;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2011-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ ; All parsers are called with ds:si -> value of the variable, ; possibly with spaces before, and dx = limit of config file. ; Three subroutines parse_char, parse_number and parse_bool set CF ; if something has failed, otherwise return the value in al/ax. parse_timeout: ; timeout is a number not greater than 9 call parse_number jc .nothing cmp ax, 9 jbe @f mov ax, 9 @@: imul ax, 18 mov [es:preboot_timeout], ax .nothing: ret parse_resolution: ; resolution is *, 'x' can be used instead of '*' ; parse width call parse_number jc .nothing ; save width xchg ax, bx ; test for 'x' or '*' call parse_char cmp al, 'x' jz @f cmp al, '*' jnz .nothing @@: ; parse height call parse_number jc .nothing ; write width and height mov [es:x_save], bx mov [es:y_save], ax .nothing: ret parse_vbemode: ; vbemode is a number call parse_number jc .nothing mov [es:number_vm], ax .nothing: ret parse_biosdisks: ; using biosdisks is a boolean setting call parse_bool jc .nothing ; convert 0 to 2, 1 to 1 inc ax xor al, 3 mov [es:preboot_biosdisk], al .nothing: ret parse_imgfrom: ; boot device (1-floppy 2-kolibri.img using primary loader, 3-don't use ramdisk) call parse_number jc .nothing cmp al, 1 jb .nothing cmp al, 3 ja .nothing mov [es:preboot_device], al .nothing: ret parse_syspath: ; everything except spaces mov bx, preboot_syspath .next_char: call parse_char jc .done mov [es:bx], al inc bx jmp .next_char .done: mov byte[es:bx], 0 ; terminator ret parse_char: ; skip spaces and return the next character or CF if EOF. cmp si, dx jae .eof lodsb cmp al, ' ' jbe parse_char ret .eof: stc ret parse_number: ; initialize high part of ax to zero xor ax, ax ; skip spaces call parse_char jc .bad ; al should be a digit sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .bad ; accumulate the value in cx xchg cx, ax @@: cmp si, dx jae .eof lodsb sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .end imul cx, 10 add cx, ax jmp @b ; if the end is caused by non-digit, unwind the last character .end: dec si .eof: xchg cx, ax clc ret .bad: stc ret parse_bool: ; skip spaces call parse_char jc .bad ; Boolean false can be represented as 0=no=off, ; boolean true can be represented as 1=yes=on. cmp al, '0' jz .false cmp al, '1' jz .true mov ah, al cmp si, dx jae .bad lodsb cmp ax, 'n'*256 + 'o' jz .false cmp ax, 'o'*256 + 'f' jz .false cmp ax, 'y'*256 + 'e' jz .true cmp ax, 'o'*256 + 'n' jz .true .bad: stc ret .true: xor ax, ax inc ax ret .false: xor ax, ax ret