;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2016. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License. ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 ERROR_DISK_BASE = 1 ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FS = 2 ERROR_UNKNOWN_FS = 3 ERROR_PARTITION = 4 ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 5 ERROR_END_OF_FILE = 6 ERROR_MEMORY_POINTER = 7 ERROR_DISK_FULL = 8 ERROR_FS_FAIL = 9 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 10 ERROR_DEVICE = 11 maxPathLength = 1000h image_of_eax EQU esp+32 image_of_ebx EQU esp+20 ; ; System function 70 security check ; align 4 ; proc file_system_is_operation_safe stdcall, inf_struct_ptr: dword ; ; in: ; ; inf_struct_ptr = pointer to information structure was given to sysfn70 ; ; out: ZF = 1 if operation is safe ; ; ZF = 0 if operation can cause kernel crash ; push ebx ecx edx ; xor ecx, ecx ; ecx - length of target buffer ; mov ebx, [inf_struct_ptr] ; mov edx, [ebx + 16] ; base of target buffer ; cmp dword [ebx], 0 ; if 70.0 ; jnz .case1 ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 12] ; jmp .end_switch ; .case1: ; cmp dword [ebx], 1 ; if 70.1 ; jnz .case2_3 ; ;mov ecx, 32 ; cmp dword [ebx + 8], 1 ; check encoding ; jbe .case1_304 ; if encdoing <= 1 i.e cpp866 ; mov ecx, 560 ; if unicode then bdvk block len is 560 bytes ; jmp .case1_end ; .case1_304: ; mov ecx, 304 ; if cp866 then bdvk block len is 304 bytes ; .case1_end: ; imul ecx, dword [ebx + 12] ; multiply bdvk length by their count ; add ecx, 32 ; add result header len ; jmp .end_switch ; .case2_3: ; cmp dword [ebx], 3 ; ja .case5 ; if subfn > 3 ; mov ecx, dword [ebx + 12] ; jmp .end_switch ; .case5: ; cmp dword [ebx], 5 ; jnz .case6 ; mov ecx, 40 ; jmp .end_switch ; .case6: ; cmp dword [ebx], 6 ; jnz .switch_none ; mov ecx, 32 ; jmp .end_switch ; .switch_none: ; mov ecx, 1 ; test ecx, ecx ; jmp .ret ; .end_switch: ; ;; ; stdcall is_region_userspace, edx, ecx ; .ret: ; pop edx ecx ebx ; ret ; endp ; syscall_fileSystemUnicode: ; with user pointer correctness checking ; ; in: ebx -> f.80 parameter structure ; stdcall file_system_is_operation_safe, ebx ; jz @f ; DEBUGF 1, "sysfn80 addr error\n" ; mov dword [image_of_eax], ERROR_MEMORY_POINTER ; ret ; @@: ; jmp fileSystemUnicode ; temporarily commented out cause acpi driver (drivers/devman) uses sysfn70 via 0x40 ; so because drivers it kernel space, pointer checking fails ; TODO solution: add filesystem functions without pointer checking to kernel exports ; and make the driver use them, not int 0x40 ; syscall_fileSystemUnicode commented out for the same reason ; syscall_file_system_lfn: ; with user pointer correctness checking ; ; in: ebx -> f.70 parameter structure ; stdcall file_system_is_operation_safe, ebx ; jz @f ; DEBUGF 1, "sysfn70 addr error\n" ; mov dword [image_of_eax], ERROR_MEMORY_POINTER ; ret ; @@: ; jmp file_system_lfn ; System function 70 ; file_system_lfn_protected returns values not in registers, but in their images ; on stack. Make a short wrapper to actually return values in registers. file_system_lfn_protected_registers: pushad call file_system_lfn_protected popad ret file_system_lfn_protected: pushad call protect_from_terminate call file_system_lfn call unprotect_from_terminate popad mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret fileSystemUnicode: ; in: ebx -> f.80 parameter structure mov edi, [ebx+20] mov esi, [ebx+24] jmp @f file_system_lfn: ; in: ebx -> f.70 parameter structure xor edi, edi lea esi, [ebx+20] cmp byte [esi], 0 jnz @f mov esi, [ebx+21] @@: cmp word [esi], '/' jnz @f cmp edi, 2 jnz .rootdir cmp dword[esi], '/' jz .rootdir @@: stdcall kernel_alloc, maxPathLength push eax ebx xchg eax, edi call getFullPath pop ebx ebp test eax, eax jz .notfound cmp dword[ebx], 7 ; start application jnz @f mov edx, [ebx+4] mov ecx, [ebx+8] mov ebx, ebp call fs_execute mov [image_of_eax], eax ret @@: lea esi, [ebp+2] mov ax, [esi] or ax, 2020h cmp ax, 'cd' jz .CD call dyndisk_handler ; not returns if success .notfound: stdcall kernel_free, ebp mov dword[image_of_eax], ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ret .CD: add esi, 2 xor eax, eax lodsb ; disk number sub eax, '0' cmp eax, 10 jnc .notfound mov edi, eax lodsb test eax, eax jz .maindir cmp al, '/' jnz .notfound lodsb ; partition number test eax, eax jz .maindir cmp al, '1' jnz .notfound cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz @f inc esi @@: call reserve_cd mov eax, edi bt eax, 0 setc [DiskNumber] bt eax, 1 setc [ChannelNumber] inc [ChannelNumber] inc eax mov [cdpos], eax call reserve_cd_channel mov eax, edi not eax and eax, 3 shl eax, 1 inc eax shr edi, 2 mov dword[image_of_eax], ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND bt [edi*5+DRIVE_DATA+1], ax jnc @f mov ecx, [ebx+12] mov edx, [ebx+16] mov eax, [ebx] mov dword[image_of_eax], ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FS cmp eax, fs_NumCdServices jae @f add ebx, 4 push ebp call dword[fs_CdServices + eax*4] pop ebp mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx @@: call free_cd_channel and [cd_status], 0 stdcall kernel_free, ebp ret .nextCD: test eax, eax ; partition number jnz @f inc eax ; /cdX/1 ret @@: stc ret .maindir: ; list partitions mov esi, .nextCD xor ecx, ecx .maindir_noesi: ; backjump from dyndisk_handler push ebp mov ebp, ecx call kernel_free mov edi, [ebx+16] ; buffer cmp byte [ebx], 5 jz .deviceInfo cmp byte [ebx], 1 ; read folder? jnz .access_denied push ebp pushd [ebx+4] ; first block mov ebp, [ebx+12] ; the number of blocks to read mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags mov ecx, 32/4 mov edx, edi xor eax, eax rep stosd mov byte [edx], 1 ; version .maindir_loop: call esi jc .maindir_done inc dword[edx+8] dec dword[esp] jns .maindir_loop dec ebp js .maindir_loop inc dword[edx+4] mov dword[edi], 16 ; attributes: folder mov dword[edi+4], ebx ; name encoding push eax mov ecx, 32/4 add edi, 8 xor eax, eax rep stosd pop eax push eax edx edi ; convert number in eax to decimal string push -'0' mov ecx, 10 @@: xor edx, edx div ecx push edx test eax, eax jnz @b cmp ebx, 2 jz .uni @@: pop eax add eax, '0' stosb test eax, eax jnz @b pop edi edx eax cmp ebx, 3 jz @f add edi, 264 jmp .maindir_loop .uni: pop eax add eax, '0' stosw test eax, eax jnz .uni pop edi edx eax @@: add edi, 520 jmp .maindir_loop .maindir_done: pop eax eax mov ebx, [edx+4] xor eax, eax dec ebp js @f mov al, ERROR_END_OF_FILE @@: mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret .access_denied: mov dword[image_of_eax], ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ret .deviceInfo: test ebp, ebp jz @f mov eax, dword[ebp+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity] mov edx, dword[ebp+DISK.MediaInfo.Capacity+4] shld edx, eax, 9 shl eax, 9 mov [edi+36], edx mov [edi+32], eax @@: and dword[image_of_eax], 0 ret .rootdir: ; / - virtual root folder cmp byte [ebx], 5 jz @b cmp byte [ebx], 1 ; read folder? jnz .access_denied mov ebp, [ebx+12] ; number of blocks mov edx, [ebx+16] ; return area push dword[ebx+4] ; first block mov ebx, [ebx+8] ; flags mov ecx, 32/4 mov edi, edx xor eax, eax rep stosd mov byte [edx], 1 ; version sub esp, 16 .rootdir_loop: push edi lea edi, [esp+4] call dyndisk_enum_root pop edi test eax, eax jz .rootdirCD inc dword[edx+8] dec dword[esp+16] jns .rootdir_loop dec ebp js .rootdir_loop inc dword[edx+4] mov dword[edi], 16 ; attributes: folder mov dword[edi+4], ebx ; name encoding push eax mov ecx, 32/4 add edi, 8 xor eax, eax rep stosd push edi lea esi, [esp+8] cmp ebx, 2 jz .uni2 @@: lodsb stosb test eax, eax jnz @b pop edi eax cmp ebx, 3 jz @f add edi, 264 jmp .rootdir_loop .uni2: lodsb stosw test eax, eax jnz .uni2 pop edi eax @@: add edi, 520 jmp .rootdir_loop .rootdirCD: add esp, 16 or esi, -1 .rootdirCD_loop: inc esi cmp esi, 10 jnc .rootdir_done mov eax, esi not eax and eax, 3 shl eax, 1 inc eax mov ecx, esi shr ecx, 2 bt [ecx*5+DRIVE_DATA+1], ax jnc .rootdirCD_loop inc dword[edx+8] dec dword[esp] jns .rootdirCD_loop dec ebp js .rootdirCD_loop inc dword[edx+4] mov dword[edi], 16 ; attributes: folder mov dword[edi+4], ebx ; name encoding mov ecx, 32/4 add edi, 8 xor eax, eax rep stosd mov eax, esi add eax, '0' cmp ebx, 1 jz @f mov word [edi], 'cd' mov [edi+2], ax add edi, 264 jmp .rootdirCD_loop @@: mov dword[edi], 640063h mov [edi+4], eax add edi, 520 jmp .rootdirCD_loop .rootdir_done: pop eax mov ebx, [edx+4] xor eax, eax dec ebp js @f mov al, ERROR_END_OF_FILE @@: mov [image_of_eax], eax mov [image_of_ebx], ebx ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- process_replace_file_name: ; in: [esi] = virtual path ; out: [esi]+[ebp] = physical path xor edi, edi xor ebp, ebp .loop: cmp edi, [full_file_name_table.size] jae .notfound push esi edi shl edi, 7 add edi, [full_file_name_table] @@: cmp byte [edi], 0 jz .dest_done lodsb test al, al jz .cont scasb jz @b or al, 20h cmp [edi-1], al jz @b .cont: pop edi esi inc edi jmp .loop .dest_done: cmp byte [esi], 0 jz .found cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz .cont .found: pop edi eax shl edi, 7 add edi, [full_file_name_table] mov ebp, esi lea esi, [edi+64] .notfound: ret ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- uglobal addDirSeal db ? endg sys_current_directory: ; sysfunction 30 mov eax, [current_slot] mov edi, [eax+APPDATA.cur_dir] xor eax, eax dec ebx jz .set dec ebx jz .get dec ebx jz .mount_additional_directory mov eax, edx dec ebx jz .set mov eax, esi dec ebx jz .get @@: ret .mount_additional_directory: ; in: ecx -> dir name+dir path (128) mov al, 1 xchg [addDirSeal], al test al, al jnz @b mov esi, ecx mov edi, sysdir_name1 mov ecx, 64 rep movsb ; copying fake directory name mov byte [edi-1], 0 mov cl, 63 call cp866toUTF8_string mov byte [edi], 0 mov [full_file_name_table.size], 2 ret .get: ; in: ecx -> buffer, edx = length, eax = encoding stdcall is_region_userspace, ecx, edx jz @f ; if illegal buffer given xor edx, edx jmp .ret @@: mov esi, edi inc esi mov edi, ecx cmp edx, maxPathLength jc @f mov edx, maxPathLength @@: mov ecx, edx jecxz .ret cmp eax, 2 jz .get16 cmp eax, 3 jz .get8 @@: dec ecx js @f call utf8to16 call uni2ansi_char stosb test al, al jnz @b sub edx, ecx @@: mov byte [edi-1], 0 .ret: mov [esp+32], edx ret .get8: push edi mov edi, esi xor eax, eax repnz scasb sub edx, ecx mov ecx, edx pop edi rep movsb jmp @b .get16: shr ecx, 1 shr edx, 1 @@: dec ecx js @f call utf8to16 stosw test ax, ax jnz @b sub edx, ecx @@: shl edx, 1 mov word [edi-2], 0 jmp .ret .set: mov esi, ecx getFullPath: ; in: esi -> file path, eax = string encoding, edi -> destination ; out: UTF-8 string (with marker), eax = length, 0 -> error test eax, eax jnz @f cmp byte [esi], 4 jnc @f cmp byte [esi], 0 jz @f lodsb @@: cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz .relative cmp eax, 2 jnz @f cmp word [esi], '/' jnz .relative inc esi inc esi jmp .start @@: inc esi cmp byte [esi], 4 jnc .start lodsb cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz .start inc esi .start: push eax edi call process_replace_file_name mov edi, [esp] mov ecx, maxPathLength mov al, 3 mov ah, '/' stosw sub ecx, 2 test ebp, ebp jz .absolute @@: lodsb stosb dec ecx test al, al jnz @b mov esi, ebp dec edi .absolute: cmp byte [esp+4], 2 jz .utf16 cmp byte [esp+4], 3 jz .utf8 call cp866toUTF8_string jns .end jmp .fail .utf8: dec ecx js .fail lodsb stosb test al, al jz .end jmp .utf8 .utf16: call UTF16to8_string jns .end .fail: mov byte [edi], 0 pop eax eax xor eax, eax ret .relative: push eax edi mov ebx, esi mov edi, [current_slot] mov edi, [edi+APPDATA.cur_dir] mov edx, edi mov ecx, maxPathLength xor eax, eax repnz scasb mov esi, edi mov edi, [esp] jecxz .fail cmp byte [ebx], 0 jz .set_ok dec esi cmp edx, edi ; is destination equal to cur_dir? mov edi, esi jz @f mov edi, [esp] mov ecx, esi sub ecx, edx mov esi, edx mov edx, edi rep movsb @@: mov byte [edi], '/' inc edi mov esi, ebx mov ecx, edx add ecx, maxPathLength sub ecx, edi jmp .absolute .set_ok: cmp edx, edi ; is destination equal to cur_dir? jz @f mov ecx, esi sub ecx, edx mov esi, edx rep movsb @@: pop eax sub edi, eax pop eax mov eax, edi ret .end: or ecx, -1 mov edi, [esp] xor eax, eax push edi repnz scasb not ecx pop edi .parse: mov al, '/' repnz scasb jecxz @b cmp byte [edi], '.' jnz .parse mov esi, edi @@: lodsw sub ecx, 2 cmp ax, './' jz @b cmp ax, '..' jnz @f cmp byte [esi], '/' jnz @f mov edx, ecx mov ecx, edi sub ecx, [esp] sub ecx, 2 jc .fail sub edi, 2 lodsb dec edx std repnz scasb cld add edi, 2 mov ecx, edx jmp @b @@: sub esi, 2 add ecx, 2 cmp esi, edi jz .parse push edi ecx rep movsb pop ecx edi jmp .parse include "parse_fn.inc" include "fs_common.inc" include "iso9660.inc" ; read for CD filesystem include "fat.inc" include "ntfs.inc" include "ext.inc" include "xfs.asm"