#include "sst.h" static void getcd(int, int); void lmove(void) { double angle, deltax, deltay, bigger, x, y, finald, finalx, finaly, stopegy; int oldquadx, oldquady; int trbeam = 0, n, l, ix, iy, kink, kinks, iquad; if (inorbit) { /* prout("SULU- \"Leaving standard orbit.\""); */ prout("Сулу- \"Покидаем стандартную орбиту.\""); inorbit = 0; } angle = ((15.0 - direc) * 0.5235988); deltax = -sin(angle); deltay = cos(angle); if (fabs(deltax) > fabs(deltay)) bigger = fabs(deltax); else bigger = fabs(deltay); deltay /= bigger; deltax /= bigger; #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked && d.date+Time >= future[FTBEAM]) { /* We can't be tracto beamed if cloaked, so move the event into the future */ future[FTBEAM] = d.date + Time + expran(1.5*intime/d.remcom); } #endif /* If tractor beam is to occur, don't move full distance */ if (d.date+Time >= future[FTBEAM]) { trbeam = 1; condit = IHRED; dist = dist*(future[FTBEAM]-d.date)/Time + 0.1; Time = future[FTBEAM] - d.date + 1e-5; } /* Move within the quadrant */ quad[sectx][secty] = IHDOT; x = sectx; y = secty; n = 10.0*dist*bigger+0.5; if (n > 0) { for (l = 1; l <= n; l++) { ix = (x += deltax) + 0.5; iy = (y += deltay) + 0.5; if (ix < 1 || ix > 10 || iy < 1 || iy > 10) { /* Leaving quadrant -- allow final enemy attack */ /* Don't do it if being pushed by Nova */ if (nenhere != 0 && iattak != 2 #ifdef CLOAKING && !iscloaked #endif ) { newcnd(); for (l = 1; l <= nenhere; l++) { finald = sqrt((ix-kx[l])*(double)(ix-kx[l]) + (iy-ky[l])*(double)(iy-ky[l])); kavgd[l] = 0.5 * (finald+kdist[l]); } if (d.galaxy[quadx][quady] != 1000) attack(0); if (alldone) return; } /* compute final position -- new quadrant and sector */ x = 10*(quadx-1)+sectx; y = 10*(quady-1)+secty; ix = x+10.0*dist*bigger*deltax+0.5; iy = y+10.0*dist*bigger*deltay+0.5; /* check for edge of galaxy */ kinks = FALSE; do { kink = 0; if (ix <= 0) { ix = -ix + 1; kink = 1; } if (iy <= 0) { iy = -iy + 1; kink = 1; } if (ix > 80) { ix = 161 - ix; kink = 1; } if (iy > 80) { iy = 161 - iy; kink = 1; } if (kink) kinks = TRUE; } while (kink); if (kinks) { nkinks += 1; if (nkinks == 3) { /* Three strikes -- you're out! */ finish(FNEG3); return; } /* prout("\nYOU HAVE ATTEMPTED TO CROSS THE NEGATIVE ENERGY BARRIER\n" "AT THE EDGE OF THE GALAXY. THE THIRD TIME YOU TRY THIS,\n" "YOU WILL BE DESTROYED.\n"); */ prout("\nВЫ СДЕЛАЛИ ПОПЫТКУ ПЕРЕСЕЧЬ БАРЬЕР НЕГАТИВНОЙ ЭНЕРГИИ\n" "НА КРАЮ ГАЛАКТИКИ. ПОСЛЕ ТРЕТЬЕЙ ТАКОЙ ПОПЫТКИ,\n" "ВЫ БУДЕТЕ УНИЧТОЖЕНЫ.\n"); } /* Compute final position in new quadrant */ if (trbeam) return; /* Don't bother if we are to be beamed */ oldquadx = quadx; oldquady = quady; quadx = (ix+9)/10; quady = (iy+9)/10; sectx = ix - 10*(quadx-1); secty = iy - 10*(quady-1); if (quadx != oldquadx || quady != oldquady) { proutn("\nВходим в");/*Entering*/ cramlc(1, quadx, quady); } else { /* prout("(Negative energy barrier disturbs quadrant.)"); */ prout("(Квадрант нарушает барьер негативной энергии.)"); } skip(1); quad[sectx][secty] = ship; newqad(0); return; } iquad = quad[ix][iy]; if (iquad != IHDOT) { /* object encountered in flight path */ stopegy = 50.0*dist/Time; dist=0.1*sqrt((sectx-ix)*(double)(sectx-ix) + (secty-iy)*(double)(secty-iy)); switch (iquad) { case IHT: /* Ram a Tholean */ case IHK: /* Ram enemy ship */ case IHC: case IHS: case IHR: sectx = ix; secty = iy; ram(0, iquad, sectx, secty); finalx = sectx; finaly = secty; break; case IHBLANK: skip(1); prouts("***ОПАСНОСТЬ! ОПАСНОСТЬ!");/*RED ALERT*/ skip(1); proutn("***"); crmshp(); proutn(" притягивается черной дырой в точке");/*pulled into black hole at*/ cramlc(2, ix, iy); skip(1); finish(FHOLE); return; default: /* something else */ skip(1); crmshp(); if (iquad == IHWEB) proutn(" попали в толиансую сеть в точке");/*encounters Tholian web at*/ else proutn(" блокированы объектом в точке");/*blocked by object at*/ cramlc(2, ix,iy); prout(";"); proutn("Требуется аварийное торможение ");/*Emergency stop required*/ cramf(stopegy, 0, 2); prout(" единиц энергии.");/*units of energy*/ energy -= stopegy; finalx = x-deltax+0.5; sectx = finalx; finaly = y-deltay+0.5; secty = finaly; if (energy <= 0) { finish(FNRG); return; } break; } goto label100; /* sorry! */ /* ACTUALLY BREAK SHOULD WORK HERE */ } } dist = 0.1*sqrt((sectx-ix)*(double)(sectx-ix) + (secty-iy)*(double)(secty-iy)); sectx = ix; secty = iy; } finalx = sectx; /* THESE STATEMENTS DO NOTHING USEFUL */ finaly = secty; label100: /* No quadrant change -- compute new avg enemy distances */ quad[sectx][secty] = ship; if (nenhere) { for (l = 1; l <= nenhere; l++) { finald = sqrt((ix-kx[l])*(double)(ix-kx[l]) + (iy-ky[l])*(double)(iy-ky[l])); kavgd[l] = 0.5 * (finald+kdist[l]); kdist[l] = finald; } sortkl(); if (d.galaxy[quadx][quady] != 1000 && iattak == 0) attack(0); for (l = 1 ; l <= nenhere; l++) kavgd[l] = kdist[l]; } newcnd(); iattak = 0; return; } void dock(void) { chew(); if (condit == IHDOCKED) { prout("Вы уже в доке.");/*Already docked*/ return; } if (inorbit) { /* prout("You must first leave standard orbit."); */ prout("Сначала покиньте стандартную орбиту."); return; } if (basex==0 || abs(sectx-basex) > 1 || abs(secty-basey) > 1) { crmshp(); prout(" не рядом со станцией.");/*not adjacent to base*/ return; } #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked) { prout("Невозможна стыковка в состоянии невидимости.");/*You cannot dock while cloaked*/ return; } #endif condit = IHDOCKED; prout("Стыковка выполнена.");/*Docked*/ if (energy < inenrg) energy = inenrg; shield = inshld; torps = intorps; lsupres = inlsr; #ifdef CAPTURE if (brigcapacity-brigfree > 0) { /* printf("%d captured Klingons transferred to base.\n", brigcapacity-brigfree); */ printf("%d пленных клингонов переправлено на станцию.\n", brigcapacity-brigfree); kcaptured += brigcapacity-brigfree; brigfree = brigcapacity; } #endif if (stdamtim != 1e30 && (future[FCDBAS] < 1e30 || isatb == 1) && iseenit == 0) { /* get attack report from base */ /* prout("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, an important message from the starbase:\""); */ prout("Лейтенант Ухура- \"Капитан, срочное сообщение со станции:\""); attakreport(); iseenit = 1; } } static void getcd(int isprobe, int akey) { /* This program originally required input in terms of a (clock) direction and distance. Somewhere in history, it was changed to cartesian coordinates. So we need to convert. I think "manual" input should still be done this way -- it's a real pain if the computer isn't working! Manual mode is still confusing because it involves giving x and y motions, yet the coordinates are always displayed y - x, where +y is downward! */ int irowq=quadx, icolq=quady, irows, icols, itemp=0, iprompt=0, key; double xi, xj, xk, xl; double deltax, deltay; int automatic = -1; /* Get course direction and distance. If user types bad values, return with DIREC = -1.0. */ direc = -1.0; if (landed == 1 && !isprobe) { /* prout("Dummy! You can't leave standard orbit until you"); proutn("are back aboard the "); */ prout("Болван! Невозножно покинуть стандартую орбиту"); proutn("пока Вы не сядете на борт "); crmshp(); prout("."); chew(); return; } while (automatic == -1) { if (damage[DCOMPTR]) { if (isprobe) /* prout("Computer damaged; manual navigation only"); */ prout("Компьютер поврежден; только ручная навигация"); else /* prout("Computer damaged; manual movement only"); */ prout("Компьютер поврежден; только перемещение вручную"); chew(); automatic = 0; key = IHEOL; break; } if (isprobe && akey != -1) { /* For probe launch, use pre-scaned value first time */ key = akey; akey = -1; } else key = scan(); if (key == IHEOL) { /* proutn("Manual or automatic- "); */ proutn("Ручной (manual) or Автоматический (automatic)- "); iprompt = 1; chew(); } else if (key == IHALPHA) { if (isit("manual")) { automatic =0; key = scan(); break; } else if (isit("automatic")) { automatic = 1; key = scan(); break; } else { huh(); chew(); return; } } else { /* numeric */ if (isprobe) /* prout("(Manual navigation assumed.)"); */ prout("(Включена ручная навигация.)"); else /* prout("(Manual movement assumed.)"); */ prout("(Включено ручное перемещение.)"); automatic = 0; break; } } if (automatic) { while (key == IHEOL) { if (isprobe) /* proutn("Target quadrant or quadrant§or- "); */ proutn("Направление: квадрант или квадрант&сектор- "); else /* proutn("Destination sector or quadrant§or- "); */ proutn("Точка назначения: квадрант или квадрант&сектор- "); chew(); iprompt = 1; key = scan(); } if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } xi = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key != IHREAL){ huh(); return; } xj = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key == IHREAL) { /* both quadrant and sector specified */ xk = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } xl = aaitem; irowq = xi + 0.5; icolq = xj + 0.5; irows = xk + 0.5; icols = xl + 0.5; } else { if (isprobe) { /* only quadrant specified -- go to center of dest quad */ irowq = xi + 0.5; icolq = xj + 0.5; irows = icols = 5; } else { irows = xi + 0.5; icols = xj + 0.5; } itemp = 1; } if (irowq<1 || irowq > 8 || icolq<1 || icolq > 8 || irows<1 || irows > 10 || icols<1 || icols > 10) { huh(); return; } skip(1); if (!isprobe) { if (itemp) { if (iprompt) { /* proutn("Helmsman Sulu- \"Course locked in for"); */ proutn("Рулевой Сулу- \"Курс проложен для"); cramlc(2, irows, icols); prout(".\""); } } /* else prout("Ensign Chekov- \"Course laid in, Captain.\""); */ else prout("Мичман Чехов- \"Курс готов, Капитан.\""); } deltax = icolq - quady + 0.1*(icols-secty); deltay = quadx - irowq + 0.1*(sectx-irows); } else { /* manual */ while (key == IHEOL) { /* proutn("X and Y displacements- "); */ proutn("X и Y смещения- "); chew(); iprompt = 1; key = scan(); } itemp = 2; if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } deltax = aaitem; key = scan(); if (key == IHEOL) { deltay = 0.0; } else if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } else { deltay = aaitem; } if (coordfixed) { double temp = deltax; deltax = deltay; deltay = -temp; } } /* Check for zero movement */ if (deltax == 0 && deltay == 0) { chew(); return; } if (itemp == 2 && !isprobe) { skip(1); /* prout("Helmsman Sulu- \"Aye, Sir.\""); */ prout("Рулевой Сулу- \"Так точно, Сэр.\""); } dist = sqrt(deltax*deltax + deltay*deltay); direc = atan2(deltax, deltay)*1.90985932; if (direc < 0.0) direc += 12.0; chew(); return; } void impuls(void) { double power; ididit = 0; if (damage[DIMPULS]) { chew(); skip(1); /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The impulse engines are damaged, Sir.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Импульсные двигатели повреждены, Сэр.\""); return; } if (energy > 30.0) { getcd(FALSE, 0); if (direc == -1.0) return; power = 20.0 + 100.0*dist; } else power = 30.0; if (power >= energy) { /* Insufficient power for trip */ skip(1); /* prout("First Officer Spock- \"Captain, the impulse engines"); prout("require 20.0 units to engage, plus 100.0 units per"); */ prout("Первый офицер Спок- \"Капитан, импульсные двигатели"); prout("потребляют 20.0 единиц на разогрев, плюс 100.0 единиц на"); if (energy > 30) { /* proutn("quadrant. We can go, therefore, a maximum of "); */ proutn("квадрант. Следовательно, мы можем пролететь "); cramf(0.01 * (energy-20.0)-0.05, 0, 1); prout(" квадрантов.\"");/*quadrants*/ } else { /* prout("quadrant. They are, therefore, useless.\""); */ prout("квадрант. Следовательно, они сейчас бесполезны.\""); } chew(); return; } /* Make sure enough time is left for the trip */ Time = dist/0.095; if (Time >= d.remtime) { /* prout("First Officer Spock- \"Captain, our speed under impulse"); prout("power is only 0.95 sectors per stardate. Are you sure"); prout("we dare spend the time?\""); */ prout("Первый офицер Спок- \"Капитан, наша скорость на импульсной"); prout("тяге составляет 0.95 секторов в год. Вы уверены"); prout("что мы можем потерять столько времени?\""); if (ja() == 0) { Time = 0.0; return;} } /* Activate impulse engines and pay the cost */ lmove(); ididit = 1; if (alldone) return; power = 20.0 + 100.0*dist; energy -= power; // Time = dist/0.095; Don't recalculate because lmove may have // adjusted it for tractor beaming if (energy <= 0) finish(FNRG); return; } void warp(int i) { int blooey=0, twarp=0, iwarp; double power; if (i!=2) { /* Not WARPX entry */ ididit = 0; #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked) { chew(); skip(1); /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The warp engines can better not be used while cloaked, Sir.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Варп-двигатели лучше не использовать из состояния маскировки, Сэр.\""); return; } #endif if (damage[DWARPEN] > 10.0) { chew(); skip(1); /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The warp engines are damaged, Sir.\""); // Was "Impulse" 10/2013 */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Варп-двигатели повреждены, Сэр.\""); // Was "Impulse" 10/2013 return; } if (damage[DWARPEN] > 0.0 && warpfac > 4.0) { chew(); skip(1); prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Простите, Капитан. Пока мы не починимся,"); prout(" я смогу обеспечить только варп 4.\""); return; } /* Read in course and distance */ getcd(FALSE, 0); if (direc == -1.0) return; /* Make sure starship has enough energy for the trip */ power = (dist+0.05)*warpfac*warpfac*warpfac*(shldup+1); if (power >= energy) { /* Insufficient power for trip */ ididit = 0; skip(1); /* prout("Engineering to bridge--"); */ prout("Инженерный докладывает--"); if (shldup==0 || 0.5*power > energy) { iwarp = pow((energy/(dist+0.05)), 0.333333333); if (iwarp <= 0) { /* prout("We can't do it, Captain. We haven't the energy."); */ prout("Мы не можем сделать это, Капитан. У нас не хватает энергии."); } else { /* proutn("We haven't the energy, but we could do it at warp "); */ proutn("У нас недостаточно энергии, но мы сможем сделать это в варпе "); crami(iwarp, 1); if (shldup) /* prout(",\nif you'll lower the shields."); */ prout(",\nесли отключить силовые щиты."); else prout("."); } } else /* prout("We haven't the energy to go that far with the shields up."); */ prout("Недостаточно энергии для такой дальности полета при поднятых щитах."); return; } /* Make sure enough time is left for the trip */ Time = 10.0*dist/wfacsq; if (Time >= 0.8*d.remtime) { skip(1); /* prout("First Officer Spock- \"Captain, I compute that such"); proutn(" a trip would require approximately "); cramf(100.0*Time/d.remtime, 0, 2); prout(" percent of our"); prout(" remaining time. Are you sure this is wise?\""); */ prout("Первый офицер Спок- \"Капитан, я рассчитал, что этот маневр"); proutn(" потребует приблизительно "); cramf(100.0*Time/d.remtime, 0, 2); prout(" процентов нашего"); prout(" оставшегося времени. Вы уверены, что это мудро?\""); if (ja() == 0) { Time = 0.0; return;} } } /* Entry WARPX */ if (warpfac > 6.0) { /* Decide if engine damage will occur */ double prob = dist*(6.0-warpfac)*(6.0-warpfac)/66.666666666; if (prob > Rand()) { blooey = 1; dist = Rand()*dist; } /* Decide if time warp will occur */ if (0.5*dist*pow(7.0,warpfac-10.0) > Rand()) twarp=1; #ifdef DEBUG if (idebug &&warpfac==10 && twarp==0) { blooey=0; proutn("Force time warp? "); if (ja()==1) twarp=1; } #endif if (blooey || twarp) { /* If time warp or engine damage, check path */ /* If it is obstructed, don't do warp or damage */ double angle = ((15.0-direc)*0.5235998); double deltax = -sin(angle); double deltay = cos(angle); double bigger, x, y; int n, l, ix, iy; if (fabs(deltax) > fabs(deltay)) bigger = fabs(deltax); else bigger = fabs(deltay); deltax /= bigger; deltay /= bigger; n = 10.0 * dist * bigger +0.5; x = sectx; y = secty; for (l = 1; l <= n; l++) { x += deltax; ix = x + 0.5; if (ix < 1 || ix > 10) break; y += deltay; iy = y +0.5; if (iy < 1 || iy > 10) break; if (quad[ix][iy] != IHDOT) { blooey = 0; twarp = 0; } } } } /* Activate Warp Engines and pay the cost */ lmove(); if (alldone) return; energy -= dist*warpfac*warpfac*warpfac*(shldup+1); if (energy <= 0) finish(FNRG); Time = 10.0*dist/wfacsq; if (twarp) timwrp(); if (blooey) { damage[DWARPEN] = damfac*(3.0*Rand()+1.0); skip(1); /* prout("Engineering to bridge--"); prout(" Scott here. The warp engines are damaged."); prout(" We'll have to reduce speed to warp 4."); */ prout("Инженерный докладывает--"); prout(" Это Скотт. Варп-двигатели повреждены."); prout(" Нам придется ограничиться скоростью варпа 4."); } ididit = 1; return; } void setwrp(void) { int key; double oldfac; while ((key=scan()) == IHEOL) { chew(); proutn("Варп фактор-");/*Warp factor*/ } chew(); if (key != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } if (damage[DWARPEN] > 10.0) { prout("Варп-двигатели не функционируют.");/*Warp engines inoperative*/ return; } if (damage[DWARPEN] > 0.0 && aaitem > 4.0) { /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"I'm doing my best, Captain,\n" " but right now we can only go warp 4.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Я делаю что могу, Капитан,\n" " но пока что мы ограничены варп фактором 4.\""); return; } if (aaitem > 10.0) { /* prout("Helmsman Sulu- \"Our top speed is warp 10, Captain.\""); */ prout("Рулевой Сулу- \"Сейчас мы сможем выжать варп 10, Капитан.\""); return; } if (aaitem < 1.0) { /* prout("Helmsman Sulu- \"We can't go below warp 1, Captain.\""); */ prout("Рулевой Сулу- \"Мы не можем задать варп-скорость меньше 1, Captain.\""); return; } oldfac = warpfac; warpfac = aaitem; wfacsq=warpfac*warpfac; if (warpfac <= oldfac || warpfac <= 6.0) { proutn("Рулевой Сулу-\"Варп-фактор ");/*Helmsman Sulu- \"Warp factor*/ cramf(warpfac, 0, 1); prout(", Капитан.\"");/*Captain*/ return; } if (warpfac < 8.00) { /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"Aye, but our maximum safe speed is warp 6.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Так точно, но сейчас максимальная безопасная варп-скорость 6.\""); return; } if (warpfac == 10.0) { /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"Aye, Captain, we'll try it.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Так точно, Капитан, мы сможем это.\""); return; } /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"Aye, Captain, but our engines may not take it.\""); */ prout("Engineer Scott- \"Так точно, Капитан, но наши двигатели могуть не потянуть.\""); return; } void atover(int igrab) { double power, distreq; chew(); /* is captain on planet? */ if (landed==1) { if (damage[DTRANSP]) { finish(FPNOVA); return; } /* prout("Scotty rushes to the transporter controls."); */ prout("Скотти рванул к управлению транспортатором."); if (shldup) { /* prout("But with the shields up it's hopeless."); */ prout("Но с поднятыми щитами все было бесполезно."); finish(FPNOVA); } /* prouts("His desperate attempt to rescue you . . ."); */ prouts("Его отчаянная попытка спасения Вас . . ."); if (Rand() <= 0.5) { prout("провалилась.");/*fails*/ finish(FPNOVA); return; } prout("УДАЛАСЬ!");/*SUCCEEDS*/ if (imine) { imine = 0; proutn("Добытые кристаллы ");/*The crystals mined were*/ if (Rand() <= 0.25) { prout("потеряны.");/*lost*/ } else { prout("спасены.");/*saved*/ icrystl = 1; } } } if (igrab) return; /* Check to see if captain in shuttle craft */ if (icraft) finish(FSTRACTOR); if (alldone) return; /* Inform captain of attempt to reach safety */ skip(1); do { if (justin) { /* prouts("***RED ALERT! RED ALERT!"); skip(1); proutn("The "); crmshp(); prout(" has stopped in a quadrant containing"); prouts(" a supernova."); skip(2); */ prouts("***ОПАСНОСТЬ! ОПАСНОСТЬ!"); skip(1); proutn("Корабль "); crmshp(); prout(" остановился в квадрате со"); prouts(" сверхновой."); skip(2); } /* proutn("***Emergency automatic override attempts to hurl "); */ proutn("***Автоматическое срабатывание систем безопасности пытается вывести"); crmshp(); skip(1); prout("из квадранта.");/*safely out of quadrant*/ starch[quadx][quady] = damage[DRADIO] > 0.0 ? d.galaxy[quadx][quady]+1000:1; /* Try to use warp engines */ if (damage[DWARPEN]) { skip(1); prout("Варп-двигатели повреждены.");/*Warp engines damaged*/ finish(FSNOVAED); return; } warpfac = 6.0+2.0*Rand(); wfacsq = warpfac * warpfac; proutn("Варп-фактор установлен в ");/*Warp factor set to*/ cramf(warpfac, 1, 1); skip(1); power = 0.75*energy; dist = power/(warpfac*warpfac*warpfac*(shldup+1)); distreq = 1.4142+Rand(); if (distreq < dist) dist = distreq; Time = 10.0*dist/wfacsq; direc = 12.0*Rand(); /* How dumb! */ justin = 0; inorbit = 0; warp(2); if (justin == 0) { /* This is bad news, we didn't leave quadrant. */ if (alldone) return; skip(1); /* prout("Insufficient energy to leave quadrant."); */ prout("Недостаточно энергии, чтобы улететь из квадранта."); finish(FSNOVAED); return; } /* Repeat if another snova */ } while (d.galaxy[quadx][quady] == 1000); if (d.remkl==0) finish(FWON); /* Snova killed remaining enemy. */ } void timwrp() { int l, ll, gotit; prout("***ВАРП ВО ВРЕМЕНИ.");/*TIME WARP ENTERED*/ if (d.snap && Rand() < 0.5) { /* Go back in time */ /* proutn("You are traveling backwards in time "); */ proutn("Вы провалились назад во времени на "); cramf(d.date-snapsht.date, 0, 2); prout(" звездных лет.");/*stardates*/ d = snapsht; d.snap = 0; if (d.remcom) { future[FTBEAM] = d.date + expran(intime/d.remcom); future[FBATTAK] = d.date + expran(0.3*intime); } future[FSNOVA] = d.date + expran(0.5*intime); future[FSNAP] = d.date +expran(0.25*d.remtime); /* next snapshot will be sooner */ if (d.nscrem) future[FSCMOVE] = 0.2777; isatb = 0; future[FCDBAS] = future[FSCDBAS] = 1e30; batx = baty = 0; /* Make sure Galileo is consistant -- Snapshot may have been taken when on planet, which would give us two Galileos! */ gotit = 0; for (l = 1; l <= inplan; l++) { if (d.plnets[l].known == 2) { gotit = 1; if (iscraft==1 && ship==IHE) { /* prout("Checkov- \"Security reports the Galileo has disappeared, Sir!"); */ prout("Чехов- \"Служба безопасности докладывает - Галилео исчез, Сэр!"); iscraft = 0; } } } /* Likewise, if in the original time the Galileo was abandoned, but was on ship earlier, it would have vanished -- lets restore it */ if (iscraft==0 && gotit==0 && damage[DSHUTTL] >= 0.0) { /* prout("Checkov- \"Security reports the Galileo has reappeared in the dock!\""); */ prout("Чеков- \"Служба безопасности докладывает - Галилео снова возник в доке!\""); iscraft = 1; } /* Revert star chart to earlier era, if it was known then*/ if (damage[DRADIO]==0.0 || stdamtim > d.date) { for (l = 1; l <= 8; l++) for (ll = 1; ll <= 8; ll++) if (starch[l][ll] > 1) starch[l][ll]=damage[DRADIO]>0.0 ? d.galaxy[l][ll]+1000 :1; /* prout("Spock has reconstructed a correct star chart from memory"); */ prout("Спок восстановил звездную карту по памяти"); if (damage[DRADIO] > 0.0) stdamtim = d.date; } } else { /* Go forward in time */ Time = -0.5*intime*log(Rand()); /* proutn("You are traveling forward in time "); */ proutn("Вы провалились вперед по времени на "); cramf(Time, 1, 2); prout(" звездных лет.");/*stardates*/ /* cheat to make sure no tractor beams occur during time warp */ future[FTBEAM] += Time; damage[DRADIO] += Time; } newqad(0); } void probe(void) { double angle, bigger; int key; /* New code to launch a deep space probe */ if (nprobes == 0) { chew(); skip(1); if (ship == IHE) /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"We have no more deep space probes, Sir.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"У нас закончились сканирующие зонды, Сэр.\""); else /* prout("Ye Faerie Queene has no deep space probes."); */ prout("На Королеве Фей нет сканирующих зондов."); return; } if (damage[DDSP] != 0.0) { chew(); skip(1); /* prout("Engineer Scott- \"The probe launcher is damaged, Sir.\""); */ prout("Инженер Скотт- \"Пусковая установка зондов повреждена, Сэр.\""); return; } if (future[FDSPROB] != 1e30) { chew(); skip(1); if (REPORTS) { /* prout("Uhura- \"The previous probe is still reporting data, Sir.\""); */ prout("Ухура- \"Ранее запущенные зонды еще работают, Сэр.\""); } else { /* prout("Spock- \"Records show the previous probe has not yet"); prout(" reached its destination.\""); */ prout("Спок- \"Судя по журналу, запущенные зонды"); prout(" еще не долетели.\""); } return; } key = scan(); if (key == IHEOL) { /* slow mode, so let Kirk know how many probes there are left */ crami(nprobes,1); /* prout(nprobes==1 ? " probe left." : " probes left."); proutn("Are you sure you want to fire a probe? "); */ prout(nprobes==1 ? " зонд остался." : " зондов осталось."); proutn("Вы уверены, что хотите запустить зонд? "); if (ja()==0) return; } isarmed = FALSE; if (key == IHALPHA && strcmp(citem,"armed") == 0) { isarmed = TRUE; key = scan(); } else if (key == IHEOL) { proutn("Зарядить боеголовку NOVAMAX?");/*Arm NOVAMAX warhead*/ isarmed = ja(); } getcd(TRUE, key); if (direc == -1.0) return; nprobes--; angle = ((15.0 - direc) * 0.5235988); probeinx = -sin(angle); probeiny = cos(angle); if (fabs(probeinx) > fabs(probeiny)) bigger = fabs(probeinx); else bigger = fabs(probeiny); probeiny /= bigger; probeinx /= bigger; proben = 10.0*dist*bigger +0.5; probex = quadx*10 + sectx - 1; // We will use better packing than original probey = quady*10 + secty - 1; probecx = quadx; probecy = quady; future[FDSPROB] = d.date + 0.01; // Time to move one sector /* prout("Ensign Chekov- \"The deep space probe is launched, Captain.\""); */ prout("Мичман Чехов- \"Зонд дальнего сканирования запущен, Капитан.\""); return; } void help(void) { /* There's more than one way to move in this game! */ double ddist, xdist, probf; int line, l, ix, iy; chew(); /* Test for conditions which prevent calling for help */ if (condit == IHDOCKED) { /* prout("Lt. Uhura- \"But Captain, we're already docked.\""); */ prout("Лейтенант Ухура- \"Но капитан, мы уже пристыкованы.\""); return; } if (damage[DRADIO] != 0) { /* prout("Subspace radio damaged."); */ prout("Подпространственное радио повреждено."); return; } if (d.rembase==0) { /* prout("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, I'm not getting any response from Starbase.\""); */ prout("Лейтенант Ухура- \"Капитан, я не получаю ответа со станции.\""); return; } if (landed == 1) { proutn("Вы должны быть на борту ");/*You must be aboard the*/ crmshp(); prout("."); return; } /* OK -- call for help from nearest starbase */ nhelp++; if (basex!=0) { /* There's one in this quadrant */ ddist = sqrt(square(basex-sectx)+square(basey-secty)); } else { ddist = 1e30; for (l = 1; l <= d.rembase; l++) { xdist=10.0*sqrt(square(d.baseqx[l]-quadx)+square(d.baseqy[l]-quady)); if (xdist < ddist) { ddist = xdist; line = l; } } /* Since starbase not in quadrant, set up new quadrant */ quadx = d.baseqx[line]; quady = d.baseqy[line]; newqad(1); } /* dematerialize starship */ quad[sectx][secty]=IHDOT; proutn("Станция в точке");/*Starbase in*/ cramlc(1, quadx, quady); proutn(" ответила--");/*responds*/ crmshp(); prout(" дематериализован.");/*dematerializes*/ /* Give starbase three chances to rematerialize starship */ probf = pow((1.0 - pow(0.98,ddist)), 0.33333333); for (l = 1; l <= 3; l++) { switch (l) { case 1: proutn("1я"); break;/*1st*/ case 2: proutn("2я"); break;/*2nd*/ case 3: proutn("3я"); break;/*3rd*/ } proutn(" попытка материализовать обратно ");/*attempt to re-materialize*/ crmshp(); prouts(" . . . . . "); if (Rand() > probf) break; prout("провалилась.");/*fails*/ } if (l > 3) { finish(FMATERIALIZE); return; } /* Rematerialization attempt should succeed if can get adj to base */ for (l = 1; l <= 5; l++) { ix = basex+3.0*Rand()-1; iy = basey+3.0*Rand()-1; if (ix>=1 && ix<=10 && iy>=1 && iy<=10 && quad[ix][iy]==IHDOT) { /* found one -- finish up */ prout("удалась.");/*succeeds*/ sectx=ix; secty=iy; quad[ix][iy]=ship; dock(); skip(1); /* prout("Lt. Uhura- \"Captain, we made it!\""); */ prout("Лейтенант Ухура- \"Капитан, мы сделали это!\""); return; } } finish(FMATERIALIZE); return; }