;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2016. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ iglobal full_file_name_table dd sysdir_name .size dd 1 endg uglobal sysdir_name rb 64 ; 'sys',0 sysdir_path rb 64 sysdir_name1 rb 64 sysdir_path1 rb 64 endg ; Example: ; align 64 ; sysdir_name1 db 'KolibriOS',0 ; align 64 ; sysdir_path1 db 'HD0/1',0 proc Parser_params locals buff rb 4 ; for test cd endl mov ax, [OS_BASE+BOOT_BX_FROM_LOAD] mov ecx, sysdir_path mov [ecx-64], dword 'sys' mov [ecx-2], byte 3 mov [ecx-1], byte '/' cmp al, 'r' ; ram disk jnz @f mov [ecx], dword 'RD/?' mov [ecx+3], byte ah mov [ecx+4], byte 0 ret @@: cmp al, 'm' jnz .hard_disk mov [ecx], dword 'CD?/' mov [ecx+4], byte '1' mov [ecx+5], dword '/KOL' mov [ecx+9], dword 'IBRI' mov [ecx+13], byte 0 .next_cd: mov [ecx+2], byte ah inc ah cmp ah, '5' je @f lea edx, [buff] pushad stdcall read_file, read_firstapp, edx, 0, 4 popad cmp [edx], dword 'MENU' jne .next_cd @@: ret .hard_disk: sub al, '1' mov [ecx], dword 'HD?/' mov [ecx+2], byte al mov [ecx+4], byte ah mov [ecx+5], dword '/KOL' mov [ecx+9], dword 'IBRI' mov [ecx+13], byte 0 ret endp cp866toUpper: ; convert cp866 character in al to uppercase cmp al, 'a' jb .ret cmp al, 'z' jbe @f cmp al, 0xA0 jb .ret cmp al, 0xB0 jb @f cmp al, 0xE0 jb .ret cmp al, 0xF0 jb .rus cmp al, 0xF7 ja .ret and eax, -2 .ret: ret @@: sub eax, 32 ret .rus: sub eax, 0xE0-0x90 ret utf16toUpper: ; convert UTF-16 character in ax to uppercase cmp ax, 'a' jb .ret cmp ax, 'z' jbe @f cmp ax, 430h jb .ret cmp ax, 450h jb @f cmp ax, 460h jnc .ret sub eax, 80 .ret: ret @@: sub eax, 32 ret uni2ansi_char: ; convert UNICODE character in ax to ANSI character in al using cp866 encoding cmp ax, 0x80 jb .ret cmp ax, 0xB6 jz .B6 cmp ax, 0x400 jb .unk cmp ax, 0x410 jb @f cmp ax, 0x440 jb .rus1 cmp ax, 0x450 jb .rus2 cmp ax, 0x460 jb @f .unk: mov al, '_' .ret: ret .B6: mov al, 20 ret .rus1: ; 0x410-0x43F -> 0x80-0xAF add al, 0x70 ret .rus2: ; 0x440-0x44F -> 0xE0-0xEF add al, 0xA0 ret @@: push ecx edi mov ecx, 8 mov edi, .table repnz scasb mov ah, cl pop edi ecx jnz .unk mov al, 0xF7 sub al, ah ret .table db 1, 51h, 4, 54h, 7, 57h, 0Eh, 5Eh ansi2uni_char: ; convert ANSI character in al to UNICODE character in ax, using cp866 encoding movzx eax, al cmp al, 0x80 jb @f ; 0x00-0x7F - trivial map cmp al, 0xB0 jb .rus ; 0x80-0xAF -> 0x410-0x43F cmp al, 0xE0 jb .unk cmp al, 0xF0 jb .rus2 ; 0xE0-0xEF -> 0x440-0x44F cmp al, 0xF8 jnc .unk mov al, [eax+uni2ansi_char.table-0xF0] add ax, 400h ret @@: cmp al, 20 jnz .ret mov al, 0xB6 .ret: ret .rus: add ax, 0x410-0x80 ret .rus2: add ax, 0x440-0xE0 ret .unk: mov al, '_' ret cp866toUTF8_string: ; in: ; esi -> cp866 string (could be zero terminated) ; edi -> buffer for UTF-8 string ; ecx = buffer size (signed) lodsb call ansi2uni_char push eax call UTF16to8 pop eax js @f test eax, eax jnz cp866toUTF8_string @@: ret ; SF=1 -> counter ; ZF=1 -> zero char UTF16to8_string: ; in: ; esi -> UTF-16 string (could be zero terminated) ; edi -> buffer for UTF-8 string ; ecx = buffer size (signed) xor eax, eax @@: lodsw push eax call UTF16to8 pop eax js @f test eax, eax jnz @b @@: ret UTF16to8: ; in: ; eax = UTF-16 char ; edi -> buffer for UTF-8 char (increasing) ; ecx = byte counter (decreasing) dec ecx js .ret cmp eax, 80h jnc @f stosb test eax, eax ; SF=0 .ret: ret @@: dec ecx js .ret cmp eax, 800h jnc @f shl eax, 2 shr al, 2 or eax, 1100000010000000b xchg al, ah stosw ret @@: dec ecx js .ret shl eax, 4 shr ax, 2 shr al, 2 or eax, 111000001000000010000000b bswap eax shr eax, 8 stosb shr eax, 8 stosw ret utf8to16: ; in: esi -> UTF-8 char (increasing) ; out: ax = UTF-16 char lodsb test al, al jns .got shl al, 2 jnc utf8to16 @@: shl ax, 8 lodsb test al, al jns .got shl al, 2 jc @b shr ah, 2 shl ax, 3 jnc @f shl eax, 3 lodsb test al, al jns .got shl al, 2 jc @b shr eax, 2 ret @@: shr ax, 5 ret .got: xor ah, ah ret strlen: ; in: esi -> source ; out: ecx = length push edi eax or ecx, -1 mov edi, esi xor eax, eax repnz scasb inc ecx not ecx pop eax edi ret