include '' include '' include '' offs_X equ 0 offs_Y equ 4 offs_Z equ 8 offs_W equ 12 ;enum { OP_ ## a , ... } sum1 equ 0 macro ADD_OP a,b,c { OP_#a equ sum1 sum1 equ (sum1+1) } include '' ;initially # of allocated GLVertexes (will grow when necessary) POLYGON_MAX_VERTEX equ 16 ;Max # of specular light pow buffers MAX_SPECULAR_BUFFERS equ 8 ;# of entries in specular buffer SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE equ 1024 ;specular buffer granularity SPECULAR_BUFFER_RESOLUTION equ 1024 MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH equ 32 MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH equ 8 MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH equ 8 MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH equ 64 MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS equ 11 MAX_LIGHTS equ 16 VERTEX_HASH_SIZE equ 1031 MAX_DISPLAY_LISTS equ 1024 OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE equ 512 TGL_OFFSET_FILL equ 0x1 TGL_OFFSET_LINE equ 0x2 TGL_OFFSET_POINT equ 0x4 struct GLSpecBuf shininess_i dd ? ;int last_used dd ? ;int buf rd SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE+1 ;float[SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE+1] next dd ? ;struct GLSpecBuf* ends offs_spec_shininess_i equ 0 offs_spec_last_used equ 4 offs_spec_buf equ 8 offs_spec_next equ 8+4*(SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE+1) struct GLLight ambient V4 diffuse V4 specular V4 position V4 spot_direction V3 spot_exponent dd ? ;float spot_cutoff dd ? ;float attenuation rd 3 ;float[3] ; precomputed values cos_spot_cutoff dd ? ;float norm_spot_direction V3 norm_position V3 ; we use a linked list to know which are the enabled lights enabled dd ? ;int next dd ? ;struct GLLight* prev dd ? ;struct GLLight* ends offs_ligh_ambient equ 0 ;V4 offs_ligh_diffuse equ 16 ;V4 offs_ligh_specular equ 32 ;V4 offs_ligh_position equ 48 ;V4 offs_ligh_spot_direction equ 64 ;V3 offs_ligh_spot_exponent equ 76 ;dd ? offs_ligh_spot_cutoff equ 80 ;dd ? offs_ligh_attenuation equ 84 ;rd 3 offs_ligh_cos_spot_cutoff equ 96 ;dd ? offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction equ 100 ;V3 offs_ligh_norm_position equ 112 ;V3 offs_ligh_enabled equ 124 ;dd ? offs_ligh_next equ 128 ;dd ? offs_ligh_prev equ 132 ;dd ? struct GLMaterial emission V4 ambient V4 diffuse V4 specular V4 shininess dd ? ;float ; computed values shininess_i dd ? ;int do_specular dd ? ;int ends offs_mate_emission equ 0 ;V4 offs_mate_ambient equ 16 ;V4 offs_mate_diffuse equ 32 ;V4 offs_mate_specular equ 48 ;V4 offs_mate_shininess equ 64 ;dd offs_mate_shininess_i equ 68 ;dd offs_mate_do_specular equ 72 ;dd struct GLViewport xmin dd ? ;int ymin dd ? ;int xsize dd ? ;int ysize dd ? ;int scale V3 trans V3 updated dd ? ;int ends offs_vpor_xmin equ 0 offs_vpor_ymin equ 4 offs_vpor_xsize equ 8 offs_vpor_ysize equ 12 offs_vpor_scale equ 16 offs_vpor_trans equ 28 offs_vpor_updated equ 40 struct GLParamBuffer ops rd OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE ;GLParam[OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE] next dd ? ;struct GLParamBuffer* ends offs_gpbu_ops equ 0 offs_gpbu_next equ 4*OP_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE struct GLList first_op_buffer dd ? ;GLParamBuffer* ; TODO: extensions for an hash table or a better allocating scheme ends struct GLVertex edge_flag dd ? ;int normal V3 coord V4 tex_coord V4 color V4 ; computed values ec V4 ; eye coordinates pc V4 ; coordinates in the normalized volume clip_code dd ? ;int ; clip code zp ZBufferPoint ; integer coordinates for the rasterization ends offs_vert_edge_flag equ 0 offs_vert_normal equ 4 offs_vert_coord equ 16 offs_vert_tex_coord equ 32 offs_vert_color equ 48 offs_vert_ec equ 64 offs_vert_pc equ 80 offs_vert_clip_code equ 96 offs_vert_zp equ 100 struct GLImage pixmap dd ? ;void* xsize dd ? ;int ysize dd ? ;int xsize_log2 dd ? ;unsigned int s_bound dd ? ;unsigned int t_bound dd ? ;unsigned int ends offs_imag_pixmap equ 0 offs_imag_xsize equ 4 offs_imag_ysize equ 8 offs_imag_xsize_log2 equ 12 offs_imag_s_bound equ 16 offs_imag_t_bound equ 20 ; textures TEXTURE_HASH_TABLE_SIZE equ 256 ;должно быть кратное 2, в коде берется остаток от деления (через and быстрее чем div) struct GLTexture images rb sizeof.GLImage * MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS ;GLImage[MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS] handle dd ? ;int next dd ? ;struct GLTexture* prev dd ? ;struct GLTexture* ends offs_text_images equ 0 offs_text_handle equ sizeof.GLImage*MAX_TEXTURE_LEVELS offs_text_next equ 4+offs_text_handle offs_text_prev equ 8+offs_text_handle ; shared state struct GLSharedState lists dd ? ;GLList** texture_hash_table dd ? ;GLTexture** ends ; display context struct GLContext ; Z buffer zb dd ? ;ZBuffer* ; lights lights rb sizeof.GLLight * MAX_LIGHTS ;GLLight[MAX_LIGHTS] first_light dd ? ;GLLight* ambient_light_model V4 local_light_model dd ? ;int lighting_enabled dd ? ;int light_model_two_side dd ? ;int ; materials materials rb sizeof.GLMaterial * 2 ;GLMaterial[2] color_material_enabled dd ? ;int current_color_material_mode dd ? ;int current_color_material_type dd ? ;int ; textures current_texture dd ? ;GLTexture* texture_2d_enabled dd ? ;int ; shared state shared_state GLSharedState ; current list current_op_buffer dd ? ;GLParamBuffer* current_op_buffer_index dd ? ;int exec_flag dd ? ;int compile_flag dd ? ;int print_flag dd ? ;int ; matrix matrix_mode dd ? ;int режим активного вида матрицы (один из 3-х: GL_MODELVIEW, GL_PROJECTION, GL_TEXTURE) matrix_stack rd 3 ;*M4[3] указатель на начало массива матриц matrix_stack_ptr rd 3 ;*M4[3] указатель на активную матрицу из массива matrix_stack_depth_max rd 3 ;int[3] максимальное число матриц в массивах matrix_stack matrix_model_view_inv M4 matrix_model_projection M4 matrix_model_projection_updated dd ? ;int matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform dd ? ;int apply_texture_matrix dd ? ;int ; viewport viewport GLViewport ; current state polygon_mode_back dd ? ;int polygon_mode_front dd ? ;int current_front_face dd ? ;int current_shade_model dd ? ;int current_cull_face dd ? ;int cull_face_enabled dd ? ;int normalize_enabled dd ? ;int draw_triangle_front dd ? ;gl_draw_triangle_func draw_triangle_back dd ? ;gl_draw_triangle_func ; selection render_mode dd ? ;int select_buffer dd ? ;unsigned int* select_size dd ? ;int select_ptr dd ? ;unsigned int* select_hit dd ? ;unsigned int* select_overflow dd ? ;int select_hits dd ? ;int ; names name_stack rd MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH ;unsigned int[MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH] name_stack_size dd ? ;int ; clear clear_depth dd ? ;float clear_color V4 ; current vertex state current_color V4 longcurrent_color rd 3 ;unsigned int[3] ;precomputed integer color current_normal V4 current_tex_coord V4 current_edge_flag dd ? ;int ; glBegin / glEnd in_begin dd ? ;int begin_type dd ? ;int vertex_n dd ? ;int vertex_cnt dd ? ;int vertex_max dd ? ;int vertex dd ? ;GLVertex* ; opengl 1.1 arrays vertex_array dd ? ;float* vertex_array_size dd ? ;int vertex_array_stride dd ? ;int normal_array dd ? ;float* normal_array_stride dd ? ;int color_array dd ? ;float* color_array_size dd ? ;int color_array_stride dd ? ;int texcoord_array dd ? ;float* texcoord_array_size dd ? ;int texcoord_array_stride dd ? ;int client_states dd ? ;int ; opengl 1.1 polygon offset offset_factor dd ? ;float offset_units dd ? ;float offset_states dd ? ;int ; specular buffer. could probably be shared between contexts, ; but that wouldn't be 100% thread safe specbuf_first dd ? ;GLSpecBuf* specbuf_used_counter dd ? ;int specbuf_num_buffers dd ? ;int ; opaque structure for user's use opaque dd ? ;void* ; resize viewport function gl_resize_viewport dd ? ;(struct GLContext *c,int *xsize,int *ysize) ; depth test depth_test dd ? ;int ends offs_cont_s0 equ (4 + sizeof.GLLight * MAX_LIGHTS) offs_cont_s1 equ (32 + offs_cont_s0 + sizeof.GLMaterial * 2) offs_cont_s2 equ (228 + offs_cont_s1 + sizeof.GLViewport) offs_cont_s3 equ (64 + offs_cont_s2 + MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH * 4) offs_cont_zb equ 0 ;ZBuffer* offs_cont_lights equ 4 ;GLLight[MAX_LIGHTS] offs_cont_first_light equ offs_cont_s0 ;GLLight* offs_cont_ambient_light_model equ 4+offs_cont_s0 ;V4 offs_cont_local_light_model equ 20+offs_cont_s0 ;int offs_cont_lighting_enabled equ 24+offs_cont_s0 ;int offs_cont_light_model_two_side equ 28+offs_cont_s0 ;int offs_cont_materials equ 32+offs_cont_s0 ;GLMaterial[2] offs_cont_color_material_enabled equ offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_current_color_material_mode equ 4+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_current_color_material_type equ 8+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_current_texture equ 12+offs_cont_s1 ;GLTexture* offs_cont_texture_2d_enabled equ 16+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_shared_state equ 20+offs_cont_s1 ;GLSharedState offs_cont_current_op_buffer equ 28+offs_cont_s1 ;GLParamBuffer* offs_cont_current_op_buffer_index equ 32+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_exec_flag equ 36+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_compile_flag equ 40+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_print_flag equ 44+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_matrix_mode equ 48+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_matrix_stack equ 52+offs_cont_s1 ;*M4[3] offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr equ 64+offs_cont_s1 ;*M4[3] offs_cont_matrix_stack_depth_max equ 76+offs_cont_s1 ;int[3] offs_cont_matrix_model_view_inv equ 88+offs_cont_s1 ;M4 offs_cont_matrix_model_projection equ 152+offs_cont_s1 ;M4 offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_updated equ 216+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_matrix_model_projection_no_w_transform equ 220+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_apply_texture_matrix equ 224+offs_cont_s1 ;int offs_cont_viewport equ 228+offs_cont_s1 ;GLViewport offs_cont_polygon_mode_back equ offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_polygon_mode_front equ 4+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_current_front_face equ 8+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_current_shade_model equ 12+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_current_cull_face equ 16+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_cull_face_enabled equ 20+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_normalize_enabled equ 24+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_draw_triangle_front equ 28+offs_cont_s2 ;gl_draw_triangle_func offs_cont_draw_triangle_back equ 32+offs_cont_s2 ;gl_draw_triangle_func offs_cont_render_mode equ 36+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_select_buffer equ 40+offs_cont_s2 ;unsigned int* offs_cont_select_size equ 44+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_select_ptr equ 48+offs_cont_s2 ;unsigned int* offs_cont_select_hit equ 52+offs_cont_s2 ;unsigned int* offs_cont_select_overflow equ 56+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_select_hits equ 60+offs_cont_s2 ;int offs_cont_name_stack equ 64+offs_cont_s2 ;unsigned int[MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH] offs_cont_name_stack_size equ offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_clear_depth equ 4+offs_cont_s3 ;float offs_cont_clear_color equ 8+offs_cont_s3 ;V4 offs_cont_current_color equ 24+offs_cont_s3 ;V4 offs_cont_longcurrent_color equ 40+offs_cont_s3 ;unsigned int[3] offs_cont_current_normal equ 52+offs_cont_s3 ;V4 offs_cont_current_tex_coord equ 68+offs_cont_s3 ;V4 offs_cont_current_edge_flag equ 84+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_in_begin equ 88+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_begin_type equ 92+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_vertex_n equ 96+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_vertex_cnt equ 100+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_vertex_max equ 104+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_vertex equ 108+offs_cont_s3 ;GLVertex* offs_cont_vertex_array equ 112+offs_cont_s3 ;float* offs_cont_vertex_array_size equ 116+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_vertex_array_stride equ 120+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_normal_array equ 124+offs_cont_s3 ;float* offs_cont_normal_array_stride equ 128+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_color_array equ 132+offs_cont_s3 ;float* offs_cont_color_array_size equ 136+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_color_array_stride equ 140+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_texcoord_array equ 144+offs_cont_s3 ;float* offs_cont_texcoord_array_size equ 148+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_texcoord_array_stride equ 152+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_client_states equ 156+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_offset_factor equ 160+offs_cont_s3 ;float offs_cont_offset_units equ 164+offs_cont_s3 ;float offs_cont_offset_states equ 168+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_specbuf_first equ 172+offs_cont_s3 ;GLSpecBuf* offs_cont_specbuf_used_counter equ 176+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_specbuf_num_buffers equ 180+offs_cont_s3 ;int offs_cont_opaque equ 184+offs_cont_s3 ;void* offs_cont_gl_resize_viewport equ 188+offs_cont_s3 ;(struct GLContext *c,int *xsize,int *ysize) offs_cont_depth_test equ 192+offs_cont_s3 ;int align 16 gl_ctx dd ? ;extern GLContext* align 16 proc gl_get_context mov eax,[gl_ctx] ret endp ; this clip epsilon is needed to avoid some rounding errors after ; several clipping stages CLIP_EPSILON dd 1.0e-5 align 4 proc gl_clipcode uses ebx, x:dword, y:dword, z:dword, w1:dword xor ebx,ebx fld1 fadd dword[CLIP_EPSILON] fmul dword[w1] fcom dword[x] fstsw ax sahf ja @f or ebx,2 @@: fcom dword[y] fstsw ax sahf ja @f or ebx,8 @@: fcom dword[z] fstsw ax sahf ja @f or ebx,32 @@: fchs fcom dword[x] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f or ebx,1 @@: fcom dword[y] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f or ebx,4 @@: fcom dword[z] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f or ebx,16 @@: ffree st0 fincstp mov eax,ebx ret endp ;input: ; rf,gf,bf - значения float ; ri,gi,bi - адреса куда будут записаны rf,gf,bf преобразованые в int align 4 proc RGBFtoRGBI uses eax, rf:dword,gf:dword,bf:dword, ri:dword,gi:dword,bi:dword locals s dd ? endl mov dword[s],(ZB_POINT_RED_MAX - ZB_POINT_RED_MIN) fild dword[s] fmul dword[rf] mov eax,[ri] fistp dword[eax] add dword[eax],ZB_POINT_RED_MIN mov dword[s],(ZB_POINT_GREEN_MAX - ZB_POINT_GREEN_MIN) fild dword[s] fmul dword[gf] mov eax,[gi] fistp dword[eax] add dword[eax],ZB_POINT_GREEN_MIN ;bi = (unsigned int) (bf * (ZB_POINT_BLUE_MAX - ZB_POINT_BLUE_MIN) + ZB_POINT_BLUE_MIN); mov dword[s],(ZB_POINT_BLUE_MAX - ZB_POINT_BLUE_MIN) fild dword[s] fmul dword[bf] mov eax,[bi] fistp dword[eax] add dword[eax],ZB_POINT_BLUE_MIN ret endp