; level format ; [fx|fy]..[field cells x2]..[worm_count]..[worm_len][start cell #][body dirs x2] ; internal format ; [stepptr]= worms # ; area: [worm_len][start_cell #][end_cell #]..[dirs].. ; [cur_step]: dragged worm pointer ; [finish]: 0 - if head dragged, 1- if tail OR_levelp: mov [Ces],40 mcall 40,100111b inc [drag_flag] mov eax,OR_strip call need_image inc esi movzx ecx,byte[esi] inc esi push esi mov esi,OR_maze jecxz .sk .nxtmz: movzx eax,byte[esi] add esi,eax loop .nxtmz .sk: call get_xy_sf call unpack_level pop esi movzx ecx,byte[esi] inc esi mov [cur_step],ecx jecxz .sk2 mov edi,area rep movsb .sk2: mov ecx,[cell_count] mov edi,area+16 rep movsb mov [stepptr],2 ; call erase_field ; ud2 ret OR_key: cmp eax,0 jl OR_mouse ret OR_drawf: mov ecx,[cell_count] push [sq_size] mov [sq_size],0 .lp: push ecx movzx ebx,byte[area+16+ecx-1] cmp bl,0xf je .no lea eax,[ecx-1] call out_image .no: pop ecx loop .lp pop [sq_size] ret OR_drawm: push [sq_size] mov [sq_size],0 mov eax,[player] mov ebx,[stepptr] add ebx,8 call out_image mov ecx,[cur_step] jecxz .skipb mov ebx,7 mov esi,area xor eax,eax .nxtb: lodsb call out_image loop .nxtb .skipb: mov eax,[player] .again: mov ebx,[stepptr] call check_move jc .ex add eax,[dirs+ebx*4] cmp byte[area+16+eax],6 je .ex mov ecx,[cur_step] jecxz .skbchk mov edi,area repne scasb je .again .skbchk: mov [sq_size],1 push eax call get_xy mov ebx,[lx] sub bx,2 mov ecx,[ly] mov cx,3 mcall 13,,,0xFFC633 xchg bx,cx mcall mov esi,[Ces] sub esi,3+2 shl esi,16 push ebx add ebx,esi mcall pop ebx add ecx,esi xchg bx,cx add bx,2 mcall pop eax jmp .again .ex: pop [sq_size] ret OR_mouse: cmp [win_flag],1 je .ex mov [jump],still mov edx,eax call get_last_mclick cmp edx,-2 jne .ex test eax,eax jnz .noempty .drw: mov [jump],drw ret .noempty: ; First Click at ebx cell mov eax,[player] cmp eax,ebx je OR_drawf mov ecx,[cur_step] jecxz .skbchk mov edi,area xchg eax,ebx repne scasb xchg eax,ebx je OR_drawf .skbchk: cmp byte[area+16+ebx],0xf je .ex cmp byte[area+16+ebx],6 je .ex push eax mov edx,ebx call get_offset mov ebx,eax pop eax cmp ebx,[stepptr] jne .ex call check_move jc .ex movzx ecx,byte[area+16+edx] cmp ecx,4 jae .noarr mov ebx,ecx call check_move jc .ex mov edx,eax add eax,[dirs+ebx*4] mov [player],eax mov ecx,[cur_step] jecxz .skbchk2 mov edi,area repne scasb jne .skbchk2 mov [edi-1],dl .skbchk2: cmp eax,[finish] jne .drw mov [win_flag],1 jmp .drw .noarr: mov edx,[stepptr] cmp ecx,4 jne .nocw movzx edx,byte[dir_rotate+edx] jmp .ex2 .nocw: cmp ecx,5 jne .ex movzx edx,byte[dir_rotate+4+edx] .ex2: mov [stepptr],edx jmp .drw .ex: ret OR_maze: file 'omaze.bin' OR_level: file 'or2.bin' if lang eq ru_RU OR_help mstr \ 'Щелчок на выделенной клетке передвигает или',\ 'вращает красную стрелку. Синий блок действует',\ 'как препятствие, скрывая одну клетку. При',\ 'переходе стрелки на клетку синего блока они',\ 'поменяются местами. Задача - провести красную',\ 'стрелку из нижней клетки в верхнюю.','',\ 'http://www.clickmazes.com' else OR_help mstr \ 'Click on a highlighted square to move or rotate',\ 'the red pointer. The blue switcher acts as an',\ 'obstacle, hiding one square. The red pointer and',\ 'blue switcher will swap places if the red pointer',\ 'is pushed onto a square occupied by a blue',\ 'switcher. Your challenge is to negotiate the red',\ 'arrow from the bottom to the top square.','',\ 'http://www.clickmazes.com' end if