;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2013. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; tftpc.asm - TFTP client for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format binary as "" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x1 dd START dd I_END dd IM_END+0x1000 dd IM_END+0x1000 dd 0, 0 include '../../proc32.inc' include '../../macros.inc' include '../../libio.inc' include '../../dll.inc' include '../../develop/libraries/box_lib/trunk/box_lib.mac' include '../../network.inc' filebuffer_size = 4*4096 ; 16kb (dont try to change it yet..) TIMEOUT = 100 buffer_len = 1500 opcode_rrq = 1 opcode_wrq = 2 opcode_data = 3 opcode_ack = 4 opcode_error = 5 ; read/write request packet ; ; 2 bytes string 1 byte string 1 byte ; ------------------------------------------------ ; | Opcode | Filename | 0 | Mode | 0 | ; ------------------------------------------------ ; data packet ; ; 2 bytes 2 bytes n bytes ; ---------------------------------- ; | Opcode | Block # | Data | ; ---------------------------------- ; acknowledgement packet ; ; 2 bytes 2 bytes ; --------------------- ; | Opcode | Block # | ; --------------------- ; error packet ; ; 2 bytes 2 bytes string 1 byte ; ---------------------------------------- ; | Opcode | ErrorCode | ErrMsg | 0 | ; ---------------------------------------- START: mcall 68, 11 stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT or eax, eax jnz exit stop_transfer: mcall 40, 00100111b red_win: call draw_window align 4 still: mcall 10 dec eax jz red_win dec eax jz key dec eax jz button push dword edit1 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword edit4 call [edit_box_mouse] push dword Option_boxs1 call [option_box_mouse] push dword Option_boxs2 call [option_box_mouse] jmp still button: mcall 17 cmp ah,0x10 je start_transfer test ah , ah jz still exit: mcall -1 key: mcall 2 push dword edit1 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_key] push dword edit4 call [edit_box_key] jmp still align 4 draw_window: mcall 12,1 mcall 0, (50*65536+400), (30*65536+180), 0x34AABBCC, 0x085080DD, str_title mcall 4, 35*65536+10, 0x80000000, str_server mov ebx, 5*65536+30 mov edx, str_source mcall mov ebx, 11*65536+50 mov edx, str_destination mcall mov ebx, 47*65536+72 mov edx, str_mode mcall mov ebx, 160*65536+72 mov edx, str_method mcall mov ebx, 270*65536+72 mov edx, str_blocksize mcall push dword edit1 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit2 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit3 call [edit_box_draw] push dword edit4 call [edit_box_draw] push dword Option_boxs1 call [option_box_draw] push dword Option_boxs2 call [option_box_draw] mcall 8,210*65536+170, 105*65536+16,0x00000010,0x085080DD mcall 4,260*65536+110, 0x80000000, str_transfer mcall 38,10*65536+380, 130*65536+130,0x00000000 mcall 4,350*65536+137, 0x80000000, str_kb_s mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 7 shl 16 + 1,kbps,305*65536+137,0x00000000 mcall 4,50*65536+137, 0x80000000, str_complete mcall 47,1 shl 31 + 3 shl 16 + 1,done,25*65536+137,0x00000000 mcall 12,2 ret start_transfer: ; first, resolve the hostname push esp ; reserve stack place push esp ; fourth parameter push 0 ; third parameter push 0 ; second parameter push dword SRV ; first parameter call [getaddrinfo] pop esi ; test for error test eax, eax jnz still mov esi, [esi] mov esi, [esi + sockaddr_in.sin_addr] mov dword [IP], esi mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 ; socket_open cmp eax, -1 je still mov [socketnum], eax mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr, sockaddr_len ; socket_connect cmp eax, -1 je still mov word [I_END], opcode_rrq cmp [option_group2],op3 je @f mov word [I_END], opcode_wrq @@: xor al , al mov edi, remote_addr mov ecx, 250 repnz scasb sub edi, remote_addr-1 mov ecx, edi mov edi, I_END+2 mov esi, remote_addr rep movsb cmp [option_group1], op1 je .ascii mov esi, octet movsd movsb jmp .send_request .ascii: mov esi, netascii movsd movsd .send_request: xor al, al stosb sub edi, I_END mov esi, edi mcall send, [socketnum], I_END mcall 40, 10000101b mov [last_ack], 0 receive_data_loop: mcall 23, TIMEOUT dec eax jz .red dec eax jz .key mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer, buffer_len, MSG_DONTWAIT ; receive data cmp word[buffer], opcode_data jne .error mov bx, [last_ack] cmp word [buffer + 2], bx jne .packet_got_lost inc [last_ack] cmp eax, 4+512 je .continue ; last packet, or something else .error: .packet_got_lost: .continue: mov word[buffer], opcode_ack ; send ack mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, 4, 0 jmp receive_data_loop .red: call draw_window jmp receive_data_loop .key: mcall 2 cmp ah, 2 jz exit ; close socket ? jmp receive_data_loop ;-------------------------------- send_: invoke file_open, local_addr, O_READ or eax, eax jz .exit mov [fh], eax stdcall mem.Alloc, filebuffer_size or eax, eax jz .exit mov [fb], eax mov [last_ack], 0 mov [fo], 0 .read_chunk: invoke file_seek, [fh], [fo], SEEK_END cmp eax, -1 je .exit invoke file_read, [fh], [fb], filebuffer_size cmp eax, -1 je .exit add [fo], filebuffer_size cmp eax, filebuffer_size je .packet ; ijhidfhfdsndsfqk .packet: movzx esi, [last_ack] and esi, 0x000000001f ; last five bits BUFFER SIZE MUST BE 16 kb for this to work !!! shl esi, 9 ; = * 512 add esi, [fb] mov edi, buffer mov ax, opcode_data stosw mov ax, [last_ack] stosw mov ecx, 512/4 rep movsd mcall send, [socketnum], buffer, 4+512, 0 ; send data .loop: mcall 23, TIMEOUT dec eax jz .red dec eax jz .key mcall recv, [socketnum], buffer, buffer_len, MSG_DONTWAIT ; receive ack cmp word[buffer], opcode_ack jne .exit mov ax, [last_ack] cmp word[buffer+2], ax jne .packet inc [last_ack] test [last_ack],0x001f jz .read_chunk jmp .packet .red: call draw_window jmp .loop .key: mcall 2 cmp ah, 2 jz exit ; close socket ? jmp .loop .exit: invoke file_close, [fh] jmp still ;------------------------- ; DATA socketnum dd 0 kbps dd 0 done dd 0 sockaddr: dw AF_INET4 dw 0x4500 ; 69 IP db 192,168,1,115 sockaddr_len = $ - sockaddr align 16 @IMPORT: library box_lib , 'box_lib.obj', \ io_lib , 'libio.obj', \ network , 'network.obj' import box_lib ,\ edit_box_draw ,'edit_box' ,\ edit_box_key ,'edit_box_key' ,\ edit_box_mouse ,'edit_box_mouse' ,\ version_ed ,'version_ed' ,\ init_checkbox ,'init_checkbox2' ,\ check_box_draw ,'check_box_draw2' ,\ check_box_mouse ,'check_box_mouse2' ,\ version_ch ,'version_ch2' ,\ option_box_draw ,'option_box_draw' ,\ option_box_mouse ,'option_box_mouse' ,\ version_op ,'version_op' import io_lib ,\ file_find_first , 'file_find_first' ,\ file_find_next , 'file_find_next' ,\ file_find_close , 'file_find_close' ,\ file_size , 'file_size' ,\ file_open , 'file_open' ,\ file_read , 'file_read' ,\ file_write , 'file_write' ,\ file_seek , 'file_seek' ,\ file_tell , 'file_tell' ,\ file_eof? , 'file_iseof' ,\ file_seteof , 'file_seteof' ,\ file_truncate , 'file_truncate' ,\ file_close , 'file_close' import network ,\ inet_ntoa , 'inet_ntoa' ,\ getaddrinfo , 'getaddrinfo' ,\ freeaddrinfo , 'freeaddrinfo' edit1 edit_box 300,80,5 ,0xffffff,0x6f9480,0,0,0,99 ,SRV,mouse_dd,ed_focus, 11,11 edit2 edit_box 300,80,25,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,remote_addr,mouse_dd,ed_figure_only, 5,5 edit3 edit_box 300,80,45,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,99 ,local_addr,mouse_dd,ed_figure_only, 27,27 edit4 edit_box 40,340,68,0xffffff,0x6a9480,0,0,0,5 ,BLK,mouse_dd,ed_figure_only, 3,3 op1 option_box option_group1,80,68,6,12,0xffffff,0,0,netascii,octet-netascii op2 option_box option_group1,80,85,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0,octet,get-octet op3 option_box option_group2,210,68,6,12,0xffffff,0,0,get,put-get op4 option_box option_group2,210,85,6,12,0xFFFFFF,0,0,put,BLK-put option_group1 dd op1 option_group2 dd op3 Option_boxs1 dd op1,op2,0 Option_boxs2 dd op3,op4,0 str_title db 'TFTP client for KolibriOS',0 str_server db 'Server:',0 str_source db 'Remote file:',0 str_destination db 'Local file:',0 str_mode db 'Mode:',0 str_method db 'Method:',0 str_blocksize db 'Blocksize:',0 str_kb_s db 'kb/s',0 str_complete db '% complete',0 str_transfer db 'Transfer',0 str_error: ._0 db 'Not defined, see error message (if any).',0 ._1 db 'File not found.',0 ._2 db 'Access violation.',0 ._3 db 'Disk full or allocation exceeded.',0 ._4 db 'Illegal TFTP operation.',0 ._5 db 'Unknown transfer ID.',0 ._6 db 'File already exists.',0 ._7 db 'No such user.',0 netascii db 'NetASCII' octet db 'Octet' get db 'GET' put db 'PUT' BLK db "512",0,0,0 last_ack dw ? fh dd ? ; file handle fo dd ? ; file offset fb dd ? ; file buffer SRV db "",0 rb (SRV + 256 - $) remote_addr db "IMG00",0 rb (remote_addr + 256 - $) local_addr db "/hd0/1/KolibriOS/kernel.mnt",0 rb (local_addr + 256 - $) I_END: mouse_dd dd ? buffer: rb buffer_len IM_END: