STACK_SIZE equ 4096 include "include/" align 8 main: .argc equ ebp+8 .argv equ ebp+12 .envp equ ebp+16 ; int3 push ebp mov ebp, esp push ebx mov eax, [.argc] cmp eax, 2 jae @F call _get_moviefile mov [input_file], eax @@: call [mpg123_init] test eax, eax jz @F push eax call [mpg123_plain_strerror] mov [esp], eax push msg_init_fail call [_printf] add esp, 4 jmp .fail @@: push dword error push 0 call [mpg123_new] add esp, 8 mov [mh], eax mov ebx, eax test eax, eax jz .err_1 push [input_file] push eax call [mpg123_open] add esp, 8 test eax, eax jnz .err_1 push encoding push channels push rate push ebx call [mpg123_getformat] add esp, 16 test eax, eax jnz .err_1 push ebx call [mpg123_scan] test eax, eax jz @F call [mpg123_strerror] mov [esp], eax push msg_print call [_printf] add esp, 8 jmp .fail @@: call [mpg123_format_none] mov ecx, [encoding] mov [esp], ecx push [channels] push [rate] push ebx call [mpg123_format] add esp, 16 push error stdcall InitSound test eax, eax jz @F cinvoke _printf, msg_sound jmp .fail @@: mov eax, [rate] mov ecx, [channels] mov [whdr.riff_id], 0x46464952 mov [whdr.riff_format], 0x45564157 mov [whdr.wFormatTag], 0x01 mov [whdr.nSamplesPerSec], eax mov [whdr.nChannels], cx mov [whdr.wBitsPerSample], 16 stdcall test_wav, whdr stdcall CreateBuffer, eax, 0, hBuff test eax, eax jz @F cinvoke _printf, msg_buffer jmp .fail @@: mov eax, [hBuff] push esi push edi mov ecx, 0x40000 mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 int 0x40 push eax ;buffer esp+16 push count ;&count esp+12 push 0x40000 ;remain esp+8 push eax ;outPtr esp+4 push [mh] ;mh esp xor ebx, ebx ;totalcount .inner: call [mpg123_read] test eax, eax jz @F mov [done], eax jmp .check_done @@: mov eax, [count] add [esp+4], eax add ebx, eax sub [esp+8], eax shl eax, 1 cmp eax, [esp+8] jb .inner .check_done: cmp [done], 0 je @F cmp ebx, 4096 jae .write_out mov edi, [esp+16] mov ecx, 4096 sub ecx, ebx rep movsb mov ebx, 4096 jmp .write_out @@: mov [count], 0 cmp ebx, 8192 jb .inner .write_out: mov esi, [esp+16] @@: cmp ebx, 4096 jb @F stdcall WaveOut, [hBuff], esi, 4096 sub ebx, 4096 add esi, 4096 add [esp+8], dword 4096 jmp @B @@: mov edi, [esp+16] mov ecx, ebx rep movsb mov [esp+4], edi jmp .inner .done: add esp, 20 pop edi pop esi xor eax, eax pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret .err_1: test ebx, ebx jnz @F push [error] call [mpg123_plain_strerror] jmp .err_2 @@: push ebx call [mpg123_strerror] .err_2: mov [esp], eax push msg_trouble call [_printf] add esp, 8 .fail: mov eax, -1 pop ebx mov esp, ebp pop ebp ret align 4 getprocaddress: mov edx, [esp + 8] ; hlib xor eax, eax test edx, edx ; If hlib = 0 then goto .end jz .end .next: cmp [edx], dword 0 ; If end of export table then goto .end jz .end xor eax, eax mov esi, [edx] mov edi, [esp + 4] ; name .next_: lodsb scasb jne .fail or al, al jnz .next_ jmp .ok .fail: add edx, 8 jmp .next .ok: ; return address mov eax, [edx + 4] .end: ret 8 align 8 _get_moviefile: pushad mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 19 mov ecx, sz_proc_lib int 0x40 mov [proclib], eax test eax, eax jz .fail push [proclib] push sz_OpenDialog_init call getprocaddress mov [opendialog_init], eax push dword[proclib] push sz_OpenDialog_start call getprocaddress mov [opendialog_start], eax mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 12 mov ecx, 4096*3 int 0x40 mov [od.procinfo], eax add eax, 1024 mov [od.filename_area], eax add eax, 3072 mov [od.opendir_path], eax add eax, 4096 mov [od.openfile_path], eax push od call [opendialog_init] mov eax, [od.openfile_path] mov [eax], byte 0 ; end of ASCIIZ-string(may be don't need?) push od call [opendialog_start] popad mov eax, [od.openfile_path]; selected filePath ret .fail: xor eax, eax ret align 4 fake_on_redraw: ret SRV_GETVERSION equ 0 SND_CREATE_BUFF equ 1 SND_DESTROY_BUFF equ 2 SND_SETFORMAT equ 3 SND_GETFORMAT equ 4 SND_RESET equ 5 SND_SETPOS equ 6 SND_GETPOS equ 7 SND_SETBUFF equ 8 SND_OUT equ 9 SND_PLAY equ 10 SND_STOP equ 11 SND_SETVOLUME equ 12 SND_GETVOLUME equ 13 SND_SETPAN equ 14 SND_GETPAN equ 15 SND_GETBUFFSIZE equ 16 SND_GETFREESPACE equ 17 SND_SETTIMEBASE equ 18 SND_GETTIMESTAMP equ 19 align 4 InitSound: ;p_ver:dword push ebx push ecx mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 16 mov ecx, szInfinity int 0x40 mov [hSound], eax test eax, eax jz .fail mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 16 mov ecx, szSound int 0x40 mov [hrdwSound], eax lea eax, [esp+12] ;p_ver xor ebx, ebx push 4 ;.out_size push eax ;.output push ebx ;.inp_size push ebx ;.input push SRV_GETVERSION ;.code push [hSound] ;.handle mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 17 mov ecx, esp ;[handle] int 0x40 add esp, 24 pop ecx pop ebx ret 4 .fail: or eax, -1 pop ecx pop ebx ret 4 align 4 CreateBuffer: ;format:dword,size:dword,p_str:dword push ebx push ecx lea eax, [esp+20] ;p_str lea ebx, [esp+12] ;format push 4 ;.out_size push eax ;.output push 8 ;.inp_size push ebx ;.input push SND_CREATE_BUFF;.code push [hSound] ;.handle mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 17 mov ecx, esp int 0x40 add esp, 24 ;io_cintrol pop ecx pop ebx ret 12 align 4 proc test_wav stdcall, hdr:dword mov eax, [hdr] cmp dword [eax], 0x46464952 jne .fail cmp dword [eax+8], 0x45564157 jne .fail cmp word [eax+20], 1 jne .fail mov ecx, dword [eax+24] mov edx, 22050 cmp ecx, edx ja .high je .l_22 cmp ecx, 8000 je .l_8 cmp ecx, 11025 je .l_11 cmp ecx, 12000 je .l_12 cmp ecx, 16000 je .l_16 .fail: xor eax, eax ret .high: cmp ecx, 24000 je .LN56 cmp ecx, 32000 je .LN65 cmp ecx, 44100 je .LN74 cmp ecx, 48000 jne .fail movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN79 dec ecx jne .LN74 mov edx, 19 jmp .done .LN79: mov edx, 20 jmp .done .LN74: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN70 dec ecx jne .LN65 mov edx, 21 jmp .done .LN70: mov edx, 22 jmp .done .LN65: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN61 dec ecx jne .LN56 mov edx, 23 jmp .done .LN61: mov edx, 24 jmp .done .LN56: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN52 dec ecx je .LN50 .l_22: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN43 dec ecx je .LN41 .l_16: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN34 dec ecx je .LN32 .l_12: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN25 dec ecx je .LN23 .l_11: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN16 dec ecx je .LN14 .l_8: movzx ecx, word [eax+22] dec ecx je .LN7 dec ecx jne .fail mov edx, 35 jmp .done .LN7: mov edx, 36 jmp .done .LN14: mov edx, 33 jmp .done .LN16: mov edx, 34 jmp .done .LN23: mov edx, 31 jmp .done .LN25: mov edx, 32 jmp .done .LN32: mov edx, 29 jmp .done .LN34: mov edx, 30 jmp .done .LN41: mov edx, 27 jmp .done .LN43: mov edx, 28 jmp .done .LN50: mov edx, 25 jmp .done .LN52: mov edx, 26 .done: xor ecx, ecx cmp word [eax+34], 16 setne cl dec ecx and ecx, -18 add ecx, edx mov eax, ecx ret endp align 4 WaveOut: ;str:dword, src:dword, size:dword push ebx push ecx xor eax, eax lea ebx, [esp+12] ;[stream] push eax ;.out_size push eax ;.output push 12 ;.inp_size push ebx ;.input push SND_OUT ;.code push dword [hSound] ;.handle mov eax, 68 mov ebx, 17 mov ecx, esp int 0x40 add esp, 24 pop ecx pop ebx ret 12 align 4 hSound dd ? hrdwSound dd ? szInfinity db 'INFINITY',0 szSound db 'SOUND',0 align 4 od: .mode dd 0 .procinfo dd 0 .com_area_name dd sz_com_area_name .com_area dd 0 .opendir_path dd 0 .dir_default_path dd sz_dir_default_path .start_path dd sz_start_path .draw_window dd fake_on_redraw .status dd 0 .openfile_path dd 0 .filename_area dd 0 .filter_area dd filefilter .x_size dw 512 .x_start dw 512 .y_size dw 512 .y_start dw 512 filefilter: dd filefilter.end - filefilter db 'mp3',0 ; db 'flv',0 ; db 'mov',0 ; db 'mpg',0 ; db 'mpeg',0 ; db 'mkv',0 ; db 'mp4',0 ; db 'webm',0 ; db 'wmv',0 .end: db 0 sz_proc_lib db "/rd/1/lib/proc_lib.obj",0 sz_OpenDialog_init db "OpenDialog_init",0 sz_OpenDialog_start db "OpenDialog_start",0 sz_com_area_name db "FFFFFFFF_open_dialog",0 sz_dir_default_path db "/rd/1",0 sz_start_path db "/rd/1/File managers/opendial",0 msg_print db '%s',0x0D,0x0A,0 msg_init_fail db 'Cannot initialize mpg123 library: %s', 0x0D,0x0A,0 msg_trouble db 'Trouble with mpg123: %s', 0x0D,0x0A,0 msg_sound db 'Sound service not installed', 0x0D,0x0A,0 msg_buffer db 'Unable to create a sound buffer',0x0D,0x0A,0 align 16 __idata_start: library libc,'libc.dll', \ libmpg123, 'libmpg123.dll' include 'include/' include 'include/' __idata_end: __iend: align 4 whdr: .riff_id rd 1 .riff_size rd 1 .riff_format rd 1 .fmt_id rd 1 .fmt_size rd 1 .wFormatTag rw 1 .nChannels rw 1 .nSamplesPerSec rd 1 .nAvgBytesPerSec rd 1 .nBlockAlign rw 1 .wBitsPerSample rw 1 .data_id rd 1 .data_size rd 1 proclib rd 1 opendialog_init rd 1 opendialog_start rd 1 input_file rd 1 mh rd 1 encoding rd 1 channels rd 1 rate rd 1 hBuff rd 1 count rd 1 done rd 1 error rd 1 __cmdline: rb 256 __pgmname: rb 1024 rb 16 __stack: __bssend: