _XMM1 rq 2 _XMM2 rq 2 _XMM3 rq 2 _XMM4 rq 2 _XMM5 rq 2 _XMM6 rq 2 _XMM7 rq 2 CtxEnd: OldContext rb (CtxEnd-Context) Plus = (OldContext-Context) StepNum dd ? ProcNum dd ? if 0 DUMP_HEIGHT = 6 ; in text lines ; DumpRead dd ? DumpPos dd ? DumpData rb DUMP_HEIGHT*10h end if CmdLine rb CMD_WIDTH+1 CmdLineLen dd ? CmdLinePos dd ? CurArg dd ? CmdLinePrev rb CMD_WIDTH+1 SymbolsFile rb 260 PrgNamePtr dd ? PrgNameLen dd ? Symbols dd ? NumSymbols dd ? CmdHistBuffer: .Ptr dd ? .Size dd ? .LastNodeOffset dd ? .NewNodeOffset dd ? .CurNodeOffset dd ? .TmpLineFlag db ? .NFlag db ? ; breakpoint structure: ; dword +0: address ; byte +4: flags ; bit 0: 1 <=> breakpoint valid ; bit 1: 1 <=> breakpoint disabled ; bit 2: 1 <=> one-shot breakpoint ; bit 3: 1 <=> DRx breakpoint ; byte +5: overwritten byte ; for DRx breaks: flags + (index shl 6) BreakPointsN = 256 BreakPoints rb BreakPointsN*6 DrXBreak rd 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CurrentWindow dd ? CPUXPos dd ? ; coordinates of cursor in windows CPUYPos dd ? CPUXPtr dd ? MemXPos dd ? MemYPos dd ? StkXPos dd ? StkYPos dd ? RegXPos dd ? RegYPos dd ? RegLDat dd ? RegXPtr dd ? CPUType db ? FPUType db ? MMXType db ? XMMType db ? JumpTaken db ? AfterKey db ? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TmpB rb 0 Temp dd ? ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CodeAddr dd ? ;0 order RegsAddr dd ? ;1 DataAddr dd ? ;2 StckAddr dd ? ;3 OriginPtr: rd 2 AddrBuffer: rd 30 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeedZeroEnd: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BufferI: rb 1024 BufferO: rb 1024 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; stack even 4 rb 32768 StackTop: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mem: ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I_END = UDataStr ;%v ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------