// WL_PLAY.C #include "wl_def.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "wl_cloudsky.h" #include "wl_shade.h" /* ============================================================================= LOCAL CONSTANTS ============================================================================= */ #define sc_Question 0x35 /* ============================================================================= GLOBAL VARIABLES ============================================================================= */ boolean madenoise; // true when shooting or screaming exit_t playstate; static musicnames lastmusicchunk = (musicnames) 0; static int DebugOk; objtype objlist[MAXACTORS]; objtype *newobj, *obj, *player, *lastobj, *objfreelist, *killerobj; boolean noclip, ammocheat; int godmode, singlestep, extravbls = 0; byte tilemap[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; // wall values only byte spotvis[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; objtype *actorat[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE]; // // replacing refresh manager // unsigned tics; // // control info // boolean mouseenabled, joystickenabled; int dirscan[4] = { sc_UpArrow, sc_RightArrow, sc_DownArrow, sc_LeftArrow }; int buttonscan[NUMBUTTONS] = { sc_Control, sc_Alt, sc_LShift, sc_Space, sc_1, sc_2, sc_3, sc_4 }; int buttonmouse[4] = { bt_attack, bt_strafe, bt_use, bt_nobutton }; int buttonjoy[32] = { #ifdef _arch_dreamcast bt_attack, bt_strafe, bt_use, bt_run, bt_esc, bt_prevweapon, bt_nobutton, bt_nextweapon, bt_pause, bt_strafeleft, bt_straferight, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, #else bt_attack, bt_strafe, bt_use, bt_run, bt_strafeleft, bt_straferight, bt_esc, bt_pause, bt_prevweapon, bt_nextweapon, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, #endif bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton, bt_nobutton }; int viewsize; boolean buttonheld[NUMBUTTONS]; boolean demorecord, demoplayback; int8_t *demoptr, *lastdemoptr; memptr demobuffer; // // current user input // int controlx, controly; // range from -100 to 100 per tic boolean buttonstate[NUMBUTTONS]; int lastgamemusicoffset = 0; //=========================================================================== void CenterWindow (word w, word h); void InitObjList (void); void RemoveObj (objtype * gone); void PollControls (void); int StopMusic (void); void StartMusic (void); void ContinueMusic (int offs); void PlayLoop (void); /* ============================================================================= LOCAL VARIABLES ============================================================================= */ objtype dummyobj; // // LIST OF SONGS FOR EACH VERSION // int songs[] = { #ifndef SPEAR // // Episode One // GETTHEM_MUS, SEARCHN_MUS, POW_MUS, SUSPENSE_MUS, GETTHEM_MUS, SEARCHN_MUS, POW_MUS, SUSPENSE_MUS, WARMARCH_MUS, // Boss level CORNER_MUS, // Secret level // // Episode Two // NAZI_OMI_MUS, PREGNANT_MUS, GOINGAFT_MUS, HEADACHE_MUS, NAZI_OMI_MUS, PREGNANT_MUS, HEADACHE_MUS, GOINGAFT_MUS, WARMARCH_MUS, // Boss level DUNGEON_MUS, // Secret level // // Episode Three // INTROCW3_MUS, NAZI_RAP_MUS, TWELFTH_MUS, ZEROHOUR_MUS, INTROCW3_MUS, NAZI_RAP_MUS, TWELFTH_MUS, ZEROHOUR_MUS, ULTIMATE_MUS, // Boss level PACMAN_MUS, // Secret level // // Episode Four // GETTHEM_MUS, SEARCHN_MUS, POW_MUS, SUSPENSE_MUS, GETTHEM_MUS, SEARCHN_MUS, POW_MUS, SUSPENSE_MUS, WARMARCH_MUS, // Boss level CORNER_MUS, // Secret level // // Episode Five // NAZI_OMI_MUS, PREGNANT_MUS, GOINGAFT_MUS, HEADACHE_MUS, NAZI_OMI_MUS, PREGNANT_MUS, HEADACHE_MUS, GOINGAFT_MUS, WARMARCH_MUS, // Boss level DUNGEON_MUS, // Secret level // // Episode Six // INTROCW3_MUS, NAZI_RAP_MUS, TWELFTH_MUS, ZEROHOUR_MUS, INTROCW3_MUS, NAZI_RAP_MUS, TWELFTH_MUS, ZEROHOUR_MUS, ULTIMATE_MUS, // Boss level FUNKYOU_MUS // Secret level #else ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // SPEAR OF DESTINY TRACKS // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// XTIPTOE_MUS, XFUNKIE_MUS, XDEATH_MUS, XGETYOU_MUS, // DON'T KNOW ULTIMATE_MUS, // Trans Gr”sse DUNGEON_MUS, GOINGAFT_MUS, POW_MUS, TWELFTH_MUS, ULTIMATE_MUS, // Barnacle Wilhelm BOSS NAZI_OMI_MUS, GETTHEM_MUS, SUSPENSE_MUS, SEARCHN_MUS, ZEROHOUR_MUS, ULTIMATE_MUS, // Super Mutant BOSS XPUTIT_MUS, ULTIMATE_MUS, // Death Knight BOSS XJAZNAZI_MUS, // Secret level XFUNKIE_MUS, // Secret level (DON'T KNOW) XEVIL_MUS // Angel of Death BOSS #endif }; /* ============================================================================= USER CONTROL ============================================================================= */ /* =================== = = PollKeyboardButtons = =================== */ void PollKeyboardButtons (void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) if (Keyboard[buttonscan[i]]) buttonstate[i] = true; } /* =================== = = PollMouseButtons = =================== */ void PollMouseButtons (void) { int buttons = IN_MouseButtons (); if (buttons & 1) buttonstate[buttonmouse[0]] = true; if (buttons & 2) buttonstate[buttonmouse[1]] = true; if (buttons & 4) buttonstate[buttonmouse[2]] = true; } /* =================== = = PollJoystickButtons = =================== */ void PollJoystickButtons (void) { int buttons = IN_JoyButtons(); for(int i = 0, val = 1; i < JoyNumButtons; i++, val <<= 1) { if(buttons & val) buttonstate[buttonjoy[i]] = true; } } /* =================== = = PollKeyboardMove = =================== */ void PollKeyboardMove (void) { int delta = buttonstate[bt_run] ? RUNMOVE * tics : BASEMOVE * tics; if (Keyboard[dirscan[di_north]]) controly -= delta; if (Keyboard[dirscan[di_south]]) controly += delta; if (Keyboard[dirscan[di_west]]) controlx -= delta; if (Keyboard[dirscan[di_east]]) controlx += delta; } /* =================== = = PollMouseMove = =================== */ void PollMouseMove (void) { int mousexmove, mouseymove; SDL_GetMouseState(&mousexmove, &mouseymove); if(IN_IsInputGrabbed()) IN_CenterMouse(); mousexmove -= screenWidth / 2; mouseymove -= screenHeight / 2; controlx += mousexmove * 10 / (13 - mouseadjustment); controly += mouseymove * 20 / (13 - mouseadjustment); } /* =================== = = PollJoystickMove = =================== */ void PollJoystickMove (void) { int joyx, joyy; IN_GetJoyDelta (&joyx, &joyy); int delta = buttonstate[bt_run] ? RUNMOVE * tics : BASEMOVE * tics; if (joyx > 64 || buttonstate[bt_turnright]) controlx += delta; else if (joyx < -64 || buttonstate[bt_turnleft]) controlx -= delta; if (joyy > 64 || buttonstate[bt_movebackward]) controly += delta; else if (joyy < -64 || buttonstate[bt_moveforward]) controly -= delta; } /* =================== = = PollControls = = Gets user or demo input, call once each frame = = controlx set between -100 and 100 per tic = controly = buttonheld[] the state of the buttons LAST frame = buttonstate[] the state of the buttons THIS frame = =================== */ void PollControls (void) { int max, min, i; byte buttonbits; IN_ProcessEvents(); // // get timing info for last frame // if (demoplayback || demorecord) // demo recording and playback needs to be constant { // wait up to DEMOTICS Wolf tics uint32_t curtime = SDL_GetTicks(); lasttimecount += DEMOTICS; int32_t timediff = (lasttimecount * 100) / 7 - curtime; if(timediff > 0) SDL_Delay(timediff); if(timediff < -2 * DEMOTICS) // more than 2-times DEMOTICS behind? lasttimecount = (curtime * 7) / 100; // yes, set to current timecount tics = DEMOTICS; } else CalcTics (); controlx = 0; controly = 0; memcpy (buttonheld, buttonstate, sizeof (buttonstate)); memset (buttonstate, 0, sizeof (buttonstate)); if (demoplayback) { // // read commands from demo buffer // buttonbits = *demoptr++; for (i = 0; i < NUMBUTTONS; i++) { buttonstate[i] = buttonbits & 1; buttonbits >>= 1; } controlx = *demoptr++; controly = *demoptr++; if (demoptr == lastdemoptr) playstate = ex_completed; // demo is done controlx *= (int) tics; controly *= (int) tics; return; } // // get button states // PollKeyboardButtons (); if (mouseenabled && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) PollMouseButtons (); if (joystickenabled) PollJoystickButtons (); // // get movements // PollKeyboardMove (); if (mouseenabled && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) PollMouseMove (); if (joystickenabled) PollJoystickMove (); // // bound movement to a maximum // max = 100 * tics; min = -max; if (controlx > max) controlx = max; else if (controlx < min) controlx = min; if (controly > max) controly = max; else if (controly < min) controly = min; if (demorecord) { // // save info out to demo buffer // controlx /= (int) tics; controly /= (int) tics; buttonbits = 0; // TODO: Support 32-bit buttonbits for (i = NUMBUTTONS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { buttonbits <<= 1; if (buttonstate[i]) buttonbits |= 1; } *demoptr++ = buttonbits; *demoptr++ = controlx; *demoptr++ = controly; if (demoptr >= lastdemoptr - 8) playstate = ex_completed; else { controlx *= (int) tics; controly *= (int) tics; } } } //========================================================================== /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // CenterWindow() - Generates a window of a given width & height in the // middle of the screen // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define MAXX 320 #define MAXY 160 void CenterWindow (word w, word h) { US_DrawWindow (((MAXX / 8) - w) / 2, ((MAXY / 8) - h) / 2, w, h); } //=========================================================================== /* ===================== = = CheckKeys = ===================== */ void CheckKeys (void) { ScanCode scan; if (screenfaded || demoplayback) // don't do anything with a faded screen return; scan = LastScan; #ifdef SPEAR // // SECRET CHEAT CODE: TAB-G-F10 // if (Keyboard[sc_Tab] && Keyboard[sc_G] && Keyboard[sc_F10]) { WindowH = 160; if (godmode) { Message ("God mode OFF"); SD_PlaySound (NOBONUSSND); } else { Message ("God mode ON"); SD_PlaySound (ENDBONUS2SND); } IN_Ack (); godmode ^= 1; DrawPlayBorderSides (); IN_ClearKeysDown (); return; } #endif // // SECRET CHEAT CODE: 'MLI' // if (Keyboard[sc_M] && Keyboard[sc_L] && Keyboard[sc_I]) { gamestate.health = 100; gamestate.ammo = 99; gamestate.keys = 3; gamestate.score = 0; gamestate.TimeCount += 42000L; GiveWeapon (wp_chaingun); DrawWeapon (); DrawHealth (); DrawKeys (); DrawAmmo (); DrawScore (); ClearMemory (); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT + 1); ClearSplitVWB (); Message (STR_CHEATER1 "\n" STR_CHEATER2 "\n\n" STR_CHEATER3 "\n" STR_CHEATER4 "\n" STR_CHEATER5); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT + 1); IN_ClearKeysDown (); IN_Ack (); if (viewsize < 17) DrawPlayBorder (); } // // OPEN UP DEBUG KEYS // #ifdef DEBUGKEYS if (Keyboard[sc_BackSpace] && Keyboard[sc_LShift] && Keyboard[sc_Alt] && param_debugmode) { ClearMemory (); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT + 1); ClearSplitVWB (); Message ("Debugging keys are\nnow available!"); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT + 1); IN_ClearKeysDown (); IN_Ack (); DrawPlayBorderSides (); DebugOk = 1; } #endif // // TRYING THE KEEN CHEAT CODE! // if (Keyboard[sc_B] && Keyboard[sc_A] && Keyboard[sc_T]) { ClearMemory (); CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT + 1); ClearSplitVWB (); Message ("Commander Keen is also\n" "available from Apogee, but\n" "then, you already know\n" "that - right, Cheatmeister?!"); UNCACHEGRCHUNK (STARTFONT + 1); IN_ClearKeysDown (); IN_Ack (); if (viewsize < 18) DrawPlayBorder (); } // // pause key weirdness can't be checked as a scan code // if(buttonstate[bt_pause]) Paused = true; if(Paused) { int lastoffs = StopMusic(); LatchDrawPic (20 - 4, 80 - 2 * 8, PAUSEDPIC); VH_UpdateScreen(); IN_Ack (); Paused = false; ContinueMusic(lastoffs); if (MousePresent && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) IN_CenterMouse(); // Clear accumulated mouse movement lasttimecount = GetTimeCount(); return; } // // F1-F7/ESC to enter control panel // if ( #ifndef DEBCHECK scan == sc_F10 || #endif scan == sc_F9 || scan == sc_F7 || scan == sc_F8) // pop up quit dialog { short oldmapon = gamestate.mapon; short oldepisode = gamestate.episode; ClearMemory (); ClearSplitVWB (); US_ControlPanel (scan); DrawPlayBorderSides (); SETFONTCOLOR (0, 15); IN_ClearKeysDown (); return; } if ((scan >= sc_F1 && scan <= sc_F9) || scan == sc_Escape || buttonstate[bt_esc]) { int lastoffs = StopMusic (); ClearMemory (); VW_FadeOut (); US_ControlPanel (buttonstate[bt_esc] ? sc_Escape : scan); SETFONTCOLOR (0, 15); IN_ClearKeysDown (); VW_FadeOut(); if(viewsize != 21) DrawPlayScreen (); if (!startgame && !loadedgame) ContinueMusic (lastoffs); if (loadedgame) playstate = ex_abort; lasttimecount = GetTimeCount(); if (MousePresent && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) IN_CenterMouse(); // Clear accumulated mouse movement return; } // // TAB-? debug keys // #ifdef DEBUGKEYS if (Keyboard[sc_Tab] && DebugOk) { CA_CacheGrChunk (STARTFONT); fontnumber = 0; SETFONTCOLOR (0, 15); if (DebugKeys () && viewsize < 20) DrawPlayBorder (); // dont let the blue borders flash if (MousePresent && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) IN_CenterMouse(); // Clear accumulated mouse movement lasttimecount = GetTimeCount(); return; } #endif } //=========================================================================== /* ############################################################################# The objlist data structure ############################################################################# objlist containt structures for every actor currently playing. The structure is accessed as a linked list starting at *player, ending when ob->next == NULL. GetNewObj inserts a new object at the end of the list, meaning that if an actor spawn another actor, the new one WILL get to think and react the same frame. RemoveObj unlinks the given object and returns it to the free list, but does not damage the objects ->next pointer, so if the current object removes itself, a linked list following loop can still safely get to the next element. ############################################################################# */ /* ========================= = = InitActorList = = Call to clear out the actor object lists returning them all to the free = list. Allocates a special spot for the player. = ========================= */ int objcount; void InitActorList (void) { int i; // // init the actor lists // for (i = 0; i < MAXACTORS; i++) { objlist[i].prev = &objlist[i + 1]; objlist[i].next = NULL; } objlist[MAXACTORS - 1].prev = NULL; objfreelist = &objlist[0]; lastobj = NULL; objcount = 0; // // give the player the first free spots // GetNewActor (); player = newobj; } //=========================================================================== /* ========================= = = GetNewActor = = Sets the global variable new to point to a free spot in objlist. = The free spot is inserted at the end of the liked list = = When the object list is full, the caller can either have it bomb out ot = return a dummy object pointer that will never get used = ========================= */ void GetNewActor (void) { if (!objfreelist) Quit ("GetNewActor: No free spots in objlist!"); newobj = objfreelist; objfreelist = newobj->prev; memset (newobj, 0, sizeof (*newobj)); if (lastobj) lastobj->next = newobj; newobj->prev = lastobj; // new->next is allready NULL from memset newobj->active = ac_no; lastobj = newobj; objcount++; } //=========================================================================== /* ========================= = = RemoveObj = = Add the given object back into the free list, and unlink it from it's = neighbors = ========================= */ void RemoveObj (objtype * gone) { if (gone == player) Quit ("RemoveObj: Tried to remove the player!"); gone->state = NULL; // // fix the next object's back link // if (gone == lastobj) lastobj = (objtype *) gone->prev; else gone->next->prev = gone->prev; // // fix the previous object's forward link // gone->prev->next = gone->next; // // add it back in to the free list // gone->prev = objfreelist; objfreelist = gone; objcount--; } /* ============================================================================= MUSIC STUFF ============================================================================= */ /* ================= = = StopMusic = ================= */ int StopMusic (void) { int lastoffs = SD_MusicOff (); UNCACHEAUDIOCHUNK (STARTMUSIC + lastmusicchunk); return lastoffs; } //========================================================================== /* ================= = = StartMusic = ================= */ void StartMusic () { SD_MusicOff (); lastmusicchunk = (musicnames) songs[gamestate.mapon + gamestate.episode * 10]; SD_StartMusic(STARTMUSIC + lastmusicchunk); } void ContinueMusic (int offs) { SD_MusicOff (); lastmusicchunk = (musicnames) songs[gamestate.mapon + gamestate.episode * 10]; SD_ContinueMusic(STARTMUSIC + lastmusicchunk, offs); } /* ============================================================================= PALETTE SHIFTING STUFF ============================================================================= */ #define NUMREDSHIFTS 6 #define REDSTEPS 8 #define NUMWHITESHIFTS 3 #define WHITESTEPS 20 #define WHITETICS 6 SDL_Color redshifts[NUMREDSHIFTS][256]; SDL_Color whiteshifts[NUMWHITESHIFTS][256]; int damagecount, bonuscount; boolean palshifted; /* ===================== = = InitRedShifts = ===================== */ void InitRedShifts (void) { SDL_Color *workptr, *baseptr; int i, j, delta; // // fade through intermediate frames // for (i = 1; i <= NUMREDSHIFTS; i++) { workptr = redshifts[i - 1]; baseptr = gamepal; for (j = 0; j <= 255; j++) { delta = 256 - baseptr->r; workptr->r = baseptr->r + delta * i / REDSTEPS; delta = -baseptr->g; workptr->g = baseptr->g + delta * i / REDSTEPS; delta = -baseptr->b; workptr->b = baseptr->b + delta * i / REDSTEPS; baseptr++; workptr++; } } for (i = 1; i <= NUMWHITESHIFTS; i++) { workptr = whiteshifts[i - 1]; baseptr = gamepal; for (j = 0; j <= 255; j++) { delta = 256 - baseptr->r; workptr->r = baseptr->r + delta * i / WHITESTEPS; delta = 248 - baseptr->g; workptr->g = baseptr->g + delta * i / WHITESTEPS; delta = 0-baseptr->b; workptr->b = baseptr->b + delta * i / WHITESTEPS; baseptr++; workptr++; } } } /* ===================== = = ClearPaletteShifts = ===================== */ void ClearPaletteShifts (void) { bonuscount = damagecount = 0; palshifted = false; } /* ===================== = = StartBonusFlash = ===================== */ void StartBonusFlash (void) { bonuscount = NUMWHITESHIFTS * WHITETICS; // white shift palette } /* ===================== = = StartDamageFlash = ===================== */ void StartDamageFlash (int damage) { damagecount += damage; } /* ===================== = = UpdatePaletteShifts = ===================== */ void UpdatePaletteShifts (void) { int red, white; if (bonuscount) { white = bonuscount / WHITETICS + 1; if (white > NUMWHITESHIFTS) white = NUMWHITESHIFTS; bonuscount -= tics; if (bonuscount < 0) bonuscount = 0; } else white = 0; if (damagecount) { red = damagecount / 10 + 1; if (red > NUMREDSHIFTS) red = NUMREDSHIFTS; damagecount -= tics; if (damagecount < 0) damagecount = 0; } else red = 0; if (red) { VL_SetPalette (redshifts[red - 1], false); palshifted = true; } else if (white) { VL_SetPalette (whiteshifts[white - 1], false); palshifted = true; } else if (palshifted) { VL_SetPalette (gamepal, false); // back to normal palshifted = false; } } /* ===================== = = FinishPaletteShifts = = Resets palette to normal if needed = ===================== */ void FinishPaletteShifts (void) { if (palshifted) { palshifted = 0; VL_SetPalette (gamepal, true); } } /* ============================================================================= CORE PLAYLOOP ============================================================================= */ /* ===================== = = DoActor = ===================== */ void DoActor (objtype * ob) { void (*think) (objtype *); if (!ob->active && !areabyplayer[ob->areanumber]) return; if (!(ob->flags & (FL_NONMARK | FL_NEVERMARK))) actorat[ob->tilex][ob->tiley] = NULL; // // non transitional object // if (!ob->ticcount) { think = (void (*)(objtype *)) ob->state->think; if (think) { think (ob); if (!ob->state) { RemoveObj (ob); return; } } if (ob->flags & FL_NEVERMARK) return; if ((ob->flags & FL_NONMARK) && actorat[ob->tilex][ob->tiley]) return; actorat[ob->tilex][ob->tiley] = ob; return; } // // transitional object // ob->ticcount -= (short) tics; while (ob->ticcount <= 0) { think = (void (*)(objtype *)) ob->state->action; // end of state action if (think) { think (ob); if (!ob->state) { RemoveObj (ob); return; } } ob->state = ob->state->next; if (!ob->state) { RemoveObj (ob); return; } if (!ob->state->tictime) { ob->ticcount = 0; goto think; } ob->ticcount += ob->state->tictime; } think: // // think // think = (void (*)(objtype *)) ob->state->think; if (think) { think (ob); if (!ob->state) { RemoveObj (ob); return; } } if (ob->flags & FL_NEVERMARK) return; if ((ob->flags & FL_NONMARK) && actorat[ob->tilex][ob->tiley]) return; actorat[ob->tilex][ob->tiley] = ob; } //========================================================================== /* =================== = = PlayLoop = =================== */ int32_t funnyticount; void PlayLoop (void) { #if defined(USE_FEATUREFLAGS) && defined(USE_CLOUDSKY) if(GetFeatureFlags() & FF_CLOUDSKY) InitSky(); #endif #ifdef USE_SHADING InitLevelShadeTable(); #endif playstate = ex_stillplaying; lasttimecount = GetTimeCount(); frameon = 0; anglefrac = 0; facecount = 0; funnyticount = 0; memset (buttonstate, 0, sizeof (buttonstate)); ClearPaletteShifts (); if (MousePresent && IN_IsInputGrabbed()) IN_CenterMouse(); // Clear accumulated mouse movement if (demoplayback) IN_StartAck (); do { PollControls (); // // actor thinking // madenoise = false; MoveDoors (); MovePWalls (); for (obj = player; obj; obj = obj->next) DoActor (obj); UpdatePaletteShifts (); ThreeDRefresh (); // // MAKE FUNNY FACE IF BJ DOESN'T MOVE FOR AWHILE // #ifdef SPEAR funnyticount += tics; if (funnyticount > 30l * 70) { funnyticount = 0; if(viewsize != 21) StatusDrawFace(BJWAITING1PIC + (US_RndT () & 1)); facecount = 0; } #endif gamestate.TimeCount += tics; UpdateSoundLoc (); // JAB if (screenfaded) VW_FadeIn (); CheckKeys (); // // debug aids // if (singlestep) { VW_WaitVBL (singlestep); lasttimecount = GetTimeCount(); } if (extravbls) VW_WaitVBL (extravbls); if (demoplayback) { if (IN_CheckAck ()) { IN_ClearKeysDown (); playstate = ex_abort; } } } while (!playstate && !startgame); if (playstate != ex_died) FinishPaletteShifts (); }