;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2010. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; STACK.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; BASIC TCP/IP stack for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; based on the work of Mike Hibbett, mikeh@oceanfree.net ;; ;; but also Paolo Franchetti ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ __DEBUG_LEVEL_OLD__ equ __DEBUG_LEVEL__ __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1 ; this sets the debug level for network part of kernel uglobal net_10ms dd ? net_tmr_count dw ? endg MAX_NET_DEVICES equ 16 ETH_QUEUE equ 0 ; 1 = enable / 0 = disable MIN_EPHEMERAL_PORT equ 49152 MAX_EPHEMERAL_PORT equ 61000 ; Ethernet protocol numbers ETHER_ARP equ 0x0608 ETHER_IPv4 equ 0x0008 ; Reversed from 0800 for intel ETHER_PPP_DISCOVERY equ 0x6388 ETHER_PPP_SESSION equ 0x6488 ;Protocol family AF_UNSPEC equ 0 AF_UNIX equ 1 AF_INET4 equ 2 ;AF_AX25 equ 3 ;AF_IPX equ 4 ;AF_APPLETALK equ 5 ;AF_NETROM equ 6 ;AF_BRIDGE equ 7 ;AF_AAL5 equ 8 ;AF_X25 equ 9 AF_INET6 equ 10 ;AF_MAX equ 12 ; Internet protocol numbers IP_PROTO_IP equ 0 IP_PROTO_ICMP equ 1 IP_PROTO_TCP equ 6 IP_PROTO_UDP equ 17 ; Socket types SOCK_STREAM equ 1 SOCK_DGRAM equ 2 SOCK_RAW equ 3 ; Socket options SO_ACCEPTCON equ 1 SOCKET_MAXDATA equ 4096*32 ; must be 4096*(power of 2) where 'power of 2' is at least 8 ; Network driver types NET_TYPE_ETH equ 1 NET_TYPE_SLIP equ 2 MAX_backlog equ 20 ; maximum backlog for stream sockets virtual at 0 NET_DEVICE: .type dd ? ; Type field .mtu dd ? ; Maximal Transmission Unit .name dd ? ; Ptr to 0 terminated string .unload dd ? ; Ptrs to driver functions .reset dd ? ; .transmit dd ? ; .bytes_tx dq ? ; Statistics, updated by the driver .bytes_rx dq ? ; .packets_tx dd ? ; .packets_rx dd ? ; ; .chksum dd ? ; bitmask stating available checksum routines on hardware .end: end virtual ; Exactly as it says.. macro pseudo_random reg { add reg, [esp] rol reg, 5 xor reg, [timer_ticks] add reg, [CPU_FREQ] imul reg, 214013 xor reg, 0xdeadbeef rol reg, 9 } macro ntohd reg { rol word reg, 8 rol dword reg, 16 rol word reg , 8 } macro ntohw reg { rol word reg, 8 } macro packet_to_debug { ; set esi to packet you want to print, ecx to number of bytes local .loop .loop: lodsb DEBUGF 1,"%x ", eax:2 loop @r } include "queue.inc" include "ethernet.inc" ;include "slip.inc" include "ARP.inc" include "IPv4.inc" include "icmp.inc" include "udp.inc" include "tcp.inc" include "socket.inc" align 4 uglobal NET_RUNNING dd ? NET_DRV_LIST rd MAX_NET_DEVICES endg ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; stack_init ; ; This function calls all network init procedures ; ; IN: / ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 stack_init: ; Init the network drivers list xor eax, eax mov edi, NET_RUNNING mov ecx, MAX_NET_DEVICES + 1 rep stosd ETH_init ; SLIP_init ; PPPOE_init IPv4_init ICMP_init ARP_init UDP_init TCP_init SOCKET_init mov [net_tmr_count], 0 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; stack_handler ; ; This function is called in kernel loop ; ; IN: / ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 stack_handler: cmp [NET_RUNNING], 0 je .exit ; Test for 10ms tick mov eax, [timer_ticks] cmp eax, [net_10ms] je .exit mov [net_10ms], eax test [net_10ms], 0x0f ; 160ms jnz .exit TCP_timer_160ms test [net_10ms], 0x3f ; 640ms jnz .exit TCP_timer_640ms ARP_decrease_entry_ttls IPv4_decrease_fragment_ttls .exit: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NET_Add_Device: ; ; This function is called by the network drivers, ; to register each running NIC to the kernel ; ; IN: Pointer to device structure in ebx ; OUT: Device num in eax, -1 on error ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 NET_add_device: DEBUGF 1,"NET_Add_Device: %x\n", ebx mov eax, [NET_RUNNING] cmp eax, MAX_NET_DEVICES jge .error ;---------------------------------- ; Check if device is already listed mov eax, ebx mov ecx, MAX_NET_DEVICES ; We need to check whole list because a device may be removed without re-organizing list mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST repne scasd ; See if device is already in the list jz .error ;---------------------------- ; Find empty slot in the list xor eax, eax mov ecx, MAX_NET_DEVICES mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST repne scasd jnz .error sub edi, 4 cmp [ebx + NET_DEVICE.type], NET_TYPE_ETH je .ethernet cmp [ebx + NET_DEVICE.type], NET_TYPE_SLIP je .slip DEBUGF 1,"Unknown network device type: %u\n", [ebx + NET_DEVICE.type] jmp .error .ethernet: DEBUGF 1,"Trying to add an ethernet device\n" inc [ETH_RUNNING] ; Indicate that one more ethernet device is up and running jmp .add_it .slip: DEBUGF 1,"Trying to add a slip device\n" ;;;; jmp .error .add_it: ;----------------------------- ; Add device to the found slot mov [edi], ebx ; add device to list sub edi, NET_DRV_LIST ; Calculate device number in eax mov eax, edi ; shr eax, 2 inc [NET_RUNNING] ; Indicate that one more network device is up and running DEBUGF 1,"Device number: %u\n",eax ret .error: or eax, -1 DEBUGF 2,"Adding network device failed\n" ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NET_Remove_Device: ; ; This function is called by etwork drivers, ; to unregister network devices from the kernel ; ; IN: Pointer to device structure in ebx ; OUT: eax: -1 on error ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 NET_remove_device: cmp [NET_RUNNING], 0 je .error ;---------------------------- ; Find the driver in the list mov eax, ebx mov ecx, MAX_NET_DEVICES mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST repne scasd jnz .error ;------------------------ ; Remove it from the list xor eax, eax mov dword [edi-4], eax dec [NET_RUNNING] ret .error: or eax, -1 ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; NET_ptr_to_num ; ; IN: ebx = ptr to device struct ; OUT: edi = -1 on error, device number otherwise ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 NET_ptr_to_num: push ecx mov ecx, MAX_NET_DEVICES mov edi, NET_DRV_LIST .loop: cmp ebx, [edi] jz .found add edi, 4 dec ecx jnz .loop ; repnz scasd could work too if eax is used instead of ebx! or edi, -1 pop ecx ret .found: sub edi, NET_DRV_LIST shr edi, 2 pop ecx ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; checksum_1 ; ; This is the first of two functions needed to calculate a checksum. ; ; IN: edx = start offset for semi-checksum ; esi = pointer to data ; ecx = data size ; OUT: edx = semi-checksum ; ; ; Code was optimized by diamond ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 checksum_1: shr ecx, 1 pushf jz .no_2 shr ecx, 1 pushf jz .no_4 shr ecx, 1 pushf jz .no_8 .loop: add dl, [esi+1] adc dh, [esi+0] adc dl, [esi+3] adc dh, [esi+2] adc dl, [esi+5] adc dh, [esi+4] adc dl, [esi+7] adc dh, [esi+6] adc edx, 0 add esi, 8 dec ecx jnz .loop adc edx, 0 .no_8: popf jnc .no_4 add dl, [esi+1] adc dh, [esi+0] adc dl, [esi+3] adc dh, [esi+2] adc edx, 0 add esi, 4 .no_4: popf jnc .no_2 add dl, [esi+1] adc dh, [esi+0] adc edx, 0 inc esi inc esi .no_2: popf jnc .end add dh, [esi+0] adc edx, 0 .end: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; checksum_2 ; ; This function calculates the final ip/tcp/udp checksum for you ; ; IN: edx = semi-checksum ; OUT: dx = checksum (in INET byte order) ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 checksum_2: mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 16 and edx, 0xffff add edx, ecx mov ecx, edx shr ecx, 16 add dx, cx test dx, dx ; it seems that ZF is not set when CF is set :( not dx jnz .not_zero dec dx .not_zero: xchg dl, dh DEBUGF 1,"Checksum: %x\n", dx ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; System function to work with network devices (73) ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sys_network: cmp ebx, -1 jne @f mov eax, [NET_RUNNING] jmp .return @@: cmp bh, MAX_NET_DEVICES ; Check if device number exists jge .doesnt_exist mov esi, ebx and esi, 0x0000ff00 shr esi, 6 cmp dword [esi + NET_DRV_LIST], 0 ; check if driver is running je .doesnt_exist test bl, bl ; 0 = Get device type (ethernet/token ring/...) jnz @f xor eax, eax jmp .return @@: dec bl ; 1 = Get device name jnz @f mov esi, [esi + NET_DRV_LIST] mov esi, [esi + NET_DEVICE.name] mov edi, ecx mov ecx, 64 ; max length repnz movsb xor eax, eax jmp .return @@: dec bl ; 2 = Reset the device jnz @f mov esi, [esi + NET_DRV_LIST] call [esi + NET_DEVICE.reset] jmp .return @@: dec bl ; 3 = Stop driver for this device jnz @f mov esi, [esi + NET_DRV_LIST] call [esi + NET_DEVICE.unload] jmp .return @@: dec bl ; 4 = Get driver pointer jnz @f ; ..; @@: ; ... ; 5 Get driver name .doesnt_exist: DEBUGF 1,"sys_network: invalid device/function specified!\n" mov eax, -1 .return: mov [esp+28+4], eax ret ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; System function to work with protocols (75) ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 sys_protocols: cmp bh, MAX_NET_DEVICES ; Check if device number exists jge .doesnt_exist mov esi, ebx and esi, 0x0000ff00 shr esi, 6 ; now we have the device num * 4 in esi cmp dword [esi + NET_DRV_LIST], 0 ; check if driver is running je .doesnt_exist push .return ; return address (we will be using jumps instead of calls) mov eax, ebx ; set ax to protocol number shr eax, 16 ; cmp ax , IP_PROTO_IP je IPv4_API cmp ax , IP_PROTO_ICMP je ICMP_API cmp ax , IP_PROTO_UDP je UDP_API cmp ax , IP_PROTO_TCP je TCP_API cmp ax , ETHER_ARP je ARP_API cmp ax , 1337 ;;;;; je ETH_API add esp, 4 ; if we reached here, no function was called, so we need to balance stack .doesnt_exist: DEBUGF 1,"sys_protocols: protocol %u doesnt exist on device %u!\n", ax, bh mov eax, -1 .return: mov [esp+28+4], eax ret __DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ __DEBUG_LEVEL_OLD__