#include "board.h" #include "config.h" rect base_cell = {0}; tile null_tile = {0}; struct { rect draw; // background rect rect cell_map[BOARD_MAP_SIZE]; // background cells array tile tile_map[BOARD_MAP_SIZE]; // tiles array __u16 empty_index[BOARD_MAP_SIZE];// empty cells indexes __u16 empty_count; // empty cells count __u32 score; __u32 highscore; } board = {0}; // Get tile index for row and column __u16 board_index(__u16 row, __u16 column) { return column + row * BOARD_COUNT; } // Get tile position (as point with eow and column) for index point board_position(__u16 index) { point p = { .x = index % BOARD_COUNT, .y = index / BOARD_COUNT }; return p; } // Calculate cell rect for row and column rect position2cell(point p) { rect c = {0}; c.width = base_cell.width; c.height = base_cell.height; c.x = board.draw.x + BOARD_SPACING + p.x * (c.width + BOARD_SPACING); c.y = board.draw.y + BOARD_SPACING + p.y * (c.height + BOARD_SPACING); return c; } // Update information about empty cells void board_update_empty_info(); // Represent tile array as pointers array void board_to_tempboard(tile* temp[]); // Fill tile array with tiles from pointers array void board_from_tempboard(tile* temp[], __u8 forward); // Move tile inside a pointer array void tempboard_move_tile(tile* temp[], __u16 from, __u16 to); // Merge tiles inside a pointer array void tempboard_merge_tile(tile* temp[], __u16 from, __u16 to); // Random number generator __u32 random_u32(__u32 max); void board_init(rect* r) { __u32 high = config_load_highscore(); if (high > board.highscore) board.highscore = high; // seed for random number generator srand(__menuet__getsystemclock()); __u16 cell_size = (r->width - BOARD_SPACING * (BOARD_COUNT + 1)) / BOARD_COUNT; base_cell.width = cell_size; base_cell.height = cell_size; null_tile.value = 0; null_tile.animate = false; null_tile.ani_step = ANI_APPEAR_STEP; null_tile.merged = false; board.score = 0; board.draw = *r; canvas_init(r); canvas_fill(BOARD_BG_COLOR); __u16 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; i++) { board.cell_map[i] = position2cell(board_position(i)); board.tile_map[i] = null_tile; } i = 0; for (i = 0; i < START_COUNT; i++) { board_add_random_tile(); } board_redraw(); } void board_delete() { config_save_highscore(board.highscore); canvas_delete(); } void board_redraw() { __u16 i = 0; __u8 animate = false; __u8 last_animate = false; do { canvas_fill(BOARD_BG_COLOR); for (i = 0; i < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; i++) { canvas_draw_rect(&board.cell_map[i],CELL_COLOR); } animate = false; last_animate = false; for (i = 0; i < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; i++) { tile* t = &board.tile_map[i]; last_animate = tile_draw(t); if (last_animate) { animate = last_animate; } } canvas_paint(); if (animate) { __menuet__delay100(ANI_DELAY); } } while (animate); } __u8 board_up() { __u8 moved = false; __u16 row = 0; __u16 column = 0; __u16 ind = 0; __u16 preind = 0; tile* indtile = 0; tile* pretile = 0; tile* temp_board[BOARD_MAP_SIZE] = {0}; board_to_tempboard(temp_board); for (column = 0; column < BOARD_COUNT; column++) { for (row = 0; row < BOARD_COUNT; row++) { if (row > 0) { ind = board_index(row,column); indtile = temp_board[ind]; if (indtile) { preind = board_index(row - 1,column); pretile = temp_board[preind]; if (!pretile) { moved = true; tempboard_move_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); row = 0; } else if (tile_mergeable(indtile,pretile)) { moved = true; board.score += indtile->value * 2; if (board.score > board.highscore) board.highscore = board.score; tempboard_merge_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); row = 0; } } } } } board_from_tempboard(temp_board,true); return moved; } __u8 board_down() { __u8 moved = false; __u16 row = 0; __u16 column = 0; __u16 ind = 0; __u16 preind = 0; tile* indtile = 0; tile* pretile = 0; tile* temp_board[BOARD_MAP_SIZE] = {0}; board_to_tempboard(temp_board); for (column = 0; column < BOARD_COUNT; column++) { row = BOARD_COUNT; while (row--) { if ((BOARD_COUNT - row) > 1) { ind = board_index(row,column); indtile = temp_board[ind]; if (indtile) { preind = board_index(row + 1,column); pretile = temp_board[preind]; if (!pretile) { moved = true; tempboard_move_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); row = BOARD_COUNT; } else if (tile_mergeable(indtile,pretile)) { moved = true; board.score += indtile->value * 2; if (board.score > board.highscore) board.highscore = board.score; tempboard_merge_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); row = BOARD_COUNT; } } } } } board_from_tempboard(temp_board,false); return moved; } __u8 board_left() { __u8 moved = false; __u16 row = 0; __u16 column = 0; __u16 ind = 0; __u16 preind = 0; tile* indtile = 0; tile* pretile = 0; tile* temp_board[BOARD_MAP_SIZE] = {0}; board_to_tempboard(temp_board); for (row = 0; row < BOARD_COUNT; row++) { for (column = 0; column < BOARD_COUNT; column++) { if (column > 0) { ind = board_index(row,column); indtile = temp_board[ind]; if (indtile) { preind = board_index(row,column - 1); pretile = temp_board[preind]; if (!pretile) { moved = true; tempboard_move_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); column = 0; } else if (tile_mergeable(indtile,pretile)) { moved = true; board.score += indtile->value * 2; if (board.score > board.highscore) board.highscore = board.score; tempboard_merge_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); column = 0; } } } } } board_from_tempboard(temp_board,true); return moved; } __u8 board_right() { __u8 moved = false; __u16 row = 0; __u16 column = 0; __u16 ind = 0; __u16 preind = 0; tile* indtile = 0; tile* pretile = 0; tile* temp_board[BOARD_MAP_SIZE] = {0}; board_to_tempboard(temp_board); for (row = 0; row < BOARD_COUNT; row++) { column = BOARD_COUNT; while (column--) { if ((BOARD_COUNT - column) > 1) { ind = board_index(row,column); indtile = temp_board[ind]; if (indtile) { preind = board_index(row,column + 1); pretile = temp_board[preind]; if (!pretile) { moved = true; tempboard_move_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); column = BOARD_COUNT; } else if (tile_mergeable(indtile,pretile)) { moved = true; board.score += indtile->value * 2; if (board.score > board.highscore) board.highscore = board.score; tempboard_merge_tile(temp_board,ind,preind); column = BOARD_COUNT; } } } } } board_from_tempboard(temp_board,false); return moved; } __u8 board_add_random_tile() { board_update_empty_info(); if (board.empty_count) { __u16 rnd_av = random_u32(board.empty_count); rnd_av = board.empty_index[rnd_av]; tile* av_tile = &board.tile_map[rnd_av]; av_tile->value = (random_u32(10) < 9) ? 2 : 4; av_tile->animate = true; av_tile->ani_step = ANI_APPEAR_STEP; av_tile->transition = position2cell(board_position(rnd_av)); av_tile->cell.x = av_tile->transition.x + base_cell.width / 2; av_tile->cell.y = av_tile->transition.y + base_cell.height / 2; av_tile->cell.width = 0; av_tile->cell.height = 0; } return board.empty_count; } __u8 board_has_moves() { __u16 ind = 0; __u16 next = 0; __u16 step = 0; __u16 pos = 0; for (step = 0; step < BOARD_COUNT; step++) { for (pos = 0; pos < BOARD_COUNT; pos++) { // check horizontal ind = board_index(step,pos); next = board_index(step,pos + 1); if (!board.tile_map[ind].value || (((pos + 1) < BOARD_COUNT) && (!board.tile_map[next].value || (board.tile_map[ind].value == board.tile_map[next].value) ) ) ) return true; // check vertical ind = board_index(pos,step); next = board_index(pos + 1,step); if (!board.tile_map[ind].value || (((pos + 1) < BOARD_COUNT) && (!board.tile_map[next].value || (board.tile_map[ind].value == board.tile_map[next].value) ) ) ) return true; } } return false; } __u32 board_score() { return board.score; } __u32 board_highscore() { return board.highscore; } void board_update_empty_info() { board.empty_count = 0; __u16 i = 0; for (i = 0; i < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; i++) { if (!board.tile_map[i].value) { board.empty_index[board.empty_count] = i; board.empty_count++; } } } void board_to_tempboard(tile* temp[]) { __u16 ind = 0; for (ind = 0; ind < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; ind++) { tile* bt = &board.tile_map[ind]; if (bt->value) { temp[ind] = bt; } } } void board_from_tempboard(tile *temp[], __u8 forward) { __u16 ind = 0; if (forward) { for (ind = 0; ind < BOARD_MAP_SIZE; ind++) { tile* bt = &board.tile_map[ind]; tile* tt = temp[ind]; if (tt) { *bt = *tt; bt->transition = position2cell(board_position(ind)); } else { *bt = null_tile; } } } else { ind = BOARD_MAP_SIZE; while (ind--) { tile* bt = &board.tile_map[ind]; tile* tt = temp[ind]; if (tt) { *bt = *tt; bt->transition = position2cell(board_position(ind)); } else { *bt = null_tile; } } } } void tempboard_move_tile(tile* temp[], __u16 from, __u16 to) { temp[to] = temp[from]; temp[to]->animate = true; temp[to]->ani_step = ANI_MOVE_STEP; temp[from] = 0; } void tempboard_merge_tile(tile* temp[], __u16 from, __u16 to) { temp[from]->merged = true; temp[from]->merged_rect = temp[to]->cell; tempboard_move_tile(temp,from,to); } __u32 random_u32(__u32 max) { return ((rand() * 1.0) / RAND_MAX) * max; }