#define MEMSIZE 1024*100 /*===================================================== | | | LIB | | | =====================================================*/ #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/random.h" #include "../lib/mem.h" #include "../lib/cursor.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/events.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/proc_lib.h" #include "../lib/patterns/rgb.h" #include "../lib/patterns/toolbar_button.h" #include "../lib/patterns/simple_open_dialog.h" /*===================================================== | | | DATA | | | =====================================================*/ #include "data.h" /*===================================================== | | | CODE | | | =====================================================*/ void main() { /* Init external libraries */ load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init, 1); load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); /* Init UI */ icons18.load("/sys/icons16.png"); icons18.replace_2colors(0xffFFFfff, COL_LIGHT, 0xffCACBD6, COL_LIGHT-0x080808); icons18a.load("/sys/icons16.png"); icons18a.replace_2colors(0xffFFFfff, COL_BUTTON, 0xffCACBD6, 0); pixie_skin.load("/sys/media/pixieskn.png"); Form.width = screen.w/6*5; Form.height = screen.h/6*5; sc.work = COL_WORK; sc.work_text = COL_WORK_TEXT; sc.light = COL_LIGHT; sc.dark = COL_DARK; sc.line = COL_LINE; sc.button = COL_BUTTON; sc.button_text = COL_BUTTON_TEXT; /* Handle application parameters */ //if (!param) open_image("/sys/home.png"); /* Set event mask and go to main loop */ SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop() switch(WaitEvent()) { case evMouse: mouse.get(); if (main_image.h > canvas.h) scrollbar_v_mouse stdcall(#scroll_v); if (main_image.w > canvas.w) scrollbar_h_mouse stdcall(#scroll_h); if (active_tool == TOOL_SCALE) { edit_box_mouse stdcall (#edit_w); edit_box_mouse stdcall (#edit_h); } if (scroll_v.delta) || (scroll_h.delta) draw_canvas(); if (EAX = mouse.vert) { if (EAX<10) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_DOWN); else event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_UP); } if (EAX = mouse.hor) { if (EAX<10) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_RIGHT); else event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_LEFT); } break; case evButton: pressed_button_id = GetButtonID(); if (pressed_button_id==1) ExitProcess(); keep_ratio.click(pressed_button_id); button.press(pressed_button_id); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (active_tool == TOOL_SCALE) && (edit_w.flags & ed_focus) || (edit_h.flags & ed_focus) { if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_TAB) { edit_w.flags >< edit_h.flags; draw_acive_panel(); break; } if (edit_w.flags & ed_focus) { edit_box_key_c stdcall (#edit_w, key_editbox); if (keep_ratio.checked) && (text_w) && (atoi(#text_w)) { EDI = main_image.h*100 / calc(main_image.w*100 / atoi(#text_w)); edit_box_set_text stdcall (#edit_h, itoa(EDI)); edit_box_draw stdcall (#edit_h); } } else { edit_box_key_c stdcall (#edit_h, key_editbox); if (keep_ratio.checked) && (text_h) && (atoi(#text_h)) { EDI = main_image.h*100 / calc(main_image.w*100 / atoi(#text_h)); edit_box_set_text stdcall (#edit_w, itoa(EDI)); edit_box_draw stdcall (#edit_w); } } break; } if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_DOWN) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_DOWN); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_UP) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_UP); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_LEFT) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_LEFT); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_RIGHT) event_scroll_canvas(SCAN_CODE_RIGHT); key.press(key_scancode); break; case evReDraw: draw_window(); break; } } void draw_window() { DefineAndDrawWindow(screen.w-Form.width/2, screen.h-Form.height/2, Form.width, Form.height, 0x42, NULL, NULL, 0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); /* Draw window borders */ DrawRectangle(0,0,Form.width,Form.height,COL_LINE); DrawRectangle(1,1,Form.width-2,Form.height-2,COL_LIGHT); /* Check if the window is collapsed into header */ if (Form.status_window&ROLLED_UP) { DrawBar(2, 2, Form.width-3, skin_h-4, COL_WORK); WriteText(5, skin_h-11/2, 0x90, COL_WORK_TEXT, "ImageEditor Pro [Collapsed]"); draw_window_manipulation_buttons(skin_h-17/2); return; } if (Form.width < 560) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,560,OLD); return; } if (Form.height < 430) { MoveSize(OLD,OLD,OLD,430); return; } draw_content(); } void draw_content() { incn tx; button.init(40); key.init(40); canvas.w = Form.cwidth - CANVASX - 1; canvas.h = Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H - CANVASY - 1; if (main_image.h > canvas.h) canvas.w -= scroll_v.size_x + 1; if (main_image.w > canvas.w) canvas.h -= scroll_h.size_y + 1; scroll_v.all_redraw = scroll_h.all_redraw = 1; //draw panel border DrawBar(CANVASX, 0, 1, Form.cheight, COL_LINE); //draw title DrawBar(2, 2, CANVASX-2, HEADERH-1, COL_DARK); WriteText(PAD+5, HEADER_TEXTY, 0x90, COL_WORK_TEXT, "ImageEditor Pro"); //draw header DrawBar(CANVASX+1, CANVASY-1, Form.width-CANVASX-2, 1, COL_LINE); draw_acive_panel(); draw_window_manipulation_buttons(7); //left panel bg DrawBar(2, 1+HEADERH, CANVASX-2, Form.cheight-2-HEADERH, COL_WORK); if (main_image.h > canvas.h) && (main_image.w > canvas.w) { DrawBar(CANVASX+canvas.w, CANVASY+canvas.h, scroll_v.size_x+1, scroll_h.size_y+1, COL_WORK); } #define GAP_S TOOLBAR_ITEM_H+8 #define GAP_B TOOLBAR_ITEM_H+23 tx.set(PAD-GAP_S+HEADERH); //draw_tool_btn(10, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_N, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 02, "Create image", false); draw_tool_btn(#event_open, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_O, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 00, "Open image ", false); if (main_image.image) { draw_tool_btn(#event_activate_export, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_S, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 05, "Export image", active_tool & TOOL_EXPORT); //draw_tool_btn(#event_activate_crop, 0, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_B), 46, "Crop", active_tool & TOOL_CROP); draw_tool_btn(#event_activate_depth, 0, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_B), 52, "Color depth ", active_tool & TOOL_COLOR_DEPTH); draw_tool_btn(#event_activate_flprot,0, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 36, "Flip/Rotate ", active_tool & TOOL_FLIP_ROTATE); draw_tool_btn(#event_activate_scale, 0, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 06, "Scale ", active_tool & TOOL_SCALE); } draw_status_bar(); draw_canvas(); } void draw_window_manipulation_buttons(int y) { DrawBar(Form.width-65, 2, 63, HEADERH-1, COL_WORK); img_draw stdcall(pixie_skin.image, Form.width-63, y, 57, 18, 265, 0); DefineHiddenButton(Form.width-63, y, 28, 17, button.add(#MinimizeWindow)); DefineHiddenButton(Form.width-35, y, 28, 17, 1); } void draw_status_bar() { char img_info[24]; sprintf(#img_info, "%i\01%i\02%s", main_image.w, main_image.h, libimg_bpp[main_image.type]); DrawBar(CANVASX+1, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H - 1, Form.cwidth - CANVASX -2, STATUSBAR_H, COL_WORK); WriteText(CANVASX+4, Form.cheight - STATUSBAR_H + 2, 0x90, COL_WORK_TEXT, #img_info); for (ESI=0; img_info[ESI]!=0; ESI++) { if (img_info[ESI] == '\01') img_info[ESI]='x'; else if (img_info[ESI] == '\02') img_info[ESI]='@'; else img_info[ESI]=' '; } ECX = 0x90 << 24 + COL_BUTTON_TEXT; $int 64 } int draw_tool_btn(dword _event, _hotkey, _x, _y, _icon_n, _text, _active) { dword img_ptr = icons18.image; int w = 32; //default width: icon only if (_text) { w = strlen(_text) * 8 + 15; if (_icon_n!=-1) w += 26; } if (_active==-1) { $push COL_LIGHT EDX = COL_LINE; } else if (_active) { img_ptr = icons18a.image; $push COL_BUTTON_TEXT EDX = COL_BUTTON; } else { $push COL_WORK_TEXT EDX = COL_LIGHT; } DrawBar(_x, _y, w, TOOLBAR_ITEM_H+1, EDX); PutPixel(_x,_y,COL_WORK); PutPixel(_x,_y+TOOLBAR_ITEM_H,COL_WORK); PutPixel(_x+w-1,_y,COL_WORK); PutPixel(_x+w-1,_y+TOOLBAR_ITEM_H,COL_WORK); if (_event) DefineHiddenButton(_x, _y, w, TOOLBAR_ITEM_H, button.add(_event)); if (_hotkey) key.add_n(_hotkey, _event); if (_icon_n!=-1) { #define ISIZE 18 img_draw stdcall(img_ptr, _x+7, _y+4, ISIZE, ISIZE, 0, _icon_n*ISIZE); _x += PAD+ISIZE+2; } else { _x += 7; } $pop EDX if (_text) { WriteText(_x, _y+6, 0x90, EDX, _text); } return w; } void draw_canvas() { int content_w = math.min(main_image.w, canvas.w-1); int content_h = math.min(main_image.h, canvas.h); //Draw scroll V scroll_v.max_area = main_image.h; scroll_v.cur_area = scroll_v.size_y = canvas.h + 1; scroll_v.start_x = CANVASX + canvas.w; if (main_image.h > canvas.h) scrollbar_v_draw stdcall (#scroll_v); //Draw scroll H scroll_h.max_area = main_image.w; scroll_h.cur_area = scroll_h.size_x = canvas.w; scroll_h.start_y = CANVASY + canvas.h; if (main_image.w > canvas.w) scrollbar_h_draw stdcall (#scroll_h); //Draw Image if (main_image.image) { img_draw stdcall(main_image.image, CANVASX+1, CANVASY, content_w, content_h, scroll_h.position, scroll_v.position); } DrawBar(CANVASX+1+content_w, CANVASY, canvas.w - content_w - 1, content_h, COL_DARK); DrawBar(CANVASX+1, CANVASY+content_h, canvas.w - 1, canvas.h - content_h, COL_DARK); } void set_file_path(char* _new_title) { strcpy(#param, _new_title); draw_status_bar(); } void open_image(char* _path) { main_image.load(_path); set_file_path(_path); scroll_v.position = 0; scroll_h.position = 0; } void event_set_color_depth() { img_convert stdcall(main_image.image, 0, pressed_button_id-color_depth_btnid_1, 0, 0); if (!EAX) { notify("'ImageEdit Pro\nNot possible to convert into specified color depth' -Et"); } else { $push eax img_destroy stdcall(main_image.image); $pop eax main_image.image = EAX; main_image.set_vars(); draw_acive_panel(); draw_status_bar(); draw_canvas(); } } void WritePanelText(int _x, _text) { WriteText(_x, HEADER_TEXTY, 0x90, COL_WORK_TEXT, _text); } void draw_acive_panel() { int i, x = CANVASX + PAD; bool a; DrawBar(CANVASX+1, 2, Form.width-CANVASX-64, HEADERH-1, COL_WORK); switch(active_tool) { case TOOL_EXPORT: WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "Format"); x += 6*8 + PAD; x += draw_tool_btn(#event_save_png, 0, x, 7, -1, "PNG", saving_type & SAVE_AS_PNG) + PAD; x += draw_tool_btn(#event_save_pnm, 0, x, 7, -1, "PNM", saving_type & SAVE_AS_PNM) + PAD; x += draw_tool_btn(#event_save_bmp, 0, x, 7, -1, "BMP", saving_type & SAVE_AS_BMP) + PAD + PAD; if (saving_type) draw_tool_btn(#event_save, 0, x, 7, 53, "Export", false); break; case TOOL_CROP: WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "Crop tool"); break; case TOOL_SCALE: WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "New size x"); DefineHiddenButton(edit_w.left-2, edit_w.top-2, 148, 25, 2+BT_NOFRAME); DrawEditBox(#edit_w); DrawEditBox(#edit_h); keep_ratio.draw(CANVASX + PAD + 233, HEADER_TEXTY); draw_tool_btn(#event_scale, SCAN_CODE_ENTER, CANVASX + PAD + 370, 7, -1, "Apply", false); break; case TOOL_COLOR_DEPTH: WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "Color depth"); x += 11*8 + PAD; color_depth_btnid_1 = button.new_id; for (i=1; i<11; i++) { DeleteButton(color_depth_btnid_1+i); if (main_image.type == i) { a = true; //this is current image depth } else { a = false; //this is image depth we can set //probe does libimg support converting current image gepth to i-one img_create stdcall(1, 1, main_image.type); img_convert stdcall(EAX, 0, i, 0, 0); if (EAX) { img_destroy stdcall(EAX); } else { a = -1; if (Form.width-CANVASX-64 < 600) { button.add(1); continue; } } } x += draw_tool_btn(#event_set_color_depth, SCAN_CODE_ENTER, x, 7, -1, libimg_bpp[i], a) + 6; } break; case TOOL_FLIP_ROTATE: WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "Flip"); draw_tool_btn(#event_flip_hor, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_H, CANVASX + PAD + 040, 7, 34, NULL, false); draw_tool_btn(#event_flip_ver, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_V, CANVASX + PAD + 080, 7, 35, NULL, false); WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD + 142, "Rotate"); draw_tool_btn(#event_rotate_left, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_L, CANVASX + PAD + 200, 7, 37, NULL, false); draw_tool_btn(#event_rotate_right, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_KEY_R, CANVASX + PAD + 240, 7, 36, NULL, false); // WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD + 142, "Move"); //draw_tool_btn(#event_move_left, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_LEFT, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_B), 30, false); //draw_tool_btn(#event_move_right, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_RIGHT, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 31, false); //draw_tool_btn(#event_move_up, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_UP, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 32, false); //draw_tool_btn(#event_move_down, ECTRL + SCAN_CODE_DOWN, PAD, tx.inc(GAP_S), 33, false); break; default: if (!param) WritePanelText(CANVASX+PAD, "Welcome to ImageEditor Pro! Try to open a file."); } } //===================================================// // // // EVENTS // // // //===================================================// void event_save_png() { saving_type = SAVE_AS_PNG; draw_acive_panel(); } void event_save_bmp() { saving_type = SAVE_AS_BMP; draw_acive_panel(); } void event_save_raw() { saving_type = SAVE_AS_RAW; draw_acive_panel(); } void event_save_pnm() { saving_type = SAVE_AS_PNM; draw_acive_panel(); } void event_activate_export() { active_tool = TOOL_EXPORT; draw_content(); } void event_activate_crop() { active_tool = TOOL_CROP; draw_content(); } void event_activate_scale() { active_tool = TOOL_SCALE; set_text_scale_edits(); draw_content(); } void event_activate_depth() { active_tool = TOOL_COLOR_DEPTH; draw_content(); } void event_activate_flprot() { active_tool = TOOL_FLIP_ROTATE; draw_content(); } void set_text_scale_edits() { edit_box_set_text stdcall (#edit_w, itoa(main_image.w)); edit_box_set_text stdcall (#edit_h, itoa(main_image.h)); } /* ;;================================================================================================;; proc img.scale _src, _crop_x, _crop_y, _crop_width, _crop_height, _dst, _scale, _inter, _param1, _param2 ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;? scale _image ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;> [_src] = pointer to source image ;; ;> [_crop_x] = left coord of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_y] = top coord of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_width] = width of cropping rect ;; ;> [_crop_height] = height of cropping rect ;; ;> [_dst] = pointer to resulting image, 0 to create new one ;; ;> [_scale] = scaling method, see libimg.inc (LIBIMG_SCALE_*) ;; ;> [_inter] = interpolation algorithm, see libimg.inc (LIBIMG_INTER_*) ;; ;> [_param1] = depends on _scale, see libimg.inc ;; ;> [_param2] = depends on _scale, see libimg.inc ;; ;;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------;; ;< eax = 0 / pointer to scaled image ;; ;< ecx = error code / undefined ;; ;;================================================================================================;; */ //invoke img.scale, eax, 0, 0, [eax+Image.Width], [eax+Image.Height], 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_INTER_DEFAULT, [view.width], [view.height] void event_scale() { img_scale stdcall (main_image.image, 0, 0, main_image.w, main_image.h, 0, LIBIMG_SCALE_STRETCH, LIBIMG_INTER_DEFAULT, atoi(#text_w), atoi(#text_h)); if (!EAX) { if (ECX == 4) { notify("'ImageEdit Pro\nThis color depth is not supported by Scale feature.\nPlease change color depth to 24 / 32 / 8grey.' -Et"); } else { debugval("Error code", ECX); notify("'ImageEdit Pro\nImage scale failed :(' -Et"); } } else { $push eax img_destroy stdcall (main_image.image); $pop eax main_image.image = EAX; main_image.set_vars(); scroll_v.position = scroll_h.position = 0; draw_content(); } } void event_open() { o_dialog.type = 0; //open file OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { open_image(#openfile_path); active_tool = NULL; draw_window(); } } void event_flip_hor() { img_flip stdcall (main_image.image, FLIP_HORIZONTAL); draw_canvas(); } void event_flip_ver() { img_flip stdcall (main_image.image, FLIP_VERTICAL); draw_canvas(); } void event_rotate_left() { img_rotate stdcall (main_image.image, ROTATE_270_CW); main_image.w >< main_image.h; scroll_v.position = scroll_h.position = 0; draw_content(); } void event_rotate_right() { img_rotate stdcall (main_image.image, ROTATE_90_CW); main_image.w >< main_image.h; scroll_v.position = scroll_h.position = 0; draw_content(); } void event_save() { dword _image_format, _image_depth; strcpy(#filename_area, #param + strrchr(#param, '/')); if (EAX = strrchr(#filename_area, '.')) filename_area[EAX-1] = '\0'; switch (saving_type) { case SAVE_AS_PNG: strcat(#filename_area, "_IEP.png"); _image_format = LIBIMG_FORMAT_PNG; _image_depth = IMAGE_BPP24; break; case SAVE_AS_BMP: strcat(#filename_area, "_IEP.bmp"); _image_format = LIBIMG_FORMAT_BMP; _image_depth = IMAGE_BPP24; break; case SAVE_AS_PNM: strcat(#filename_area, "_IEP.pnm"); _image_format = LIBIMG_FORMAT_PNM; _image_depth = IMAGE_BPP24; break; case SAVE_AS_RAW: notify("Not implemented yet."); return; } o_dialog.type = 1; //save file OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status) { set_file_path(#openfile_path); img_convert stdcall(main_image.image, 0, _image_depth, 0, 0); if (!EAX) { notify("'ImageEdit Pro\nCan not convert image into specified color depth' -Et"); } else { $push eax //converted data img_encode stdcall(EAX, _image_format, 0); //<=EAX data, ECX size $push eax //encoded data CreateFile(ECX, EAX, #openfile_path); $pop ecx free(ECX); $pop eax img_destroy stdcall(EAX); } } } void event_scroll_canvas(int _direction) { switch(_direction) { case SCAN_CODE_DOWN: scroll_v.position = math.min(scroll_v.position+25, scroll_v.max_area - scroll_v.cur_area); break; case SCAN_CODE_UP: scroll_v.position = math.max(scroll_v.position-25, 0); break; case SCAN_CODE_RIGHT: scroll_h.position = math.min(scroll_h.position+25, scroll_h.max_area - scroll_h.cur_area); break; case SCAN_CODE_LEFT: scroll_h.position = math.max(scroll_h.position-25, 0); } draw_canvas(); } stop: