;v. 0.4:  20.10.2009 staper@inbox.ru

	org	0x0
	db	'MENUET01'
	dd	0x1
	dd	I_END
	dd	(I_END+600) and not 3
	dd	(I_END+600) and not 3
	dd	0x0,0x0

DEBUG equ 0

use_new_logic equ 1	;äîáàâëÿåò ïðîâåðêó êëåòêè íà "îêðóæ¸ííîñòü", ïðîãðàììà âûáèðàåò íàèáîëåå ñâîáîäíóþ
use_ext_logic equ 1	;ê use_new_logic, äîïîëíèòåëüíàÿ ïðîâåðêà ÿ÷ååê âîêðóã çàäàííîé êëåòêè

include '../../../macros.inc'
include 'lang.inc'

;include 'debug.inc'

macro dbg_dec num
debug_print_dec num


	mcall	40,100111b
	mcall	3
	mov	[rsx1],ax
	shr	eax,16
	mov	[rsx2],ax
	jmp	new_game

	mcall	12,1
	mcall	0,100*65536+432,100*65536+260,0x34FFFFFF,,title
	mcall	38,1*65536+421,27*65536+27,0x00b0b0b0
	mov	edi,10
  @@:	add	ecx,20*65536+20
	dec	edi
	jnz	@b
	mcall	,1*65536+1,27*65536+226,;000000
	mov	edi,21
  @@:	add	ebx,20*65536+20
	dec	edi
	jnz	@b
	mcall	13,202*65536+19,27*65536+202,0xFFFFFF
	mcall	4,40*65536+12,0x80000000,text_user
	mcall	,350*65536+12,,text_cpu
	mcall	8,120*65536+70,7*65536+15,2,0xFFFFFF
	mcall	,230*65536+70,,3,
	mcall	4,135*65536+12,0x80000000,but_new
	mcall	,240*65536+12,,but_auto
	mcall	12,2

;	mcall	0,100*65536+432,100*65536+260,0x74FFFFFF,,title
	call	SysMsgBoardNum	;show esp
	mcall	8,200*65536+10,7*65536+15,4,0xFFFFFF

	mov	esi,table1
	mov	edi,90
	mov	ebp,10
	mov	ebx,1*65536+21
	mov	ecx,27*65536+47
	call	draw_bots

	mov	esi,table5
	mov	edi,90
	mov	ebp,10
	mov	ebx,221*65536+241
	mov	ecx,27*65536+47
	call	draw_bots
	cmp	[u_kill],10
	jne	@f
	mcall	4,69*65536+12,0x80ff0000,text_win
	bts	[flags],5
  @@:	cmp	[c_kill],10
	jne	@f
	mcall	4,372*65536+12,0x80ff0000,text_win
	bts	[flags],5
  @@:	mcall	12,2
	cmp	[number_bots],10
	jne	still
	bts	[flags],0
	mcall	10

	cmp	eax,6
	je	mouse
	dec	eax
	jnz	@f
	call	redraw_all
	jmp	draw_pole
@@:	dec	eax
	jz	key
	dec	eax
	jz	button
	jmp	still

	mcall	2
	jmp	still

	mcall	17
	dec	ah
	jnz	@f
	mcall	-1

  @@:	mov	ecx,(344)/4
	mov	esi,table1
    .3: mov	dword [esi],0
	add	esi,4
	loop	.3

	dec	ah
	jz	@f

	mov	[flags],1001b	;auto fill
	mov	[number_bots],0

	call	set_bots
	mov	[number_bots],0
	bts	[flags],2
	call	set_bots
	call	redraw_all
	btc	[flags2],0
	jc	second_pole.comp
	jmp	draw_pole

  @@:				;new game
	mov	[number_bots],0
	mov	[flags],1100b
	call	set_bots
	btr	[flags],0
	btr	[flags],3
	btr	[flags],2
	mov	[number_bots],0
	call	redraw_all
	jmp	draw_pole

	cmp	byte [esi],1
	je	.one
	cmp	byte [esi],2
	je	.two
	cmp	byte [esi],3
	je	.three
	cmp	byte [esi],4
	jne	.null
	bts	[flags],4
	jmp	.three

	inc	esi
	dec	ebp
	jnz	draw_bots
	test	edi,edi
	jz	@f
	sub	edi,10
	mov	ebp,10
	add	ebx,-200*65536-200
	add	ecx,20*65536+20
	jmp	draw_bots

	push	ebx ecx
	call	.0
	mov	edx,0x00aa66
	mcall	13
	pop	ecx ebx
	add	ebx,20*65536+20
	jmp	.end
	push	ebx ecx
	add	ebx,8*65536-6
	add	ecx,12*65536-12
	mcall	38,,,0x508cec
	add	ecx,-6*65536+6
	pop	ecx ebx
	jmp	.null
	push	ebx ecx
	call	.0
	mov	edx,0x00FF0000
	bt	[flags],4
	jnc	@f
	mov	edx,0x00555555
	btr	[flags],4
  @@:	mcall	13
	pop	ecx ebx
	xor	edx,edx
	mcall	38
	add	ecx,20*65536-20
	add	ecx,-20*65536+20
	jmp	.null

	shr	ebx,16
	inc	bx
	shl	ebx,16
	add	ebx,19
	shr	ecx,16
	inc	cx
	shl	ecx,16
	add	ecx,19

	bt	[flags],5
	jc	still
	mcall	37,2
	test	eax,eax
	jz	still
	cmp	al,2
	jg	still
	;1 - «¥¢ ï ª­®¯ª , 2 - ¯à ¢ ï
	dec	al
	jnz	.mouse_1
	btr	[flags],1
	jmp	@f
	bts	[flags],1
	mcall	37,1
	mov	dx,ax
	shr	eax,16
	cmp	dx,27
	jbe	still
	cmp	dx,227
	jge	still
	cmp	ax,1
	jbe	still
	cmp	ax,201
	jge	second_pole
			;¯¥à¢®¥ ¯®«¥
	bt	[flags],0
	jc	still
	sub	ax,1
	push	dx
	xor	edx,edx
	mov	cx,20
	div	cx
	pop	dx
	mov	[oX],al
	push	ax
	sub	dx,27
	mov	ax,dx
	xor	dx,dx
	div	cx
	mov	[oY],al
	xor	dx,dx
	mov	cx,10
	mul	cx
	pop	dx
	add	ax,dx
	cmp	ax,100
	jg	still

	mov	esi,table1
	bt	[flags],2
	jnc	@f
	mov	esi,table2
  @@:	mov	edi,esi
	add	edi,100
	cmp	[number_bots],6
	jnb	.1paluba
	cmp	[number_bots],3
	jnb	.2paluba
	cmp	[number_bots],0
	je	.4paluba
	jmp	.3paluba

	bt	[flags],1	;ç¥âëàñ寠«ã¡­ë©
	jnc	@f
	cmp	[oX],6
	jg	_still
	jmp	.41
  @@:	cmp	[oY],6
	jg	_still
  .41:	inc	[number_bots]
	mov	[edi],al
	bt	[flags],1
	jc	@f
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+1],al
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+2],al
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+3],al
	jmp	init_table
  @@:	inc	al
	mov	[edi+1],al
	inc	al
	mov	[edi+2],al
	inc	al
	mov	[edi+3],al
	jmp	init_table

.3paluba:				;âàñ寠«ã¡­ë©
	bt	[flags],1
	jnc	@f
	cmp	[oX],7
	jg	_still
	jmp	.31
  @@:	cmp	[oY],7
	jg	_still
	call	find_near

	bt	[flags],1
	jc	@f
	add	al,10
	call	find_near
	add	al,10
	call	find_near
	sub	al,20
	jmp	.32
  @@:	inc	al
	call	find_near
	inc	al
	call	find_near
	sub	al,2
	inc	[number_bots]
	mov	ecx,4
	mov	dl,[number_bots]
	sub	dl,2
	jz	@f
	add	ecx,3
	mov	[edi+ecx],al
	bt	[flags],1
	jc	@f
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+ecx+1],al
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+ecx+2],al
jmp	init_table
  @@:	inc	al
	mov	[edi+ecx+1],al
	inc	al
	mov	[edi+ecx+2],al
jmp	init_table

.2paluba:				;¤¢ã寠«ã¡­ë©
	bt	[flags],1
	jnc	@f
	cmp	[oX],8
	jg	_still
	jmp	.21
  @@:	cmp	[oY],8
	jg	_still
	call	find_near
	bt	[flags],1
	jc	@f
	add	al,10
	call	find_near
	sub	al,10
	jmp	.22
  @@:	inc	al
	call	find_near
	dec	al
	inc	[number_bots]
	mov	ecx,8
	mov	dl,[number_bots]
	sub	dl,4
	jz	@f
	add	ecx,2
	dec	dl
	jz	@f
	add	ecx,2
  @@:	add	ecx,2
	mov	[edi+ecx],al
	bt	[flags],1
	jc	@f
	add	al,10
	mov	[edi+ecx+1],al
jmp	init_table
  @@:	inc	al
	mov	[edi+ecx+1],al
jmp	init_table

.1paluba:				;®¤­®¯ «ã¡­ë©
	call	find_near
	inc	[number_bots]
	xor	edx,edx
	movzx	ecx,[number_bots]
	add	ecx,9
	mov	[edi+ecx],al
jmp	init_table

	push	ax
	call	f_near	;0

	cmp	al,10
	jb	@f
	sub	al,10	;-10
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,11
	jb	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,0
	je	@f

	sub	al,11	;-11
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,9
	jb	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,9
	je	@f

	sub	al,9	;-9
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,1
	jb	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,0
	je	@f

	dec	al	;-1
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,99
	jg	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,9
	je	@f

	inc	al	;+1
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,90
	jge	@f
	add	al,10	;+10
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,91
	jge	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,0
	je	@f

	add	al,9	;+9
	call	f_near

@@:	cmp	al,89
	jge	@f

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	div	cx
	mov	ax,[esp]
	cmp	dx,9
	je	@f
	add	al,11	;+11
	call	f_near

@@:	pop	ax
;	xor	bl,bl
;	bt	[flags],6
;	jnc	@f
;	bt	[flags],9
;	jnc	@f
;	inc	[p_pov]
;	cmp	[p_pov],20
;	jb	@f
;	bts	[flags],9
;  @@:
	btr	[flags],6

	bt	[flags],6
	jnc	.2
;	bt	[flags],9
;	jc	@f
;	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
;	jge	@f
;  @@:
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],4
	je	@f
	mov	ax,[esp+4]
  @@:;	add	esp,4
;	jmp	second_pole.cpu
	mov	ax,[esp+4]
	mov	cx,ax
	add	esp,6
	btr	[flags],6
;	mov	bl,1

 .2:	movzx	edx, byte [smeshenie]
  @@:	cmp	al,[edi+edx]
	je	.end
	dec	dl
	jnz	@b
	cmp	al,[edi]
	je	.end
	mov	ax,[esp+4]
  .end: add	esp,10
	jmp	_still

;       xor     eax,eax
	movzx	ecx, byte [number_bots]
	mov	edx,3
	dec	cl
	jz	.i_t

	mov	al,2
.2:	add	dl,3
	dec	cl
	jz	.i_t
	dec	al
	jnz	.2

	mov	al,3
.3:	add	dl,2
	dec	cl
	jz	.i_t
	dec	al
	jnz	.3

	mov	al,4
.4:	inc	dl
	dec	cl
	jz	.i_t
	dec	al
	jnz	.4

.i_t:	mov	[smeshenie],dl
@@:	movzx	eax, byte [edi+edx]
	mov	byte [esi+eax],1
	dec	dl
	jnz	@b
	movzx	eax, byte [edi]
	mov	byte [esi+eax],1
	bt	[flags],3
	jc	set_bots
;	mcall	12,1
	jmp	draw_pole

	cmp	ax,221
	jbe	still
	cmp	ax,421
	jge	still
			;¢â®à®¥ ¯®«¥
	bt	[flags],0
	jnc	still
	sub	ax,221
	push	dx
	xor	edx,edx
	mov	cx,20
	div	cx
	pop	dx
	push	ax
	sub	dx,27
	mov	ax,dx
	xor	dx,dx
	div	cx
	xor	dx,dx
	mov	cx,10
	mul	cx
	pop	dx
	add	ax,dx
	cmp	ax,100
	jg	still

	mov	edi,table2
	mov	esi,table5
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
	jge	still
	mov	bl, byte [edi+eax]
	add	bl,2
	mov	ecx,table5
	call	if_bot_killed
	mov	[esi+eax],bl
	cmp	bl,3
	jge	.m_end
.comp:	mov	esi,table1

;        jmp     .rndm
	xor	eax,eax
;       mov     edi,4
	btr	[flags],8
	xor	ecx,ecx
	mov	edx,tbl_ranen
	mov	dword [edx],0
    @@: mov	al,[esi+ecx]	;¯®¨áª "¯®¤à ­¥­­®£® ª®à ¡«ï"
	cmp	al,3
	je	.0
	cmp	cl,99
	jge	.1
	inc	cl
	jmp	@b
    .0: mov	[edx],cl
dbg_dec ecx
	inc	edx
	inc	cl
	jmp	@b

	dec	edx
	mov	cl,[edx]
	cmp	edx,tbl_ranen
	jb	.rndm
	je	@f
	sub	cl,[edx-1]
	cmp	cl,1
	jne	.2
	add	cl,[edx-1]
	jmp	.12
	add	cl,[edx-1]
	jmp	.13

    @@: bts	[flags],8
	mov	eax,4
	call	random
	dec	al
	jz	.11
	dec	al
	jz	.12
	dec	al
	jz	.13
	jmp	.14
dbg_dec 100
	cmp	cl,10
	jge	@f
	bts	[flags],8
	jmp	.12
    @@: sub	cl,10
	cmp	byte [esi+ecx],2
	jge	@f
	mov	eax,ecx
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	test	bl,bl
;	jz	.20
	jnc	.20
    @@: bts	[flags],8
	add	cl,10
	bts	[flags],8
dbg_dec 200
	movzx	eax,cl
	push	cx
	mov	ch,10
	div	ch
	pop	cx
	cmp	ah,9
	jb	@f
	bt	[flags],8
	jc	.13
	bts	[flags],8
	mov	edx,tbl_ranen
	mov	cl,[edx]
	jmp	.14
    @@: inc	cl
	cmp	byte [esi+ecx],2
	jge	@f
	mov	eax,ecx
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	test	bl,bl
;	jz	.20
	jnc	.20
    @@: dec	cl
	jmp	.121

dbg_dec 300
	cmp	cl,90
	jb	@f
	bt	[flags],8
	jc	.14
	bts	[flags],8
	mov	edx,tbl_ranen
	mov	cl,[edx]
	jmp	.11
    @@: add	cl,10
	cmp	byte [esi+ecx],2
	jge	@f
	mov	eax,ecx
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	test	bl,bl
;	jz	.20
	jnc	.20
    @@: sub	cl,10
	jmp	.131

dbg_dec 400
	movzx	eax,cl
	push	cx
	mov	ch,10
	div	ch
	pop	cx
	cmp	ah,0
	jne	@f
	bts	[flags],8
	jmp	.11;cpu;rndm
    @@: dec	cl
	cmp	byte [esi+ecx],2
	jge	@f
	mov	eax,ecx
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	test	bl,bl
;	jz	.20
	jnc	.20
    @@: inc	cl
	jmp	.141


	mov	eax,100
	call	random
	cmp	eax,100
	jb	@f
	shr	eax,1

if use_new_logic
	btc	[flags],10
	jnc	@f
	btc	[flags],9
	jnc	@f
	call	check_freedom

@@:	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
	jb	@f;    .rndm
	;¯®¨áª ᢮¡®¤­®© ª«¥â®çª¨ ¯¥à¥¤/¯®á«¥ ¢ë¡à ­­®©,
	;¨­ ç¥ random ¨­®£¤  ¢å®¤¨â ¢ ¡¥áª®­¥ç­ë© 横«
	bt	ax,0
	jnc	 .r_1
	cmp	al,0
	je	.r_1
	dec	al

	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
	jb	@f
	jmp	.r_0
	cmp	al,99
	je	.r_0
	inc	al

	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
	jb	@f
	jmp	.r_1
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	test	bl,bl
;	jnz	.cpu	
	jc	.cpu;20

	mov	bl,[esi+eax]
	add	bl,2
	mov	ecx,esi
	mov	edi,esi
	call	if_bot_killed
	mov	[esi+eax],bl
;	cmp	[u_kill],10
;	je	.m_end
	cmp	[c_kill],10
	je	.m_end
	cmp	bl,3
	jge	.cpu

.m_end:;	mcall	12,1
jmp	draw_pole

	push	ebx
	add	edi,100
	mov	ebx,19
  @@:	cmp	al,[edi+ebx]
	je	@f
	dec	ebx
	jnz	@b
	cmp	al,[edi+ebx]
	jne	.end
	cmp	ebx,16
	jnb	.end_i

  @@:	cmp	bl,10
	jb	.2
	btc	bx,0
	mov	bl, [edi+ebx]
	cmp	byte [ecx+ebx],3
	jne	.end
	inc	byte [ecx+ebx]
	jmp	.end_i

  .2:	cmp	bl,4
	jb	.3
	add	edi,4
	cmp	bl,7
	jb	.3
	add	edi,3
  .3:	movzx	edx, byte [edi]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	cmp	byte [ecx+edx],3
	jne	.end
  @@:	mov	dl,[edi+1]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	cmp	byte [ecx+edx],3
	jne	.end
  @@:	mov	dl,[edi+2]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	cmp	byte [ecx+edx],3
	jne	.end

  @@:	cmp	bl,4
	jnb	@f
	mov	dl,[edi+3]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	cmp	byte [ecx+edx],3
	jne	.end

  @@:	mov	dl,[edi]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	inc	byte [ecx+edx]
  @@:	mov	dl,[edi+1]
	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	inc	byte [ecx+edx]
  @@:	mov	dl,[edi+2]

	cmp	bl,4
	jnb	.9;@f

;	cmp	dl,al
;	je	.end_i
;	inc	byte [ecx+edx]
;	jmp	.end_i

  @@:	cmp	dl,al
	je	@f
	inc	byte [ecx+edx]
  @@:	mov	dl,[edi+3]
.9:	cmp	dl,al
	je	.end_i
	inc	byte [ecx+edx]
	pop	ebx
	inc	ebx
	cmp	ecx,table5
	jne	@f
	inc	[u_kill]
  @@:	inc	[c_kill]
  .end: pop	ebx

	bt	[flags],3
	jnc	still

	cmp	[number_bots],10
	jne	@f
  @@:	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	cmp	[number_bots],6
	jb	@f
	push	dword 10
	jmp	.1
  @@:	cmp	[number_bots],3
	jb	@f
	push	dword 9
	jmp	.1
  @@:	cmp	[number_bots],2
	jb	@f
	push	dword 8
	jmp	.1
  @@:	push	dword 7
	mov	eax,[esp]
	call	random
	mov	[oX],al
	mul	cl
	mov	cl,al
	mov	eax,[esp]
	call	random
	mov	[oY],al
	add	cl,al

	cmp	cl,100
	jge	.1

	add	esp,4
	mov	eax,2
	call	random
	cmp	al,1
	jne	@f
	bts	[flags],1
	mov	al,cl
	jmp	set_bot
  @@:	btr	[flags],1
	mov	al,cl
	jmp	set_bot

;¯à®æ¥¤ãà  ®â« ¢«¨¢ ¥â "­ ¨¡®«¥¥ ᢮¡®¤­ãî" ¨§ ª«¥â®ª ¤«ï  â ª¨

if use_new_logic
;       mov     esi,table1
	push	ax
	push	word 100
	xor	eax,eax
	mov	ebx,0x900

.1:	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
	jc	.11
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;0
	jb	@f
.11:	inc	bl

@@:	cmp	al,10			;-10
	jb	@f
	push	ax

	sub	al,10
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.21
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2
	jb	.22
.21:	inc	bl
.22:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,11
	jb	@f
	push	ax

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax

	cmp	dx,0
	je	.32

	sub	al,11
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.31
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;-11
	jb	.32
.31:	inc	bl
.32:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,9
	jb	@f
	push	ax

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax
	cmp	dx,9
	je	.42

	sub	eax,9
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.41
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;-9
	jb	.42
.41:	inc	bl
.42:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,1
	jb	@f
	push	ax

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax
	cmp	dx,0
	je	.52

	dec	al
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.51
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;-1
	jb	.52
.51:	inc	bl
.52:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,99
	jg	@f
	push	ax

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax
	cmp	dx,9
	je	.62

	inc	al
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.61
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;+1
	jb	.62
.61:	inc	bl
.62:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,90
	jge	@f
	push	ax
	add	al,10
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.71
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;+10
	jb	.72
.71:	inc	bl
.72:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,91
	jge	@f
	push	ax
	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax
	cmp	dx,0
	je	.82

	add	al,9
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.81
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;+9
	jb	.82
.81:	inc	bl
.82:	pop	ax

@@:	cmp	al,89
	jge	@f
	push	ax

	xor	edx,edx
	mov	ecx,10
	push	ax
	div	cx
	pop	ax

	cmp	dx,9
	je	.92

	add	al,11
	 if use_ext_logic
		bts	[flags],6
		call	find_near
		jc	.91
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],2	;+11
	jb	.92
.91:	inc	bl
.92:	pop	ax

@@:	bt	[flags],7
	jc	.ret
	cmp	byte [esi+eax],1
	jg	@f
	cmp	bl,bh
	jg	@f

;	shl	ebx,8
	bts	[flags],6
	call	find_near
;	xchg	cl,bl
;	shr	ebx,8
;	test	cl,cl
;	jnz	@f
	jc	@f

	shl	bx,8
	pop	dx	;dh - ¡«¨¦ ©è ï á«¥¢  ᢮¡®¤­¥©è ï ª«¥âª , dl - á¯à ¢ 
	pop	cx	;cl - à ­¤®¬­® ¢ë¡à ­­ ï ª«¥âª 
;       cmp     al,dl
;       jg      .5
;       cmp     al,cl
;       jb      .4
;       mov     dl,al
;       jmp     .5
;.4:    cmp     al,dh
;       jb      .5
;       mov     dh,al
	cmp	al,dh
	jb	.5
	cmp	al,cl
	jg	.4
	mov	dh,al
	jmp	.5
.4:	cmp	al,dl
	jg	.5
	mov	dl,al
.5:	push	cx dx
@@:	xor	bl,bl
	inc	al
	cmp	al,100
	jb	.1
	pop	dx ax

dbg_dec eax
dbg_dec edx
	cmp	dl,100
	jb	@f
	mov	al,dh
@@:	mov	al,dh
	push	dx
	bts	[flags],7
	call	.1
	shl	bx,8
	mov	al,[esp]
	call	.1
	pop	dx
	btr	[flags],7
	mov	al,dl
	test	bl,bh
	jbe	.ret
	mov	al,dh


align 4
rsx1 dw ?;0x4321
rsx2 dw ?;0x1234
random: 	; ¨§ ASCL
	push ecx edx esi
	mov cx,ax
	mov ax,[rsx1]
	mov bx,[rsx2]
	mov si,ax
	mov di,bx
	mov dl,ah
	mov ah,al
	mov al,bh
	mov bh,bl
	xor bl,bl
	rcr dl,1
	rcr ax,1
	rcr bx,1
	add bx,di
	adc ax,si
	add bx,0x62e9
	adc ax,0x3619
	mov [rsx1],bx
	mov [rsx2],ax
	xor dx,dx
	cmp ax,0
	je nodiv
	cmp cx,0
	je nodiv
	div cx
	mov ax,dx
	pop esi edx ecx
	and eax,0000ffffh

SysMsgBoardNum: ;warning: destroys eax,ebx,ecx,esi
	mov	ebx,esp
	mov	ecx,8
	mov	esi,(number_to_out+1)
	mov	eax,ebx
	and	eax,0xF
	cmp	al,10
	sbb	al,69h
	mov	[esi+ecx],al
	shr	ebx,4
	loop	.1
	dec	esi
	mcall	71,1,number_to_out

number_to_out	db '0x00000000',13,10,0

text_cpu db 'CPU',0
text_user db 'USER',0
if lang eq ru
title db 'Œ®à᪮© ¡®© 0.4',0
but_auto db ' ááâ ¢¨âì',0
but_new db '®¢ ï',0
text_win db '‚먣ࠫ!',0
title db 'Sea war 0.4',0
but_auto db 'Auto fill',0
but_new db 'New',0
text_win db 'Won!',0

; t1,t3,t5: 0-­¥¯®¬¥ç¥­­ ï ª«¥â®çª , 1-§ ­ïâ ï, 2-"¯à®¬ å", 3-"£®à¨â", 4-"¯®â®¯«¥­"
; t2,t4: â ¡«¨æë à á¯®«®¦¥­¨ï í«¥¬¥­â®¢, 1 í«¥¬¥­â ¯® 4 ª«¥âª¨, 2x3, 3x2, 4x1
align 16
table1	rb 100	;«¥¢®¥ ¯®«¥
table3	rb 20
table2	rb 100	;¯à ¢®¥
table4	rb 20
table5	rb 100
u_kill	rb 1
c_kill	rb 1
p_pov	rb 1
smeshenie rb 1
number_bots rb 1
oX rb 1
oY rb 1
tbl_ranen rb 4

flags rw 1
flags2 rw 1
;¡¨â 0: 0/1 - § ¯®«­¥­¨¥ â ¡«¨æ /¨£à 
;1: ­ ¦ â  «¥¢ ï ª­®¯ª  ¬ëè¨ (¢¥à⨪ «ì) /¯à ¢ ï (£®à¨§®­â «ì)
;2: § ¯®«­ï¥âáï «¥¢®¥ ¯®«¥ /¯à ¢®¥
;3: àãç­®¥ § ¯®«­¥­¨¥ / ¢â®§ ¯®«­¥­¨¥
;4: ¢ .three - ¯®â®¯«¥­­ë© ª®à ¡«ì
;5: ¨£à  ®ª®­ç¥­ 
;6: ¢ second_pole - ¢ë§®¢ find_near
;7: ¢ check_freedom
;8: § à¥§¥à¢¨à®¢ ­®
;9: § à¥§¥à¢¨à®¢ ­®
;10: § à¥§¥à¢¨à®¢ ­®