align 4 sp128f dd 128.0 align 4 proc glopMaterial uses eax ebx ecx edi esi, context:dword, p:dword ; edi -> GLMaterial *m mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,[ebx+4] ;ecx = p[1] cmp ecx,GL_FRONT_AND_BACK ;if (mode == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) jne @f mov dword[ebx+4],GL_FRONT ;p[1].i=GL_FRONT mov edi,ebp add edi,12 stdcall glopMaterial,eax,edi mov ecx,GL_BACK @@: mov edi,eax add edi,offs_cont_materials cmp ecx,GL_FRONT ;if (mode == GL_FRONT) m=&context.materials[0] je @f add edi,sizeof.GLMaterial ;else m=&context.materials[1] @@: mov ecx,4 mov esi,ebx ;esi = &p add esi,12 ;esi = &p[3] mov ebx,[ebx+8] ;ebx = p[2] cmp ebx,GL_EMISSION jne @f ;add edi,offs_mate_emission ;offs_mate_emission=0 rep movsd jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_AMBIENT jne @f add edi,offs_mate_ambient rep movsd jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_DIFFUSE jne @f add edi,offs_mate_diffuse rep movsd jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_SPECULAR jne @f add edi,offs_mate_specular rep movsd jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_SHININESS jne @f fld dword[esi] add edi,offs_mate_shininess movsd mov dword[edi],SPECULAR_BUFFER_RESOLUTION fdiv dword[sp128f] fimul dword[edi] fistp dword[edi] ;m.shininess_i = (v[0]/128.0f)*SPECULAR_BUFFER_RESOLUTION jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE jne @f add edi,offs_mate_ambient rep movsd sub esi,16 ;edi = &offs_mate_diffuse mov ecx,4 rep movsd jmp .end_f @@: ;default ; assert(0); .end_f: ret endp align 4 proc glopColorMaterial uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, p:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ecx,[ebx+4] ;ecx = p[1] mov dword[eax+offs_cont_current_color_material_mode],ecx mov ecx,[ebx+8] ;ecx = p[2] mov dword[eax+offs_cont_current_color_material_type],ecx ret endp align 4 proc glopLight context:dword, p:dword locals pos V4 endl pushad mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov edx,[ebx+4] ;edx = p[1] ; assert(edx >= GL_LIGHT0 && edx < GL_LIGHT0+MAX_LIGHTS ); sub edx,GL_LIGHT0 imul edx,sizeof.GLLight add edx,eax add edx,offs_cont_lights mov ecx,[ebx+8] ;ecx = p[2] cmp ecx,GL_AMBIENT jne @f mov esi,ebx add esi,12 mov edi,edx ;add edi,offs_ligh_ambient ;offs_ligh_ambient = 0 mov ecx,4 rep movsd ;l.ambient=v jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_DIFFUSE jne @f mov esi,ebx add esi,12 mov edi,edx add edi,offs_ligh_diffuse mov ecx,4 rep movsd ;l.diffuse=v jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_SPECULAR jne @f mov esi,ebx add esi,12 mov edi,edx add edi,offs_ligh_specular mov ecx,4 rep movsd ;l.specular=v jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_POSITION jne @f mov edi,ebx ;ebx = [ebp+12] = [p] = &p[0] add edi,12 ;&p[3] mov esi,ebp sub esi,16 ;&pos stdcall gl_M4_MulV4, esi,dword[eax+offs_cont_matrix_stack_ptr],edi mov edi,edx add edi,offs_ligh_position mov ecx,4 rep movsd ;l.position=pos fld dword[edi-4] ;if(l.position.v[3] == 0) ftst fstsw ax sahf jne .end_i ;mov esi,ebp sub esi,16 ;&pos mov edi,edx add edi,offs_ligh_norm_position mov ecx,3 rep movsd ;l.norm_position=pos[1,2,3] ;mov edi,edx ;add edi,offs_ligh_norm_position sub edi,12 stdcall gl_V3_Norm,edi ;&l.norm_position .end_i: ffree st0 fincstp jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_SPOT_DIRECTION jne @f mov esi,ebx ;&p[0] add esi,12 mov edi,edx add edi,offs_ligh_spot_direction mov ecx,3 rep movsd ;l.spot_direction=v[0,1,2] ;mov esi,ebx ;add esi,12 sub esi,12 ;mov edi,edx ;add edi,offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction add edi,offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction-(offs_ligh_spot_direction+12) mov ecx,3 rep movsd ;l.norm_spot_direction=v[0,1,2] add edx,offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction stdcall gl_V3_Norm,edx jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_SPOT_EXPONENT jne @f mov ecx,[ebx+12] mov [edi+offs_ligh_spot_exponent],ecx ;l.spot_exponent=p[3] jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_SPOT_CUTOFF jne .end_spot_c fld dword[ebp+12] ;float a=v.v[0] ; assert(a == 180 || (a>=0 && a<=90)); fst dword[edi+offs_ligh_spot_cutoff] ;l.spot_cutoff=a fcom dword[an180f] ;if (a != 180) fstsw ax sahf je @f fldpi fmulp fdiv dword[an180f] fcos fstp dword[edi+offs_ligh_spot_cutoff] ;l.cos_spot_cutoff=cos(a * M_PI / 180.0) jmp .end_f @@: ffree st0 fincstp jmp .end_f .end_spot_c: cmp ecx,GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION jne @f mov ecx,[ebx+12] mov [edi+offs_ligh_attenuation],ecx ;l->attenuation[0]=p[3] jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION jne @f mov ecx,[ebx+12] mov [edi+offs_ligh_attenuation+4],ecx ;l->attenuation[1]=p[3] jmp .end_f @@: cmp ecx,GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION jne @f mov ecx,[ebx+12] mov [edi+offs_ligh_attenuation+8],ecx ;l->attenuation[2]=p[3] jmp .end_f @@: ;default: ; assert(0); .end_f: popad ret endp align 4 proc glopLightModel uses ebx ecx esi edi, context:dword, p:dword mov edi,[context] mov ebx,[p] mov ebx,[ebx+4] mov esi,[ebp+12] ;&p[0] add esi,8 ;&p[2] cmp ebx,GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT jne @f mov ecx,4 add edi,offs_cont_ambient_light_model rep movsd ;for(i=0;i<4;i++) context.ambient_light_model.v[i]=v[i] jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER jne @f fld dword[esi] ;st0 = p[2] fistp dword[edi+offs_cont_local_light_model] jmp .end_f @@: cmp ebx,GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE jne @f fld dword[esi] ;st0 = p[2] fistp dword[edi+offs_cont_light_model_two_side] jmp .end_f @@: ;default: ; tgl_warning("glopLightModel: illegal pname: 0x%x\n", ebx); ; //assert(0); .end_f: ret endp macro clampf a, min, max { local .o_1 local .o_2 local .end_m fld dword a ;if (a<=0.0) ftst fstsw ax sahf ja .o_1 ffree st0 fincstp mov eax,0.0 jmp .end_m ;return 0.0 .o_1: fld1 ;else if (a>=1.0) fcompp fstsw ax sahf ja .o_2 mov eax,1.0 jmp .end_m ;return 1.0 .o_2: mov eax,dword a ;else return a .end_m: } align 4 proc gl_enable_disable_light uses eax ebx ecx, context:dword, light:dword, v:dword mov eax,[context] mov ebx,[light] imul ebx,sizeof.GLLight add ebx,eax add ebx,offs_cont_lights xor ecx,ecx cmp dword[ebx+offs_ligh_enabled],0 jne @f not ecx @@: and ecx,[v] or ecx,ecx jz @f ;if (v && !l.enabled) mov dword[ebx+offs_ligh_enabled],1 mov ecx,[eax+offs_cont_first_light] mov [ebx+offs_ligh_next],ecx mov [eax+offs_cont_first_light],ebx ;context.first_light = l mov dword[ebx+offs_ligh_prev],0 ;l.prev = NULL jmp .end_f @@: xor ecx,ecx cmp dword[v],0 jne @f not ecx @@: and ecx,[ebx+offs_ligh_enabled] or ecx,ecx jz .end_f ;else if (!v && l.enabled) mov dword[ebx+offs_ligh_enabled],0 ;l.enabled = 0 mov ecx,[ebx+offs_ligh_next] cmp dword[ebx+offs_ligh_prev],0 ;if (l.prev == NULL) jne .els_0 mov [eax+offs_cont_first_light],ecx ;context.first_light = jmp @f .els_0: mov eax,[ebx+offs_ligh_prev] mov [eax+offs_ligh_next],ecx ; = @@: cmp dword[ebx+offs_ligh_next],0 je .end_f mov ecx,[ebx+offs_ligh_prev] mov eax,[ebx+offs_ligh_next] mov [eax+offs_ligh_prev],ecx ; = l.prev .end_f: ret endp align 4 fl_1e_3 dd 1.0e-3 if DEBUG txt_mate db 'Material',0 txt_colo db 'Color',0 txt_rgba db 'R, G, B',0 end if ; non optimized lightening model align 4 proc gl_shade_vertex, context:dword, v:dword locals R dd ? ;float ebp-96 G dd ? ;float ebp-92 B dd ? ;float ebp-88 A dd ? ;float ebp-84 s V3 ;ebp-80 d V3 ;ebp-68 tmp dd ? ;float ebp-56 att dd ? ;float ebp-52 dot_spot dd ? ;float ebp-48 lR dd ? ;float ebp-44 lB dd ? ;float ebp-40 lG dd ? ;float ebp-36 twoside dd ? ;int ebp-32 idx dd ? ;int ebp-28 n V3 ;ebp-24 vcoord V3 ;ebp-12 endl pushad ; ebx -> GLLight *l ; ecx -> GLMaterial *m ; esi -> GLVertex *v mov esi,[v] mov edx,[context] mov ecx,edx add ecx,offs_cont_materials ;ecx(m) = &context.materials[0] mov eax,[edx+offs_cont_light_model_two_side] mov [twoside],eax add esi,offs_vert_normal mov edi,ebp sub edi,24 ;edi = &n movsd ;n.X=v.normal.X movsd ;n.Y=v.normal.Y movsd ;n.Z=v.normal.Z mov esi,[v] if DEBUG ;offs_mate_emission, offs_mate_ambient, offs_mate_specular, offs_mate_diffuse push ecx stdcall dbg_print,txt_mate,txt_nl add ecx,offs_mate_emission stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,1 add ecx,offs_mate_ambient-offs_mate_emission stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,1 add ecx,offs_mate_specular-offs_mate_ambient stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,1 add ecx,offs_mate_diffuse-offs_mate_specular stdcall gl_print_matrix,ecx,1 pop ecx end if fld dword[edx+offs_cont_ambient_light_model] fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient] fadd dword[ecx] ;offs_mate_emission=0 fstp dword[R] ;R=m.emission.v[0]+m.ambient.v[0]*context.ambient_light_model.v[0] fld dword[edx+offs_cont_ambient_light_model+4] fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient+4] fadd dword[ecx+offs_mate_emission+4] fstp dword[G] fld dword[edx+offs_cont_ambient_light_model+8] fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient+8] fadd dword[ecx+offs_mate_emission+8] fstp dword[B] clampf [ecx+offs_mate_diffuse+12],0,1 mov [A],eax ;A=clampf(m.diffuse.v[3],0,1) mov ebx,[edx+offs_cont_first_light] .cycle_0: ;for(l=context.first_light;l!=NULL; or ebx,ebx jz .cycle_0_end ; ambient fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient] fmul dword[ebx] ;offs_ligh_ambient=0 fstp dword[lR] ;lR=l.ambient.v[0] * m.ambient.v[0] fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient+4] fmul dword[ebx+offs_ligh_ambient+4] fstp dword[lG] ;lG=l.ambient.v[1] * m.ambient.v[1] fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_ambient+8] fmul dword[ebx+offs_ligh_ambient+8] fstp dword[lB] ;lB=l.ambient.v[2] * m.ambient.v[2] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_position+offs_W] ftst ;if (l.position.v[3] == 0) fstsw ax sahf jne .els_0 ; light at infinity ffree st0 ;l.position.v[3] fincstp mov eax,[ebx+offs_ligh_position] mov [d],eax ;d.X=l.position.v[0] mov eax,[ebx+offs_ligh_position+offs_Y] mov [d+offs_Y],eax ;d.Y=l.position.v[1] mov eax,[ebx+offs_ligh_position+offs_Z] mov [d+offs_Z],eax ;d.Z=l.position.v[2] mov dword[att],1.0 jmp .els_0_end .els_0: ; distance attenuation ffree st0 ;l.position.v[3] fincstp fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_position] fsub dword[esi+offs_vert_ec] fstp dword[d] ;d.X=l.position.v[0][0] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_position+offs_Y] fsub dword[esi+offs_vert_ec+offs_Y] fstp dword[d+offs_Y] ;d.Y=l.position.v[1][1] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_position+offs_Z] fsub dword[esi+offs_vert_ec+offs_Z] fstp dword[d+offs_Z] ;d.Z=l.position.v[2][2] fld dword[d] fmul st0,st0 fld dword[d+offs_Y] fmul st0,st0 faddp fld dword[d+offs_Z] fmul st0,st0 faddp fsqrt ;dist=sqrt(d.X^2+d.Y^2+d.Z^2) fcom dword[fl_1e_3] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ;if (dist>1.0e-3) fld1 fdiv st0,st1 fld dword[d] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[d] fld dword[d+offs_Y] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[d+offs_Y] fld dword[d+offs_Z] fmul st0,st1 fstp dword[d+offs_Z] ffree st0 ;1.0/dist fincstp @@: fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_attenuation+8] fmul st0,st1 ;st0 = dist * l.attenuation[2] fadd dword[ebx+offs_ligh_attenuation+4] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[ebx+offs_ligh_attenuation] fld1 fdiv st0,st1 fstp dword[att] ;att = 1.0f/(l.attenuation[0]+dist*(l.attenuation[1]+dist*l.attenuation[2])) ffree st0 ;1.0 fincstp ffree st0 ;dist fincstp .els_0_end: fld dword[d] fmul dword[n] fld dword[d+offs_Y] fmul dword[n+offs_Y] faddp fld dword[d+offs_Z] fmul dword[n+offs_Z] faddp ;dot = d.X*n.X+d.Y*n.Y+d.Z*n.Z cmp dword[twoside],0 ;if (twoside && dot < 0) je @f ftst ;if (dot<0) fstsw ax sahf jae @f fchs ;dot = -dot @@: ftst ;if (dot>0) fstsw ax sahf jbe .if0_end ; diffuse light fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_diffuse] fmul dword[ebx+offs_ligh_diffuse] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[lR] fstp dword[lR] ;lR+=dot * l.diffuse.v[0] * m.diffuse.v[0] fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_diffuse+4] fmul dword[ebx+offs_ligh_diffuse+4] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[lG] fstp dword[lG] ;lG+=dot * l.diffuse.v[1] * m.diffuse.v[1] fld dword[ecx+offs_mate_diffuse+8] fmul dword[ebx+offs_ligh_diffuse+8] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[lB] fstp dword[lB] ;lB+=dot * l.diffuse.v[2] * m.diffuse.v[2] ffree st0 ;dot fincstp ; spot light fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_spot_cutoff] fcomp dword[an180f] ;if (l.spot_cutoff != 180) fstsw ax sahf je .if1_end fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction] fmul dword[d] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction+4] fmul dword[d+offs_Y] faddp fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_norm_spot_direction+8] fmul dword[d+offs_Z] faddp fchs fst dword[dot_spot] cmp dword[twoside],0 ;if (twoside && dot_spot < 0) je @f ftst ;if (dot_spot<0) fstsw ax sahf jae @f fchs ;dot_spot = -dot_spot @@: fcom dword[ebx+offs_ligh_cos_spot_cutoff] ;if (dot_spot < l.cos_spot_cutoff) fstsw ax sahf jae .els_1 ; no contribution ffree st0 ;dot_spot fincstp mov ebx,[ebx+offs_ligh_next] jmp .cycle_0 ;continue .els_1: ; TODO: optimize fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_spot_exponent] ftst ;if (l.spot_exponent > 0) fstsw ax sahf jbe @f fxch st1 ;dot_spot <--> l.spot_exponent ;Вычисляем x^y ;fld y ;fld x fyl2x ;Стек FPU теперь содержит: st0=z=y*log2(x): ;Теперь считаем 2**z: fld st0 ;Создаем еще одну копию z frndint ;Округляем fsubr st0,st1 ;st1=z, st0=z-trunc(z) f2xm1 ;st1=z, st0=2**(z-trunc(z))-1 fld1 faddp ;st1=z, st0=2**(z-trunc(z)) fscale ;st1=z, st0=(2**trunc(z))*(2**(z-trunc(z)))=2**t fxch st1 fstp st ;Результат остается на вершине стека st0 fmul dword[att] fstp dword[att] ;att=att*pow(dot_spot,l.spot_exponent) jmp .if1_end_f1 @@: ffree st0 ;l.spot_exponent fincstp .if1_end_f1: ffree st0 ;dot_spot fincstp .if1_end: ; specular light cmp dword[edx+offs_cont_local_light_model],0 ;if (c.local_light_model) je .els_2 mov eax,[esi+offs_vert_ec] mov [vcoord],eax ; mov eax,[esi+offs_vert_ec+offs_Y] mov [vcoord+offs_Y],eax ; mov eax,[esi+offs_vert_ec+offs_Z] mov [vcoord+offs_Z],eax ; mov eax,ebp sub eax,12 ;eax = &vcoord stdcall gl_V3_Norm, eax fld dword[d] fsub dword[vcoord] fstp dword[s] ;s.X=d.X-vcoord.X fld dword[d+offs_Y] fsub dword[vcoord+offs_Y] fstp dword[s+offs_Y] ;s.Y=d.Y-vcoord.Y fld dword[d+offs_Z] fsub dword[vcoord+offs_Z] fstp dword[s+offs_Z] ;s.Z=d.Z-vcoord.Z jmp .els_2_end .els_2: mov eax,[d] mov [s],eax ;s.X=d.X mov eax,[d+offs_Y] mov [s+offs_Y],eax ;s.Y=d.Y fld1 fadd dword[d+offs_Z] fstp dword[s+offs_Z] ;s.Z=d.Z+1.0 .els_2_end: fld dword[n] fmul dword[s] fld dword[n+offs_Y] fmul dword[s+offs_Y] faddp fld dword[n+offs_Z] fmul dword[s+offs_Z] faddp ;dot_spec = n.X*s.X +n.Y*s.Y +n.Z*s.Z cmp dword[twoside],0 ;if (twoside && dot_spec < 0) je @f ftst ;if (dot_spec < 0) fstsw ax sahf jae @f fchs ;dot_spec = -dot_spec @@: ftst ;if (dot_spec > 0) fstsw ax sahf jbe .if0_end fld dword[s] fmul st0,st0 fld dword[s+offs_Y] fmul st0,st0 faddp fld dword[s+offs_Z] fmul st0,st0 faddp ;st0 = s.X^2 +s.Y^2 +s.Z^2 fsqrt fcom dword[fl_1e_3] fstsw ax sahf jbe @f ;if (tmp > 1.0e-3) fdiv st1,st0 ;dot_spec /= tmp @@: ffree st0 ;tmp fincstp ; TODO: optimize ; testing specular buffer code ; dot_spec= pow(dot_spec,m.shininess) stdcall specbuf_get_buffer, edx, dword[ecx+offs_mate_shininess_i], dword[ecx+offs_mate_shininess] mov edi,eax ;edi = specbuf mov dword[idx],SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE ;idx = SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE fld1 fcomp fstsw ax fild dword[idx] sahf jbe @f ;if(dot_spec < 1.0) st0=1 st1=dot_spec fmul st0,st1 ;idx *= dot_spec @@: fistp dword[idx] ffree st0 ;dot_spec fincstp shl dword[idx],2 add edi,dword[idx] fld dword[edi+offs_spec_buf] ;dot_spec = specbuf.buf[idx] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_specular] fmul st0,st1 fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_specular] fadd dword[lR] fstp dword[lR] ;lR+=dot_spec * l.specular.v[0] * m.specular.v[0] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_specular+4] fmul st0,st1 fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_specular+4] fadd dword[lG] fstp dword[lG] ;lG+=dot_spec * l.specular.v[1] * m.specular.v[1] fld dword[ebx+offs_ligh_specular+8] fmul st0,st1 fmul dword[ecx+offs_mate_specular+8] fadd dword[lB] fstp dword[lB] ;lB+=dot_spec * l.specular.v[2] * m.specular.v[2] .if0_end: ffree st0 ;dot [or] dot_spec fincstp .if2_end: fld dword[att] fld dword[lR] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[R] fstp dword[R] ;R += att * lR fld dword[lG] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[G] fstp dword[G] ;G += att * lG fld dword[lB] fmul st0,st1 fadd dword[B] fstp dword[B] ;B += att * lB ffree st0 ;att fincstp mov ebx,[ebx+offs_ligh_next] jmp .cycle_0 .cycle_0_end: clampf [R],0,1 mov [esi+offs_vert_color],eax ;v.color.v[0]=clampf(R,0,1) clampf [G],0,1 mov [esi+offs_vert_color+4],eax ;v.color.v[1]=clampf(G,0,1) clampf [B],0,1 mov [esi+offs_vert_color+8],eax ;v.color.v[2]=clampf(B,0,1) mov eax,[A] mov [esi+offs_vert_color+12],eax ;v.color.v[3]=A if DEBUG ;offs_vert_color push esi stdcall dbg_print,txt_colo,txt_nl add esi,offs_vert_color stdcall gl_print_matrix,esi,1 pop esi end if popad ret endp