;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2018-2020. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; AR81XX driver for KolibriOS ;; ;; ;; ;; based on alx driver from TI-OpenLink ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr (hidnplayr@gmail.com) ;; ;; ;; ;; Thanks to: floppy121 for kindly providing me with the hardware ;; ;; that made the development of this driver possible. ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; format PE DLL native entry START CURRENT_API = 0x0200 COMPATIBLE_API = 0x0100 API_VERSION = (COMPATIBLE_API shl 16) + CURRENT_API MAX_DEVICES = 16 __DEBUG__ = 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 2 TX_RING_SIZE = 128 ; RING sizes must be a power of 2 RX_RING_SIZE = 128 RX_BUFFER_SIZE = 1536 SMB_TIMER = 400 IMT = 200 ITH_TPD = TX_RING_SIZE / 3 section '.flat' readable writable executable include '../proc32.inc' include '../struct.inc' include '../macros.inc' include '../fdo.inc' include '../netdrv.inc' include 'ar81xx.inc' ; Transmit Packet Descriptor struct alx_tpd length dw ? vlan_tag dw ? word1 dd ? addr_l dd ? addr_h dd ? ends ; Receive Return Descriptor struct alx_rrd word0 dd ? ; IP payload cksum + number of RFDs + start index of RFD-ring rss_hash dd ? word2 dd ? ; VLAN tag + Protocol ID + RSS Q num + RSS Hash algorithm word3 dd ? ; Packet length + status ends ; Receive Free Descriptor struct alx_rfd addr_l dd ? addr_h dd ? ends struct device ETH_DEVICE io_addr dd ? pci_bus dd ? pci_dev dd ? pci_vid dw ? ; Vendor ID pci_did dw ? ; Device ID irq_line dd ? pci_rev dd ? chip_rev dd ? mmio_addr dd ? ; dma_chnl dd ? max_dma_chnl dd ? int_mask dd ? rx_ctrl dd ? rxq_read_idx dd ? rxq_write_idx dd ? ; rxq_rrd_read_idx dd ? txq_read_idx dd ? txq_write_idx dd ? rb 0x100 - ($ and 0xff) ; align 256 tpd_ring rb ((TX_RING_SIZE*sizeof.alx_tpd+16) and 0xfffffff0) rrd_ring rb ((RX_RING_SIZE*sizeof.alx_rrd+16) and 0xfffffff0) rfd_ring rb ((RX_RING_SIZE*sizeof.alx_rfd+16) and 0xfffffff0) tpd_ring_virt rd TX_RING_SIZE rfd_ring_virt rd RX_RING_SIZE ends ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; proc START ;; ;; ;; ;; (standard driver proc) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; proc START c, reason:dword, cmdline:dword cmp [reason], DRV_ENTRY jne .fail DEBUGF 2,"Loading driver\n" invoke RegService, my_service, service_proc ret .fail: xor eax, eax ret endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; proc SERVICE_PROC ;; ;; ;; ;; (standard driver proc) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword mov edx, [ioctl] mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.io_code] ;------------------------------------------------------ cmp eax, 0 ;SRV_GETVERSION jne @F cmp [edx + IOCTL.out_size], 4 jb .fail mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.output] mov [eax], dword API_VERSION xor eax, eax ret ;------------------------------------------------------ @@: cmp eax, 1 ;SRV_HOOK jne .fail cmp [edx + IOCTL.inp_size], 3 ; Data input must be at least 3 bytes jb .fail mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input] cmp byte [eax], 1 ; 1 means device number and bus number (pci) are given jne .fail ; other types arent supported for this card yet ; check if the device is already listed mov esi, device_list mov ecx, [devices] test ecx, ecx jz .firstdevice ; mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input] ; get the pci bus and device numbers mov ax , [eax+1] ; .nextdevice: mov ebx, [esi] cmp al, byte[ebx + device.pci_bus] jne @f cmp ah, byte[ebx + device.pci_dev] je .find_devicenum ; Device is already loaded, let's find it's device number @@: add esi, 4 loop .nextdevice ; This device doesnt have its own eth_device structure yet, lets create one .firstdevice: cmp [devices], MAX_DEVICES ; First check if the driver can handle one more card jae .fail allocate_and_clear ebx, sizeof.device, .fail ; Allocate the buffer for device structure ; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct mov [ebx + device.reset], reset mov [ebx + device.transmit], transmit mov [ebx + device.unload], unload mov [ebx + device.name], my_service ; save the pci bus and device numbers mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input] movzx ecx, byte[eax+1] mov [ebx + device.pci_bus], ecx movzx ecx, byte[eax+2] mov [ebx + device.pci_dev], ecx ; Now, it's time to find the base mmio addres of the PCI device stdcall PCI_find_mmio, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev] ; returns in eax test eax, eax jz .destroy ; Create virtual mapping of the physical memory invoke MapIoMem, eax, 10000h, PG_SW+PG_NOCACHE mov [ebx + device.mmio_addr], eax ; We've found the mmio address, find IRQ now invoke PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.interrupt_line and eax, 0xff mov [ebx + device.irq_line], eax DEBUGF 1,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\ [ebx + device.pci_dev]:1, [ebx + device.pci_bus]:1, [ebx + device.irq_line]:1, [ebx + device.mmio_addr]:8 ; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list mov [device_list+4*eax], ebx ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device) inc [devices] ; call probe ; this function will output in eax test eax, eax jnz .err2 DEBUGF 2,"Initialised OK\n" mov [ebx + device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH invoke NetRegDev cmp eax, -1 je .destroy ret ; If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax .find_devicenum: DEBUGF 2,"Trying to find device number of already registered device\n" invoke NetPtrToNum ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx ; into a device number in edi mov eax, edi ; Application wants it in eax instead DEBUGF 2,"Kernel says: %u\n", eax ret ; If an error occured, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax) .destroy: ; todo: reset device into virgin state .err2: dec [devices] .err: invoke KernelFree, ebx .fail: DEBUGF 2, "Failed to load\n" or eax, -1 ret ;------------------------------------------------------ endp ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; ;; ;; ;; Actual Hardware dependent code starts here ;; ;; ;; ;;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\;; align 4 unload: ; TODO: (in this particular order) ; ; - Stop the device ; - Detach int handler ; - Remove device from local list (device_list) ; - call unregister function in kernel ; - Remove all allocated structures and buffers the card used or eax, -1 ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; probe: enables the device (if it really is AR81XX) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 probe: DEBUGF 1,"Probing\n" ; Make the device a bus master invoke PciRead16, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command or al, PCI_CMD_MASTER + PCI_CMD_MMIO + PCI_CMD_PIO and ax, not(PCI_CMD_INTX_DISABLE) invoke PciWrite16, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command, eax ; get device id invoke PciRead16, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.device_id mov [ebx + device.pci_did], ax mov esi, chiplist .loop: cmp word[esi+2], ax je .got_it add esi, 8 cmp esi, chiplist + 6*8 jbe .loop DEBUGF 2, "Unknown chip: 0x%x, continuing anyway\n", ax jmp .done .got_it: mov eax, dword[esi+4] mov [ebx + device.name], eax DEBUGF 1, "Chip type = %s\n", eax .done: ; get revision id. invoke PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.revision_id and eax, 0xff mov [ebx + device.pci_rev], eax shr al, ALX_PCI_REVID_SHIFT mov [ebx + device.chip_rev], eax DEBUGF 1,"Revision: %u\n", al ;;; call alx_reset_pcie mov ecx, (ALX_PMCTRL_L0S_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_ASPM_FCEN) call alx_enable_aspm call alx_reset_phy call alx_reset_mac call alx_get_perm_macaddr align 4 reset: DEBUGF 1,"Resetting\n" ; alx init_sw call alx_identify_hw ; mov eax, [ebx + device.max_dma_chnl] ; mov [ebx + device.dma_chnl], eax mov [ebx + device.int_mask], ALX_ISR_MISC mov [ebx + device.rx_ctrl], ALX_MAC_CTRL_WOLSPED_SWEN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_MHASH_ALG_HI5B or ALX_MAC_CTRL_BRD_EN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_PCRCE or ALX_MAC_CTRL_CRCE or ALX_MAC_CTRL_RXFC_EN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_TXFC_EN or (7 shl ALX_MAC_CTRL_PRMBLEN_SHIFT) call alx_alloc_rings call alx_configure call alx_request_irq ; attach interrupt handler mov eax, [ebx + device.irq_line] DEBUGF 1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1 invoke AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, ebx test eax, eax jnz @f DEBUGF 2,"Could not attach int handler!\n" or eax, -1 ret @@: ; Clear old interrupts mov edi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, not ALX_ISR_DIS mov [edi + ALX_ISR], eax call alx_irq_enable ; Set the mtu, kernel will be able to send now mov [ebx + device.mtu], 1514 call alx_check_link DEBUGF 1,"Reset ok\n" xor eax, eax ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Transmit ;; ;; ;; ;; In: pointer to device structure in ebx ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; alx_start_xmit ;; alx_map_tx_skb proc transmit stdcall bufferptr pushf cli mov esi, [bufferptr] DEBUGF 1,"Transmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n", [bufferptr], [esi + NET_BUFF.length] lea eax, [esi + NET_BUFF.data] DEBUGF 1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\ [eax+00]:2,[eax+01]:2,[eax+02]:2,[eax+03]:2,[eax+04]:2,[eax+05]:2,\ [eax+06]:2,[eax+07]:2,[eax+08]:2,[eax+09]:2,[eax+10]:2,[eax+11]:2,\ [eax+13]:2,[eax+12]:2 cmp [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 1514 ja .fail cmp [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 60 jb .fail ; Program the descriptor mov edi, [ebx + device.txq_write_idx] DEBUGF 1, "Using TPD: %u\n", edi mov dword[ebx + device.tpd_ring_virt + edi*4], esi shl edi, 4 lea edi, [ebx + device.tpd_ring + edi] mov eax, esi add eax, [esi + NET_BUFF.offset] invoke GetPhysAddr mov [edi + alx_tpd.addr_l], eax mov [edi + alx_tpd.addr_h], 0 mov ecx, [esi + NET_BUFF.length] mov [edi + alx_tpd.length], cx mov [edi + alx_tpd.word1], 1 shl TPD_EOP_SHIFT ; Update Producer Index mov eax, [ebx + device.txq_write_idx] inc eax and eax, TX_RING_SIZE - 1 mov [ebx + device.txq_write_idx], eax mov edi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov word[edi + ALX_TPD_PRI0_PIDX], ax ; Update stats inc [ebx + device.packets_tx] mov eax, [esi + NET_BUFF.length] add dword[ebx + device.bytes_tx], eax adc dword[ebx + device.bytes_tx + 4], 0 popf xor eax, eax ret .fail: DEBUGF 2,"Send failed\n" invoke NetFree, [bufferptr] popf or eax, -1 ret endp ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Interrupt handler ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; align 4 int_handler: push ebx esi edi DEBUGF 1,"int\n" ; Find pointer of device wich made IRQ occur mov ecx, [devices] test ecx, ecx jz .nothing mov esi, device_list .nextdevice: mov ebx, [esi] mov edi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [edi + ALX_ISR] test eax, eax jnz .got_it .continue: add esi, 4 dec ecx jnz .nextdevice .nothing: pop edi esi ebx xor eax, eax ret ; If no device was found, abort ; At this point, test for all possible reasons, and handle accordingly .got_it: or eax, ALX_ISR_DIS mov [edi + ALX_ISR], eax ; ACK interrupt DEBUGF 1,"Device: %x Status: %x\n", ebx, eax test eax, ALX_ISR_TX_Q0 jz .no_tx DEBUGF 1,"TX interrupt\n" pusha call alx_clean_tx_irq popa .no_tx: test eax, ALX_ISR_RX_Q0 jz .no_rx DEBUGF 1,"RX interrupt\n" pusha call alx_clean_rx_irq popa .no_rx: test eax, ALX_ISR_PHY jz .no_phy DEBUGF 1,"PHY interrupt\n" pusha ; TODO: queue link check and disable this interrupt cause meanwhile?? call alx_check_link popa .no_phy: mov dword[edi + ALX_ISR], 0 pop edi esi ebx ret align 16 alx_identify_hw: cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_C0 ja .einval mov [ebx + device.max_dma_chnl], 2 cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_B0 jb @f mov [ebx + device.max_dma_chnl], 4 @@: xor eax, eax ret .einval: DEBUGF 1, "Invalid revision 0x%x\n", [ebx + device.chip_rev] xor eax, eax dec eax ret align 16 alx_clean_tx_irq: mov eax, [ebx + device.txq_read_idx] movzx ecx, word[edi + ALX_TPD_PRI0_CIDX] .loop: cmp eax, ecx je .done DEBUGF 1,"Cleaning TX desc %u buffer 0x%x\n", eax, [ebx + device.tpd_ring_virt + eax*4] push eax ecx invoke NetFree, [ebx + device.tpd_ring_virt + eax*4] pop ecx eax inc eax and eax, TX_RING_SIZE-1 jmp .loop .done: mov [ebx + device.txq_read_idx], eax ret align 16 alx_clean_rx_irq: mov ecx, [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx] .loop: shl ecx, 2 lea esi, [ebx + device.rrd_ring + ecx*4] test [esi + alx_rrd.word3], 1 shl RRD_UPDATED_SHIFT jz .done and [esi + alx_rrd.word3], not(1 shl RRD_UPDATED_SHIFT) DEBUGF 1,"RRD=%u updated\n", [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx] mov eax, [esi + alx_rrd.word0] shr eax, RRD_SI_SHIFT and eax, RRD_SI_MASK cmp eax, [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx] ; jne .error DEBUGF 1,"RFD=%u\n", eax mov eax, [esi + alx_rrd.word0] shr eax, RRD_NOR_SHIFT and eax, RRD_NOR_MASK cmp eax, 1 ; jne .error mov eax, [esi + alx_rrd.word3] ; shr eax, RRD_PKTLEN_SHIFT and eax, RRD_PKTLEN_MASK sub eax, 4 ;;;;; mov edx, [ebx + device.rfd_ring_virt + ecx] DEBUGF 1,"Received %u bytes in buffer 0x%x\n", eax, edx mov [edx + NET_BUFF.length], eax mov [edx + NET_BUFF.device], ebx mov [edx + NET_BUFF.offset], NET_BUFF.data ; Update stats add dword[ebx + device.bytes_rx], eax adc dword[ebx + device.bytes_rx + 4], 0 inc [ebx + device.packets_rx] ; Allocate new descriptor push esi ecx edx invoke NetAlloc, RX_BUFFER_SIZE+NET_BUFF.data pop edx ecx esi test eax, eax ; jz .out_of_mem mov [ebx + device.rfd_ring_virt + ecx], eax add eax, NET_BUFF.data invoke GetPhysAddr mov dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring + ecx*2], eax push ecx ebx push .retaddr push edx jmp [EthInput] .retaddr: pop ebx ecx shr ecx, 2 inc ecx and ecx, RX_RING_SIZE-1 jmp .loop .done: shr ecx, 2 mov [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx], ecx ; Update producer index mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov [esi + ALX_RFD_PIDX], cx ret align 16 ; ecx = additional bit flags (ALX_PMCTRL_L0S_EN, ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN, ALX_PMCTRL_ASPM_FCEN) alx_enable_aspm: DEBUGF 1,"alx_enable_aspm (0x%x)\n", ecx mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_PMCTRL] and eax, not(ALX_PMCTRL_LCKDET_TIMER_MASK shl ALX_PMCTRL_LCKDET_TIMER_SHIFT) or eax, (ALX_PMCTRL_LCKDET_TIMER_DEF shl ALX_PMCTRL_LCKDET_TIMER_SHIFT) or eax, (ALX_PMCTRL_RCVR_WT_1US or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_CLKSW_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_SRDSRX_PWD) and eax, not(ALX_PMCTRL_L1REQ_TO_MASK shl ALX_PMCTRL_L1REQ_TO_SHIFT) or eax, (ALX_PMCTRL_L1REG_TO_DEF shl ALX_PMCTRL_L1REQ_TO_SHIFT) and eax, not(ALX_PMCTRL_L1_TIMER_MASK shl ALX_PMCTRL_L1_TIMER_SHIFT) or eax, (ALX_PMCTRL_L1_TIMER_16US shl ALX_PMCTRL_L1_TIMER_SHIFT) and eax, not(ALX_PMCTRL_L1_SRDS_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_SRDSPLL_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_BUFSRX_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_SADLY_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_HOTRST_WTEN or ALX_PMCTRL_L0S_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_ASPM_FCEN or ALX_PMCTRL_TXL1_AFTER_L0S or ALX_PMCTRL_RXL1_AFTER_L0S) cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_A1 ja @f test [ebx + device.pci_rev], 1 jz @f or eax, ALX_PMCTRL_L1_SRDS_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_SRDSPLL_EN @@: or eax, ecx mov dword[esi + ALX_PMCTRL], eax ret align 16 alx_reset_mac: DEBUGF 1, "reset mac\n" ; disable all interrupts, RXQ/TXQ mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov dword[esi + ALX_MSIX_MASK], 0xffffffff mov dword[esi + ALX_IMR], 0x0 mov dword[esi + ALX_ISR], ALX_ISR_DIS call alx_stop_mac ; mac reset workaround mov dword[esi + ALX_RFD_PIDX], 1 ; disable l0s/l1 before mac reset on some chips cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_A1 ja @f test [ebx + device.pci_rev], 1 ; Card reader function? FIXME: according register definitions, this should be bit 1 ISO 0 jz @f mov eax, [esi + ALX_PMCTRL] mov edx, eax and eax, not(ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L0S_EN) mov [esi + ALX_PMCTRL], eax @@: ; reset whole mac safely mov eax, [esi + ALX_MASTER] or eax, ALX_MASTER_DMA_MAC_RST + ALX_MASTER_OOB_DIS mov [esi + ALX_MASTER], eax ; make sure it's real idle push esi ecx edx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ; FIXME pop edx ecx esi mov ecx, ALX_DMA_MAC_RST_TO .loop1: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_RFD_PIDX] test eax, eax jz @f dec ecx jnz .loop1 jmp .error @@: .loop2: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MASTER] test eax, ALX_MASTER_DMA_MAC_RST jz @f dec ecx jnz .loop2 jmp .error @@: ; restore l0s/l1 cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_A1 ja @f test [ebx + device.pci_rev], 1 ; Card reader function? FIXME: according register definitions, this should be bit 1 ISO 0 jz @f or eax, ALX_MASTER_PCLKSEL_SRDS mov [esi + ALX_MASTER], eax mov [esi + ALX_PMCTRL], edx @@: call alx_reset_osc ; clear Internal OSC settings, switching OSC by hw itself, disable isolate for rev A devices mov eax, [esi + ALX_MISC3] and eax, not (ALX_MISC3_25M_BY_SW) or eax, ALX_MISC3_25M_NOTO_INTNL mov [esi + ALX_MISC3], eax mov eax, [esi + ALX_MISC] and eax, not (ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN) cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_A1 ja @f and eax, not ALX_MISC_ISO_EN @@: mov [esi + ALX_MISC], eax push esi xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ;; FIXME: udelay(20); pop esi ; driver control speed/duplex, hash-alg mov eax, [ebx + device.rx_ctrl] mov [esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_SERDES] or eax, ALX_SERDES_MACCLK_SLWDWN or ALX_SERDES_PHYCLK_SLWDWN mov dword[esi + ALX_SERDES], eax DEBUGF 1, "OK\n" xor eax, eax ret .error: DEBUGF 1, "error\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret align 16 alx_reset_phy: DEBUGF 1, "Reset phy\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ;; TODO ; set phy interrupt mask stdcall alx_read_phy_reg, 0, ALX_MII_IER or eax, ALX_IER_LINK_UP or ALX_IER_LINK_DOWN stdcall alx_write_phy_reg, 0, ALX_MII_IER , eax DEBUGF 1, "OK\n" xor eax, eax ret .error: DEBUGF 1, "error\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret ;align 16 ;alx_enable_osc: ; ; mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ; ;; rising edge ; mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MISC] ; and eax, not ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN ; mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax ; or eax, ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN ; mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax ; ; ret align 16 alx_reset_osc: mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ; clear Internal OSC settings, switching OSC by hw itself mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MISC3] and eax, not ALX_MISC3_25M_BY_SW or eax, ALX_MISC3_25M_NOTO_INTNL mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC3], eax ; clk from chipset may be unstable 1s after de-assert of ; PERST, driver need re-calibrate before enter Sleep for WoL mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MISC] cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_B0 jb .rev_a ; restore over current protection def-val, this val could be reset by MAC-RST and eax, not (ALX_MISC_PSW_OCP_MASK shl ALX_MISC_PSW_OCP_SHIFT) or eax, ALX_MISC_PSW_OCP_DEF shl ALX_MISC_PSW_OCP_SHIFT ; a 0->1 change will update the internal val of osc and eax, not ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax or eax, ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax ; hw will automatically dis OSC after cab mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MSIC2] and eax, not ALX_MSIC2_CALB_START mov dword[esi + ALX_MSIC2], eax or eax, ALX_MSIC2_CALB_START mov dword[esi + ALX_MSIC2], eax push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ;; FIXME: udelay(20) pop ecx esi ret .rev_a: ; disable isolate for rev A devices and eax, not ( ALX_MISC_ISO_EN) or eax, ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax and eax, not ALX_MISC_INTNLOSC_OPEN mov dword[esi + ALX_MISC], eax push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ;; FIXME: udelay(20) pop ecx esi ret align 16 alx_read_macaddr: mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_STAD0] bswap eax mov dword[ebx + device.mac + 2], eax mov ax, word[esi + ALX_STAD1] xchg al, ah mov word[ebx + device.mac], ax DEBUGF 1,"MAC = %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",\ [ebx + device.mac+0]:2, [ebx + device.mac+1]:2, [ebx + device.mac+2]:2, [ebx + device.mac+3]:2, [ebx + device.mac+4]:2, [ebx + device.mac+5]:2 ; check if it is a valid MAC cmp dword[ebx + device.mac], 0x0 jne @f cmp word[ebx + device.mac + 4], 0x0 je .invalid @@: cmp dword[ebx + device.mac], 0xffffffff jne @f cmp word[ebx + device.mac + 4], 0xffff je .invalid @@: ; TODO: check if it's not a multicast xor eax, eax ret .invalid: DEBUGF 1, "Invalid MAC!\n" xor eax, eax inc eax ret align 16 alx_get_perm_macaddr: ; try to get it from register first call alx_read_macaddr test eax, eax jz .done ; try to load from efuse mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov ecx, ALX_SLD_MAX_TO .loop1: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_SLD] test eax, ALX_SLD_STAT or ALX_SLD_START jz @f dec ecx jz .error push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep pop ecx esi jmp .loop1 @@: or eax, ALX_SLD_START mov dword[esi + ALX_SLD], eax mov ecx, ALX_SLD_MAX_TO .loop2: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_SLD] test eax, ALX_SLD_START jz @f dec ecx jz .error push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep pop ecx esi jmp .loop2 @@: call alx_read_macaddr test eax, eax jz .done ; try to load from flash/eeprom (if present) set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0 set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], ALX_EFLD in eax, dx test eax, ALX_EFLD_F_EXIST or ALX_EFLD_E_EXIST jz .error mov ecx, ALX_SLD_MAX_TO .loop3: in eax, dx test eax, ALX_EFLD_STAT or ALX_EFLD_START jz @f dec ecx jz .error push esi edx ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep pop ecx edx esi jmp .loop3 @@: or eax, ALX_EFLD_START out dx, eax mov ecx, ALX_SLD_MAX_TO .loop4: in eax, dx test eax, ALX_EFLD_START jz @f dec ecx jz .error push esi edx ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep pop ecx edx esi jmp .loop4 @@: call alx_read_macaddr test eax, eax jz .done .error: DEBUGF 1, "error obtaining MAC\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret .done: DEBUGF 1, "MAC OK\n" xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_stop_mac: DEBUGF 1,"alx_stop_mac\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_RXQ0] and eax, not ALX_RXQ0_EN mov dword[esi + ALX_RXQ0], eax mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_TXQ0] and eax, not ALX_TXQ0_EN mov dword[esi + ALX_TXQ0], eax push esi xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ; FIME: udelay(40) pop esi mov eax, [ebx + device.rx_ctrl] and eax, not(ALX_MAC_CTRL_TX_EN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_RX_EN) mov [ebx + device.rx_ctrl], eax mov [esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax mov ecx, ALX_DMA_MAC_RST_TO .loop: mov eax, [esi + ALX_MAC_STS] test eax, ALX_MAC_STS_IDLE jz .done push esi xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ; FIME: udelay(10) pop esi dec ecx jnz .loop DEBUGF 1,"alx_stop_mac timeout!\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret .done: DEBUGF 1,"alx_stop_mac ok\n" xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_start_mac: DEBUGF 1,"alx_start_mac\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_RXQ0] or eax, ALX_RXQ0_EN mov dword[esi + ALX_RXQ0], eax mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_TXQ0] or eax, ALX_TXQ0_EN mov dword[esi + ALX_TXQ0], eax mov eax, [ebx + device.rx_ctrl] or eax, ALX_MAC_CTRL_TX_EN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_RX_EN and eax, not ALX_MAC_CTRL_FULLD test [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_FD jz @f or eax, ALX_MAC_CTRL_FULLD @@: and eax, not (ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_MASK shl ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_SHIFT) test [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_1G jz .10_100 or eax, (ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_1000 shl ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_SHIFT) mov [ebx + device.rx_ctrl], eax mov [esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax ret .10_100: or eax, (ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_10_100 shl ALX_MAC_CTRL_SPEED_SHIFT) mov [ebx + device.rx_ctrl], eax mov [esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax ret align 16 alx_init_ring_ptrs: DEBUGF 1,"alx_init_ring_ptrs\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ; Receive descriptors mov [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx], 0 mov [ebx + device.rxq_write_idx], 0 ; mov [ebx + device.rxq_rrd_read_idx], 0 mov dword[esi + ALX_RX_BASE_ADDR_HI], 0 lea eax, [ebx + device.rrd_ring] invoke GetPhysAddr mov dword[esi + ALX_RRD_ADDR_LO], eax mov dword[esi + ALX_RRD_RING_SZ], RX_RING_SIZE lea eax, [ebx + device.rfd_ring] invoke GetPhysAddr mov dword[esi + ALX_RFD_ADDR_LO], eax mov dword[esi + ALX_RFD_RING_SZ], RX_RING_SIZE mov dword[esi + ALX_RFD_BUF_SZ], RX_BUFFER_SIZE ; Transmit descriptors mov [ebx + device.txq_read_idx], 0 mov [ebx + device.txq_write_idx], 0 mov dword[esi + ALX_TX_BASE_ADDR_HI], 0 lea eax, [ebx + device.tpd_ring] invoke GetPhysAddr mov dword[esi + ALX_TPD_PRI0_ADDR_LO], eax mov dword[esi + ALX_TPD_RING_SZ], TX_RING_SIZE ; Load these pointers into the chip mov dword[esi + ALX_SRAM9], ALX_SRAM_LOAD_PTR xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_alloc_descriptors: DEBUGF 1,"alx_alloc_descriptors\n" ; physical tx/rx ring descriptors ; alx->descmem.size = sizeof.tx_desc * TX_RING_SIZE + sizeof.rx_desc * RX_RING_SIZE + sizeof(struct alx_rfd) * RX_RING_SIZE; ; alx->descmem.virt = dma_zalloc_coherent(&alx->hw.pdev->dev, alx->descmem.size, &alx->descmem.dma, GFP_KERNEL); ; if (!alx->descmem.virt) ; goto out_free; ; ; alx->txq.tpd = (void *)alx->descmem.virt; ; alx->txq.tpd_dma = alx->descmem.dma; ; alignment requirement for next block ; BUILD_BUG_ON(tx_desc.sizeof % 8); ; ; alx->rxq.rrd = (void *)((u8 *)alx->descmem.virt + tx_desc.sizeof * TX_RING_SIZE); ; alx->rxq.rrd_dma = alx->descmem.dma + sizeof.tx_desc * TX_RING_SIZE; ; ; alignment requirement for next block ; BUILD_BUG_ON(rx_desc.sizeof % 8); ; ; alx->rxq.rfd = (void *)((u8 *)alx->descmem.virt + sizeof.tx_desx * TX_RING_SIZE + sizeof.rx_desc * RX_RING_SIZE); ; alx->rxq.rfd_dma = alx->descmem.dma + sizeof.tx_desc * TX_RING_SIZE + sizeof.rx_desc * RX_RING_SIZE; xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_alloc_rings: DEBUGF 1,"alx_alloc_rings\n" call alx_alloc_descriptors test eax, eax jnz .ret_err and [ebx + device.int_mask], not ALX_ISR_ALL_QUEUES or [ebx + device.int_mask], ALX_ISR_TX_Q0 or ALX_ISR_RX_Q0 ; netif_napi_add(alx->dev, &alx->napi, alx_poll, 64); call alx_reinit_rings .ret_err: ret align 16 alx_reinit_rings: DEBUGF 1,"alx_reinit_rings\n" call alx_free_rx_ring call alx_init_ring_ptrs call alx_refill_rx_ring ret align 16 alx_refill_rx_ring: DEBUGF 1,"alx_refill_rx_ring\n" mov ecx, [ebx + device.rxq_write_idx] .loop: cmp dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring+ecx*sizeof.alx_rfd + alx_rfd.addr_l], 0 jne .done invoke NetAlloc, NET_BUFF.data+RX_BUFFER_SIZE test eax, eax jz .done mov [ebx + device.rfd_ring_virt + ecx*4], eax add eax, NET_BUFF.data invoke GetPhysAddr mov dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring+ecx*sizeof.alx_rfd + alx_rfd.addr_l], eax mov dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring+ecx*sizeof.alx_rfd + alx_rfd.addr_h], 0 mov eax, ecx inc ecx and ecx, RX_RING_SIZE - 1 cmp ecx, [ebx + device.rxq_read_idx] jne .loop mov ecx, eax .done: cmp ecx, [ebx + device.rxq_write_idx] je .none mov [ebx + device.rxq_write_idx], ecx mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov [esi + ALX_RFD_PIDX], cx .none: xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_free_rx_ring: DEBUGF 1,"alx_free_rx_ring\n" xor ecx, ecx .loop: mov eax, [ebx + device.rfd_ring_virt + ecx*4] test eax, eax jz .next invoke NetFree, eax xor eax, eax mov dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring+ecx*sizeof.alx_rfd + alx_rfd.addr_l], eax mov dword[ebx + device.rfd_ring+ecx*sizeof.alx_rfd + alx_rfd.addr_h], eax mov [ebx + device.rfd_ring_virt + ecx*4], eax .next: inc ecx cmp ecx, RX_RING_SIZE jb .loop ret align 16 alx_configure: DEBUGF 1,"alx_configure\n" call alx_configure_basic call alx_disable_rss call __alx_set_rx_mode mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [ebx + device.rx_ctrl] mov [esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax xor eax, eax ret align 16 alx_irq_enable: DEBUGF 1,"alx_irq_enable\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov dword[esi + ALX_ISR], 0 mov eax, [ebx + device.int_mask] mov [esi + ALX_IMR], eax call alx_post_write ret align 16 alx_irq_disable: DEBUGF 1,"alx_irq_disable\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov dword[esi + ALX_ISR], ALX_ISR_DIS mov dword[esi + ALX_IMR], 0 call alx_post_write ret align 16 alx_post_write: push eax mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [esi] pop eax ret align 16 alx_configure_basic: DEBUGF 1,"alx_configure_basic\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ;;; call alx_set_macaddr mov dword[esi + ALX_CLK_GATE], ALX_CLK_GATE_ALL ; idle timeout to switch clk_125M cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_B0 jb @f mov dword[esi + ALX_IDLE_DECISN_TIMER], ALX_IDLE_DECISN_TIMER_DEF @@: mov dword[esi + ALX_SMB_TIMER], SMB_TIMER * 500 mov eax, [esi + ALX_MASTER] or eax, ALX_MASTER_IRQMOD2_EN or ALX_MASTER_IRQMOD1_EN or ALX_MASTER_SYSALVTIMER_EN mov [esi + ALX_MASTER], eax mov dword[esi + ALX_IRQ_MODU_TIMER], (IMT / 2) shl ALX_IRQ_MODU_TIMER1_SHIFT ; intr re-trig timeout mov dword[esi + ALX_INT_RETRIG], ALX_INT_RETRIG_TO ; tpd threshold to trig int mov dword[esi + ALX_TINT_TPD_THRSHLD], ITH_TPD mov dword[esi + ALX_TINT_TIMER], IMT mov dword[esi + ALX_MTU], RX_BUFFER_SIZE + 8 ;;;; mov dword[esi + ALX_TXQ1], (((RX_BUFFER_SIZE + 8 + 7) shr 3) or ALX_TXQ1_ERRLGPKT_DROP_EN) ; rxq, flow control ; TODO set ALX_RXQ2 ; RXQ0 mov eax, (ALX_RXQ0_NUM_RFD_PREF_DEF shl ALX_RXQ0_NUM_RFD_PREF_SHIFT) \ or (ALX_RXQ0_RSS_MODE_DIS shl ALX_RXQ0_RSS_MODE_SHIFT) \ or (ALX_RXQ0_IDT_TBL_SIZE_DEF shl ALX_RXQ0_IDT_TBL_SIZE_SHIFT) \ or ALX_RXQ0_RSS_HSTYP_ALL or ALX_RXQ0_RSS_HASH_EN or ALX_RXQ0_IPV6_PARSE_EN test [ebx + device.pci_did], 1 ;;; FIXME: is gigabit device? jz @f or eax, ALX_RXQ0_ASPM_THRESH_100M shl ALX_RXQ0_ASPM_THRESH_SHIFT @@: mov dword[esi + ALX_RXQ0], eax ; TODO: DMA ; mov eax, [esi + ALX_DMA] ; read and ignore? ; mov eax, [ebx + device.dma_chnl] ; dec eax ; shl eax, ALX_DMA_RCHNL_SEL_SHIFT ; or eax, (ALX_DMA_RORDER_MODE_OUT shl ALX_DMA_RORDER_MODE_SHIFT) \ ; or ALX_DMA_RREQ_PRI_DATA \ ; or (max_payload shl ALX_DMA_RREQ_BLEN_SHIFT ) \ ; or (ALX_DMA_WDLY_CNT_DEF shl ALX_DMA_WDLY_CNT_SHIFT ) \ ; or (ALX_DMA_RDLY_CNT_DEF shl ALX_DMA_RDLY_CNT_SHIFT ) ; mov [esi + ALX_DMA], eax ; default multi-tx-q weights mov eax, (ALX_WRR_PRI_RESTRICT_NONE shl ALX_WRR_PRI_SHIFT) \ or (4 shl ALX_WRR_PRI0_SHIFT) \ or (4 shl ALX_WRR_PRI1_SHIFT) \ or (4 shl ALX_WRR_PRI2_SHIFT) \ or (4 shl ALX_WRR_PRI3_SHIFT) mov [esi + ALX_WRR], eax ret align 16 alx_disable_rss: DEBUGF 1,"alx_disable_rss\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [esi + ALX_RXQ0] and eax, not (ALX_RXQ0_RSS_HASH_EN) mov [esi + ALX_RXQ0] , eax ret align 16 __alx_set_rx_mode: DEBUGF 1,"__alx_set_rx_mode\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ; if (!(netdev->flags & IFF_ALLMULTI)) { ; netdev_for_each_mc_addr(ha, netdev) ; alx_add_mc_addr(hw, ha->addr, mc_hash); ; ; alx_write_mem32(hw, ALX_HASH_TBL0, mc_hash[0]); ; alx_write_mem32(hw, ALX_HASH_TBL1, mc_hash[1]); ; } mov eax, [ebx + device.rx_ctrl] or eax, ALX_MAC_CTRL_PROMISC_EN or ALX_MAC_CTRL_MULTIALL_EN mov [ebx + device.rx_ctrl], eax mov dword[esi + ALX_MAC_CTRL], eax ret align 16 alx_check_link: call alx_clear_phy_intr mov edx, [ebx + device.state] call alx_get_phy_link cmp eax, 0 jl .reset mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] spin_lock_irqsave or [ebx + device.int_mask], ALX_ISR_PHY mov eax, [ebx + device.int_mask] mov [esi + ALX_IMR], eax spin_unlock_irqrestore cmp edx, [ebx + device.state] je .no_change cmp [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_DOWN je .link_down call alx_post_phy_link mov ecx, (ALX_PMCTRL_L0S_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_ASPM_FCEN) call alx_enable_aspm call alx_start_mac invoke NetLinkChanged ret .no_change: DEBUGF 1, "link state unchanged\n" ret .link_down: ; Link is now down call alx_reset_mac test eax, eax jnz .reset call alx_irq_disable ; MAC reset causes all HW settings to be lost, restore all call alx_reinit_rings test eax, eax jnz .reset call alx_configure mov ecx, (ALX_PMCTRL_L1_EN or ALX_PMCTRL_ASPM_FCEN) call alx_enable_aspm call alx_post_phy_link call alx_irq_enable invoke NetLinkChanged ret .reset: DEBUGF 1, "alx_schedule_reset" ;;; call alx_schedule_reset ret align 16 alx_post_phy_link: cmp [ebx + device.chip_rev], ALX_REV_B0 ja .done cmp [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_UNKNOWN jae @f ; TODO ; stdcall alx_read_phy_ext, ALX_MIIEXT_AFE, ALX_MIIEXT_ANEG ; and eax, not (ALX_AFE_10BT_100M_TH) ; stdcall alx_write_phy_ext, ALX_MIIEXT_AFE, ALX_MIIEXT_ANEG, eax ret @@: .done: ret align 16 alx_clear_phy_intr: stdcall alx_read_phy_reg, 0, ALX_MII_ISR ret align 16 alx_get_phy_link: DEBUGF 1,"alx_get_phy_link\n" stdcall alx_read_phy_reg, 0, MII_BMSR stdcall alx_read_phy_reg, 0, MII_BMSR mov [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_DOWN test ax, BMSR_LSTATUS jnz @f DEBUGF 1,"link is down\n" xor eax, eax ret @@: stdcall alx_read_phy_reg, 0, ALX_MII_GIGA_PSSR test ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_SPD_DPLX_RESOLVED jz .wrong_speed DEBUGF 1,"link is up\n" test ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_DPLX jz @f or [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_FD DEBUGF 1,"full duplex\n" @@: and ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_SPEED cmp ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_1000MBS jne @f or [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_1G DEBUGF 1,"1 gigabit\n" ret @@: cmp ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_100MBS jne @f or [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_100M DEBUGF 1,"100 mbit\n" ret @@: cmp ax, ALX_GIGA_PSSR_10MBS jne @f or [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_10M DEBUGF 1,"10 mbit\n" ret @@: mov [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_UNKNOWN DEBUGF 1,"speed unknown\n" ret .wrong_speed: DEBUGF 1,"wrong speed\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret align 16 proc alx_read_phy_reg stdcall, phy_addr:dword, reg:dword ; FIXME: Only internal PHY for now, fixed clock DEBUGF 1,"PHY read, addr=0x%x reg=0x%x\n", [phy_addr]:8, [reg]:8 mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [reg] shl eax, ALX_MDIO_REG_SHIFT or eax, ALX_MDIO_SPRES_PRMBL or (ALX_MDIO_CLK_SEL_25MD4 shl ALX_MDIO_CLK_SEL_SHIFT) or ALX_MDIO_START or ALX_MDIO_OP_READ mov dword[esi + ALX_MDIO], eax mov ecx, ALX_MDIO_MAX_AC_TO .loop: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MDIO] test eax, ALX_MDIO_BUSY jz .ready push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ;; FIXME: udelay(10) pop ecx esi dec ecx jnz .loop DEBUGF 1,"PHY read timeout!\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret .ready: ; shr eax, ALX_MDIO_DATA_SHIFT and eax, ALX_MDIO_DATA_MASK DEBUGF 1,"PHY read, val=0x%x\n", eax:4 ret endp align 16 proc alx_write_phy_reg stdcall, phy_addr:dword, reg:dword, val:dword ; FIXME: Only internal PHY for now, fixed clock DEBUGF 1,"PHY write, addr=0x%x reg=0x%x, data=0x%x\n", [phy_addr]:8, [reg]:8, [val]:8 mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] mov eax, [reg] shl eax, ALX_MDIO_REG_SHIFT mov ax, word[val] ; data must be in 16 lower bits :) or eax, ALX_MDIO_SPRES_PRMBL or (ALX_MDIO_CLK_SEL_25MD4 shl ALX_MDIO_CLK_SEL_SHIFT) or ALX_MDIO_START mov dword[esi + ALX_MDIO], eax mov ecx, ALX_MDIO_MAX_AC_TO .loop: mov eax, dword[esi + ALX_MDIO] test eax, ALX_MDIO_BUSY jz .ready push esi ecx xor esi, esi inc esi invoke Sleep ;; FIXME: udelay(10) pop ecx esi dec ecx jnz .loop DEBUGF 1,"PHY write timeout!\n" xor eax, eax dec eax ret .ready: DEBUGF 1,"PHY write OK\n" xor eax, eax ret endp align 16 alx_request_irq: DEBUGF 1,"Request IRQ\n" mov esi, [ebx + device.mmio_addr] ; Only legacy interrupts supported for now. mov dword[esi + ALX_MSI_RETRANS_TIMER], 0 ret ; End of code data fixups end data include '../peimport.inc' my_service db 'AR81XX',0 ; max 16 chars include zero chiplist: dd (ALX_DEV_ID_AR8131 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, ar8131_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_AR8161 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, ar8161_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_AR8162 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, ar8162_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_AR8171 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, ar8171_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_AR8172 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, ar8172_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_E2200 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, e2200_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_E2400 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, e2400_sz dd (ALX_DEV_ID_E2500 shl 16) or ALX_VEN_ID, e2500_sz dd 0 ar8131_sz db "AR8131", 0 ar8161_sz db "AR8161", 0 ar8162_sz db "AR8162", 0 ar8171_sz db "QCA8171", 0 ar8172_sz db "QCA8172", 0 e2200_sz db "Killer E2200", 0 e2400_sz db "Killer E2400", 0 e2500_sz db "Killer E2500", 0 include_debug_strings align 4 devices dd 0 device_list rd MAX_DEVICES ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling