;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2013. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; IRC client for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org, ;; ;; text encoder/decoder by Clevermouse. ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; version equ '0.1' ; connection status STATUS_DISCONNECTED = 0 STATUS_RESOLVING = 1 STATUS_CONNECTING = 2 STATUS_CONNECTED = 3 ; window flags FLAG_UPDATED = 1 shl 0 FLAG_CLOSE = 1 shl 1 FLAG_RECEIVING_NAMES = 1 shl 2 ; window types WINDOWTYPE_SERVER = 0 WINDOWTYPE_CHANNEL = 1 WINDOWTYPE_CHAT = 2 WINDOWTYPE_LIST = 3 WINDOWTYPE_DCC = 4 ; supported encodings CP866 = 0 CP1251 = 1 UTF8 = 2 ; settings USERCMD_MAX_SIZE = 400 WIN_MIN_X = 600 WIN_MIN_Y = 165 TEXT_X = 5 TEXT_Y = 30 TOP_Y = 25 MAX_WINDOWS = 20 MAX_USERS = 4096 MAX_NICK_LEN = 32 MAX_REAL_LEN = 32 ; realname MAX_SERVER_NAME = 256 MAX_CHANNEL_LEN = 40 MAX_CHANNELS = 37 MAX_COMMAND_LEN = 512 TIMESTAMP = 3 ; 3 = hh:mm:ss, 2 = hh:mm, 0 = no timestamp MAX_WINDOWNAME_LEN = 256 WINDOW_BTN_START = 100 SCROLLBAR_WIDTH = 12 USERLIST_X = 98 format binary as "" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 1 ; header version dd START ; program start dd I_END ; program image size dd IM_END+2048 ; required amount of memory dd IM_END+2048 dd param dd path include "../../macros.inc" include "../../proc32.inc" include "../../dll.inc" include "../../network.inc" include "../../struct.inc" include '../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' struct window data_ptr dd ? ; zero if not used flags db ? type db ? name rb MAX_WINDOWNAME_LEN users dd ? users_scroll dd ? selected dd ? ; selected user, 0 if none selected ends struct window_data text rb 120*60 title rb 256 names rb MAX_NICK_LEN * MAX_USERS usertext rb 256 usertextlen dd ? ends include "encodings.inc" include "window.inc" ; also contains text print routines include "serverparser.inc" include "userparser.inc" include "socket.inc" include "gui.inc" include "users.inc" START: mcall 68, 11 ; init heap so we can allocate memory dynamically ; wanted events mcall 40,EVM_REDRAW+EVM_KEY+EVM_BUTTON+EVM_STACK+EVM_MOUSE+EVM_MOUSE_FILTER ; load libraries stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT test eax, eax jnz exit ; find path to main settings file (ircc.ini) mov edi, path ; Calculate the length of zero-terminated string xor al, al mov ecx, 1024 repne scasb dec edi mov eax, '.ini' stosd xor al, al stosb ; Fill the window buffer with zeros mov edi, windows mov ecx, (sizeof.window*MAX_WINDOWS+3)/4 xor eax, eax rep stosd ; clear command area too mov edi, servercommand mov ecx, 600/4 rep stosd ; allocate window data block call window_create mov ebx, windows mov [ebx + window.data_ptr], eax mov [ebx + window.flags], 0 mov [ebx + window.type], WINDOWTYPE_SERVER add eax, window_data.text mov [text_start], eax call window_refresh ; get system colors mcall 48, 3, colors, 40 ; set edit box and scrollbar colors mov eax, [colors.work] mov [scroll1.bg_color], eax mov eax, [colors.work_button] mov [scroll1.front_color], eax mov eax, [colors.work_text] mov [scroll1.line_color], eax ; get settings from ini invoke ini.get_str, path, str_user, str_nick, user_nick, MAX_NICK_LEN, default_nick invoke ini.get_str, path, str_user, str_real, user_real_name, MAX_REAL_LEN, default_real ; Welcome user mov esi, str_welcome call print_text2 call draw_window ;;; FIXME (gui is not correctly drawn first time) redraw: call draw_window still: ; wait here for event mcall 10 dec eax jz redraw dec eax jz main_window_key dec eax jz button cmp al, 3 je mouse call process_network_event mov edx, [window_open] test [edx + window.flags], FLAG_UPDATED jz .no_update and [edx + window.flags], not FLAG_UPDATED mov edx, [edx + window.data_ptr] add edx, window_data.text call draw_channel_text .no_update: call print_channel_list jmp still button: mcall 17 ; get id shr eax, 8 cmp ax, 1 ; close program je exit cmp ax, 50 jne @f mcall 37, 1 ; Get mouse position sub ax, TEXT_Y mov bl, 10 div bl and eax, 0x000000ff inc eax add eax, [scroll1.position] mov ebx, [window_open] mov [ebx + window.selected], eax call print_channel_list jmp still @@: sub ax, WINDOW_BTN_START jb exit cmp ax, MAX_WINDOWS ja exit mov dx, sizeof.window mul dx shl edx, 16 mov dx, ax add edx, windows cmp [edx + window.data_ptr], 0 je exit mov [window_open], edx call window_refresh call draw_window jmp still exit: mcall -1 main_window_key: mcall 2 push dword edit1 call [edit_box_key] cmp ah, 13 ; enter jne no_send2 call user_parser mov [edit1.size], 0 mov [edit1.pos], 0 push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] mov edx, [window_open] mov edx, [edx + window.data_ptr] add edx, window_data.text call draw_channel_text jmp still no_send2: jmp still mouse: push dword edit1 call [edit_box_mouse] ; TODO: check if scrollbar is active push [scroll1.position] push dword scroll1 call [scrollbar_v_mouse] pop eax cmp eax, [scroll1.position] ; did the scrollbar move? je @f call print_channel_list @@: jmp still ; DATA AREA encoding_text: db 'CP866 ' db 'CP1251' db 'UTF-8 ' encoding_text_len = 6 action_header db '*** ', 0 action_header_short db '* ', 0 ctcp_header db '-> [',0 ctcp_version db '] VERSION',10,0 ctcp_ping db '] PING',10,0 ctcp_time db '] TIME',10,0 has_left_channel db ' has left ', 0 joins_channel db ' has joined ', 0 is_now_known_as db ' is now known as ', 0 has_quit_irc db ' has quit IRC', 10, 0 sets_mode db ' sets mode ', 0 kicked db ' is kicked from ', 0 str_talking db 'Now talking in ',0 str_topic db 'Topic is ',0 str_setby db 'Set by ',0 str_version db 'VERSION ' str_programname db 'KolibriOS IRC client ', version, 0 str_user db 'user', 0 str_nick db 'nick', 0 str_real db 'realname', 0 str_email db 'email', 0 default_nick db 'kolibri_user', 0 default_real db 'Kolibri User', 0 str_welcome db 10 db ' ______________________ __ __ __',10 db '| \______ \_ ___ \ ____ | | |__| ____ _____/ |_',10 db '| || _/ \ \/ _/ ___\| | | |/ __ \ / \ __\',10 db '| || | \ \____ \ \___| |_| \ ___/| | \ |',10 db '|___||____|_ /\______ / \___ >____/__|\___ >___| /__|',10 db ' \/ \/ \/ \/ \/',10 db 10 db 'Welcome to IRC client ',version,' for KolibriOS',10 db 10 db 'Type /help for help',10,0 str_nickchange db 'Nickname is now ',0 str_realchange db 'Real name is now ',0 str_dotnewline db '.',10, 0 str_newline db 10, 0 str_connecting db 10,'* Connecting to ',0 str_help db 10,'following commands are available:',10 db 10 db '/nick : change nickname to ',10 db '/real : change real name to ',10 db '/server
: connect to server
',10 db '/code : change codepage to cp866, cp1251, or utf8',10,0 str_1 db ' -',0 str_2 db '- ',0 str_sockerr db 'Socket Error',10,0 str_dnserr db 'Unable to resolve hostname.',10,0 str_refused db 'Connection refused',10,0 sockaddr1: dw AF_INET4 .port dw 0x0b1a ; 6667 .ip dd 0 rb 10 status dd STATUS_DISCONNECTED text_start dd ? ; pointer to current textbox data irc_data dd 0x0 ; encoder textbox_width dd 80 ; in characters, not pixels ;) pos dd 66 * 11 ; encoder window_open dd windows window_print dd windows scroll dd 1 dd 12 align 4 @IMPORT: library network, 'network.obj',\ libini, 'libini.obj',\ boxlib, 'box_lib.obj' import network,\ getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo',\ freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo',\ inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa' import libini,\ ini.get_str, 'ini_get_str',\ ini.get_int, 'ini_get_int' import boxlib,\ edit_box_draw ,'edit_box' ,\ edit_box_key ,'edit_box_key' ,\ edit_box_mouse ,'edit_box_mouse' ,\ scrollbar_v_draw ,'scrollbar_v_draw' ,\ scrollbar_v_mouse,'scrollbar_v_mouse' I_END: ; width, left, top edit1 edit_box 0, 0, 0, 0xffffff, 0x6f9480, 0, 0, 0, USERCMD_MAX_SIZE, usercommand, mouse_dd, ed_focus, 25, 25 ; xsize, xpos, ysize, ypos, max, cur, pos, bgcol, frcol, linecol scroll1 scrollbar SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 300, 150, TOP_Y, 10, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 scroll2 scrollbar SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, 300, 150, TOP_Y, 10, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 usercommand db '/server chat.freenode.net', 0 rb MAX_COMMAND_LEN main_PID dd ? ; identifier of main thread utf8_bytes_rest dd ? ; bytes rest in current UTF8 sequence utf8_char dd ? ; first bits of current UTF8 character gai_reqdata rb 32 ; buffer for getaddrinfo_start/process ip_list dd ? ; will be filled as pointer to addrinfo list packetbuf rb 1024 ; buffer for packets to server path rb 1024 param rb 1024 socketnum dd ? servercommand rb 600 thread_info rb 1024 xsize dd ? ysize dd ? colors system_colors irc_server_name rb MAX_SERVER_NAME user_nick rb MAX_NICK_LEN user_real_name rb MAX_REAL_LEN windows rb MAX_WINDOWS*sizeof.window mouse_dd dd ? IM_END: