;FigureInit, (Object.FigData) ;add_object_in_list, (врем. стр.), (Object.FigData) ; mov [Object.FigData], (tl_node_add(врем. стр.),tl_node_get_data) ;draw_fig2d_litl, ___, pobj, (Object.FigData), fign, ___, ___, ___ struct Object OType dd ? FigCount dd ? FigData dd ? ;array pointers to Figures MinX dq ? MinY dq ? SizeX dq ? SizeY dq ? WScale dq ? ;prewiew window scale MScale dq ? ;mouse scale (show partition figure) MCentrX dd ? ;mouse centr X MCentrY dd ? ;mouse centr Y Caption rb 32 ends struct Figure OType dd ? PoiCount dd ? PoiData dd ? MinX dq ? MinY dq ? SizeX dq ? SizeY dq ? WScale dq ? ;prewiew window scale (show all figure) MScale dq ? ;mouse scale (show partition figure) MCentrX dd ? ;mouse centr X MCentrY dd ? ;mouse centr Y Caption rb 32 ends struct Point Prop dd ? ;prorerties CoordX dq ? ;coord X CoordY dq ? ;coord Y ends txt_err_1 db 'Ошибка при считывании объекта',0 txt_err_2 db 'Ошибка при считывании фигуры',0 txt_err_3 db 'Не найдена точка в фигуре',0 txt_err_no_figure_select db 'Не выбрана команда для перемещения',0 txt_err_figure_is_0 db 'Команда не может быть сдвинута вверх,',13,10,'она в начале списка.',0 txt_err_figure_is_last db 'Команда не может быть сдвинута вниз,',13,10,'она в конце списка.',0 txt_err_no_point_del db 'Не можна удалить все точки из фигуры.',0 txt_err_poi_is_0 db 'Не можна переместить точку вверх,',13,10,'она в начале списка.',0 txt_err_poi_is_last db 'Не можна переместить точку вниз,',13,10,'она в конце списка.',0 txt_err_no_1_point_sel db 'Выберите не больше одной точки.',0 txt_min_x db 'min x: ',0 txt_min_y db 'min y: ',0 if lang eq ru ; ; rus ; txt_preview db 'Предпросмотр результата:',0 txt_port db 'Порт:',0 txt_but_cancel db 'Отмена',0 txt_but_run db 'Выполнить',0 txt_size_x db 'размер x: ',0 txt_size_y db 'размер y: ',0 txt_command: db 'Команда:', 0 .end: txt_filename: db 'Файл (полный путь):', 0 .end: else ; ; eng ; txt_preview db 'Preview:',0 txt_port db 'Port:',0 txt_but_cancel db 'Cancel',0 txt_but_run db 'Run',0 txt_size_x db 'size x: ',0 txt_size_y db 'size y: ',0 txt_command: db 'Command:', 0 .end: txt_filename: db 'Full file name (path):', 0 .end: end if align 4 txt_s_poi db 'X',0 txt_s_poi_Y db ' Y',0 txt_s_poi_Z db ' Z',0 txt_n db 13,0 align 4 zoom_plus dq 1.25992105 mouse_prop_x dd 0 ;курсор мыши относительно центра окна buf_0 (для измен. масштаба) mouse_prop_y dd 0 mouse_down_x dd 0 ;курсор мыши относительно левого верхнего угла окна buf_0 (для сдвига фигуры) mouse_down_y dd 0 opt_draw dd 1 graf_margin_left dd 3 ;margin in pixels graf_margin_right dd 3+6 ;margin in pixels graf_margin_top dd 3+9 ;margin in pixels graf_margin_bot dd 3+9 ;margin in pixels data_printed dd ? ;число выполненных команд data_all dd ? ;число всех команд ;global variables: ObjData Object FigData Figure ;временная структура для заполнения tree1 PoiData Point size_one_list equ sizeof.Figure ;max (sizeof.Figure, sizeof.Object) if sizeof.Object > sizeof.Figure ... need fix size_one_list end if if (Object.FigCount <> Figure.PoiCount) | (Object.FigData <> Figure.PoiData) | (Object.MScale <> Figure.MScale) | (Object.MCentrX <> Figure.MCentrX) | (Object.MCentrY <> Figure.MCentrY) ... need fix offsets end if txt_buf rb 80 ;??? txt_sp db ' ',0 ;input: ; esi - text pointer align 4 proc txt_next_line uses eax ecx edi, mlen:dword mov al,13 mov ecx,[mlen] mov edi,esi repne scasb cmp byte[edi],10 jne @f inc edi @@: mov esi,edi ret endp ;input: ; edi - destination buffer ; esi - source text string: '...\nl ; mlen - maximum len destination buffer align 4 proc txt_load_line uses eax ebx ecx esi, mlen:dword mov byte[edi],0 mov al,13 cmp byte[esi],al je .end_f mov ecx,[mlen] mov ebx,edi mov edi,esi repne scasb ;found end of string mov ecx,edi sub ecx,esi dec ecx ;ecx = string len mov edi,ebx rep movsb ;copy caption string cmp byte[esi],13 je @f .cycle0: inc esi cmp byte[esi],13 jne .cycle0 @@: mov byte[edi],0 inc esi .end_f: ret endp ;input: ; itxt - input description text ; msize - max size align 4 proc FileInit uses eax ebx ecx edi esi, itxt:dword, msize:dword cmp dword[ObjData.FigData],0 je @f cmp dword[ObjData.FigCount],0 ;or Figure.PoiCount je @f stdcall mem.Free,[ObjData.FigData] ;or Figure.PoiData @@: mov dword[offs_last_timer],0 mov esi,[itxt] mov ebx,esi add ebx,[msize] stdcall ObjectInit,ObjData,ebx ret endp ;input: ; esi - input description text ; pobj - pointer to object struct ; etxt - pointer to end of input text align 4 proc ObjectInit uses eax ebx ecx edi, pobj:dword, etxt:dword mov ebx,[pobj] mov [ebx+Object.OType],'Obj' mov edi,ebx add edi,Object.Caption mov dword[edi],'CNC' stdcall get_max_lines test eax,eax jz .err_init mov [ebx+Object.FigCount],eax mov ecx,eax shl eax,2 stdcall mem.Alloc,eax mov [ebx+Object.FigData],eax push ecx mov edi,eax xor eax,eax mov [data_all],eax ;хитрое начальное обнуление счетчика mov [data_printed],eax rep stosd ;clear memory pop ecx mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] align 4 .cycle0: stdcall FigureInit,edi mov eax,[edi] mov eax,[eax+Figure.PoiCount] or eax,eax jnz @f inc eax ;минимум 1-на команда @@: add [data_all],eax cmp esi,[etxt] jge .cycle0end add edi,4 loop .cycle0 .cycle0end: inc dword[ebx+Object.FigCount] or ecx,ecx jz @f ;уменьшаем объем памяти выделенный для команд sub [ebx+Object.FigCount],ecx mov eax,[ebx+Object.FigCount] shl eax,2 stdcall mem.ReAlloc,[ebx+Object.FigData],eax mov [ebx+Object.FigData],eax @@: ;установка счетчика и прогресбара на 25 % mov eax,[data_all] mov [pb.max],eax shr eax,2 mov [data_printed],eax mov [pb.value],eax stdcall ObjCalculateScale,ebx jmp .end_f .err_init: notify_window_run txt_err_1 .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc ObjCalculateScale uses eax ebx ecx edi, pobj:dword mov ebx,[pobj] ;*** Calculate scale for object *** finit ;found min coord X mov ecx,[ebx+Object.FigCount] jecxz .cycle2end mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] @@: mov eax,[edi] dec ecx jecxz .cycle2end add edi,4 or eax,eax jz @b cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @b push edi esi ;copy first min X lea esi,[eax+Figure.MinX] lea edi,[ebx+Object.MinX] movsd movsd pop esi edi align 4 .cycle2: mov eax,[edi] or eax,eax jz @f cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @f fld qword[eax+Figure.MinX] fcomp qword[ebx+Object.MinX] fstsw ax sahf jae @f push edi esi mov eax,[edi] lea esi,[eax+Figure.MinX] lea edi,[ebx+Object.MinX] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,4 loop .cycle2 .cycle2end: ;found min coord Y mov ecx,[ebx+Object.FigCount] jecxz .cycle3end mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] @@: mov eax,[edi] dec ecx jecxz .cycle3end add edi,4 or eax,eax jz @b cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @b push edi esi ;copy first min Y lea esi,[eax+Figure.MinY] lea edi,[ebx+Object.MinY] movsd movsd pop esi edi align 4 .cycle3: mov eax,[edi] or eax,eax jz @f cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @f fld qword[eax+Figure.MinY] fcomp qword[ebx+Object.MinY] fstsw ax sahf jae @f push edi esi mov eax,[edi] lea esi,[eax+Figure.MinY] lea edi,[ebx+Object.MinY] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,4 loop .cycle3 .cycle3end: ;found max coord X mov ecx,[ebx+Object.FigCount] jecxz .cycle4end mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] ;copy first min X mov eax,[edi] fld qword[eax+Figure.MinX] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeX] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] dec ecx jecxz .cycle4end align 4 .cycle4: add edi,4 mov eax,[edi] or eax,eax jz @f cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @f fld qword[eax+Figure.MinX] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeX] fcomp qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f mov eax,[edi] fld qword[eax+Figure.MinX] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeX] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] @@: loop .cycle4 .cycle4end: ;found max coord Y mov ecx,[ebx+Object.FigCount] jecxz .cycle5end mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] ;copy first min Y mov eax,[edi] fld qword[eax+Figure.MinY] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeY] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] dec ecx jecxz .cycle5end align 4 .cycle5: add edi,4 mov eax,[edi] or eax,eax jz @f cmp [eax+Figure.PoiCount],0 je @f fld qword[eax+Figure.MinY] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeY] fcomp qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f mov eax,[edi] fld qword[eax+Figure.MinY] fadd qword[eax+Figure.SizeY] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] @@: loop .cycle5 .cycle5end: ;found size X fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] fsub qword[ebx+Object.MinX] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] ;found size Y fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] fsub qword[ebx+Object.MinY] fstp qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] ;*** Calculate scale *** fld1 fstp qword[ebx+Object.WScale] ;set default scale fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] ftst fstsw ax sahf jne .els_0 ;if (SizeX == 0.0) ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_1 .els_0: ;else if (SizeX != 0.0) fild dword[buf_0.w] fisub dword[graf_margin_left] fisub dword[graf_margin_right] fxch st1 fdivp fstp qword[ebx+Object.WScale] .els_1: fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] ftst fstsw ax sahf jne .els_2 ;if (SizeY == 0.0) ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_3 .els_2: ;else if (SizeY != 0.0) fild dword[buf_0.h] fisub dword[graf_margin_top] fisub dword[graf_margin_bot] fxch st1 fdivp fcom qword[ebx+Object.WScale] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_3 @@: fstp qword[ebx+Object.WScale] .els_3: fld1 fstp qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] mov dword[ebx+Figure.MCentrX],0 mov dword[ebx+Figure.MCentrY],0 ret endp ;input: ; esi - input description text ; pfig - pointer to figure struct ;output: ; esi - output description text align 4 proc FigureInit uses eax ebx ecx edx edi, pfig:dword mov ebx,FigData ; temp struct mov [ebx+Figure.OType],'Fig' mov edi,ebx add edi,Figure.Caption stdcall txt_load_line,32 xor eax,eax mov [ebx+Figure.PoiCount],eax mov [ebx+Figure.PoiData],eax cmp byte[esi],'X' jne .end0 stdcall get_max_points mov [ebx+Figure.PoiCount],eax or eax,eax jz .end0 mov ecx,eax imul eax,sizeof.Point stdcall mem.Alloc,eax mov [ebx+Figure.PoiData],eax or eax,eax jz .err_init mov edi,eax align 4 .cycle0: stdcall PointInit,edi or eax,eax jz .cycle0end add edi,sizeof.Point loop .cycle0 .cycle0end: or ecx,ecx jz .end1 ;уменьшаем объем памяти выделенный для точек sub [ebx+Figure.PoiCount],ecx mov eax,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] imul eax,sizeof.Point stdcall mem.ReAlloc,[ebx+Figure.PoiData],eax mov [ebx+Figure.PoiData],eax jmp .end1 .err_init: notify_window_run txt_err_2 .end0: ;command stdcall txt_next_line, 80 cmp byte[esi],13 jne @f ;if null line inc esi cmp byte[esi],10 jne .end2 inc esi .end2: mov dword[edi],(10 shl 8)+13 ;new line @@: stdcall add_object_in_list,ebx,[pfig] jmp .end_f .end1: ;coords stdcall add_object_in_list,ebx,[pfig] or eax,eax jz .end_f stdcall FigCalculateSizes,eax,1 .end_f: ret endp ;input: ; esi - pointer to file ;output: ; eax - max lines in file align 4 proc get_max_lines uses esi xor eax,eax .cycle0: cmp byte[esi],13 jne @f inc eax @@: inc esi cmp byte[esi],0 jne .cycle0 ret endp ;input: ; esi - pointer to file ;output: ; eax - max point coords in file align 4 proc get_max_points uses esi xor eax,eax .cycle0: cmp word[esi],' Y' jne @f inc eax @@: inc esi cmp byte[esi+1],0 jne .cycle0 ret endp ;input: ; opt_calc - если 0 - пересчитать масштаб фигуры, ; 1 - пересчитать размеры и масштаб фигуры align 4 proc FigCalculateSizes uses eax ebx ecx edi esi, pfig:dword, opt_calc:dword mov ebx,[pfig] or ebx,ebx jz .end_f finit bt dword[opt_calc],0 jnc .calc_scale ;*** Calculate sizes *** mov esi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] or esi,esi jz .end_f lea esi,[esi+Point.CoordX] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.MinX] movsd movsd ;Figure.MinX = Point[0].CoordX sub esi,8 lea edi,[ebx+Figure.SizeX] movsd movsd ;Figure.SizeX = Point[0].CoordX mov esi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] lea esi,[esi+Point.CoordY] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.MinY] movsd movsd ;Figure.MinY = Point[0].CoordY sub esi,8 lea edi,[ebx+Figure.SizeY] movsd movsd ;Figure.SizeY = Point[0].CoordY ;found min coord X mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] jecxz .cycle2end mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] align 4 .cycle2: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordX] fcomp qword[ebx+Figure.MinX] fstsw ax sahf ja @f push edi esi lea esi,[edi+Point.CoordX] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.MinX] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,sizeof.Point loop .cycle2 .cycle2end: ;found min coord Y mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] jecxz .cycle3end mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] align 4 .cycle3: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordY] fcomp qword[ebx+Figure.MinY] fstsw ax sahf ja @f push edi esi lea esi,[edi+Point.CoordY] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.MinY] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,sizeof.Point loop .cycle3 .cycle3end: ;found max coord X mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] jecxz .cycle4end mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] align 4 .cycle4: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordX] fcomp qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f push edi esi lea esi,[edi+Point.CoordX] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.SizeX] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,sizeof.Point loop .cycle4 .cycle4end: ;found max coord Y mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] jecxz .cycle5end mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] align 4 .cycle5: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordY] fcomp qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f push edi esi lea esi,[edi+Point.CoordY] lea edi,[ebx+Figure.SizeY] movsd movsd pop esi edi @@: add edi,sizeof.Point loop .cycle5 .cycle5end: ;found size X fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] fsub qword[ebx+Figure.MinX] fstp qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] ;found size Y fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] fsub qword[ebx+Figure.MinY] fstp qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] ;*** Calculate scale *** align 4 .calc_scale: mov dword[ebx+Figure.MCentrX],0 mov dword[ebx+Figure.MCentrY],0 fld1 fst qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] ;??? fstp qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] ;set default scale fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] ftst fstsw ax sahf jne .els_0 ;if (SizeX == 0.0) ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_1 .els_0: ;else if (SizeX != 0.0) fild dword[buf_0.w] fisub dword[graf_margin_left] fisub dword[graf_margin_right] fxch st1 fdivp fstp qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] .els_1: fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] ftst fstsw ax sahf jne .els_2 ;if (SizeY == 0.0) ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_3 .els_2: ;else if (SizeY != 0.0) fild dword[buf_0.h] fisub dword[graf_margin_top] fisub dword[graf_margin_bot] fxch st1 fdivp fcom qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ffree st0 fincstp jmp .els_3 @@: fstp qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] .els_3: .end_f: ret endp ;input: ; esi - input description text ; ppoi - pointer to point struct ;output: ; eax - 0 (if error init) or 1 ; esi - output description text align 4 proc PointInit uses ebx ecx edi, ppoi:dword mov ecx,64 ;защита от зацикливания @@: lodsb cmp al,' ' jne @f loop @b @@: dec esi cmp byte[esi],'X' jne .err_init inc esi stdcall conv_str_to_int, esi mov ebx,[ppoi] ;Data_String <- esi push esi mov ecx,32 mov edi,esi @@: lodsb or al,al jz @f cmp al,' ' je @f cmp al,13 je @f loop @b @@: mov esi,edi sub ecx,32 neg ecx mov edi,Data_String rep movsb mov byte[edi],0 pop esi stdcall String_to_DoubleFloat ;Data_Double -> Point.CoordX push esi mov esi,Data_Double lea edi,[ebx+Point.CoordX] movsd movsd pop esi push edi mov al,'Y' mov ecx,80 mov edi,esi repne scasb mov esi,edi pop edi ;Data_String <- esi push esi mov ecx,32 mov edi,esi @@: lodsb or al,al jz @f cmp al,' ' je @f cmp al,13 je @f loop @b @@: mov esi,edi sub ecx,32 neg ecx mov edi,Data_String rep movsb mov byte[edi],0 pop esi stdcall String_to_DoubleFloat ;Data_Double -> Point.CoordY push esi mov esi,Data_Double lea edi,[ebx+Point.CoordY] movsd movsd pop esi stdcall txt_next_line, 80 jmp @f .err_init: xor eax,eax jmp .end_f @@: xor eax,eax inc eax .end_f: ret endp ;input: ; buffer - добавляемые данные ; pfig - указатель на добавленную фигуру (для контроля со стороны родительского объекта) ;output: ; eax - object data pointer align 4 proc add_object_in_list uses ebx ecx edi esi, buffer:dword, pfig:dword mov ebx,[pfig] or ebx,ebx jz @f stdcall mem.Alloc,sizeof.Figure mov [ebx],eax mov ecx,sizeof.Figure mov edi,eax mov esi,[buffer] rep movsb @@: ret endp ;description: ; функция для рисования выбранного объекта align 4 proc draw_obj2d, pobj:dword locals data_draw dd ? CentrX dd ? CentrY dd ? endl pushad mov ebx,[pobj] stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color] mov ecx,[ebx+Object.FigCount] or ecx,ecx jz .end_f ;;jecxz .end_f mov edi,[ebx+Object.FigData] finit fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] fmul qword[ebx+Object.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Object.MScale] fchs fistp dword[CentrY] mov eax,[CentrY] sub eax,[graf_margin_top] sub eax,[graf_margin_bot] add eax,[buf_0.h] sar eax,1 add eax,[graf_margin_bot] ;_bot а не _top - в связи с тем что коорд. Y перевернута add eax,[ebx+Object.MCentrY] mov [CentrY],eax fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] fmul qword[ebx+Object.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Object.MScale] fchs fistp dword[CentrX] mov edx,[CentrX] sub edx,[graf_margin_left] sub edx,[graf_margin_right] add edx,[buf_0.w] sar edx,1 add edx,[graf_margin_left] add edx,[ebx+Object.MCentrX] mov [CentrX],edx mov dword[data_draw],0 align 4 .cycle0: stdcall draw_fig2d_litl, buf_0,ebx,[edi],[data_draw],0,edx,eax mov esi,[edi] mov esi,[esi+Figure.PoiCount] or esi,esi jnz @f inc esi @@: add [data_draw],esi add edi,4 loop .cycle0 stdcall [buf2d_flip_v], buf_0 bt dword[opt_draw],0 jnc .end_f ; draw min & sizes mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],8 stdcall mem_copy, txt_buf,txt_size_x,20 fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeX] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_n stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_size_y fld qword[ebx+Object.SizeY] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_1,txt_buf,3,23,0 fld qword[ebx+Object.MinX] fstp qword[Data_Double] stdcall mem_copy, txt_buf,txt_min_x,20 call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_n stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_min_y fld qword[ebx+Object.MinY] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_1,txt_buf,3,3,0 .end_f: popad ret endp ;input: ; pbuf - pointer to buffer 2d ; pobj - указатель на объект ; pfig - указатель на фигуру ; fign - номер фигуры ;description: ; функция для рисования объекта по частям align 4 proc draw_fig2d_litl, pbuf:dword, pobj:dword, pfig:dword, fign:dword,\ Scale:dword, CentrX:dword, CentrY:dword locals line_col dd ? ;figure color PervX dd 0 ;pervios point coord X PervY dd 0 ;pervios point coord Y GrafX dd ? ;active point coord X GrafY dd ? ;active point coord Y endl pushad mov ebx,[pfig] test ebx,ebx jz .end_f mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] ;;jecxz .end_f test ecx,ecx jz .end_f mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] mov edx,[pobj] fld1 mov eax,[Scale] or eax,eax jnz @f lea eax,[edx+Object.MScale] fmul qword[eax] lea eax,[edx+Object.WScale] @@: fmul qword[eax] mov esi,[fign] align 4 .cycle0: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordX] fsub qword[edx+Object.MinX] fmul st0,st1 fiadd dword[CentrX] fistp dword[ebp-8] fld qword[edi+Point.CoordY] fsub qword[edx+Object.MinY] fmul st0,st1 fiadd dword[CentrY] fistp dword[ebp-4] stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], [pbuf], [GrafX],[GrafY], 0xff0000 cmp ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] je .end0 ;определение цвета cmp esi,[data_printed] jl @f mov [line_col],0x80 ;if not printed jmp .end1 @@: mov [line_col],0xff0000 ;if was printed .end1: stdcall [buf2d_line_sm], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [line_col] stdcall [buf2d_line], [pbuf], [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [line_col] .end0: mov eax,[GrafX] mov [PervX],eax mov eax,[GrafY] mov [PervY],eax add edi,sizeof.Point inc esi ;;loop .cycle0 dec ecx jnz .cycle0 ffree st0 fincstp .end_f: popad ret endp ;description: ; функция для рисования выбранной фигуры align 4 proc draw_fig2d, pfig:dword locals n dd 0 col_lin dd 0 ;цвет линий фигуры CentrX dd ? CentrY dd ? PervX dd 0 ;pervios point coord X PervY dd 0 ;pervios point coord Y GrafX dd ? ;active point coord X GrafY dd ? ;active point coord Y old_tl dd 0 ;old text coord X0 old_tt dd 0 ;old text coord Y0 old_tw dd 0 ;old text coord X1 old_th dd 0 ;old text coord Y1 new_tl dd 0 ;new text coord X0 ;new_tt dd 0 ;new text coord Y0 new_tw dd 0 ;new text coord X1 ;new_th dd 0 ;new text coord Y1 endl pushad stdcall [buf2d_clear], buf_0, [buf_0.color] mov ebx,[pfig] test ebx,ebx jz .end_f mov ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] ;;jecxz .end_f test ecx,ecx jz .end_f mov edi,[ebx+Figure.PoiData] finit fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] fchs fistp dword[CentrY] mov eax,[CentrY] sub eax,[graf_margin_top] sub eax,[graf_margin_bot] add eax,[buf_0.h] sar eax,1 add eax,[graf_margin_bot] add eax,[ebx+Figure.MCentrY] mov [CentrY],eax ;CentrY = (-(Figure.SizeY * Figure.WScale) - graf_margin_top - graf_margin_bot + buf_0.h) / 2 + graf_margin_bot fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] fchs fistp dword[CentrX] mov eax,[CentrX] sub eax,[graf_margin_left] sub eax,[graf_margin_right] add eax,[buf_0.w] sar eax,1 add eax,[graf_margin_left] add eax,[ebx+Figure.MCentrX] mov [CentrX],eax ;CentrX = (-(Figure.SizeX * Figure.WScale) - graf_margin_left - graf_margin_right + buf_0.w) / 2 + graf_margin_left align 4 .cycle0: fld qword[edi+Point.CoordX] fsub qword[ebx+Figure.MinX] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] fiadd dword[CentrX] fistp dword[GrafX] ;GrafX = (Point.CoordX - Figure.MinX) * Figure.WScale + CentrX fld qword[edi+Point.CoordY] fsub qword[ebx+Figure.MinY] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.WScale] fmul qword[ebx+Figure.MScale] fiadd dword[CentrY] fisub dword[buf_0.h] ;invert coord Y fchs fistp dword[GrafY] ;GrafY = -((Point.CoordY - Figure.MinY) * Figure.WScale + CentrY - buf_0.h) stdcall [buf2d_set_pixel], buf_0, [GrafX],[GrafY], 0xff0000 mov dword[col_lin],0x80 cmp ecx,[ebx+Figure.PoiCount] je @f stdcall [buf2d_line_sm], buf_0, [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [col_lin] stdcall [buf2d_line], buf_0, [PervX],[PervY], [GrafX],[GrafY], [col_lin] @@: mov eax,[GrafX] mov [PervX],eax mov edx,[GrafY] mov [PervY],edx add edi,sizeof.Point bt dword[opt_draw],0 jnc .end0 ; draw number points ;mov eax,[GrafX] ;mov edx,[GrafY] add eax,2 add edx,2 push eax edi mov eax,[n] mov edi,txt_buf stdcall convert_int_to_str,20 pop edi eax inc dword[n] ;calculate new text coords mov [new_tl],eax mov esi,eax stdcall str_len,txt_buf imul eax,[buf_1.w] add eax,esi mov [new_tw],eax ;rect compare coords cmp [old_tl],eax jg .no_comp cmp [old_tw],esi jl .no_comp ;calculate new text coord Y1 mov esi,edx add esi,[font_h] cmp [old_tt],esi jg .no_comp cmp [old_th],edx ;jl .no_comp ;jmp .end0 jge .end0 .no_comp: mov eax,[new_tl] mov [old_tl],eax mov eax,[new_tw] mov [old_tw],eax mov [old_tt],edx add edx,[font_h] mov [old_th],edx stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_1,txt_buf,[old_tl],[old_tt],0x000000 .end0: dec ecx jnz .cycle0 bt dword[opt_draw],0 jnc .end_f ; draw min & sizes mov word[NumberSymbolsAD],8 stdcall mem_copy, txt_buf,txt_size_x,20 fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeX] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_n stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_size_y fld qword[ebx+Figure.SizeY] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_1,txt_buf,3,23,0 fld qword[ebx+Figure.MinX] fstp qword[Data_Double] stdcall mem_copy, txt_buf,txt_min_x,20 call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_n stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,txt_min_y fld qword[ebx+Figure.MinY] fstp qword[Data_Double] call DoubleFloat_to_String call String_crop_0 stdcall str_cat,txt_buf,Data_String stdcall [buf2d_draw_text], buf_0, buf_1,txt_buf,3,3,0 .end_f: popad ret endp align 4 proc mouse_left_d uses eax ebx call buf_get_mouse_coord cmp eax,-1 je .end_f mov [mouse_down_x],eax mov [mouse_down_y],ebx .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc mouse_left_u uses eax ebx ecx call buf_get_mouse_coord cmp eax,-1 je .end_f sub eax,[mouse_down_x] sub ebx,[mouse_down_y] mov ecx,ObjData add [ecx+Figure.MCentrX],eax sub [ecx+Figure.MCentrY],ebx mov dword[offs_last_timer],0 .end_f: ret endp