; If you know macro language of FASM, there is almost nothing to comment here. ; If you don't know macro language of FASM, comments would not help you. filename equ '%EXENAME%' SPE_DIR_ORDER fix IMPORT EXPORT BASERELOC EXCEPTION TLS BOUND_IMPORT RESOURCE count = 0 irps dir,SPE_DIR_ORDER { SPE_DIRECTORY_#dir = count count = count + 1 } IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXPORT = 0 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT = 1 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE = 2 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_EXCEPTION = 3 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC = 5 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TLS = 9 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT = 11 virtual at 0 file filename:3Ch,4 load pehea dword from 0 end virtual virtual at 0 file filename:pehea,0F8h load NumberOfSections word from 6 load SizeOfOptionalHeader word from 14h if SizeOfOptionalHeader<>0E0h error Nonstandard PE header end if load Characteristics word from 16h load AddressOfEntryPoint dword from 28h load ImageBase dword from 34h load SectionAlignment dword from 38h load FileAlignment dword from 3Ch load MajorOperatingSystemVersion word from 40h load MinorOperatingSystemVersion word from 42h load MajorSubsystemVersion word from 48h load MinorSubsystemVersion word from 4Ah load SizeOfImage dword from 50h load SizeOfHeaders dword from 54h load Subsystem word from 5Ch load SizeOfStackReserve dword from 60h load SizeOfHeapReserve dword from 68h load SrcNumberOfRvaAndSizes dword from 74h DstNumberOfRvaAndSizes = 0 irps dir,SPE_DIR_ORDER { if IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_#dir < SrcNumberOfRvaAndSizes load DirRVA_#dir dword from 78h + 8*IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_#dir load DirSize_#dir dword from 7Ch + 8*IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_#dir else DirRVA_#dir = 0 DirSize_#dir = 0 end if if DirRVA_#dir > 0 & DirSize_#dir > 0 DstNumberOfRvaAndSizes = SPE_DIRECTORY_#dir + 1 end if } end virtual SectionAlignmentLog = 0 while SectionAlignment <> 1 shl SectionAlignmentLog SectionAlignmentLog = SectionAlignmentLog + 1 end while FileAlignmentLog = 0 while FileAlignment <> 1 shl FileAlignmentLog FileAlignmentLog = FileAlignmentLog + 1 end while ; header dw 'PE' xor 'S' ; Signature dw Characteristics or 0x100 ; IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE dd AddressOfEntryPoint dd ImageBase db SectionAlignmentLog db FileAlignmentLog db MajorSubsystemVersion db MinorSubsystemVersion dd SizeOfImage dd SizeOfStackReserve dd SizeOfHeapReserve SizeOfHeadersField: dd 0 db Subsystem db DstNumberOfRvaAndSizes dw NumberOfSections ; directories irps dir,SPE_DIR_ORDER { if SPE_DIRECTORY_#dir < DstNumberOfRvaAndSizes dd DirRVA_#dir, DirSize_#dir end if } NumBytesDeleted = pehea + 0F8h - $ + NumberOfSections*0Ch DeltaDeleted = NumBytesDeleted and not (FileAlignment - 1) ; Use store instead of declaring SizeOfHeaders - DeltaDeleted directly in dd ; to avoid the second compilation pass. store dword SizeOfHeaders - DeltaDeleted at SizeOfHeadersField ; sections repeat NumberOfSections file filename:pehea+0F8h+(%-1)*28h,18h load a dword from $-4 store dword a-DeltaDeleted at $-4 file filename:pehea+0F8h+(%-1)*28h+24h,4 end repeat ; padding to keep FileAlignment times NumBytesDeleted - DeltaDeleted db 0 ; data file filename:pehea+0F8h+NumberOfSections*28h