#include #include #include "images.hpp" //Global const strings const char HEADER_STRING[] = "Flappy bird"; const char CONTROL_STRING[] = "SPACEBAR TO JUMP"; const char GAMEOVER_STRING[] = "GAMEOVER"; const char ANY_KEY_STRING[] = "Press any key for restart"; const char SELECT_SPEED_STRING[] = "select the speed of the game"; const char FAST_STRING[] = "1 FAST"; const char SLOW_STRING[] = "2 SLOW"; //Global const variables const int WINDOW_WIDTH = 400; const int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 400; const int BORDER_TOP = 24; const int BORDER_LEFT = 5; const int BORDER_RIGHT = 5; const int BORDER_DOWN = 5; enum GameState { GAMESTATE_MENU, GAMESTATE_STARTED, GAMESTATE_GAMEOVER }; struct ScreenSize { int width; int height; }; class Bird { public: static const int sizeX = 19; static const int sizeY = 20; static const int x = 100; int prev_y; int y; int acceleration; inline void initialize() { y = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2; acceleration = 0; } inline void move() { if (acceleration <= 30) acceleration += 2; prev_y = y; y += acceleration / 10; } inline void jump() { acceleration = -50; } inline void draw() { kos_PutImage(birdImage, sizeX, sizeY, x, y); } }; class Tube { public: static const int width = 50; static const int gapHeight = 100; static const int headHeight = 18; int x; int gapY; inline void randomize() { x = WINDOW_WIDTH + 1; gapY = rtlRand() % 200 + 50; } inline void move() { x -= 2; if (x < -width - 2) randomize(); } void draw() { //cleanup int pixels = (WINDOW_WIDTH - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1)) - (x + width + 2); if (pixels >= -1) { pixels = (pixels == -1) ? 1 : 2; kos_DrawBar(x + width, gapY - headHeight, pixels, headHeight, 0x00FFFF); kos_DrawBar(x + width, gapY + gapHeight, pixels, headHeight, 0x00FFFF); } int offset = x >= 0 ? 0 : -x; int trim = x + width >= WINDOW_WIDTH - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1) ? WINDOW_WIDTH - x - width - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1) : 0; int trimHead = x + width >= WINDOW_WIDTH - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1) ? WINDOW_WIDTH - x - width - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1) : 0; //top for (int y = 0; y < gapY - headHeight; ++y) kos_PutImage(tubeBodyImage + offset, width - offset + trim, 1, x + offset, y); //head top for (int y = gapY - headHeight; y < gapY; ++y) kos_PutImage(tubeHeadImage + width * (y - (gapY - headHeight)) + offset, width - offset + trimHead, 1, x + offset, y); //head down for (int y = gapY + gapHeight; y < gapY + gapHeight + headHeight; ++y) kos_PutImage(tubeHeadImage + width * (y - (gapY + gapHeight)) + offset, width - offset + trimHead, 1, x + offset, y); //down for (int y = gapY + gapHeight + headHeight; y < WINDOW_HEIGHT - (BORDER_TOP + BORDER_DOWN - 1); ++y) kos_PutImage(tubeBodyImage + offset, width - offset + trim, 1, x + offset, y); } }; //Global variables int loopDelay; GameState gameState; char scoreString[] = "Score: "; bool scoreChanged; int score; Bird bird; int tubeNumber; Tube tubes[3]; int windowX; int windowY; //Function prototypes void kos_Main(); void startGame(); ScreenSize getScreenSize(); void updateScoreString(); void WriteBorderedText(Word x, Word y, Byte fontType, Dword textColor, const char* textPtr, Dword textLen, Dword borderColor, int borderSize); inline bool checkAddScore(Tube tube); inline bool checkCollision(Tube tube); void drawMenuWindow(); void drawGameWindow(); void redrawGameWindow(); void drawGameoverWindow(); //Functions void startGame() { kos_SetMaskForEvents(0x7); /// 111 in binary bird.initialize(); score = 0; memset((Byte*)scoreString + 6, ' ', 3); updateScoreString(); tubeNumber = 1; tubes[0].randomize(); gameState = GAMESTATE_STARTED; drawGameWindow(); } ScreenSize getScreenSize() { Dword result; __asm { push 14 //System function 14 pop eax int 0x40 mov result, eax } ScreenSize screenSize; screenSize.height = (result & 0xFFFF) + 1; //last two bytes screenSize.width = (result >> 16) + 1; //first two bytes return screenSize; } void kos_Main() { rtlSrand( kos_GetSystemClock() ); //Centring window ScreenSize screenSize = getScreenSize(); windowX = (screenSize.width - WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2; windowY = (screenSize.height - WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2; gameState = GAMESTATE_MENU; kos_SetMaskForEvents(0x27); // 100111 in binary while( true ) { switch (gameState) { case GAMESTATE_STARTED: kos_Pause(loopDelay); bird.move(); //Adding new tubes if ((tubeNumber == 1 || tubeNumber == 2) && (tubes[tubeNumber - 1].x < (WINDOW_WIDTH - WINDOW_WIDTH / 3))) tubes[tubeNumber++].randomize(); //Processing all tubes scoreChanged = false; for (int i = 0; i < tubeNumber; ++i) { //Adding score if (checkAddScore(tubes[i])) { ++score; scoreChanged = true; } //Check collision with bird if (checkCollision(tubes[i])) { gameState = GAMESTATE_GAMEOVER; continue; } //Move tube tubes[i].move(); } if (scoreChanged) updateScoreString(); //Cheking the bird is too high or low if (bird.y + bird.sizeY > WINDOW_HEIGHT - (BORDER_TOP + BORDER_DOWN - 1) || bird.y < 0) { gameState = GAMESTATE_GAMEOVER; continue; } redrawGameWindow(); switch (kos_CheckForEvent()) { case 1: drawGameWindow(); break; case 2: // key pressed Byte keyCode; kos_GetKey(keyCode); if (keyCode == 32) //if pressed key is spacebar bird.jump(); break; case 3: // button pressed; we have only one button, close kos_ExitApp(); } break; case GAMESTATE_GAMEOVER: drawGameoverWindow(); switch (kos_WaitForEvent()) { case 1: drawGameoverWindow(); break; case 2: startGame(); break; case 3: kos_ExitApp(); } break; case GAMESTATE_MENU: switch (kos_WaitForEvent()) { case 1: drawMenuWindow(); break; case 2: Byte keyCode; kos_GetKey(keyCode); if (keyCode == 0x31 || keyCode == 0x61) //1 or NumPad1 { loopDelay = 1; startGame(); } else if (keyCode == 0x32 || keyCode == 0x62) //2 or NumPad2 { loopDelay = 2; startGame(); } break; case 3: kos_ExitApp(); case 6: Dword result; __asm { push 37 //Function 37 - work with mouse pop eax mov ebx, 3 //Subfunction 3 - states and events of the mouse buttons int 0x40 mov result, eax } result &= 0x100; //bit 8 is set = left button is pressed if ( result ) { Dword coordinates; __asm { push 37 //Function 37 - work with mouse pop eax mov ebx, 1 //Subfunction 1 - coordinates of the mouse relative to the window int 0x40 mov coordinates, eax } int clickX = coordinates >> 16; int clickY = coordinates & 0xFFFF; if (clickX >= 100 && clickX < 390 && clickY >= 170 && clickY < 230) { loopDelay = 1; startGame(); } else if (clickX >= 100 && clickX < 390 && clickY >= 270 && clickY < 330) { loopDelay = 2; startGame(); } } break; } break; } } } void drawGameWindow() { kos_DefineAndDrawWindow(windowX, windowY, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0x33, 0x00FFFF, 0, 0, (Dword)HEADER_STRING); bird.draw(); for (int i = 0; i < tubeNumber; ++i) tubes[i].draw(); kos_WriteTextToWindow(10, 10, 0x81, 0x000000, scoreString, 0); kos_WriteTextToWindow(10, 30, 0x81, 0x000000, CONTROL_STRING, 0); } void redrawGameWindow() { //cleaning the screen if (scoreChanged) kos_DrawBar(80, 10, 50, 15, 0x00FFFF); if (bird.y > bird.prev_y) kos_DrawBar(bird.x, bird.prev_y, bird.sizeX, bird.y - bird.prev_y, 0x00FFFF); else kos_DrawBar(bird.x, bird.y + bird.sizeY, bird.sizeX, bird.prev_y - bird.y, 0x00FFFF); bird.draw(); for (int i = 0; i < tubeNumber; ++i) tubes[i].draw(); kos_WriteTextToWindow(10, 10, 0x81, 0x000000, scoreString, 0); kos_WriteTextToWindow(10, 30, 0x81, 0x000000, CONTROL_STRING, 0); } void drawGameoverWindow() { kos_DefineAndDrawWindow(windowX, windowY, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0x33, 0x000000, 0, 0, (Dword)HEADER_STRING); kos_WriteTextToWindow(125, 50, 0x82, 0xFFFFFF, GAMEOVER_STRING, 0); kos_WriteTextToWindow(135, 100, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, scoreString, 0); kos_WriteTextToWindow(50, 150, 0x81, 0xFFFFFF, ANY_KEY_STRING, 0); } void WriteBorderedText(Word x, Word y, Byte fontType, Dword textColor, const char *textPtr, Dword textLen, Dword borderColor, int borderSize) { kos_WriteTextToWindow(x - borderSize, y - borderSize, fontType, borderColor, textPtr, textLen); kos_WriteTextToWindow(x - borderSize, y + borderSize, fontType, borderColor, textPtr, textLen); kos_WriteTextToWindow(x + borderSize, y - borderSize, fontType, borderColor, textPtr, textLen); kos_WriteTextToWindow(x + borderSize, y + borderSize, fontType, borderColor, textPtr, textLen); kos_WriteTextToWindow(x, y, fontType, textColor, textPtr, textLen); } void drawMenuWindow() { kos_DefineAndDrawWindow(windowX, windowY, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, 0x33, 0x00FFFF, 0, 0, (Dword)HEADER_STRING); WriteBorderedText(85, 40, 0x4, 0xFFFFFF, HEADER_STRING, 6, 0x000000, 2); WriteBorderedText(185, 80, 0x84, 0xFFFFFF, HEADER_STRING + 7, 0, 0x000000, 2); RGB* pos = &tubeHeadImage[0]; for (int x = 100 - 1; x >= 100 - Tube::headHeight; --x) for (int y = 170; y < 170 + Tube::width; ++y) { kos_PutPixel(x, y, (pos->r << 16) + (pos->g << 8) + (pos->b)); //first tube kos_PutPixel(x, y+100, (pos->r << 16) + (pos->g << 8) + (pos->b)); //second tube ++pos; } //First button for(int x = 100; x < WINDOW_WIDTH - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1); ++x) kos_PutImage(tubeBodyImage, 1, Tube::width, x, 170); WriteBorderedText(140, 185, 0x82, 0x000000, FAST_STRING, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 1); //Second button for (int x = 100; x < WINDOW_WIDTH - (BORDER_LEFT + BORDER_RIGHT - 1); ++x) kos_PutImage(tubeBodyImage, 1, Tube::width, x, 270); WriteBorderedText(140, 285, 0x82, 0x000000, SLOW_STRING, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 1); } inline bool checkCollision(Tube tube) { return ((tube.x <= (bird.x + bird.sizeX) && tube.x + tube.width >= bird.x) && (bird.y <= tube.gapY || bird.y + bird.sizeY >= tube.gapY + tube.gapHeight)); } inline bool checkAddScore(Tube tube) { //int diff = bird.x - (tube.x + tube.width); //return diff == 0 || diff == 1; return ((bird.x - (tube.x + tube.width)) >> 1) == 0; } void updateScoreString() { int temp = score; int index = 9; do { scoreString[index--] = temp % 10 + '0'; temp /= 10; } while (temp > 0); }