struct thread_data rb 1024 stack rb 0 home_dir rb 1024 ; home directory in wich the user is locked, asciiz work_dir rb 1024 ; working directory, must at all times begin and end with a '/', asciiz fpath rb 1024*3 ; file path, combination of home_dir, work_dir and filename ; Will also be used to temporarily store username type db ? ; ASCII/EBDIC/IMAGE/.. mode db ? ; active/passive socketnum dd ? ; Commands socket state dd ? ; disconnected/logging in/logged in/.. passivesocknum dd ? ; when in passive mode, this is the listening socket datasocketnum dd ? ; socket used for data transfers permissions dd ? ; read/write/execute/.... buffer_ptr dd ? pid dd ? ; Process id of the current thread datasock sockaddr_in buffer rb BUFFERSIZE ends ;------------------------------------------------ ; parse_cmd ; ; Internal function wich uses the 'commands' ; table to call an appropriate cmd_xx function. ; ; input: esi = ptr to ascii commands ; ecx = number of bytes input ; ebp = pointer to thread_data structure ; ; output: none ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 parse_cmd: ; esi must point to command cmp byte [esi], 0x20 ; skip all leading characters ja .ok inc esi dec ecx cmp ecx, 3 jb .error jmp parse_cmd .ok: cmp byte [esi+3], 0x20 ja @f mov byte [esi+3], 0 @@: mov eax, [esi] and eax, not 0x20202020 ; convert to upper case mov edi, commands ; list of commands to scan .scanloop: cmp eax, [edi] je .got_it add edi, 5*4 cmp byte [edi], 0 jne .scanloop .error: cmp [ebp + thread_data.state], STATE_ACTIVE jb login_first sendFTP "500 Unsupported command" ret .got_it: mov eax, [ebp + thread_data.state] jmp dword [edi + 4 + eax] align 4 iglobal commands: ; all commands must be in uppercase dd 'ABOR', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdABOR ; dd 'ACCT', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_ACCT ; dd 'APPE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_APPE dd 'CDUP', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdCDUP dd 'CWD', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdCWD dd 'DELE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdDELE ; dd 'HELP', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_HELP dd 'LIST', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdLIST ; dd 'MDTM', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_MDTM ; dd 'MKD', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_MKD ; dd 'MODE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_MODE dd 'NLST', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdNLST dd 'NOOP', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdNOOP dd 'PASS', cmdPASS.0, cmdPASS , cmdPASS.2, cmdPASS.3 dd 'PASV', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdPASV dd 'PORT', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdPORT dd 'PWD', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdPWD dd 'QUIT', cmdQUIT, cmdQUIT, cmdQUIT, cmdQUIT ; dd 'REIN', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_REIN ; dd 'REST', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_REST dd 'RETR', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdRETR ; dd 'RMD', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_RMD ; dd 'RNFR', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_RNFR ; dd 'RNTO', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_RNTO ; dd 'SITE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_SITE ; dd 'SIZE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_SIZE ; dd 'STAT', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_STAT dd 'STOR', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdSTOR ; dd 'STOU', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_STOU ; dd 'STRU', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmd_STRU dd 'SYST', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdSYST dd 'TYPE', login_first, login_first, login_first, cmdTYPE dd 'USER', cmdUSER, cmdUSER, cmdUSER, cmdUSER.2 db 0 ; end marker endg align 4 login_first: sendFTP "530 Please login with USER and PASS" ret align 4 permission_denied: sendFTP "550 Permission denied" ret align 4 socketerror: invoke con_set_flags, 0x0c invoke con_write_asciiz, str_sockerr invoke con_set_flags, 0x07 sendFTP "425 Can't open data connection" ret align 4 abort_transfer: and [ebp + thread_data.permissions], not ABORT mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_NOTREADY invoke file.close, ebx mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] sendFTP "530 Transfer aborted" ret align 4 ip_to_dword: ; esi = ptr to str, cl = separator ('.', ',') call ascii_to_byte mov bl, al cmp byte [esi], cl jne .err inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov bh, al cmp byte [esi], cl jne .err inc esi shl ebx, 16 call ascii_to_byte mov bl, al cmp byte [esi], cl jne .err inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov bh, al ror ebx, 16 ret .err: xor ebx, ebx ret align 4 ; esi = ptr to str, output in eax ascii_to_byte: xor eax, eax push ebx .loop: movzx ebx, byte[esi] sub bl, '0' jb .done cmp bl, 9 ja .done lea eax, [eax*4 + eax] ; shl eax, 1 ; eax = eax * 10 add eax, ebx inc esi jmp .loop .done: pop ebx ret align 4 dword_to_ascii: ; edi = ptr where to write, eax is number push edx ebx ecx mov ebx, 10 xor ecx, ecx @@: xor edx, edx div ebx add edx, '0' pushw dx inc ecx test eax, eax jnz @r @@: popw ax stosb dec ecx jnz @r pop ecx ebx edx ret align 4 create_path: ; combine home_dir and work_dir strings into fpath lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] lea esi, [ebp + thread_data.home_dir] mov ecx, 1024 .loop1: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jb .next stosb loop .loop1 .next: cmp byte[edi-1], '/' jne @f dec edi @@: lea esi, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] mov ecx, 1024 .loop2: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jb .done stosb loop .loop2 .done: xor al, al stosb ret align 4 nextpasvport: inc [pasv_port] mov ax, [pasv_port] cmp ax, [pasv_start] jb .restart cmp ax, [pasv_end] ja .restart ret .restart: pushw [pasv_start] popw [pasv_port] ret align 4 open_datasock: cmp [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_PASSIVE_OK je .start ; If we are in active mode, it's time to open a data socket.. cmp [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_ACTIVE jne .not_active mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.datasock] mov esi, sizeof.thread_data.datasock mcall connect cmp eax, -1 jne .start .socketerror: add esp, 4 jmp socketerror ; If we are still in passive_wait, it's time we accept an incomming call.. .not_active: cmp [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT jne .socketerror .try_now: mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum] lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.datasock] mov esi, sizeof.thread_data.datasock mcall accept cmp eax, -1 jne .pasv_ok mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_PASSIVE_FAILED ; assume that we will fail mcall 23, 200 mcall accept cmp eax, -1 je .socketerror .pasv_ok: mov [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum], eax mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_PASSIVE_OK mcall close ; [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum] mov [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum], -1 invoke con_write_asciiz, str_datasock .start: ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "ABOR" ; ; This command aborts the current filetransfer. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdABOR: or [ebp + thread_data.permissions], ABORT sendFTP "250 Command succesul" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "CDUP" ; ; Change the directory to move up one level. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdCDUP: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_CD jz permission_denied cmp byte [ebp + thread_data.work_dir+1], 0 ; are we in "/" ? je .done ; if so, we cant go up.. ; find the end of asciiz string work_dir mov ecx, 1024 xor al, al lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] repne scasb ; return 2 characters (right before last /) sub edi, 3 ; and now search backwards, for a '/' mov al,'/' neg ecx add ecx, 1024 std repne scasb cld ; terminate the string here mov byte[edi+2], 0 .done: ; Print the new working dir on the console lea eax, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] invoke con_write_asciiz, eax invoke con_write_asciiz, str_newline sendFTP "250 Command succesul" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "CWD" ; ; Change Working Directory. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdCWD: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_CD jz permission_denied ; do we have enough parameters? sub ecx, 4 jbe .err ; get ready to copy the path add esi, 4 mov ecx, 1024 lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] ; if received dir starts with '/', we will simply copy it ; If not, we will append the current path with the received path. cmp byte [esi], '/' je .copyloop ; Find the end of work_dir string. xor al, al .find_zero: repne scasb dec edi ; and now append work_dir with received string mov ecx, 1024 ; scan for end byte, or '.' .copyloop: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jb .done ;;; cmp al, '.' ; '..' means we must go up one dir TODO ;;; je .up stosb loop .copyloop ; now, now make sure it ends with '/', 0 .done: cmp byte [edi-1], '/' je @f mov byte [edi], '/' inc edi @@: mov byte [edi], 0 ; Print the new working dir on the console lea eax, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] invoke con_write_asciiz, eax invoke con_write_asciiz, str_newline sendFTP "250 Command succesful" ret .err: sendFTP "550 Directory does not exist" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "DELE" ; ; Delete a file from the server. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdDELE: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_DELETE jz permission_denied ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "LIST" ; ; List the files in the current working directory. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdLIST: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_EXEC jz permission_denied call open_datasock ; Create fpath from home_dir and work_dir call create_path lea ebx, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] invoke con_write_asciiz, ebx invoke con_write_asciiz, str_newline ; Start the search invoke file.find.first, ebx, str_mask, FA_READONLY+FA_FOLDER+FA_ARCHIVED;+FA_NORMAL test eax, eax jz .nosuchdir lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] .parse_file: test eax, eax ; did we find a file? jz .done mov ebx, eax ; yes, save the descripter in ebx ; first, convert the attributes test [ebx + FileInfoA.Attributes], FA_FOLDER jnz .folder test [ebx + FileInfoA.Attributes], FA_READONLY jnz .readonly mov eax, '-rw-' stosd jmp .attr .folder: mov eax, 'drwx' stosd jmp .attr .readonly: mov eax, '-r--' stosd .attr: mov eax, 'rw-r' stosd mov ax, 'w-' stosw mov al, ' ' stosb ; now.. mov ax, '1 ' stosw ; now write owner, everything is owned by FTP, woohoo! mov eax, 'FTP ' stosd stosd ; now the filesize in ascii mov eax, dword[ebx + FileInfoA.FileSize] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb ; then date (month/day/year) movzx eax, [ebx + FileInfoA.DateModify.month] cmp eax, 12 ja @f mov eax, [months - 4 + 4*eax] stosd @@: movzx eax, [ebx +] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb movzx eax, [ebx + FileInfoA.DateModify.year] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ' ' stosb ; and last but not least, filename lea esi, [ebx + FileInfoA.FileName] mov ecx, 264 .nameloop: lodsb test al, al jz .namedone stosb loop .nameloop ; insert a cr lf .namedone: mov ax, 0x0a0d stosw test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], ABORT ; Did we receive ABOR command from client? jnz abort_transfer ; check next file invoke, ebx jmp .parse_file ; close file desc .done: invoke file.find.close, ebx ; ebx is descriptor of last file, eax will be -1 !! ; append the string with a 0 xor al, al stosb ; Warn the client we're about to send the data push edi sendFTP "150 Here it comes.." pop esi ; and send it to the client mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] ; socket num lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] ; buffer ptr sub esi, edx ; length xor edi, edi ; flags mcall send ; close the data socket.. mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_NOTREADY mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] sendFTP "226 Transfer OK" ret .nosuchdir: sendFTP "550 Directory does not exist" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "NLST" ; ; List the filenames of the files in the current working directory. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdNLST: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_EXEC jz permission_denied ; TODO: same as list but simpler output format ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "NOOP" ; ; No operation, just keep the connection alive. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdNOOP: sendFTP "200 Command OK" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "PASS" ; ; Second phase of login process, client provides password. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdPASS: ; read the password from users.ini lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.buffer + 512] ; temp pass lea ebx, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] ; temp username invoke ini.get_str, path2, ebx, str_pass, edi, 512, str_infinity test eax, eax ; unable to read password? fail! jnz .incorrect cmp dword [edi], -1 ; no key, section or file found.. fail! je .incorrect cmp byte [edi], 0 ; zero password? ok! je .ok add esi, 5 sub ecx, 5 jbe .incorrect ; no password given? but hey, we need one! fail.. ; compare with received password repe cmpsb cmp byte [esi-1], 0x20 ; printeable characters left? jae .incorrect cmp byte [edi-1], 0 jne .incorrect .ok: invoke ini.get_int, path2, ebx, str_mode, 0 mov [ebp + thread_data.permissions], eax invoke con_write_asciiz, str_pass_ok mov [ebp + thread_data.state], STATE_ACTIVE sendFTP "230 You are now logged in" ret .2: .incorrect: invoke con_write_asciiz, str_pass_err mov [ebp + thread_data.state], STATE_CONNECTED ; reset state sendFTP "530 Login incorrect" ret .0: sendFTP "503 Login with USER first" ret .3: sendFTP "230 Already logged in" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "PASV" ; ; Initiate a passive dataconnection. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdPASV: ; cmp [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum], -1 ; je @f ; mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum] ; if there is still a socket open, close it ; @@: ; Open a new TCP socket mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 je socketerror mov [ebp + thread_data.passivesocknum], eax ; Bind it to a known local port mov [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_family], AF_INET4 mov [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_addr], 0 mov ecx, eax ; passivesocketnum lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.datasock] mov esi, sizeof.thread_data.datasock .next_port: ; TODO: break the endless loop call nextpasvport mov ax, [pasv_port] xchg al, ah mov [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_port], ax mcall bind cmp eax, -1 je .next_port ; And set it to listen! mcall listen, , 1 cmp eax, -1 je socketerror ; Tell our thread we are ready to accept incoming calls mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_PASSIVE_WAIT ; Now tell the client where to connect to in this format: ; 227 Entering Passive Mode (a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2) ; where a1.a2.a3.a4 is the IP address and p1*256+p2 is the port number. ; '227 (' lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] mov eax, '227 ' stosd mov al, '(' stosb ; ip movzx eax, byte [serverip] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte [serverip+1] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte [serverip+2] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte [serverip+3] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ',' stosb ; port movzx eax, byte [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_port] call dword_to_ascii mov al, ',' stosb movzx eax, byte [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_port+1] call dword_to_ascii ; ')', 13, 10, 0 mov eax, ')' + 0x000a0d00 stosd lea esi, [edi - thread_data.buffer] sub esi, ebp mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.socketnum] lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] xor edi, edi mcall send ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "PWD" ; ; Print the current working directory. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdPWD: mov dword [ebp + thread_data.buffer], '257 ' mov byte [ebp + thread_data.buffer+4], '"' lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.buffer+5] lea esi, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] mov ecx, 1024 .loop: lodsb or al, al jz .ok stosb dec ecx jnz .loop .ok: mov dword [edi], '"' + 0x000a0d00 ; '"',13,10,0 lea esi, [edi - thread_data.buffer + 4] sub esi, ebp mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.socketnum] lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] xor edi, edi mcall send ; Print the new working dir on the console lea eax, [ebp + thread_data.work_dir] invoke con_write_asciiz, eax invoke con_write_asciiz, str_newline ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "PORT" ; ; Initiate an active dataconnection. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdPORT: ; PORT a1,a2,a3,a4,p1,p2 ; IP address a1.a2.a3.a4, port p1*256+p2 ; Convert the IP lea esi, [esi+5] mov cl, ',' call ip_to_dword ; And put it in datasock mov [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_addr], ebx ; Now the same with portnumber inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov byte[ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_port], al inc esi call ascii_to_byte mov byte[ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_port+1], al ; We will open the socket, but do not connect yet! mov [ebp + thread_data.datasock.sin_family], AF_INET4 mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 je socketerror mov [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum], eax mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_ACTIVE sendFTP "225 Data connection open" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "QUIT" ; ; Close the connection with client. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdQUIT: sendFTP "221 Bye!" mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.socketnum] add esp, 4 ; get rid of call return address jmp thread_exit ; now close this thread ;------------------------------------------------ ; "RETR" ; ; Retrieve a file from the ftp server. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdRETR: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_READ jz permission_denied cmp ecx, 1024 + 5 jae .cannot_open sub ecx, 5 jb .cannot_open call open_datasock call create_path dec edi lea esi, [ebp + thread_data.buffer + 5] mov ecx, 1024 cmp byte [esi], '/' jne .loop inc esi .loop: lodsb cmp al, 0x20 jl .done stosb loop .loop .done: xor al, al stosb lea ebx, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] invoke con_write_asciiz, ebx invoke con_write_asciiz, str_newline invoke, ebx, O_READ test eax, eax jz .cannot_open push eax sendFTP "150 Here it comes.." pop ebx .read_more: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], ABORT jnz abort_transfer lea eax, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] ; FIXME: use another buffer!! if we receive something on control connection now, we screw up! invoke, ebx, eax, BUFFERSIZE cmp eax, -1 je .cannot_open ; FIXME: this is not the correct error invoke con_write_asciiz, str2 push eax ebx mov esi, eax mov ecx, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] lea edx, [ebp + thread_data.buffer] xor edi, edi mcall send pop ebx ecx cmp eax, -1 je socketerror ; FIXME: not the correct error ; cmp eax, ecx ; jne not_all_byes_sent ; TODO cmp ecx, BUFFERSIZE je .read_more invoke file.close, ebx invoke con_write_asciiz, str2b mov [ebp + thread_data.mode], MODE_NOTREADY mcall close, [ebp + thread_data.datasocketnum] sendFTP "226 Transfer OK, closing connection" ret .cannot_open: invoke con_set_flags, 0x0c invoke con_write_asciiz, str_notfound invoke con_set_flags, 0x07 sendFTP "550 No such file" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "STOR" ; ; Store a file on the server. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdSTOR: test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], PERMISSION_WRITE jz permission_denied ;;;; test [ebp + thread_data.permissions], ABORT jnz abort_transfer ;;;; ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "SYST" ; ; Send information about the system. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdSYST: sendFTP "215 UNIX type: L8" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "TYPE" ; ; Choose the file transfer type. ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdTYPE: cmp ecx, 6 jb parse_cmd.error mov al, byte[esi+5] and al, not 0x20 cmp al, 'A' je .ascii cmp al, 'E' je .ebdic cmp al, 'I' je .image cmp al, 'L' je .local jmp parse_cmd.error .ascii: mov [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_ASCII jmp .subtype .ebdic: mov [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_EBDIC .subtype: cmp ecx, 8 jb .non_print mov al, byte[esi+7] and al, not 0x20 cmp al, 'N' je .non_print cmp al, 'T' je .telnet cmp al, 'C' je .asacc cmp al, 0x20 jb .non_print jmp parse_cmd.error .non_print: or [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_NP jmp .ok .telnet: or [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_TELNET jmp .ok .asacc: or [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_ASA jmp .ok .image: mov [ebp + thread_data.type], TYPE_IMAGE jmp .ok .local: cmp ecx, 8 jb parse_cmd.error mov al, byte[esi+7] sub al, '0' jb parse_cmd.error ; FIXME: this is not the correct errormessage cmp al, 9 ja parse_cmd.error ; FIXME or al, TYPE_LOCAL mov [ebp + thread_data.type], al .ok: sendFTP "200 Command ok" ret ;------------------------------------------------ ; "USER" ; ; Login to the server, step one of two. ;;; TODO: prevent buffer overflow! ; ;------------------------------------------------ align 4 cmdUSER: lea esi, [esi + 5] lea edi, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] ; temp buffer for username .loop: lodsb stosb cmp al, 0x20 jae .loop mov byte [edi-1], 0 lea esi, [ebp + thread_data.fpath] lea eax, [ebp + thread_data.home_dir] invoke ini.get_str, path2, esi, str_home, eax, 1024, str_infinity cmp eax, -1 je .login_fail cmp dword [esi], -1 je .login_fail mov word [ebp + thread_data.work_dir], "/" ; "/", 0 invoke con_write_asciiz, str_logged_in mov [ebp + thread_data.state], STATE_LOGIN .sendstr: sendFTP "331 Please specify the password" ret .login_fail: invoke con_write_asciiz, str_pass_err mov [ebp + thread_data.state], STATE_LOGIN_FAIL jmp .sendstr align 4 .2: sendFTP "530 Can't change to another user" ret