void TWebBrowser::SetStyle() { if (tag.get_value_of("name")) || (tag.get_value_of("id")) { anchors.add(tag.value, draw_y); if (anchors.current) && (streq(tag.value, #anchors.current+1)) { list.first = draw_y; anchors.current = NULL; } } if (tag.is("a")) { tag_a(); return; } if (tag.is("p")) { tag_p(); return; } if (tag.is("img")) { tag_img(); return; } if (tag.is("div")) { tag_div(); return; } if (tag.is("br")) { /*draw_x++;*/NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("header")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("article")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("footer")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("figure")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("w:p")) { NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("b")) { style.b = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("strong")) { style.b = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("big")) { style.b = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("w:b")) { style.b = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("u")) { style.u = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("ins")) { style.u = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("s")) { style.s = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("strike")) { style.s = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("del")) { style.s = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("pre")) { style.pre = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("blockquote")) { style.blq = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("button")) { style.button = tag.opened; return; } if (tag.is("dl")) { if (tag.opened) NewLine(); return; } if (tag.is("w:r")) { if (!tag.opened) style.b = false; return; } if (tag.is("h1")) { tag_h1234_caption(); return; } if (tag.is("h2")) { tag_h1234_caption(); return; } if (tag.is("h3")) { tag_h1234_caption(); return; } if (tag.is("h4")) { tag_h1234_caption(); return; } if (tag.is("font")) { tag_font(); return; } if (tag.is("dt")) { tag_ol_ul_dt(); return; } if (tag.is("dd")) { tag_ol_ul_dt(); return; } if (tag.is("ul")) { tag_ol_ul_dt(); return; } if (tag.is("ol")) { tag_ol_ul_dt(); return; } if (tag.is("li")) { tag_li(); return; } if (tag.is("q")) { tag_q(); return; } if (tag.is("hr")) { tag_hr(); return; } if (tag.is("meta")) { tag_meta_xml(); return; } if (tag.is("?xml")) { tag_meta_xml(); return; } if (tag.is("code")) { tag_code(); return; } if (tag.is("iframe")) { tag_iframe(); return; } if (tag.is("caption")) { tag_h1234_caption(); return; } if (tag.is("title")) { tag_title(); return; } if (tag.is("body")) { tag_body(); return; } if (tag.is("html")) { t_html = tag.opened; return; } tag_table(); } void TWebBrowser::tag_p() { IF (tag.prior[0] == 'h') || (streq(#tag.prior,"td")) || (streq(#tag.prior,"p")) return; NewLine(); } void TWebBrowser::tag_title() { style.title = tag.opened; if (!tag.opened) DrawTitle(#header); } void TWebBrowser::tag_font() { style.font = tag.opened; if (tag.opened) { if (tag.get_value_of("bg")) { bg_colors.add(GetColor(tag.value)); } else { bg_colors.add(bg_colors.get_last()); } if (tag.get_value_of("color")) { text_colors.add(GetColor(tag.value)); } else { text_colors.add(text_colors.get_last()); } } else { text_colors.pop(); if (bg_colors.count>1) bg_colors.pop(); //never pop the last color } } void TWebBrowser::tag_div() { //if (streq(#tag.prior,"div")) && (tag.opened) return; if (streq(#tag.prior,"td")) return; if (streq(#tag.prior,"div")) return; if (!tag.opened) && (style.font) text_colors.pop(); NewLine(); } void TWebBrowser::tag_iframe() { if (tag.get_value_of("src")) { NewLine(); strcpy(#linebuf, "IFRAME: "); RenderTextbuf(); link=true; links.add_link(tag.value); strncpy(#linebuf, tag.value, sizeof(TWebBrowser.linebuf)-1); RenderTextbuf(); link=false; NewLine(); } } void TWebBrowser::tag_a() { if (tag.opened) { if (tag.get_value_of("href")) && (!strstr(tag.value,"javascript:")) { link = true; links.add_link(tag.value); } } else { link = false; } } void TWebBrowser::tag_meta_xml() { if (custom_encoding == -1) if (tag.get_value_of("charset")) || (tag.get_value_of("content")) || (tag.get_value_of("encoding")) { EDX = strrchr(tag.value, '=') + tag.value; //search in content= if (ESBYTE[EDX] == '"') EDX++; strlwr(EDX); EAX = get_encoding_type_by_name(EDX); if (EAX!=-1) ChangeEncoding(EAX); } if (streq(tag.get_value_of("http-equiv"), "refresh")) && (tag.get_value_of("content")) { if (tag.value = strstri(tag.value, "url")) strcpy(#redirect, tag.value); } } signed int get_encoding_type_by_name(dword name) { EDX = name; if (streqrp(EDX,"utf-8")) || (streqrp(EDX,"utf8")) return CH_UTF8; else if (streqrp(EDX,"windows-1251")) || (streqrp(EDX,"windows1251")) return CH_CP1251; else if (streqrp(EDX,"dos")) || (streqrp(EDX,"cp-866")) return CH_CP866; else if (streqrp(EDX,"iso-8859-5")) || (streqrp(EDX,"iso8859-5")) return CH_ISO8859_5; else if (streqrp(EDX,"koi8-r")) || (streqrp(EDX,"koi8-u")) return CH_KOI8; return -1; } void TWebBrowser::tag_code() { if (style.pre = tag.opened) { bg_colors.add(0xe4ffcb); } else { if (bg_colors.count>1) bg_colors.pop(); //never pop the last color } } void TWebBrowser::tag_ol_ul_dt() { char type = ESBYTE[#tag.name]; switch(type) { case 'd': if (ESBYTE[#tag.name+1]=='d') style.tag_list.upd_level(tag.opened, type); if (ESBYTE[#tag.name+1]=='t') style.tag_list.upd_level(false, 'd'); if (tag.opened) NewLine(); break; case 'u': case 'o': style.tag_list.upd_level(tag.opened, type); if (!tag.opened) && (!style.pre) NewLine(); } } void TWebBrowser::tag_li() { if (tag.opened) { if (!style.tag_list.level) style.tag_list.upd_level(1, 'u'); if (!style.pre) NewLine(); if (style.tag_list.order_type() == 'u') { strcpy(#linebuf, "\31 "); draw_x = style.tag_list.level * 5 - 2 * list.font_w + left_gap; } if (style.tag_list.order_type() == 'o') { sprintf(#linebuf, "%i. 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} } void TWebBrowser::tag_q() { chrncat(#linebuf, '\"', sizeof(TWebBrowser.linebuf)); } void TWebBrowser::tag_h1234_caption() { if (ESBYTE[#tag.name+1]=='4') { NewLine(); NewLine(); style.h = tag.opened; style.b = tag.opened; } else { style.h = tag.opened; if (tag.opened) { if (!style.pre) NewLine(); draw_y += 10; list.SetFont(BASIC_CHAR_W*2, 14*2, 10011001b); list.item_h = BASIC_LINE_H * 2 - 2; if (tag.is("h1")) style.b = true; } else { if (tag.is("h1")) style.b = false; NewLine(); list.SetFont(BASIC_CHAR_W, 14, 10011000b); style.cur_line_h = list.item_h = BASIC_LINE_H; } } } void TWebBrowser::tag_img() { char img_path[4096]=0; dword base64img; if (!tag.get_value_of("data-large-image")) if (!tag.get_value_of("data-src")) if (!tag.get_value_of("src")) return; if (streqrp(tag.value, "data:")) { if (!strstr(tag.value, "base64,")) goto NOIMG; EDX = EAX+7; if (ESBYTE[EDX]==' ') EDX++; base64img = malloc(strlen(EDX)); base64_decode stdcall (EDX, base64img, strlen(EDX)); img_decode stdcall (base64img, EAX, 0); $push eax free(base64img); $pop eax if (EAX) goto IMGOK; else goto NOIMG; } if (!strcmp(tag.value + strrchr(tag.value, '.'), "svg")) goto NOIMG; if (!strcmp(tag.value + strrchr(tag.value, '.'), "webp")) goto NOIMG; strlcpy(#img_path, tag.value, sizeof(img_path)-1); replace_char(#img_path, ' ', '\0', sizeof(img_path)); get_absolute_url(#img_path, history.current()); if (check_is_the_adress_local(#img_path)) { img_from_file stdcall(#img_path); if (EAX) goto IMGOK; else goto NOIMG; } if (cache.has(#img_path)) { img_decode stdcall (cache.current_buf, cache.current_size, 0); if (EAX) goto IMGOK; else goto NOIMG; } else { img_url.add(#img_path); goto NOIMG; } IMGOK: if (RenderImage(EAX)) return; NOIMG: if (tag.get_value_of("title")) || (tag.get_value_of("alt")) { strncpy(#img_path, tag.value, sizeof(TWebBrowser.linebuf)-3); sprintf(#linebuf, "[%s]", #img_path); } else { if (streqrp(#img_path, "data:")) img_path=0; replace_char(#img_path, '?', NULL, strlen(#img_path)); img_path[sizeof(TWebBrowser.linebuf)-3] = '\0'; //prevent overflow in sprintf sprintf(#linebuf, "[%s]", #img_path+strrchr(#img_path, '/')); linebuf[50]= NULL; } text_colors.add(0x9A6F29); style.image = true; RenderTextbuf(); style.image = false; text_colors.pop(); } struct TABLE { int depth; collection_int cols; } table; int tr_pos, td_pos; int row_start_y; int colcount; dword tallest_cell_in_row; void TWebBrowser::tag_table_reset() { table.depth = 0; colcount = 0; tr_pos = 0; td_pos = 0; } void TWebBrowser::tag_table() { if (!tag.opened) { if (style.font) tag_font(); if (link) tag_a(); style.b = false; } if (tag.is("table")) { if(tag.opened) { table.depth++; if (table.depth==1) { colcount = 0; } } else { if (table.depth>0) { table.depth--; } if (table.depth==0) { draw_x = left_gap = style.tag_list.level * 5 * list.font_w + BODY_MARGIN; draw_w = list.w; draw_y = math.max(draw_y+style.cur_line_h, tallest_cell_in_row); row_start_y = draw_y = tallest_cell_in_row = draw_y; style.cur_line_h = list.item_h; } } } if (table.depth>1) { if (tag.is("tr")) && (tag.opened) NewLine(); return; } if (!secondrun) { if (tag.is("tr")) { if (tag.opened) { table.cols.add(1); } colcount = 0; } if (tag.opened) && (tag.is("td")) || (tag.is("th")) { colcount++; if (colcount) table.cols.set(table.cols.count-1, colcount); //if (tag.get_number_of("colspan")) colcount += tag.number-1; } } else { if (tag.is("tr")) { if (tag.opened) { if (draw_x==left_gap) && (draw_y==BODY_MARGIN) { row_start_y = tallest_cell_in_row = draw_y; } else { row_start_y = tallest_cell_in_row = draw_y = draw_y + style.cur_line_h; } style.cur_line_h = list.item_h; tr_pos++; td_pos = 0; } else { draw_y = math.max(draw_y, tallest_cell_in_row); } draw_x = left_gap = style.tag_list.level * 5 * list.font_w + BODY_MARGIN; draw_w = list.w; } if (tr_pos) && (tag.is("td")) || (tag.is("th")) { tallest_cell_in_row = math.max(draw_y+style.cur_line_h-list.item_h, tallest_cell_in_row); style.cur_line_h = list.item_h; if (tag.opened) { draw_w = list.w - BODY_MARGIN - BODY_MARGIN - 23 / table.cols.get(tr_pos-1); draw_x = left_gap = draw_w * td_pos + BODY_MARGIN; //debugval(itoa(draw_x), list.w); draw_y = row_start_y; //canvas.WriteText(draw_x, draw_y, 10001001b, 0x0000FE, itoa(draw_x), NULL); td_pos++; } } } }