; Date : 1st April 2001 ; TETRIS for MENUET ; Author : Paolo Minazzi (email paolo.minazzi@inwind.it) ; ; -Note- ; 1. This program requires a PENTIUM or higher because uses the RDTSC ; instrucion for get a random number. ; 2. You must use NASM to compile. Compiling is OK with NASM 0.98, I ; don't know what happen with other versions. ; 3. You must use the arrow key to move and rotate a block. ; 4. In the near future there will be a new version of TETRIS. This is ; only the beginning. ; ; Thanks to Ville, the author of this wonderful OS ! ; Join with us to code ! ; ; ; Changelog: ; 30.12.2007 - cleaning keybuffer before reading an key - Gluk ; 09.11.2005 - fix for work under MeosDebug & better random - Andrey Halyavin ; 23.09.2005 - fixed bug, when 011111111111111-like sequence interpreted ; as _11111111111111 in check_full_line - Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ; 18.09.2005 - added 'Pause' button and made appropriate code and interface redesign ; BTW, you can MOVE and ROTATE block during Pause ;) - Sergey Kuzmin aka Wildwest ; 03.11.2003 - added new blocks & random - Ivan Poddubny ; 31.10.2001 - rdtsc replaced - quickcode ; 28.06.2001 - fasm port & framed blocks - Ville Turjanmaa ; ; LEN_X equ 19 ;width of table LEN_Y equ 29 ; height of table BORDER_LEFT equ 1 BORDER_RIGHT equ 1 BORDER_TOP equ 1 BORDER_BOTTOM equ 1 ADOBE_SIZE equ 12 X_LOCATION equ 30 ; distance to table from left side Y_LOCATION equ 50 ; distance to table from header UP_KEY equ 130+48 DOWN_KEY equ 129+48 LEFT_KEY equ 128+48 RIGHT_KEY equ 131+48 ;BACKGROUND equ 03000080h _MAXBLOCKS_ = 7*4 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; program start dd I_END ; program image size dd I_END+1024 ; reguired amount of memory dd I_END+1024 ; esp dd 0x0,0x0 ; I_PARAM, I_ICON include 'lang.inc' include '../../../macros.inc' START: ; start of execution ; -- quickcode - start mov eax,3 int 0x40 mov cl,16 ror eax,cl ; to make seconds more significant mov [generator],eax call random ; -- quickcode - end call clear_table_tetris call new_block call draw_window ; at first, draw the window still: xor edx,edx call draw_block attesa: mov eax,11 ; get event int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? jz red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? jnz check_button jmp key check_button: cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? jnz scendi jmp button red: ; redraw call draw_window jmp still scendi: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////// Wildwest cmp dword [pauses], 0 je ok jne not_ok not_ok: inc dword [current_block_y] dec dword [current_block_y] call check_crash jne block_crash jmp draw ok: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////// inc dword [current_block_y] call check_crash jne block_crash draw: movzx edx,byte [current_block_color] call draw_block mov eax,5 movzx ebx,byte [delay] int 0x40 mov [force_down], 1 jmp still block_crash: dec dword [current_block_y] movzx edx,byte [current_block_color] call draw_block call fix_block call check_full_line call draw_table call new_block inc dword [score] call write_score call check_crash jz adr400 aspetta: mov eax,10 int 0x40 cmp eax,1 jne adr10000 call draw_window adr10000: cmp eax,3 jne aspetta new_game: mov eax,17 int 0x40 cmp ah,1 jnz adr401 jmp end_program adr401: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////// Wildwest mov dword [pauses], 0 ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////// mov dword [score],0 call clear_table_tetris call new_block call draw_window adr400: movzx edx,byte [current_block_color] call draw_block mov eax,5 movzx ebx,byte [delay] int 0x40 jmp still key: mov eax,2 ; Gluk int 0x40 cmp eax,1 jne getkeyi mov ah,dh jmp adr32 getkeyi: mov dh,ah ; Gluk jmp key adr32: cmp [pauses], 1 ; If game is paused, disable all actions je scendi cmp ah,LEFT_KEY jne adr_30 dec dword [current_block_x] call check_crash jz adr4000 inc dword [current_block_x] adr4000: jmp scendi adr_30: cmp ah,RIGHT_KEY jne adr_31 inc dword [current_block_x] call check_crash jz adr3000 dec dword [current_block_x] adr3000: jmp scendi adr_31: cmp ah,UP_KEY jne adr51 mov edx,[current_block_pointer] mov edx,[edx+16] mov esi,[current_block_pointer] mov [current_block_pointer],edx call check_crash jz adr50 mov [current_block_pointer],esi adr50: jmp scendi adr51: cmp ah,DOWN_KEY jne adr61 cmp [force_down], 1 jne scendi mov byte [delay],5 ;!!! 2 adr52: jmp scendi adr61: cmp ah,' ' jne adr62 cmp [force_down], 1 jne scendi mov byte [delay],5 ;!!! 2 adr62: jmp scendi button: ; button mov eax,17 int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jz end_program cmp ah,2 jz go_new_game cmp ah,3 ; button id=3 ? ///Wildwest's 'Pause' button jz pause_program jmp still end_program: or eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 go_new_game: jmp new_game ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////// Wildwest pause_program: cmp dword [pauses], 0 je incr mov dword [pauses], 0 jmp still incr: mov dword [pauses], 1 jmp still ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////// ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,48 mov ebx,3 mov ecx,sc mov edx,sizeof.system_colors int 0x40 mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw int 0x40 ; DRAW WINDOW xor eax,eax ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx,320*65536+(LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT)*ADOBE_SIZE+X_LOCATION*2 mov ecx,25*65536+ (LEN_Y-BORDER_TOP-BORDER_BOTTOM)*ADOBE_SIZE+Y_LOCATION+30 mov edx,[sc.work] ; color of work area RRGGBB or edx,0x13000000 mov edi,title ; WINDOW LABEL int 0x40 mov eax,8 mov ebx,30*65536+100 mov ecx,378*65536+18 mov edx,2 mov esi,[sc.work_button] int 0x40 ;/////////////////////////////////////////////// Wildwest's 'Pause' button ;mov eax,8 mov ebx,132*65536+102 mov ecx,378*65536+18 mov edx,3 mov esi,[sc.work_button]; int 0x40 mov eax,4 ; function 4 : write text to window mov ebx,164*65536+384 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start] mov ecx,[sc.work_button_text] ; color of text RRGGBB or ecx,0x90000000 mov edx,labe ; pointer to text int 0x40 ;/////////////////////////////////////////////// ;mov eax,4 mov ebx,49*65536+384 mov edx,game_finished int 0x40 call draw_table movzx edx,byte [current_block_color] call draw_block cld mov ebx,38*65536+35 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,[sc.work_text] ; color or ecx,0x90000000 mov edx,text mov eax,4 int 0x40 call write_score mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw int 0x40 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; CHECK CRASH ; output Z flag => OK ; NZ flag => NO ;------------------------------------------------------------- check_crash: mov ebx,[current_block_pointer] mov edx,[current_block_y] imul edx,LEN_X add edx,[current_block_x] ;find the offset in tetris_t add edx,table_tetris mov ecx,4 xor ax,ax adr_1: cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_2 add al,[edx] adc ah,0 adr_2: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_3 add al,[edx] adc ah,0 adr_3: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_4 add al,[edx] adc ah,0 adr_4: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_5 add al,[edx] adc ah,0 adr_5: inc ebx add edx,LEN_X-3 loop adr_1 or ax,ax ret ;------------------------------------------------------------- ;NEW BLOCK ;------------------------------------------------------------- new_block: mov dword [current_block_y],1 mov dword [current_block_x],7 mov [force_down], 0 ; allow fast falling _after_ first game step call random and al,7 setz ah add al,ah mov [current_block_color],al call random ;and eax,15 ; ---- Ivan ---- and eax,0xff @@: cmp eax,_MAXBLOCKS_ jl @f add eax,-(_MAXBLOCKS_) jmp @b @@: ; ---- Ivan ---- mov edx,[block_table+eax*4] mov [current_block_pointer],edx mov byte [delay],22 ;19 ;!!! 15 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; FIX BLOCK ;------------------------------------------------------------- fix_block: mov ebx,[current_block_pointer] mov edx,[current_block_y] imul edx,LEN_X add edx,[current_block_x] ;find the offset in tetris_t add edx,table_tetris mov ecx,4 mov al,[current_block_color] adr_21: cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_22 mov [edx],al adr_22: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_23 mov [edx],al adr_23: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_24 mov [edx],al adr_24: inc ebx inc edx cmp byte [ebx],1 jne adr_25 mov [edx],al adr_25: inc ebx add edx,LEN_X-3 loop adr_21 ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; DRAW_TABLE ;-------------------------------------------------------------- draw_table: mov esi,table_tetris+LEN_X*BORDER_TOP+BORDER_LEFT mov ebx,X_LOCATION*65536+ADOBE_SIZE mov ecx,Y_LOCATION*65536+ADOBE_SIZE mov edi,LEN_Y-BORDER_TOP-BORDER_BOTTOM y_draw: push edi mov edi,LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT x_draw: push edi ; pusha ; mov eax,5 ; mov ebx,10 ; int 0x40 ; popa mov eax,13 movzx edx,byte [esi] mov edx,[color_table+edx*4] int 0x40 call draw_frames inc esi add ebx,65536*ADOBE_SIZE pop edi dec edi jnz x_draw add esi,BORDER_LEFT+BORDER_RIGHT mov ebx,X_LOCATION*65536+ADOBE_SIZE add ecx,65536*ADOBE_SIZE pop edi dec edi jnz y_draw ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;DRAW BLOCK ; ; ebx=x [0..LEN_X-1] ; ecx=y [0..LEN_Y-1] ; edi=pointer block ;-------------------------------------------------------------- draw_block: mov eax,13 mov edx,[color_table+edx*4] mov ebx,[current_block_x] mov ecx,[current_block_y] mov edi,[current_block_pointer] sub ebx,BORDER_LEFT imul ebx,ADOBE_SIZE add ebx,X_LOCATION shl ebx,16 mov bx,ADOBE_SIZE sub ecx,BORDER_TOP imul ecx,ADOBE_SIZE add ecx,Y_LOCATION shl ecx,16 mov cx,ADOBE_SIZE mov dword [TMP_1],4 adr_122: mov dword [TMP_0],4 adr_121: cmp byte [edi],0 je adr_120 int 040h call draw_frames adr_120: inc edi add ebx,ADOBE_SIZE*65536 dec dword [TMP_0] jnz adr_121 sub ebx,4*ADOBE_SIZE*65536 add ecx,ADOBE_SIZE*65536 dec dword [TMP_1] jnz adr_122 ret draw_frames: cmp edx,0 jne df1 ret df1: pusha mov bx,1 add edx,0x282828 mov eax,13 int 0x40 popa pusha mov cx,1 add edx,0x282828 mov eax,13 int 0x40 popa pusha push ebx sub bx,1 add [esp+2],bx pop ebx mov bx,1 shr edx,1 and edx,0x7f7f7f mov eax,13 int 0x40 popa pusha push ecx sub cx,1 add [esp+2],cx pop ecx mov cx,1 shr edx,1 and edx,0x7f7f7f mov eax,13 int 0x40 popa ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- clear_table_tetris: cld mov al,1 mov edi,table_tetris mov ecx,LEN_X*BORDER_TOP rep stosb mov edx,LEN_Y-BORDER_TOP-BORDER_BOTTOM adr300: mov cl,BORDER_LEFT rep stosb dec ax ;AL=0 mov cl,LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT rep stosb inc ax ;AL=1 mov cl,BORDER_RIGHT rep stosb dec dx jne adr300 mov ecx,LEN_X*BORDER_BOTTOM rep stosb ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;edx = pointer ;ebx = contatore check_full_line: std mov al,0 mov edx,table_tetris+LEN_X*(LEN_Y-BORDER_BOTTOM)-1 mov ebx,(LEN_Y-BORDER_TOP-BORDER_BOTTOM-1)*LEN_X adr_5000: mov edi,edx mov ecx,LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT+1;Wildwest's fix for bug ;(was LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT) repne scasb jz no_full_line lea esi,[edx-LEN_X] mov edi,edx mov ecx,ebx rep movsb sub edi,BORDER_RIGHT mov ecx,LEN_X-BORDER_LEFT-BORDER_RIGHT rep stosb add dword [score],50 jmp adr_5000 no_full_line: sub edx,LEN_X sub ebx,LEN_X jnz adr_5000 ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- random: mov eax,[generator] add eax,-43ab45b5h ror eax,1 xor eax,32c4324fh ror eax,1 mov [generator],eax ; --- IVAN --- push ebx mov eax,26 mov ebx,9 int 0x40 pop ebx xor eax,0xdeadbeef add eax,[generator] ; --- IVAN --- mov [generator],eax ; Halyavin ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- number_to_str: mov edi,end_number_str-1 mov ecx,9;size_of_number_str mov ebx,10 cld new_digit: xor edx,edx div ebx add dl,'0' mov [edi],dl dec edi loop new_digit ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- write_score: mov eax,[score] call number_to_str mov ebx,90*65536+35 ; draw info text with function 4 mov ecx,[sc.work_text] ; color or ecx,0x50000000 mov edx,number_str mov esi,[size_of_number_str] mov edi,[sc.work] mov eax,4 int 0x40 ret ; DATA AREA ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ;DEFINITION BLOCKS ;-------------------------------------------------------------- t_block_0: db 0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd t_block_3 t_block_1: db 0,1,0,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd t_block_0 t_block_2: db 0,1,0,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd t_block_1 t_block_3 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,1,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd t_block_2 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- i_block_0: db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 dd i_block_1 i_block_1: db 0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,1 db 0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd i_block_0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- q_block_0: db 0,1,1,0 db 0,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd q_block_0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- s_block_0: db 0,0,0,0 db 0,1,1,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd s_block_1 s_block_1: db 1,0,0,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd s_block_0 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- l_block_0: db 0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 1,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd l_block_3 l_block_1: db 1,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd l_block_0 l_block_2: db 0,0,1,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd l_block_1 l_block_3: db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd l_block_2 ;----------------------------------------------- g_block_0: db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd g_block_1 g_block_1: db 0,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 0,0,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd g_block_2 g_block_2: db 0,1,1,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,1,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd g_block_3 g_block_3: db 1,0,0,0 db 1,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd g_block_0 ;----------------------------------- k_block_0: db 0,0,0,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 0,1,1,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd k_block_1 k_block_1: db 0,1,0,0 db 1,1,0,0 db 1,0,0,0 db 0,0,0,0 dd k_block_0 ;----------------------------------- color_table: dd 00000000h ;black 0 dd 00cccccch ;white 1 dd 00cc0000h ;red 2 dd 0000cc00h ;green 3 dd 000000cch ;blue 4 dd 00cccc00h ;yellow 5 dd 0000cccch ;cyan 6 dd 00cc00cch ;pink 7 block_table: dd t_block_0 ; t dd t_block_1 dd t_block_2 dd t_block_3 dd i_block_0 ; i dd i_block_1 dd i_block_0 dd i_block_1 dd q_block_0 ; q dd q_block_0 dd q_block_0 dd q_block_0 dd s_block_0 ; s dd s_block_1 dd s_block_0 dd s_block_1 dd l_block_0 ; l dd l_block_1 dd l_block_2 dd l_block_3 dd g_block_0 ; g dd g_block_1 dd g_block_2 dd g_block_3 dd k_block_0 ; k dd k_block_1 dd k_block_0 dd k_block_1 if lang eq ru title db '’…’ˆ‘ 1.61 - ‘’…‹Šˆ ˆ Ž…‹',0 labe db '€“‡€',0 text db 'Žçª¨:',0 game_finished: db ' Ž‚€Ÿ',0 else if lang eq et title db 'TETRIS 1.61 - NOOLED & TÜHIK',0 labe db 'PAUS',0 text db 'Tulemus:',0 game_finished: db 'UUS MÄNG',0 else title db 'TETRIS 1.61 - ARROWS & SPACE',0 labe db 'PAUSE',0 text db 'Score:',0 game_finished: db 'NEW GAME',0 end if pauses dd 0 ;/// Wildwest parallel dd 1 score: dd 0 TMP_0: dd 0 TMP_1: dd 0 generator: dd 0 current_block_x: dd 0 current_block_y: dd 0 current_block_pointer: dd 0 current_block_color: db 0 number_str: db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 end_number_str: size_of_number_str dd 9 delay: db 40 force_down dd 1 sc system_colors table_tetris: I_END: