#ifndef __KOLIBRI_H_INCLUDED_ #define __KOLIBRI_H_INCLUDED_ #include "kos_lib.h" // Kolibri interface. namespace Kolibri // All kolibri functions, types and data are nested in the (Kolibri) namespace. { const char *DebugPrefix = "User program: "; char CommandLine[4096]; struct TWindowData // Data for drawing a window. { unsigned short WindowType, HeaderType; unsigned long WindowColor, HeaderColor, BorderColor, TitleColor; const char *Title; }; struct TStartData // This structure is used only for KolibriOnStart function. { unsigned short Left, Width, Top, Height; // Initial window rectangle. TWindowData WinData; }; typedef void **TThreadData; // Thread data are the fast identifier of thread, contains user dword in //_ the zero element and stack beginning (or zero if it is unknown) in the first element. //_ The stack will be deleted from dynamic memory at the finish of the thread if stack beginning is not zero. struct TMutex; // Simple mutex can be locked only once at a time. #define KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT {} // Simple mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library struct TRecMutex; // Recursive mutex can be locked many times by a single thread at a time. #define KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT {} // Recursive mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library // Some functions have two forms: the fast form with (thread_data) parameter and the form without it. // Note: pass only thread data of current thread as (thread_data) parameter to these functions. void Main(); // Main function is called at program startup. void DrawButton(long id, long color, long x, long y, long c_x, long c_y); // Draw Standard button void* ThreadMain(void *user = 0, void *stack_begin = 0); // Called at thread startup, (user) is placed in thread data as a user dword, //_ (stack_begin) is placed in thread data as a stack beginning. //_ Return new value of stack beginning that can be changed in the thread data. void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data); // Write current window data to (win_data). void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data); void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data); // Replace current window data by (win_data). void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data); void CloseWindow(); // Close current window when returning to message loop. void CloseWindow(TThreadData thread_data); void Redraw(int frame = 0); // Redraw current window immediately, if (frame) is positive redraw the frame too, void Redraw(int frame, TThreadData thread_data); //_ if (frame) is negative redraw only invalideted window. void Invalidate(int frame = 0); // Redraw current window when no message will be is the queue, void Invalidate(int frame, TThreadData thread_data); //_ if (frame) is positive redraw the frame too, //_ if (frame) is negative do nothing. void MoveWindow(const int window_rect[/* 4 */]); // Move and resize current window. void ExitDebug(); // Abnormally terminate a program. void ExitProcess(); // Exit from the process, don't call any destructors of global varyables void ExitThread(); // Exit from the current thread void ExitThread(TThreadData thread_data); void ReturnMessageLoop(); // Return to the message loop of the thread. Exit from the thread void ReturnMessageLoop(TThreadData thread_data); //_ if it is called from (KolibriOnStart). void Delay(unsigned int time); // Delay the execution of the program during (time) hundredth seconds. unsigned int Clock(); // Return the time from starting of the system to this moment in hundredth of seconds. int GetPackedTime(); // Return the current time of day in binary-decimal format 0x00SSMMHH. void GetTime(int t[/* 3 */]); // Write the current time to (t): t[0] = second, t[1] = minute, t[2] = hour. int GetPackedDate(); // Return the current date in binary-decimal format 0x00YYDDMM. void GetDate(int d[/* 3 */]); // Write the current date to (d): d[0] = day, d[1] = month, d[2] = year. void GetTimeDate(int t[/* 6 */]); // Write the current time and date to (t): t[0] = second, //_ t[1] = minute, t[2] = hour, t[3] = day, t[4] = month, t[5] = year. void ReadCommonColors(unsigned int colors[/* 10 */]); // Writes standart window colors to (colors). unsigned int GetProcessInfo(unsigned int *use_cpu, char process_name[/* 13 */], unsigned int *use_memory, unsigned int *pid, int window_rect[/* 4 */], unsigned int pid_for = -1); // Write (pid_for) process information to variables parameters points, return //_ the number of processes. (pid_for) equal to (-1) means current process. unsigned int GetPid(); // Return the current thread identifier (pid). unsigned int GetPid(TThreadData thread_data); TThreadData GetThreadData(); // Return the thread data of the current thread. TThreadData GetThreadData(unsigned int pid); // Return the thread data of the thread with the given pid. void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height); void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data); // Return the picture on the window and write its width and height to (width) and (height). void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height); void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, TThreadData thread_data); // Replace the picture on the window by the given picture with the given width and height. void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size); void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size, TThreadData thread_data); // Write the border thickness to (border_size) and header height to (header_size). void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height); void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data); // Write the client area width and height to (width) and (height) parameters. void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height); void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height, TThreadData thread_data); // Write the client area size of window with the width (win_width) //_ and height (win_height) to (width) and (height) parameters. void GetScreenSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height); // Write the screen width and height to (width) and (height) parameters. void InitMutex(TMutex *mutex); // Initialize the simple mutex. void InitRecMutex(TRecMutex *mutex); // Initialize the recursive mutex. bool TryLock(TMutex *mutex); // Try to lock the mutex without waitting, return true if lock. bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex); bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data); bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid); void Lock(TMutex *mutex); // Lock mutex and wait for it if this necessary. void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex); void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data); void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid); bool LockTime(TMutex *mutex, int time); bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time); // Lock mutex and wait for it during (time) hundredth seconds. bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, TThreadData thread_data); bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, unsigned int pid); void UnLock(TMutex *mutex); // Unlock mutex void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex); void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data); void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, unsigned int pid); void DebugPutChar(char c); // Put the character to the debug board. void DebugPutString(const char *s); // Put the string to the debug board. int GetKey(); // Return key pressed by user or -1 if no key was pressed. void GetMousePosition(short &x, short &y, bool absolute = false); // Write mouse position to (x) and (y): absolute if (absolute) is true and relative the window otherwise. void GetMousePosPicture(short &x, short &y); int GetMouseButton(); // Return buttons pressed: bit 0 - left button, bit 1 - right button... void GetMouseScrollData(short &x, short &y); int GetThreadNumber(); // Return the number of threads currently executing. bool WasThreadCreated(); // Return true if there was created at least one thread except the main thred. unsigned int CreateThread(void *user = 0, unsigned int stack_size = 0, void *stack_end = 0); // Create a new thread with the user dword (user) and stack pointer (stack_end). //_ If (stack_end) is zero, create stack in dynamic memory of size (stack_size) or //_ the same size as the main thread if (stack_size) less that 4096. Set the beginning //_ of the stack if (stack_end) is zero or (stack_size) is not zero, in this case stack //_ will be deleted automaticaly from dynamic memory at the finish of the thread. void DrawText(short x, short y, int color, const char* string); void DrawRect(long l, long t, long w, long h, long color); void PutImage(unsigned char* img_data, long img_l, long img_t, long img_w, long img_h); void SetWindowCaption(const char* caption); } // Function, defined outside. bool KolibriOnStart(Kolibri::TStartData &me_start, Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // Window will be created iff return value is true. bool KolibriOnClose(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // Window will be closed iff return value is true. int KolibriOnIdle(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // Return the time to wait next message. void KolibriOnSize(int window_rect[/* 4 */], Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When the window is resized. void KolibriOnKeyPress(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When user press a key. void KolibriOnMouse(Kolibri::TThreadData thread_data); // When user move a mouse. void KolibriOnButton(long id, Kolibri::TThreadData th); #ifdef __KOLIBRI__ namespace Kolibri { // Structures. struct TMutex // Simple mutex can be locked only once at a time. { unsigned int mut; }; #undef KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT #define KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT {0x40} // Simple mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library struct TRecMutex // Recursive mutex can be locked many times by a single thread at a time. { unsigned int mut, pid; }; #undef KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT #define KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT {0x20,-1} // Recursive mutex initializer, cat be redefined in a realization of the library // Global variables. volatile TThreadData _ThreadTable[256]; volatile unsigned int _ThreadScanCount[2] = {0, 0}; volatile int _ThreadNumber = 1; volatile int _ExitProcessNow = 0; TMutex _ThreadMutex = KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT; unsigned int _ThreadSavedBegProc[4]; // Inline functions. inline void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data) {GetWindowData(win_data, GetThreadData());} inline void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data) {SetWindowData(win_data, GetThreadData());} inline void CloseWindow() {CloseWindow(GetThreadData());} inline void Redraw(int frame) {Redraw(frame, GetThreadData());} inline void Invalidate(int frame) {Invalidate(frame, GetThreadData());} inline void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height) { return GetPicture(width, height, GetThreadData()); } inline void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height) { SetPicture(picture, width, height, GetThreadData()); } inline void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size) { GetBorderHeader(border_size, header_size, GetThreadData()); } inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height) { unsigned int pid; int rect[4]; GetProcessInfo(0, 0, 0, &pid, rect); GetClientSize(width, height, rect[2], rect[3], GetThreadData(pid)); } inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data) { int rect[4]; GetProcessInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, rect); GetClientSize(width, height, rect[2], rect[3], thread_data); } inline void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height) { GetClientSize(width, height, win_width, win_height, GetThreadData()); } inline void GetTimeDate(int t[/* 6 */]) {GetTime(t); GetDate(t + 3);} inline void InitMutex(TMutex *mutex) {mutex->mut = 0;} inline void InitRecMutex(TRecMutex *mutex) {mutex->mut = 0; mutex->pid = -1;} inline bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex) {return TryLock(mutex, GetPid());} inline bool TryLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {return TryLock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));} inline void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex) {Lock(mutex, GetPid());} inline void Lock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {Lock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));} inline bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time) {return LockTime(mutex, time, GetPid());} inline bool LockTime(TRecMutex *mutex, int time, TThreadData thread_data) {return LockTime(mutex, time, GetPid(thread_data));} inline void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex) {UnLock(mutex, GetPid());} inline void UnLock(TRecMutex *mutex, TThreadData thread_data) {UnLock(mutex, GetPid(thread_data));} inline int GetThreadNumber() {return _ThreadNumber;} // Constants from fasm. #include "kos_func.inc" // Functions. unsigned char _HashByte(unsigned int value); unsigned short _HashWord(unsigned int value); unsigned int _HashDword(unsigned int value); void _GetStartData(TStartData &start_data, TThreadData thread_data) { start_data.Left = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X] >> 16); start_data.Width = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X]); start_data.Top = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y] >> 16); start_data.Height = (unsigned short)((unsigned long)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y]); GetWindowData(start_data.WinData, thread_data); } void _SetStartData(const TStartData &start_data, TThreadData thread_data) { (unsigned long&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_X] = ((unsigned int)start_data.Left << 16) | start_data.Width; (unsigned long&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_Y] = ((unsigned int)start_data.Top << 16) | start_data.Height; SetWindowData(start_data.WinData, thread_data); } void _ApplyCommonColors(TWindowData &win_data) { unsigned int colors[10]; ReadCommonColors(colors); win_data.WindowColor = colors[5]; win_data.HeaderColor = colors[1]; win_data.BorderColor = colors[0]; win_data.TitleColor = colors[4]; } void _SetValueFunctionPriority(void *beg, int n) { int k, i; unsigned char num[256]; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) num[i] = 0; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) { i = ((unsigned char*)beg + 6*k)[1]; ((unsigned char*)beg + 6*k)[0] = num[i]; if (num[i] != 255) num[i]++; } } void _CallFunctionPriority(void *beg, void *end, bool reverse = false) { struct _Local { static int cmp(void *beg, int i, int j) { unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i; unsigned char *y = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*j; if (*(unsigned short*)x < *(unsigned short*)y) return -1; if (*(unsigned short*)x > *(unsigned short*)y) return 1; return 0; } static void swap(void *beg, int i, int j) { unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i; unsigned char *y = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*j; short s; int t; s = *(short*)x; *(short*)x = *(short*)y; *(short*)y = s; x += 2; y += 2; t = *(int*)x; *(int*)x = *(int*)y; *(int*)y = t; } static void call(void *beg, int i) { unsigned char *x = (unsigned char*)beg + 6*i; (*(void(**)())(x+2))(); } }; if (!beg || !end || end <= beg) return; int i, j, k, m, n; n = ((unsigned char*)end - (unsigned char*)beg) / 6; if (n <= 0) return; _SetValueFunctionPriority(beg, n); m = n; k = n; while (m > 1) { if (k > 0) k--; else _Local::swap(beg, 0, --m); j = k; for (;;) { i = j; if (2*i + 1 >= m) break; if (_Local::cmp(beg, 2*i + 1, j) > 0) j = 2*i + 1; if (2*i + 2 < m && _Local::cmp(beg, 2*i + 2, j) > 0) j = 2*i + 2; if (i == j) break; _Local::swap(beg, i, j); } } if (!reverse) { for (k = 0; k < n; k++) _Local::call(beg, k); } else { for (k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) _Local::call(beg, k); } } bool _CallStart(TThreadData thread_data, void *init = 0, void *init_end = 0) { struct _TThreadDataTemplate { unsigned int data[12]; }; static const _TThreadDataTemplate _ThreadDataTemplate = {{3, 0x00320100, 0x00320100, 0x33FFFFFF, 0x806060FF, 0x00000000, 0x00FFFF40, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1}}; unsigned int pid = GetPid(); volatile TThreadData *thread_table_item; Lock(&_ThreadMutex); if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess(); thread_table_item = &_ThreadTable[_HashByte(pid)]; thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT] = (void*)*thread_table_item; (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PID] = pid; *(_TThreadDataTemplate*)(thread_data + KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG) = _ThreadDataTemplate; *thread_table_item = thread_data; UnLock(&_ThreadMutex); if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess(); _CallFunctionPriority(init, init_end, false); TStartData start_data; _GetStartData(start_data, thread_data); _ApplyCommonColors(start_data.WinData); (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= 0x40000000; thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE] = (void*)(&start_data); if (!KolibriOnStart(start_data, thread_data)) return false; (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] &= ~0x40000000; _SetStartData(start_data, thread_data); return true; } void _RemoveThreadData(TThreadData thread_data, void *exit = 0, void *exit_end = 0) { _CallFunctionPriority(exit, exit_end, true); volatile TThreadData *thread_table_item; Lock(&_ThreadMutex); if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess(); thread_table_item = &_ThreadTable[_HashByte(GetPid(thread_data))]; while (*thread_table_item) { if (*thread_table_item == thread_data) { *thread_table_item = (TThreadData)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT]; break; } thread_table_item = (TThreadData*)(*thread_table_item + KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_NEXT); } UnLock(&_ThreadMutex); if (_ExitProcessNow) ExitProcess(); } void GetWindowData(TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data) { if ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000) { win_data = ((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData; return; } win_data.WindowType = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] >> 24); win_data.HeaderType = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] >> 24); win_data.WindowColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] & 0xFFFFFF; win_data.HeaderColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] & 0xFFFFFF; win_data.BorderColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_BORDER] & 0xFFFFFF; win_data.TitleColor = (unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_TITLE] & 0xFFFFFF; win_data.Title = (char*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE]; } void SetWindowData(const TWindowData &win_data, TThreadData thread_data) { if ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000) { ((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData = win_data; return; } (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] = ((unsigned int)win_data.WindowType << 24) | (win_data.WindowColor & 0xFFFFFF); (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_HEADER] = ((unsigned int)win_data.HeaderType << 24) | (win_data.HeaderColor & 0xFFFFFF); (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_BORDER] = win_data.BorderColor & 0xFFFFFF; (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_TITLE] = win_data.TitleColor & 0xFFFFFF; thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE] = (void*)win_data.Title; Invalidate(1, thread_data); } void CloseWindow(TThreadData thread_data) { (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= 0x80000000; } void Invalidate(int frame, TThreadData thread_data) { if (frame < 0) return; (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] |= (frame ? 3 : 1); } void* GetPicture(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, TThreadData thread_data) { width = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT] >> 16); height = (unsigned short)((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT]); return (void*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PICTURE]; } void SetPicture(void *picture, unsigned short width, unsigned short height, TThreadData thread_data) { thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_PICTURE] = (void*)picture; (unsigned int&)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_SZ_PICT] = (width == 0 || height == 0) ? 0 : (((unsigned int)width << 16) | height); Invalidate(0, thread_data); } int _GetSkinHeader(); void GetBorderHeader(unsigned short &border_size, unsigned short &header_size, TThreadData thread_data) { int win_type = ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_FLAG] & 0x40000000) ? ((TStartData*)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_TITLE])->WinData.WindowType : ((unsigned int)thread_data[KOLIBRI_THREAD_DATA_C_WINDOW] >> 24); border_size = KOLIBRI_BORDER_SIZE; header_size = short(((win_type & 15) == 3) ? _GetSkinHeader() : KOLIBRI_HEADER_SIZE); } void GetClientSize(unsigned short &width, unsigned short &height, int win_width, int win_height, TThreadData thread_data) { const int MAX_SIZE = 32767; unsigned short border_size, header_size; GetBorderHeader(border_size, header_size, thread_data); win_width -= 2 * border_size; win_height -= border_size + header_size; if (win_width < 0) win_width = 0; else if (win_width > MAX_SIZE) win_width = MAX_SIZE; if (win_height < 0) win_height = 0; else if (win_height > MAX_SIZE) win_height = MAX_SIZE; width = (unsigned short)win_width; height = (unsigned short)win_height; } void GetMousePosPicture(short &x, short &y) { unsigned short dx, dy; GetMousePosition(x, y); GetBorderHeader(dx, dy); x -= dx; y -= dy; } } #else // def __KOLIBRI__ namespace Kolibri { struct TMutex { unsigned int mut; TMutex(); ~TMutex(); }; #undef KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT #define KOLIBRI_MUTEX_INIT TMutex() struct TRecMutex { unsigned int mut; TRecMutex(); ~TRecMutex(); }; #undef KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT #define KOLIBRI_REC_MUTEX_INIT TRecMutex() } #endif // else: def __KOLIBRI__ #endif // ndef __KOLIBRI_H_INCLUDED_