#define MEMSIZE 0x100000 //libraries #include "..\lib\kolibri.h" #include "..\lib\strings.h" #include "..\lib\gui.h" #include "..\lib\encoding.h" #include "..\lib\draw_buf.h" #include "..\lib\file_system.h" #include "..\lib\mem.h" #include "..\lib\dll.h" #include "..\lib\list_box.h" //*.obj libraries #include "..\lib\obj\box_lib.h" #include "..\lib\obj\libio_lib.h" #include "..\lib\obj\http.h" char header[]="New Downloader v0.6"; #ifdef LANG_RUS char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: ru\n"; #else char accept_language[]= "Accept-Language: en\n"; #endif proc_info Form; #define WIN_W 400 #define WIN_H 220 system_colors sc; #define URL param int mouse_twb; edit_box address_box= {250,20,20,0xffffff,0x94AECE,0xffffff,0xffffff,0,sizeof(URL),#URL,#mouse_twb,2,19,19}; dword speed[2000]; dword speed_position; dword bufpointer; dword bufsize; dword http_transfer = 0; dword http_buffer; DrawBufer diagram; void main() { int key, btn; char filepath[4096]; char notify_message[4296]; mem_Init(); load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libHTTP, #http_lib_init,1); if (!URL) strcpy(#URL, "http://builds.kolibrios.org/eng/latest-iso.7z"); address_box.size = address_box.pos = strlen(#URL); SetEventMask(0x27); //a7 loop() { WaitEventTimeout(40); switch(EAX & 0xFF) { CASE evMouse: if (!CheckActiveProcess(Form.ID)) break; if (http_transfer <= 0) edit_box_mouse stdcall (#address_box); break; case evButton: btn=GetButtonID(); if (btn==1) ExitProcess(); Scan(btn); break; case evKey: key = GetKey(); if (address_box.flags & 0b10) { EAX=key<<8; edit_box_key stdcall(#address_box); } if (key==13) Scan(301); break; case evReDraw: sc.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(215,100,WIN_W,WIN_H,0x73,sc.work,#header,0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); if (Form.status_window>2) break; if (Form.height<120) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,120); if (Form.width<280) MoveSize(OLD,OLD,280,OLD); diagram.Init(20, 87, Form.cwidth - 40, Form.cheight - 87 - 28); Draw_Window(); break; default: if (Form.width==0) break; if (http_transfer <= 0) break; http_receive stdcall (http_transfer); if (EAX == 0) { ESI = http_transfer; bufpointer = ESI.http_msg.content_ptr; bufsize = ESI.http_msg.content_received; http_free stdcall (http_transfer); http_transfer=0; strcpy(#filepath, "/tmp0/1/"); strcat(#filepath, #URL+strrchr(#URL, '/')); if (!WriteFile(bufsize, bufpointer, #filepath)) { strcpy(#notify_message, "File saved as "); } else { strcpy(#notify_message, "Error! Can't save file as "); } strcat(#notify_message, #filepath); notify(#notify_message); address_box.color = address_box.blur_border_color = address_box.focus_border_color = 0xFFFfff; Draw_Window(); } ESI = http_transfer; speed[speed_position] = ESI.http_msg.content_received; DrawSpeed(); speed_position++; } } } void DrawSpeed() { int i; int speed_in_position, speed_string; int max_speed, start_from; char bytes_received[70]; diagram.Fill(0xFCF8F7); max_speed = speed[speed_position]; if (speed_position < diagram.bufw) start_from = 0; else start_from = speed_position - diagram.bufw + 1; if (speed_position>0) for (i = 0; i <= speed_position-start_from; i++) { if (max_speed>0) { speed_in_position = diagram.bufh - 1 * speed[i+start_from] / max_speed; diagram.DrawBar(i, diagram.bufh - speed_in_position, 1, speed_in_position, 0x00A3CB); } } diagram.Show(); if (speed_position==0) return; if (http_transfer > 0) { strcpy(#bytes_received, "Downloading... "); } else { strcpy(#bytes_received, "Downloading competle. "); } speed_string = ConvertSize(speed[speed_position-1]); strcat(#bytes_received, speed_string); strcat(#bytes_received, " received."); DrawBar(diagram.bufx, diagram.bufy + diagram.bufh + 10, diagram.bufw, 9, sc.work); WriteText(diagram.bufx, diagram.bufy + diagram.bufh + 10, 0x80, sc.work_text, #bytes_received); } void Draw_Window() { DrawBar(0,0,Form.cwidth,Form.cheight,sc.work); //bg if (http_transfer <= 0) { DrawCaptButton(diagram.bufx, 50, 120, 20, 301, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, "Start downloading"); } else { DrawCaptButton(diagram.bufx, 50, 120, 20, 302, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, "Stop downloading"); } if (http_transfer <= 0) && (speed_position>0) { DrawCaptButton(diagram.bufx+130, 50, 120, 20, 305, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text, "Show in folder"); } WriteText(diagram.bufx, address_box.top + 4, 0x80, sc.work_text, "URL:"); address_box.left = strlen("URL:")*6 + 10 + diagram.bufx; address_box.width = Form.cwidth - address_box.left - diagram.bufx - 3; address_box.offset=0; edit_box_draw stdcall(#address_box); DrawRectangle(address_box.left-1, address_box.top-1, address_box.width+2, 16,address_box.color); DrawRectangle(address_box.left-2, address_box.top-2, address_box.width+4, 18,sc.work_graph); DrawRectangle(diagram.bufx-2, diagram.bufy-2, diagram.bufw+2, diagram.bufh+2, sc.work_graph); DrawSpeed(); } void Scan(int id) { if (id==301) && (http_transfer <= 0) StartDownloading(); if (id==302) StopDownloading(); if (id==305) RunProgram("/sys/File managers/Eolite", "/tmp0/1/"); } void StopDownloading() { if (http_transfer<>0) { EAX = http_transfer; EAX = EAX.http_msg.content_ptr; // get pointer to data $push EAX // save it on the stack http_free stdcall (http_transfer); // abort connection $pop EAX mem_Free(EAX); // free data http_transfer=0; bufsize = 0; bufpointer = mem_Free(bufpointer); } address_box.color = address_box.blur_border_color = address_box.focus_border_color = 0xFFFfff; speed_position = 0; Draw_Window(); } void StartDownloading() { StopDownloading(); speed_position = 0; if (strncmp(#URL,"http:",5)==0) { address_box.color = address_box.blur_border_color = address_box.focus_border_color = 0xededed; http_get stdcall (#URL, 0, 0, #accept_language); http_transfer = EAX; Draw_Window(); if (http_transfer == 0) { StopDownloading(); bufsize = 0; bufpointer = mem_Free(bufpointer); return; } } else { notify("File adress should starts from http://"); } } stop: