; (Ü) ( ) Ü ) ( ) 256b intro by baze/3SC for Syndeecate 2001 use NASM to ; ßÛß ÛÜÛ ÛÛÛ ÛÛÜ loveC: thanks, Serzh: eat my socks dude ;] compile the ; ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) e-mail: baze@stonline.sk, web: www.3SC.sk source code ; Menuet port by VT appname equ 'TUBE - FPU' use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd START dd I_END dd 0x40000 dd 0x40000 dd 0,0 include 'macros.inc' START: call draw_window call init_tube push ebx still: pop ebx call MAIN push ebx mov eax,23 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 cmp eax,1 jne no_red call draw_window jmp still no_red: cmp eax,0 je still or eax,-1 int 0x40 SCREEN equ 160 PIXBUF equ 200h EYE equ EYE_P-2 MAIN: add bh,10;8 mov edi,PIXBUF fadd dword [di-PIXBUF+TEXUV-4] push di mov dx,-80 TUBEY: mov bp,-160 TUBEX: mov si,TEXUV fild word [si-TEXUV+EYE] mov [si],bp fild word [si] mov [si],dx fild word [si] mov cl,2 ROTATE: fld st3 fsincos fld st2 fmul st0,st1 fld st4 fmul st0,st3 db 0xde,0xe9 ; fsubp st1,st0 db 0xd9,0xcb ; fxch st3 fmulp st2,st0 fmulp st3,st0 faddp st2,st0 db 0xd9,0xca ; fxch st2 loop ROTATE fld st1 db 0xdc,0xc8 ; fmul st0,st fld st1 db 0xdc,0xc8 ; fmul st0,st faddp st1,st0 fsqrt db 0xde,0xfb ; fdivp st3,st0 fpatan fimul word [si-4] fistp word [si] fimul word [si-4] fistp word [si+1] mov si,[si] lea ax,[bx+si] add al,ah and al,64 mov al,-5 jz STORE_1 shl si,2 lea ax,[bx+si] sub al,ah mov al,-16 jns STORE_1 shl si,1 mov al,-48 STORE_1: ; add al,[ebx+esi+0x80000] add [di],al inc di inc bp cmp bp,160 EYE_P: jnz TUBEX inc dx cmp dx,80 jnz TUBEY call display_image pop si mov ch,SCREEN*320/256 BLUR: inc si sar byte [si],2 loop BLUR ret display_image: pusha mov esi,PIXBUF mov edi,0x10000 newp: movzx edx,byte [esi] shl edx,4 ; mov dh,dl mov [edi],edx add edi,3 inc esi cmp esi,320*160+PIXBUF jbe newp mov eax,7 mov ecx,320*65536+160 xor edx,edx mov ebx,0x10000 int 0x40 popa ret draw_window: pusha mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 xor eax,eax mov ebx,100*65536+329 mov ecx,100*65536+186 mov edx,0x33000000 mov edi,header int 0x40 mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 popa ret header db appname,0 db 41,0,0xC3,0x3C TEXUV: init_tube: mov ecx,256 PAL1: mov dx,3C8h mov ax,cx inc dx sar al,1 js PAL2 mul al shr ax,6 PAL2: mov al,0 jns PAL3 sub al,cl shr al,1 shr al,1 PAL3: mov bx,cx mov [ebx+0x1000],bh loop PAL1 mov ecx,256 TEX: mov bx,cx add ax,cx rol ax,cl mov dh,al sar dh,5 adc dl,dh adc dl,[ebx+255+0x1000] shr dl,1 mov [ebx+0x1000],dl not bh mov [ebx+0x1000],dl loop TEX fninit fldz ret I_END: