; windows.inc ; Copyright (c) 2002 Thomas Mathys ; killer@vantage.ch ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA %ifndef _WINDOWS_INC %define _WINDOWS_INC WND_CENTER equ (1 << 0) WND_DEFAULT_WORKCOLOR equ (1 << 1) WND_DEFAULT_GRABCOLOR equ (1 << 2) WND_DEFAULT_FRAMECOLOR equ (1 << 3) WND_DEFAULT_CAPTIONCOLOR equ (1 << 4) WND_DEFAULT_COLORS equ (WND_DEFAULT_WORKCOLOR | WND_DEFAULT_GRABCOLOR | WND_DEFAULT_FRAMECOLOR | WND_DEFAULT_CAPTIONCOLOR) struc WND .xposandsize resd 1 ; x position and size (like syscall) .yposandsize resd 1 ; y position and size (like syscall) .workcolor resd 1 ; work area color (like syscall) .grabcolor resd 1 ; grab bar color (like syscall) .framecolor resd 1 ; frame color (like syscall) .caption resd 1 ; pointer to caption (zero terminated) ; can be zero, if no caption is desired. .captioncolor resd 1 ; caption color .flags resd 1 ; combination of WND_xxx flags, or zero. endstruc BUTTON_COLOR_GRAB equ 0x01000000 BUTTON_COLOR_WORK equ 0x02000000 struc BUTTON .xposandsize resd 1 ; x position and size (like syscall) .yposandsize resd 1 ; y position and size (like syscall) .id resd 1 ; button id .color resd 1 ; button color. can be a real color ; or one of the BUTTON_COLOR_xxx constants endstruc LABEL_COLOR_GRABBUTTON equ 0x01000000 ; use grab button text default color LABEL_COLOR_GRAB equ 0x02000000 ; use grab text default color LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON equ 0x03000000 ; use work button text default color LABEL_COLOR_WORK equ 0x04000000 ; use work text default color LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT equ 0x01000000 ; transparent LABEL_BGCOLOR_WORK equ 0x02000000 ; use work area color struc LABEL .position resd 1 ; position, x in upper word, y in lower word .caption resd 1 ; pointer to caption (zero terminated) ; if this is field is zero, the label will ; not be drawn. .color resd 1 ; text color, or a LABEL_COLOR_xxx constant .bgcolor resd 1 ; background color, or a LABEL_BGCOLOR_xxx constant endstruc section .text ;*********************************************************** ; draw a window ; ; input: edi = pointer to a WND structure ; output: nothing ; destroys: nothing ; notes: you must call begin redraw/end redraw ; yourself, before and after calling ; this function. ;*********************************************************** drawWindow: %define WNDCOLORS ebp-MOS_WNDCOLORS_size enter MOS_WNDCOLORS_size,0 pushfd pushad ; get default window colors mov ebx,3 lea ecx,[WNDCOLORS] mov edx,MOS_WNDCOLORS_size mov eax,MOS_SC_WINDOWPROPERTIES int 0x40 ; ; window position ; test dword [edi + WND.flags],WND_CENTER ; center window ? jnz short .center mov ebx,[edi + WND.xposandsize] ; nope -> just load dimensions mov ecx,[edi + WND.yposandsize] jmp short .positionok .center: ; so let's center this window... MOS_GETSCREENMAX ; get screen dimensions mov ebx,eax ; xpos = (screenx-width)/2 shr ebx,16 sub bx,[edi + WND.xposandsize] jns short .xok xor ebx,ebx .xok: shl ebx,15 ; / 2, move result to hi-word mov bx,[edi + WND.xposandsize] movzx ecx,ax ; same for ypos sub cx,[edi + WND.yposandsize] jns short .yok xor ecx,ecx .yok: shl ecx,15 mov cx,[edi + WND.yposandsize] .positionok: ; ebx/ecx contain dimensions push edi ; define window mov eax,MOS_SC_DEFINEWINDOW mov edx,[edi + WND.workcolor] mov edi,windowtitle int 0x40 pop edi popad popfd leave ret %undef WNDCOLORS ;*********************************************************** ; draw a bunch of buttons ; ; input: edi = pointer to an array of BUTTON structs ; ecx = # of buttons to draw ; output: nothing ; destroys: nothing ; notes: you must call begin redraw/end redraw yourself ;*********************************************************** drawButtons: %define WNDCOLORS ebp-MOS_WNDCOLORS_size or ecx,ecx jnz short .ok ret .ok: enter MOS_WNDCOLORS_size,0 pushfd pushad ; get default window colors push ecx mov ebx,3 lea ecx,[WNDCOLORS] mov edx,MOS_WNDCOLORS_size mov eax,MOS_SC_WINDOWPROPERTIES int 0x40 pop ecx .drawall: push ecx mov ebx,[edi + BUTTON.xposandsize] mov ecx,[edi + BUTTON.yposandsize] mov edx,[edi + BUTTON.id] mov esi,[edi + BUTTON.color] cmp esi,BUTTON_COLOR_GRAB ; use a default color ? jne .ok1 mov esi,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.grabButton] .ok1: cmp esi,BUTTON_COLOR_WORK jne .ok2 mov esi,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.workButton] .ok2: mov eax,MOS_SC_DEFINEBUTTON int 0x40 add edi,BUTTON_size pop ecx loop .drawall popad popfd leave ret %undef WNDCOLORS ;*********************************************************** ; draw a bunch of labels ; ; input: edi = pointer to an array of LABEL structs ; ecx = # of labels to draw ; output: nothing ; destroys: nothing ;*********************************************************** drawLabels: %define WNDCOLORS ebp-MOS_WNDCOLORS_size or ecx,ecx jnz short .ok ret .ok: enter MOS_WNDCOLORS_size,0 pushfd pushad ; get default window colors push ecx mov ebx,3 lea ecx,[WNDCOLORS] mov edx,MOS_WNDCOLORS_size mov eax,MOS_SC_WINDOWPROPERTIES int 0x40 pop ecx .drawall: push ecx cmp dword [edi + LABEL.caption],0 jne short .notnull jmp .next .notnull: ; get caption length push edi mov edi,[edi + LABEL.caption] mov ecx,-1 xor al,al repne scasb ; search for zero byte mov esi,edi pop edi sub esi,[edi + LABEL.caption] dec esi ; esi = string length ; clear background, if necessary cmp dword [edi + LABEL.bgcolor],LABEL_BGCOLOR_TRANSPARENT je .clearok mov ebx,[edi + LABEL.position] ; ebx = xstart/width mov eax,esi ; width = stringlength * 6 mov edx,6 mul edx mov bx,ax mov ecx,[edi + LABEL.position] ; ecx = ystart/height shl ecx,16 mov cx,8 mov edx,[edi + LABEL.bgcolor] cmp edx,LABEL_BGCOLOR_WORK jne short .bgcolorok mov edx,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.work] .bgcolorok: mov eax,MOS_SC_DRAWBAR int 0x40 .clearok: ; draw label mov ebx,[edi + LABEL.position] ; ebx = label position mov edx,[edi + LABEL.caption] ; edx -> caption mov ecx,[edi + LABEL.color] ; ecx = color cmp ecx,LABEL_COLOR_GRABBUTTON jne short .ok1 mov ecx,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.grabButtonText] .ok1: cmp ecx,LABEL_COLOR_GRAB jne short .ok2 mov ecx,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.grabText] .ok2: cmp ecx,LABEL_COLOR_WORKBUTTON jne short .ok3 mov ecx,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.workButtonText] .ok3: cmp ecx,LABEL_COLOR_WORK jne short .ok4 mov ecx,[WNDCOLORS + MOS_WNDCOLORS.workText] .ok4: mov eax,MOS_SC_WRITETEXT int 0x40 .next: add edi,LABEL_size ; next label pop ecx dec ecx jz .done jmp .drawall .done: popad popfd leave ret %undef WNDCOLORS %endif