(* Copyright 2021, 2022 Anton Krotov This file is part of CEdit. CEdit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CEdit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CEdit. If not, see . *) MODULE RW; IMPORT File, SYSTEM, KOSAPI, E := Encodings, CB := Clipboard, Lines; CONST CR = 0DX; LF = 0AX; TAB = 9X; SPACE = 20X; BOM = 0FEFFX; BUF_SIZE = 65536; NAME_LEN = 1024; TYPE tFileName* = ARRAY NAME_LEN OF CHAR; tInput* = POINTER TO RECORD buffer: INTEGER; strBuf: Lines.tLine; pos, cnt: INTEGER; CR: BOOLEAN; clipbrd: BOOLEAN; getChar: PROCEDURE (file: tInput): INTEGER END; tOutput* = POINTER TO RECORD handle: File.FS; buffer: ARRAY BUF_SIZE OF BYTE; pos: INTEGER; eol: E.tEOL; putChar: PROCEDURE (file: tOutput; code: INTEGER); error: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE getByte (file: tInput): BYTE; VAR res: BYTE; BEGIN IF file.cnt > 0 THEN SYSTEM.GET8(file.buffer + file.pos, res); INC(file.pos); DEC(file.cnt) ELSE res := 0 END RETURN res END getByte; PROCEDURE peakByte (file: tInput): BYTE; VAR res: BYTE; BEGIN IF file.cnt > 0 THEN SYSTEM.GET8(file.buffer + file.pos, res) ELSE res := 0 END RETURN res END peakByte; PROCEDURE getCharUTF8 (file: tInput): INTEGER; VAR code, n: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN b := getByte(file); IF b <= 07FH THEN n := 0 ELSIF (0C0H <= b) & (b <= 0DFH) THEN DEC(b, 0C0H); n := 1 ELSIF (0E0H <= b) & (b <= 0EFH) THEN DEC(b, 0E0H); n := 2 ELSE n := -1 (* ELSIF (0F0H <= b) & (b <= 0F7H) THEN DEC(b, 0F0H); n := 3 ELSIF (0F8H <= b) & (b <= 0FBH) THEN DEC(b, 0F8H); n := 4 ELSIF (0FCH <= b) & (b <= 0FDH) THEN DEC(b, 0FCH); n := 5 ELSIF b = 0FEH THEN b := 0; n := 6 ELSIF b = 0FFH THEN n := -1 ELSIF (080H <= b) & (b <= 0BFH) THEN n := -1*) END; code := b; (* IF n > 2 THEN n := -1 END; *) WHILE n > 0 DO DEC(n); b := peakByte(file); IF (080H <= b) & (b <= 0BFH) THEN code := code*64 + getByte(file) - 080H ELSE n := -1 END END; IF n = -1 THEN code := E.UNDEF END RETURN code END getCharUTF8; PROCEDURE getCharW1251 (file: tInput): INTEGER; RETURN E.cpW1251[getByte(file)] END getCharW1251; PROCEDURE getCharCP866 (file: tInput): INTEGER; RETURN E.cp866[getByte(file)] END getCharCP866; (* PROCEDURE getCharUTF16LE (file: tInput): INTEGER; RETURN getByte(file) + getByte(file) * 256 END getCharUTF16LE; *) PROCEDURE getString* (file: tInput; line: Lines.tLine; tabs: BOOLEAN; VAR eol: BOOLEAN): INTEGER; VAR c: WCHAR; i, k, n: INTEGER; BEGIN eol := FALSE; n := 0; i := ORD(file.cnt > 0) - 1; WHILE (file.cnt > 0) & ~eol DO c := WCHR(file.getChar(file) MOD 65536); IF c = Lines.TAB1 THEN c := SPACE ELSIF c = 0X THEN c := Lines.NUL END; IF c = CR THEN eol := TRUE; file.CR := TRUE ELSIF c = LF THEN IF ~file.CR THEN eol := TRUE END; file.CR := FALSE ELSIF c = TAB THEN k := Lines.tab - i MOD Lines.tab; IF tabs THEN Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, TAB) ELSE Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, SPACE) END; INC(i); DEC(k); WHILE k > 0 DO IF tabs THEN Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, Lines.TAB1) ELSE Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, SPACE) END; INC(i); DEC(k) END; file.CR := FALSE ELSIF c = BOM THEN file.CR := FALSE ELSE Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, c); INC(i); file.CR := FALSE END END; IF i >= 0 THEN Lines.setChar(file.strBuf, i, 0X); file.strBuf.length := i; Lines._insert2(line, 0, file.strBuf) END; INC(n, i) RETURN n END getString; PROCEDURE detectEncoding (text: tInput): INTEGER; VAR pos, cnt, res: INTEGER; continue, bom: BOOLEAN; b: BYTE; cp866, w1251: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := text.pos; cnt := text.cnt; continue := TRUE; WHILE (text.cnt > 0) & continue DO IF getByte(text) > 127 THEN continue := FALSE END END; text.cnt := cnt; text.pos := pos; IF continue THEN res := E.CP866 ELSE bom := getCharUTF8(text) = ORD(BOM); continue := TRUE; text.cnt := cnt; text.pos := pos; WHILE (text.cnt > 0) & continue DO IF getCharUTF8(text) = E.UNDEF THEN continue := FALSE END END; IF continue THEN IF bom THEN res := E.UTF8BOM ELSE res := E.UTF8 END ELSE text.cnt := cnt; text.pos := pos; cp866 := 0; w1251 := 0; WHILE text.cnt > 0 DO b := getByte(text); IF b > 127 THEN IF b >= 192 THEN INC(w1251) ELSE INC(cp866) END END END; IF w1251 > cp866 THEN res := E.W1251 ELSE res := E.CP866 END END; text.cnt := cnt; text.pos := pos END RETURN res END detectEncoding; PROCEDURE detectEOL (text: tInput): INTEGER; VAR pos, cnt, c, res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := -1; pos := text.pos; cnt := text.cnt; WHILE (text.cnt > 0) & (res = -1) DO c := text.getChar(text); IF c = ORD(LF) THEN res := E.EOL_LF ELSIF c = ORD(CR) THEN IF text.getChar(text) = ORD(LF) THEN res := E.EOL_CRLF ELSE res := E.EOL_CR END END END; text.cnt := cnt; text.pos := pos; IF res = -1 THEN res := E.EOL_CRLF END RETURN res END detectEOL; PROCEDURE getMaxLength (file: tInput): INTEGER; VAR res, cur, cnt: INTEGER; c: WCHAR; BEGIN res := 0; cur := 0; cnt := file.cnt; WHILE file.cnt > 0 DO c := WCHR(file.getChar(file) MOD 65536); IF (c = CR) OR (c = LF) THEN cur := 0 ELSIF c = TAB THEN INC(cur, Lines.tab - cur MOD Lines.tab) ELSE INC(cur) END; IF cur > res THEN res := cur END END; file.cnt := cnt; file.pos := 0 RETURN res END getMaxLength; PROCEDURE createStrBuf (file: tInput); BEGIN file.strBuf := Lines.create(TRUE); Lines.resize(file.strBuf, MAX(2048, getMaxLength(file) + 1)) END createStrBuf; PROCEDURE load* (name: tFileName; VAR enc, eol: INTEGER): tInput; VAR res: tInput; fsize: INTEGER; BEGIN NEW(res); res.pos := 0; res.CR := FALSE; res.getChar := NIL; res.clipbrd := FALSE; fsize := File.FileSize(name); IF fsize = 0 THEN res.buffer := KOSAPI.malloc(4096); res.cnt := 0 ELSE res.buffer := File.Load(name, res.cnt) END; IF res.buffer = 0 THEN DISPOSE(res) ELSE enc := detectEncoding(res); IF enc IN {E.UTF8BOM, E.UTF8} THEN res.getChar := getCharUTF8 ELSIF enc = E.CP866 THEN res.getChar := getCharCP866 ELSIF enc = E.W1251 THEN res.getChar := getCharW1251 END; eol := detectEOL(res); createStrBuf(res) END RETURN res END load; PROCEDURE clipboard* (): tInput; VAR res: tInput; BEGIN NEW(res); res.pos := 0; res.CR := FALSE; res.clipbrd := TRUE; res.getChar := NIL; res.getChar := getCharCP866; res.buffer := CB.get(res.cnt); IF res.buffer = 0 THEN DISPOSE(res) ELSE createStrBuf(res) END RETURN res END clipboard; PROCEDURE putByte (file: tOutput; b: BYTE); BEGIN IF file.pos = BUF_SIZE THEN IF File.Write(file.handle, SYSTEM.ADR(file.buffer[0]), BUF_SIZE) # BUF_SIZE THEN file.error := TRUE END; file.pos := 0 END; file.buffer[file.pos] := b; INC(file.pos) END putByte; PROCEDURE putString* (file: tOutput; line: Lines.tLine; n: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; c: WCHAR; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO n - 1 DO c := Lines.getChar(line, i); IF c = Lines.NUL THEN file.putChar(file, 0) ELSIF c # Lines.TAB1 THEN file.putChar(file, ORD(c)) END END END putString; PROCEDURE newLine* (file: tOutput); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE file.eol[i] # 0X DO file.putChar(file, ORD(file.eol[i])); INC(i) END END newLine; PROCEDURE putCharUTF8 (file: tOutput; code: INTEGER); BEGIN IF code <= 7FH THEN putByte(file, code) ELSIF (80H <= code) & (code <= 7FFH) THEN putByte(file, code DIV 64 + 0C0H); putByte(file, code MOD 64 + 080H) ELSIF (800H <= code) & (code <= 0FFFFH) THEN putByte(file, code DIV 4096 + 0E0H); putByte(file, (code DIV 64) MOD 64 + 080H); putByte(file, code MOD 64 + 080H) ELSE putByte(file, ORD("?")) END END putCharUTF8; PROCEDURE putCharCP (file: tOutput; code, cp: INTEGER); VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := E.UNI[code, cp]; IF n # E.UNDEF THEN putByte(file, n) ELSE putByte(file, ORD("?")) END END putCharCP; PROCEDURE putCharW1251 (file: tOutput; code: INTEGER); BEGIN putCharCP(file, code, E.W1251) END putCharW1251; PROCEDURE putCharCP866 (file: tOutput; code: INTEGER); BEGIN putCharCP(file, code, E.CP866) END putCharCP866; (* PROCEDURE putCharUTF16LE (file: tOutput; code: INTEGER); BEGIN IF ~((0 <= code) & (code <= 65535)) THEN code := ORD("?") END; putByte(file, code MOD 256); putByte(file, code DIV 256) END putCharUTF16LE;*) PROCEDURE close* (VAR file: tOutput): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN res := TRUE; IF file # NIL THEN IF file.handle # NIL THEN IF file.pos > 0 THEN res := File.Write(file.handle, SYSTEM.ADR(file.buffer[0]), file.pos) = file.pos END; res := res & ~file.error; File.Close(file.handle) END; DISPOSE(file) END RETURN res END close; PROCEDURE create* (name: tFileName; enc, nl: INTEGER): tOutput; VAR res: tOutput; BEGIN NEW(res); res.pos := 0; res.eol := E.eol[nl]; res.putChar := NIL; IF enc IN {E.UTF8BOM, E.UTF8} THEN IF enc = E.UTF8BOM THEN putCharUTF8(res, ORD(BOM)) END; res.putChar := putCharUTF8 (*ELSIF enc = E.UTF16LE THEN res.putChar := putCharUTF16LE*) ELSIF enc = E.W1251 THEN res.putChar := putCharW1251 ELSIF enc = E.CP866 THEN res.putChar := putCharCP866 END; ASSERT(res.putChar # NIL); res.handle := File.Create(name); res.error := FALSE; IF res.handle = NIL THEN DISPOSE(res) END RETURN res END create; PROCEDURE destroy* (VAR file: tInput); VAR null: INTEGER; BEGIN IF file # NIL THEN IF file.buffer # 0 THEN null := KOSAPI.free(file.buffer - 12*ORD(file.clipbrd)) END; IF file.strBuf # NIL THEN Lines.resize(file.strBuf, 0) END; DISPOSE(file) END END destroy; END RW.