;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2007. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Loading configuration from ini file ; {SPraid.simba} ;------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Revision$ iglobal conf_path_sect: db 'path',0 conf_fname db '/sys/sys.conf',0 endg ; set soke kernel configuration proc set_kernel_conf locals par db 30 dup(?) endl pushad ;[gui] ;mouse_speed lea eax, [par] push eax invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, ugui, ugui_mouse_speed, \ eax,30, ugui_mouse_speed_def pop eax stdcall strtoint, eax mov [mouse_speed_factor], ax ;mouse_delay lea eax, [par] push eax invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, ugui, ugui_mouse_delay, \ eax,30, ugui_mouse_delay_def pop eax stdcall strtoint, eax mov [mouse_delay], eax ;midibase lea eax, [par] push eax invoke ini.get_str, conf_fname, udev, udev_midibase, eax, 30, udev_midibase_def pop eax stdcall strtoint, eax cmp eax, 0x100 jb @f cmp eax, 0x10000 jae @f mov [midi_base], ax mov [mididp], eax inc eax mov [midisp], eax @@: popad ret endp iglobal ugui db 'gui',0 ugui_mouse_speed db 'mouse_speed',0 ugui_mouse_speed_def db '2',0 ugui_mouse_delay db 'mouse_delay',0 ugui_mouse_delay_def db '0x00A',0 udev db 'dev',0 udev_midibase db 'midibase',0 udev_midibase_def db '0x320',0 endg ; convert string to DWord proc strtoint stdcall,strs pushad mov eax, [strs] inc eax mov bl, [eax] cmp bl, 'x' je .hex cmp bl, 'X' je .hex jmp .dec .hex: inc eax stdcall strtoint_hex, eax jmp .exit .dec: dec eax stdcall strtoint_dec, eax .exit: mov [esp+28], eax popad ret endp ; convert string to DWord for decimal value proc strtoint_dec stdcall,strs pushad xor edx, edx ; поиск конца mov esi, [strs] @@: lodsb or al, al jnz @b mov ebx, esi mov esi, [strs] dec ebx sub ebx, esi mov ecx, 1 @@: dec ebx or ebx, ebx jz @f imul ecx, ecx, 10; порядок jmp @b @@: xchg ebx, ecx xor ecx, ecx @@: xor eax, eax lodsb cmp al, 0 je .eend sub al, 30h imul ebx add ecx, eax push ecx xchg eax, ebx mov ecx, 10 div ecx xchg eax, ebx pop ecx jmp @b .eend: mov [esp+28], ecx popad ret endp ;convert string to DWord for hex value proc strtoint_hex stdcall,strs pushad xor edx, edx mov esi, [strs] mov ebx, 1 add esi, 1 @@: lodsb or al, al jz @f shl ebx, 4 jmp @b @@: xor ecx, ecx mov esi, [strs] @@: xor eax, eax lodsb cmp al, 0 je .eend cmp al, 'a' jae .bm cmp al, 'A' jae .bb jmp .cc .bm: ; 57h sub al, 57h jmp .do .bb: ; 37h sub al, 37h jmp .do .cc: ; 30h sub al, 30h .do: imul ebx add ecx, eax shr ebx, 4 jmp @b .eend: mov [esp+28], ecx popad ret endp