; ; Load of videomode driver in memory ; ; (driver is located at 0x760000-0x768000 - 32kb) // if this area not occuped anything ; ; Author: Trans ; Date: 19.07.2003 ; ; Include in MeOS kernel and compile with FASM ; ; LOAD VIDEOMODE DRIVER ; If vmode.mdr file not found or eax,-1 ; Driver ID = -1 (not present in system) mov [OS_BASE+0x760000],eax ; mov [OS_BASE+0x760100],byte 0xC3 ; Instruction RETN - driver loop pushad push eax mov eax, vmode - std_application_base_address call file_system_lfn pop eax popad ; mov esi, vmode ; xor ebx, ebx ; mov ecx, 0x8000 ; size of memory area for driver ; mov edx, OS_BASE+0x760000 ; Memory position of driver ; call fs_RamdiskRead