struct f70 func_n dd ? param1 dd ? param2 dd ? param3 dd ? param4 dd ? rezerv db ? name dd ? ends struct TexColViv Text rb MAX_COLOR_WORD_LEN ; слово для подсветки f1 dd 0 ; справка по слову wwo db ? ; whole words only endc db ? ; символ конца выделения (wwo&4) color db ? ; номер цвета ends struct symbol c db ? ; +0 символ col db ? ; +1 цвет perv dd ? ; +2 next dd ? ; +6 указатели tc dd ? ; +10 врем. создания td dd ? ; +14 врем. удаления ends hed db 'TextEditor 03.05.10',0 ;подпись окна sc system_colors fn_icon db 'te_icon.bmp',0 bmp_icon dd 0 run_file_70 f70 ;input: ; al = код ошибки align 4 ted_on_init_synt_err: mov byte[msgbox_3.err],al stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_3,thread ;message: Can-t open color options file! ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;функция для выделения памяти ;input: ; ecx = size data ;otput: ; eax = pointer to memory align 4 mem_Alloc: push ebx mov eax,68 mov ebx,12 int 0x40 pop ebx ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;функция для освобождения памяти ;input: ; ecx = pointer to memory align 4 mem_Free: push eax ebx cmp ecx,0 jz @f mov eax,68 mov ebx,13 int 0x40 @@: pop ebx eax ret align 4 ted_but_new_file: push eax ebx stdcall [ted_can_save], tedit0 cmp al,1 jne @f stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_2,thread ;message: save changes in file? ;mov eax,5 ;mov ebx,50 ;int 0x40 stdcall [mb_setfunctions],msgbox_2_funct jmp .ret_f @@: call On_NewFile .ret_f: pop ebx eax ret align 4 On_NewFile: stdcall [ted_clear], tedit0,1 call draw_but_toolbar stdcall [ted_draw], tedit0 ret align 4 On_SaveAndNewFile: push edi mov edi, tedit0 stdcall [ted_but_save_file],edi,run_file_70,[edit1.text] cmp ted_err_save,0 jne @f call On_NewFile @@: pop edi ret ;description: ; функция открытия файла без окона сообщения align 4 but_no_msg_OpenFile: push eax ebx stdcall [ted_open_file], tedit0,run_file_70,[edit1.text] call ted_messages_after_open_file pop ebx eax ret ;description: ; функция открытия файла с возможным окном сообщения (о возможности отменить открытие) align 4 ted_but_open_file: push eax ebx stdcall [ted_can_save], tedit0 cmp al,1 jne @f stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_5,thread ;message: save changes in file? stdcall [mb_setfunctions],msgbox_5_funct jmp .ret_f @@: stdcall [ted_open_file], tedit0,run_file_70,[edit1.text] call ted_messages_after_open_file .ret_f: pop ebx eax ret ;input: ; eax = код ошибки ; ebx = колличество прочитанных байт ; edi = pointer to tedit struct align 4 ted_messages_after_open_file: push ecx cmp eax,0 je @f cmp eax,6 je @f cmp ax,10 jl .zifra_0_9 mov al,'?' sub ax,48 .zifra_0_9: add ax,48 mov byte[msgbox_4.err],al stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_4,thread ;message: Can-t open text file! jmp .ret_f @@: cmp ebx,-1 je .ret_f ;if open file mov ecx,ted_max_chars sub ecx,2 ;ecx = максимальное число байт, для которых была выделена память cmp ebx,ecx jl .ret_f stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_1,thread .ret_f: pop ecx ret align 4 ted_save_err_msg: mov byte[msgbox_6.err],al stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_6,thread ;message: Can-t save text file! ret align 4 proc ted_but_open_syntax, edit:dword push ebx edi mov edi,dword[edit] cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_SYNTAX jne @f stdcall dword[tl_node_get_data], tree1 pop dword[fn_col_option] mov ebx,dword[fn_col_option] copy_path ebx,fn_syntax_dir,file_name_rez,0x0 copy_path file_name_rez,sys_path,file_name,0x0 stdcall [ted_init_syntax_file],edi,run_file_70,file_name call [ted_text_colored] stdcall [ted_draw],edi @@: pop edi ebx ret endp align 4 proc ted_but_find ;вызов/скрытие панели поиска push edi mov edi,tedit0 cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL je @f mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL mov ted_wnd_l,0 jmp .e_if @@: mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_FIND mov ted_wnd_l,TED_PANEL_WIDTH .e_if: stdcall EvSize,edi stdcall [ted_draw],edi pop edi ret endp align 4 ted_on_find_err: stdcall [mb_create],msgbox_7,thread ;message: Can not find text ret align 4 but_replace: ret align 4 but_find_key_w: ret align 4 proc but_sumb_invis, edit:dword push edi mov edi,dword[edit] xor ted_mode_invis,1 call draw_but_toolbar stdcall [ted_draw],edi pop edi ret endp align 4 proc but_k_words_show, edit:dword push edi mov edi,dword[edit] xor ted_mode_color,1 cmp ted_mode_color,0 je @f call [ted_text_colored] @@: call draw_but_toolbar stdcall [ted_draw],edi pop edi ret endp align 4 proc but_synt_show, edit:dword push edi mov edi,[edit] cmp ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL je @f mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_NULL mov ted_wnd_l,0 jmp .e_if @@: mov ted_panel_id,TED_PANEL_SYNTAX mov ted_wnd_l,TED_PANEL_WIDTH .e_if: stdcall EvSize,edi stdcall [ted_draw],edi pop edi ret endp