;;================================================================================================;; ;;//// tiff.asm //// (c) dunkaist, 2011-2012 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;; ;; ;; This file is part of Common development libraries (Libs-Dev). ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 ;; ;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; ;; ;; Libs-Dev is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without ;; ;; even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;; ;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;; ;; ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with Libs-Dev. ;; ;; If not, see . ;; ;; ;; ;;================================================================================================;; include 'tiff.inc' ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.is.tiff _data, _length ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Determine if raw data could be decoded (is in tiff format) ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = false / true ;; ;;================================================================================================;; push esi mov esi, [_data] lodsw cmp ax, word 'II' je .little_endian cmp ax, word 'MM' je .big_endian jmp .is_not_tiff .little_endian: lodsw cmp ax, 0x002A je .is_tiff jmp .is_not_tiff .big_endian: lodsw cmp ax, 0x2A00 je .is_tiff .is_not_tiff: pop esi xor eax, eax ret .is_tiff: pop esi xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.decode.tiff _data, _length, _options ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Decode data into image if it contains correctly formed raw data in tiff format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _data = raw data as read from file/stream ;; ;> _length = data length ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to image ;; ;;================================================================================================;; locals _endianness rd 1 ; 0 stands for LE, otherwise BE retvalue rd 1 ; 0 (error) or pointer to image endl push ebx edx esi edi mov esi, [_data] lodsw mov [_endianness], 0 cmp ax, word 'II' seta byte[_endianness] lodsw_ lodsd_ @@: stdcall tiff._.parse_IFD, [_data], eax, [_endianness] mov ebx, eax mov [retvalue], eax lodsd_ test eax, eax ; jnz @b .quit: mov eax, [retvalue] pop edi esi edx ebx ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.encode.tiff _img, _p_length, _options ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? Encode image into raw data in tiff format ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> _img = pointer to image ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 (error) or pointer to encoded data ;; ;< _p_length = encoded data length ;; ;;================================================================================================;; xor eax, eax ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below are private procs you should never call directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; proc tiff._.parse_IFD _data, _IFD, _endianness locals extended rd 1 retvalue rd 1 decompress rd 1 endl push ebx edx edi mov [retvalue], 0 invoke mem.alloc, sizeof.tiff_extra test eax, eax jz .quit mov [extended], eax mov ebx, eax mov edi, eax mov ecx, sizeof.tiff_extra/4 xor eax, eax rep stosd mov esi, [_IFD] add esi, [_data] lodsw_ movzx ecx, ax @@: push ecx stdcall tiff._.parse_IFDE, [_data], [_endianness] pop ecx dec ecx jnz @b call tiff._.define_image_type stdcall img.create, [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax test eax, eax jz .quit mov [retvalue], eax mov edx, eax mov [edx + Image.Extended], ebx cmp [ebx+tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.UNCOMPRESSED jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.uncompressed jmp .decompressor_defined @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], TIFF.COMPRESSION.PACKBITS jne @f mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.packbits jmp .decompressor_defined @@: mov [decompress], tiff._.decompress.ccitt1d jmp .decompressor_defined jmp .quit .decompressor_defined: push esi ; fixme!! mov ecx, [edx + Image.Type] dec ecx jz .bpp8i dec ecx jz .bpp24 dec ecx jz .bpp32 dec ecx dec ecx ; tiff doesn't handle 15bpp images jz .bpp16 dec ecx jz .bpp1 dec ecx jz .bpp8g dec ecx jz .bpp8a ;error report!! .bpp1: .bpp1.palette: mov edi, [edx+Image.Palette] cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC.BLACK_IS_ZERO jne .bpp1.white_is_zero .bpp1.black_is_zero: mov [edi], dword 0x00000000 mov [edi + 4], dword 0x00ffffff jmp .common .bpp1.white_is_zero: mov [edi], dword 0x00ffffff mov [edi + 4], dword 0x00000000 jmp .common .bpp4: jmp .common .bpp8i: mov esi, [ebx + tiff_extra.palette] mov ah, 2 .bpp8.channel: mov edi, eax and edi, 0x0000ff00 shr edi, 8 add edi, [edx + Image.Palette] mov ecx, 256 @@: lodsb stosb lodsb add edi, 3 dec ecx jnz @b dec ah jns .bpp8.channel jmp .common .bpp8g: jmp .common .bpp8a: jmp .common .bpp16: jmp .common .bpp24: jmp .common .bpp32: jmp .common .common: mov edi, [edx+Image.Data] mov esi, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_offsets] mov edx, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts] cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .l_x cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .s_l jmp .s_s .l_x: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jne .l_l jmp .l_s .s_s: xor eax, eax lodsw_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] xor ecx, ecx mov cx, word[edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f xchg cl, ch @@: add edx, 2 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .s_s jmp .decoded .s_l: xor eax, eax lodsw_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] mov ecx, [edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f bswap ecx @@: add edx, 4 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .s_l jmp .decoded .l_s: lodsd_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] xor ecx, ecx mov cx, word[edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f xchg cl, ch @@: add edx, 2 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .l_s jmp .decoded .l_l: lodsd_ push esi mov esi, eax add esi, [_data] mov ecx, [edx] test [_endianness], 1 jz @f bswap ecx @@: add edx, 4 stdcall [decompress], [retvalue] pop esi dec [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number] jnz .l_l jmp .decoded .decoded: .check1: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], 3 jne .check2 mov eax, [retvalue] mov esi, [eax + Image.Data] mov edi, [eax + Image.Data] mov ecx, [eax + Image.Width] imul ecx, [eax + Image.Height] @@: lodsw movsb mov byte[esi - 1], al add edi, 2 dec ecx jnz @b jmp .pop_quit .check2: mov ebx, [retvalue] cmp [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp8a jne .pop_quit stdcall tiff._.pack_8a, ebx mov [ebx + Image.Type], Image.bpp8g ; mov eax, [ebx + Image.Width] ; imul eax, [ebx + Image.Height] ; mov ecx, eax ; add ecx, [ebx + Image.Data] ; mov [ebx + Image.Palette], ecx ; add eax, 256*4 ; stdcall [mem.realloc], [ebx + Image.Data], eax ; mov edi, [ebx + Image.Palette] ; mov eax, 0xff000000 ; @@: ; stosd ; add eax, 0x00010101 ; jnc @b .pop_quit: pop esi .quit: pop edi edx ebx mov eax, [retvalue] ret endp proc tiff._.parse_IFDE _data, _endianness push ebx edx edi lodsw_ mov edx, tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin mov ecx, (tiff.IFDE_tag_table.end-tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin)/8 .tag: cmp ax, word[edx] jne @f lodsw_ jmp dword[edx + 4] @@: add edx, 8 dec ecx jnz .tag .tag_default: ; unknown/unsupported/uninteresting/unimportant lodsw lodsd lodsd jmp .quit ; just skip it .tag_100: ; ImageWidth cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.LONG jne @f lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_width], eax jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_101: ; ImageHeight cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.LONG jne @f lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.image_height], eax jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_102: ; BitsPerSample lodsd_ imul eax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT cmp eax, 4 ja @f xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] push esi mov esi, eax xor eax, eax lodsw_ pop esi mov [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], eax jmp .quit .tag_103: ; Compression cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.compression], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_106: ; PhotometricInterpretation cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .tag_111: ; StripOffsets cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jmp .tag_111.common @@: mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.LONG .tag_111.common: lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.offsets_number], eax imul eax, [ebx+tiff_extra.strip_offsets_length] cmp eax, 4 ja @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets], esi lodsd jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_offsets], eax jmp .quit .tag_115: ; SamplesPerPixel lodsd_ imul eax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT cmp eax, 4 ja @f xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] movzx eax, word[eax] jmp .quit .tag_116: ; RowsPerStrip cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f lodsd xor eax, eax lodsw_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.rows_per_strip], eax lodsw jmp .quit @@: lodsd lodsd_ mov [ebx + tiff_extra.rows_per_strip], eax jmp .quit .tag_117: ; StripByteCounts cmp ax, TIFF.IFDE_TYPE.SHORT jne @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.SHORT jmp .tag_117.common @@: mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length], TIFF.IFDE_TYPE_LENGTH.LONG .tag_117.common: lodsd_ imul eax, [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts_length] cmp eax, 4 ja @f mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts], esi lodsd jmp .quit @@: lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.strip_byte_counts], eax jmp .quit .tag_140: ; ColorMap lodsd lodsd_ add eax, [_data] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.palette], eax jmp .quit .tag_152: ; ExtraSamples mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples], esi mov ecx, [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number] rep lodsw ; ignored jmp .quit .quit: pop edi edx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.define_image_type xor eax, eax cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.photometric], TIFF.PHOTOMETRIC.RGB jne .not_full_color mov eax, -3 add eax, [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number], eax dec eax jns @f mov eax, Image.bpp24 jmp .quit @@: dec eax jns @f mov eax, Image.bpp32 ; mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number], 0 jmp .quit @@: .not_full_color: ; grayscale, indexed, bilevel cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 1 jg .not_bilevel mov eax, Image.bpp1 jmp .quit .not_bilevel: ; grayscale, indexed cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.palette], 0 je .without_palette cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 4 jne @f ; mov eax, Image.bpp4 jmp .quit @@: cmp [ebx + tiff_extra.bits_per_sample], 8 jne @f mov eax, Image.bpp8i jmp .quit @@: jmp .quit .without_palette: ; grayscale mov eax, -1 add eax, [ebx + tiff_extra.samples_per_pixel] mov [ebx + tiff_extra.extra_samples_number], eax dec eax jns @f mov eax, Image.bpp8g jmp .quit @@: mov eax, Image.bpp8a jmp .quit .quit: ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.uncompressed _image rep movsb ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.packbits _image push ebx ecx edx esi mov edx, ecx .decode: lodsb dec edx cmp al, 0x7f jbe .different cmp al, 0x80 jne .identical test edx, edx jz .quit jmp .decode .identical: neg al inc al movzx ecx, al dec edx lodsb rep stosb test edx, edx jnz .decode jmp .quit .different: movzx ecx, al inc ecx sub edx, ecx rep movsb test edx, edx jnz .decode .quit: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.decompress.ccitt1d _image locals current_tree rd 1 old_tree rd 1 width rd 1 height rd 1 width_left rd 1 is_makeup rd 1 endl push ebx ecx edx esi mov [is_makeup], 0 mov ebx, [_image] push [ebx + Image.Height] pop [height] push [ebx + Image.Width] pop [width] mov edx, esi .next_scanline: push [width] pop [width_left] dec [height] js .error mov [current_tree], tiff._.huffman_tree_white.begin mov [old_tree], tiff._.huffman_tree_black.begin mov ebx, 0 mov ecx, 8 .next_run: mov esi, [current_tree] .branch: lodsd btr eax, 31 jnc .not_a_leaf cmp eax, 63 seta byte[is_makeup] ja @f push [current_tree] push [old_tree] pop [current_tree] pop [old_tree] @@: stdcall tiff._.write_run, [width_left], [current_tree] mov [width_left], eax test byte[is_makeup], 0x01 jnz .next_run test eax, eax jnz .next_run jmp .next_scanline .not_a_leaf: test bh, bh jnz @f mov bl, byte[edx] inc edx mov bh, 8 @@: test al, 0x02 jz .not_a_corner dec bh sal bl, 1 lahf and ah, 0x03 cmp al, ah jne .error mov esi, [esi] jmp .branch .not_a_corner: lodsd dec bh sal bl, 1 jc .branch mov esi, eax jmp .branch .error: .quit: pop esi edx ecx ebx ret endp proc tiff._.write_run _width_left, _current_tree push ebx test eax, eax jz .done sub [_width_left], eax js .error cmp esi, tiff._.huffman_tree_black.begin seta bh cmp ecx, eax ja .one_byte .many_bytes: mov bl, [edi] @@: shl bl, 1 or bl, bh dec eax dec ecx jnz @b mov [edi], bl inc edi mov ecx, eax and eax, 0x07 shr ecx, 3 push eax xor eax, eax test bh, bh jz @f dec al @@: rep stosb pop eax mov ecx, 8 test eax, eax jz .done .one_byte: mov bl, [edi] @@: shl bl, 1 or bl, bh dec ecx dec eax jnz @b mov byte[edi], bl cmp [_width_left], 0 jne .done mov bl, [edi] shl bl, cl mov byte[edi], bl inc edi .done: mov eax, [_width_left] jmp .quit .error: .quit: pop ebx ret endp proc tiff._.get_word _endianness lodsw test [_endianness], 1 jnz @f ret @@: xchg al, ah ret endp proc tiff._.get_dword _endianness lodsd test [_endianness], 1 jnz @f ret @@: bswap eax ret ret endp proc tiff._.pack_8a _img mov ebx, [_img] mov esi, [ebx + Image.Data] mov edi, esi mov ecx, [ebx + Image.Width] imul ecx, [ebx + Image.Height] @@: lodsw stosb dec ecx jnz @b ret endp ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;! Below is private data you should never use directly from your code ;; ;;================================================================================================;; ;;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;; ;;================================================================================================;; tiff.IFDE_tag_table.begin: .tag_100: dd 0x0100, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_100 ; image width .tag_101: dd 0x0101, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_101 ; image height (this is called 'length' in spec) .tag_102: dd 0x0102, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_102 ; bits per sample .tag_103: dd 0x0103, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_103 ; compression .tag_106: dd 0x0106, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_106 ; photometric interpretation .tag_111: dd 0x0111, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_111 ; strip offsets .tag_115: dd 0x0115, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_115 ; samples per pixel .tag_116: dd 0x0116, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_116 ; rows per strip .tag_117: dd 0x0117, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_117 ; strip byte counts .tag_140: dd 0x0140, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_140 ; color map .tag_152: dd 0x0152, tiff._.parse_IFDE.tag_152 ; extra samples tiff.IFDE_tag_table.end: include 'huffman.asm' ; huffman trees for ccitt1d compression method