;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2008. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; ARP.INC ;; ;; ;; ;; Address Resolution Protocol ;; ;; ;; ;; This file contains the following: ;; ;; arp_table_manager - Manages an ARPTable ;; ;; arp_request - Sends an ARP request on the ethernet ;; ;; arp_handler - Called when an ARP packet is received ;; ;; ;; ;; Changes history: ;; ;; 22.09.2003 - [Mike Hibbett] : mikeh@oceanfree.net ;; ;; 11.11.2006 - [Johnny_B] and [smb] ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision: 983 $ ARP_NO_ENTRY equ 0 ARP_VALID_MAPPING equ 1 ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE equ 2 ARP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT equ 3 ETHER_ARP equ 0x0608 ARP_REQ_OPCODE equ 0x0100 ; request ARP_REP_OPCODE equ 0x0200 ; reply ARP_TABLE_SIZE equ 20 ; Size of table struct ARP_ENTRY .IP dd ? .MAC dp ? .Status dw ? .TTL dw ? ; in seconds .size: ends struct ARP_Packet .HardwareType dw ? .ProtocolType dw ? .HardwareSize db ? .ProtocolSize db ? .Opcode dw ? .SenderMAC dp ? .SenderIP dd ? .TargetMAC dp ? .TargetIP dd ? ends ; The TTL field is decremented every second, and is deleted when it ; reaches 0. It is refreshed every time a packet is received ; If the TTL field is 0xFFFF it is a static entry and is never deleted ; The status field can be the following values: ; 0x0000 entry not used ; 0x0001 entry holds a valid mapping ; 0x0002 entry contains an IP address, awaiting ARP response ; 0x0003 No response received to ARP request. ; The last status value is provided to allow the network layer to delete ; a packet that is queued awaiting an ARP response align 4 uglobal NumARP dd ? ARPTable rb ARP_ENTRY.size * ARP_TABLE_SIZE ARP_PACKETS_TX rd MAX_NET_DEVICES ARP_PACKETS_RX rd MAX_NET_DEVICES endg ARP_init: xor eax, eax mov [NumARP], eax mov edi, ARP_PACKETS_TX mov ecx, 2*MAX_NET_DEVICES rep stosd ret ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; arp_table_manager [by Johnny_B] ; ; Description ; Does a most required operations with ARP-table ; IN: ; Operation: see Opcode's constants below ; Index: Index of entry in the ARP-table ; Extra: Extra parameter for some Opcodes ; OUT: ; EAX = Returned value depends on opcodes, more detailed see below ; ;*************************************************************************** ;Opcode's constants ARP_TABLE_ADD equ 1 ARP_TABLE_DEL equ 2 ARP_TABLE_GET equ 3 ARP_TABLE_GET_ENTRIES_NUMBER equ 4 ARP_TABLE_IP_TO_MAC equ 5 ARP_TABLE_TIMER equ 6 ;Index's constants EXTRA_IS_ARP_PACKET_PTR equ 0 ;if Extra contain pointer to ARP_Packet EXTRA_IS_ARP_ENTRY_PTR equ -1 ;if Extra contain pointer to ARP_ENTRY align 4 proc arp_table_manager stdcall uses ebx esi edi ecx edx, Opcode:DWORD,Index:DWORD,Extra:DWORD mov ebx, ARPTable ;ARPTable base mov ecx, dword[NumARP] ;ARP-entries counter mov eax, dword[Opcode] cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_TIMER je .timer DEBUGF 1,"ARP table manager opcode:%u numARP:%u\n",eax,ecx cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_ADD je .add cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_DEL je .del cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_GET je .get cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_IP_TO_MAC je .ip_to_mac cmp eax, ARP_TABLE_GET_ENTRIES_NUMBER je .get_entries_number jmp .exit ;if unknown opcode ;;BEGIN TIMER ;;Description: it must be callback every second. It is responsible for removing expired routes. ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_TIMER ;; Index: must be zero ;; Extra: must be zero ;;OUT: ;; EAX=not defined ;; .timer: test ecx, ecx jz .exit ;if NumARP=0 nothing to do ; sub ecx, ARP_TABLE_ENTRIES ;ecx=dynamic entries number ; jz .exit ;if NumARP=number of static entries then exit ; add ebx, ARP_TABLE_ENTRIES*ARP_ENTRY_SIZE ;ebx=dynamic entries base .timer_loop: movsx esi, word [ebx + ARP_ENTRY.TTL] cmp esi, 0xFFFFFFFF je .timer_loop_end ;if TTL==0xFFFF then it's static entry test esi, esi jnz .timer_loop_end_with_dec ;if TTL!=0 ; Ok, TTL is 0 ;if Status==AWAITING_RESPONSE and TTL==0 ;then we have to change it to ARP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT cmp word [ebx + ARP_ENTRY.Status], ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE jne @f mov word [ebx + ARP_ENTRY.Status], ARP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT mov word [ebx + ARP_ENTRY.TTL], word 0x000A ;10 sec jmp .timer_loop_end @@: ;if TTL==0 and Status==VALID_MAPPING, we have to delete it ;if TTL==0 and Status==RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, delete too mov esi, dword[NumARP] sub esi, ecx ;esi=index of entry, will be deleted stdcall arp_table_manager,ARP_TABLE_DEL,esi,0 ;opcode,index,extra jmp .timer_loop_end .timer_loop_end_with_dec: dec word [ebx + ARP_ENTRY.TTL] ;decrease TTL .timer_loop_end: add ebx, ARP_ENTRY.size loop .timer_loop jmp .exit ;;END TIMER ;;BEGIN ADD ;;Description: it adds an entry in the table. If ARP-table already ;; contains same IP, it will be updated. ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_ADD ;; Index: specifies what contains Extra-parameter ;; Extra: if Index==EXTRA_IS_ARP_Packet_PTR, ;; then Extra contains pointer to ARP_Packet, ;; otherwise Extra contains pointer to ARP_ENTRY ;;OUT: ;; EAX=index of entry, that has been added ;; .add: DEBUGF 1,"1" sub esp, ARP_ENTRY.size ;Allocate ARP_ENTRY_SIZE byte in stack mov esi, [Extra] ;pointer mov edi, [Index] ;opcode cmp edi, EXTRA_IS_ARP_PACKET_PTR je .ARP_Packet_to_entry ;if Extra contain ptr to ARP_Packet and we have to form arp-entry ;else it contain ptr to arp-entry DEBUGF 1,"2" cld ; esi already has been loaded mov edi, esp ;ebx + eax=ARPTable_base + ARP-entry_base(where we will add) mov ecx,ARP_ENTRY.size/2 ;ARP_ENTRY_SIZE must be even number!!! rep movsw ;copy jmp .search .ARP_Packet_to_entry: DEBUGF 1,"3" mov edx, dword[esi + ARP_Packet.SenderIP] ;esi=base of ARP_Packet mov [esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP], edx cld lea esi, [esi + ARP_Packet.SenderMAC] lea edi, [esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC] movsd movsw mov word[esp + ARP_ENTRY.Status], ARP_VALID_MAPPING ; specify the type - a valid entry mov word[esp + ARP_ENTRY.TTL], 0x0E10 ; = 1 hour .search: DEBUGF 1,"4" mov edx, dword[esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP] ;edx=IP-address, which we'll search mov ecx, dword[NumARP] ;ecx=ARP-entries counter jecxz .add_to_end ;if ARP-entries number == 0 imul eax, ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size ;eax=current table size(in bytes) @@: sub eax, ARP_ENTRY.size cmp dword[ebx + eax + ARP_ENTRY.IP], edx loopnz @b ; jz .replace ; found, replace existing entry, ptr to it is in eax .add_to_end: ; ; DEBUGF 1,"5\n" ; ;else add to end ; or eax,-1 ;set eax=0xFFFFFFFF if adding is impossible ; mov ecx, dword[NumARP] ; cmp ecx, ARP_TABLE_SIZE ; je .add_exit ;if arp-entries number is equal to arp-table maxsize ; imul eax, dword[NumARP], ARP_ENTRY.size ;eax=ptr to end of ARPTable ; inc dword [NumARP] ;increase ARP-entries counter ; .replace: DEBUGF 1,"Updating ARP entry: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x = %u.%u.%u.%u to slot:%u\n",\ [esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC]:2,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+1]:2,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+2]:2,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+3]:2,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+4]:2,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+5]:2,\ [esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP]:1,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP+1]:1,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP+2]:1,[esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP+3]:1,eax cld mov esi, esp ;esp=base of ARP-entry, that will be added lea edi, [ebx + eax] ;ebx + eax=ARPTable_base + ARP-entry_base(where we will add) mov ecx,ARP_ENTRY.size/2 ;ARP_ENTRY_SIZE must be even number!!! rep movsw mov ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size xor edx, edx ;"div" takes operand from EDX:EAX div ecx ;eax=index of entry, which has been added .add_exit: add esp, ARP_ENTRY.size ;free stack jmp .exit ;;END ADD ;;BEGIN DEL ;;Description: it deletes an entry in the table. ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_DEL ;; Index: index of entry, that should be deleted ;; Extra: must be zero ;;OUT: ;; EAX=not defined ;; .del: mov esi, [Index] imul esi, ARP_ENTRY.size mov ecx, (ARP_TABLE_SIZE - 1) * ARP_ENTRY.size sub ecx, esi lea edi, [ebx + esi] ;edi=ptr to entry that should be deleted lea esi, [edi + ARP_ENTRY.size] ;esi=ptr to next entry shr ecx,1 ;ecx/2 => ARP_ENTRY_SIZE MUST BE EVEN NUMBER! cld rep movsw dec dword[NumARP] ;decrease arp-entries counter jmp .exit ;;END DEL ;;BEGIN GET ;;Description: it reads an entry of table into buffer. ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_GET ;; Index: index of entry, that should be read ;; Extra: pointer to buffer for reading(size must be equal to ARP_ENTRY_SIZE) ;;OUT: ;; EAX=not defined ;; .get: mov esi, [Index] imul esi, ARP_ENTRY.size ;esi=ptr to required ARP_ENTRY mov edi, [Extra] ;edi=buffer for reading mov ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size/2 ; must be even number!!! cld rep movsw jmp .exit ;;END GET ;;BEGIN IP_TO_MAC ;;Description: it gets an IP from Index, scans each entry in the table and writes ;; MAC, that relates to specified IP, into buffer specified in Extra. ;; And if it cannot find an IP-address in the table, it does an ARP-request of that. ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_IP_TO_MAC ;; Index: IP that should be transformed into MAC ;; Extra: pointer to buffer where will be written the MAC-address. ;;OUT: ;; EAX=ARP table entry status code. ;; If EAX==ARP_NO_ENTRY, IP isn't found in the table and we have sent the request. ;; If EAX==ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE, we wait the response from remote system. ;; If EAX==ARP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT, remote system not responds too long. ;; If EAX==ARP_VALID_MAPPING, all is ok, we've got a true MAC. ;; ;; If MAC will equal to a zero, in the buffer. It means, that IP-address was not yet ;; resolved, or that doesn't exist. I recommend you, to do at most 3-5 calls of this ;; function with 1sec delay. sure, only if it not return a valid MAC after a first call. ;; .ip_to_mac: DEBUGF 1,"Trying to find MAC for %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[Index]:1,[Index+1]:1,[Index+2]:1,[Index+3]:1 xor eax, eax mov edi, dword[Extra] cld stosd stosw ; first, check destination IP to see if it is on 'this' network. ; The test is: ; if ( destIP & subnet_mask == stack_ip & subnet_mask ) ; destination is local ; else ; destination is remote, so pass to gateway ;;; TODO: get device number ! (in edx) xor edx, edx mov eax, [Index] ;eax=required IP mov esi, eax and esi, [SUBNET_LIST+edx] mov ecx, [IP_LIST+edx] and ecx, [SUBNET_LIST+edx] cmp esi, ecx je @f ;if we and target IP are located in the same network mov eax, [GATEWAY_LIST+edx] mov [Index], eax DEBUGF 1,"IP is not on subnet, using %u.%u.%u.%u instead\n",[Index]:1,[Index+1]:1,[Index+2]:1,[Index+3]:1 @@: cmp dword[NumARP], 0 je .ip_to_mac_send_request ;if ARP-table not contain an entries, we have to request IP. ;EAX will be containing a zero, it's equal to ARP_NO_ENTRY mov ecx, dword[NumARP] imul esi, ecx, ARP_ENTRY.size ;esi=current ARP-table size @@: sub esi, ARP_ENTRY.size cmp [ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.IP], eax ; ebx=ARPTable base loopnz @b ; Return back if non match jnz .ip_to_mac_send_request ; and request IP->MAC if none found in the table ; Return the entry status in eax movzx eax, word[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.Status] DEBUGF 1,"MAC found: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x status:%x in slot:%u\n",\ [ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC]:2,[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+1]:2,[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+2]:2,[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+3]:2,[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+4]:2,[ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC+5]:2, ax, esi ; esi holds index cld lea esi, [ebx + esi + ARP_ENTRY.MAC] mov edi, [Extra] ;edi=ptr to buffer for write MAC movsd movsw jmp .exit .ip_to_mac_send_request: ;;; TODO: get device number ! (in edx) xor edx, edx mov edx, [ETH_DRV_LIST + 4*edx] lea ecx, [edx + ETH_DEVICE.mac] stdcall arp_request,[Index],[IP_LIST+edx],ecx ;TargetIP,SenderIP_ptr,SenderMAC_ptr mov eax, ARP_NO_ENTRY jmp .exit ;;END IP_TO_MAC ;;BEGIN GET_ENTRIES_NUMBER ;;Description: returns an ARP-entries number in the ARPTable ;;IN: Operation: ARP_TABLE_GET_ENTRIES_NUMBER ;; Index: must be zero ;; Extra: must be zero ;;OUT: ;; EAX=ARP-entries number in the ARPTable .get_entries_number: mov eax, dword[NumARP] jmp .exit ;;END GET_ENTRIES_NUMBER .exit: ret endp ;*************************************************************************** ; Function ; arp_request [by Johnny_B] ; ; Description ; Sends an ARP request on the ethernet ; IN: ; TargetIP : requested IP address ; SenderIP_ptr : POINTER to sender's IP address(our system's address) ; SenderMAC_ptr : POINTER to sender's MAC address(our system's address) ; OUT: ; EAX=0 (if all is ok), otherwise EAX is not defined ; ; EBX,ESI,EDI will be saved ; ;*************************************************************************** proc arp_request stdcall uses ebx esi edi,\ TargetIP:DWORD, SenderIP_ptr:DWORD, SenderMAC_ptr:DWORD DEBUGF 1,"Create ARP request\n" stdcall kernel_alloc, 60 ; minimum eth packet size test eax, eax jz .exit mov ebx, eax mov word [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.HardwareType], 0x0100 ;Ethernet mov word [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.ProtocolType], 0x0008 ;IP mov byte [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.HardwareSize], 0x06 ;MAC-addr length mov byte [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.ProtocolSize], 0x04 ;IP-addr length mov word [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.Opcode], 0x0100 ;Request DEBUGF 1,"1" cld mov esi, [SenderMAC_ptr] lea edi, [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.SenderMAC] ;Our MAC-addr movsd movsw DEBUGF 1,"2" mov esi, [SenderIP_ptr] mov [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.SenderIP], esi ;Our IP-addr ; movsd DEBUGF 1,"3" lea edi, [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.TargetMAC] ; Required MAC-addr xor eax, eax stosd stosw DEBUGF 1,"4" lea edi, [ebx + ETH_FRAME.DstMAC] stosd stosw DEBUGF 1,"5" mov esi, [TargetIP] mov dword [ebx + ETH_FRAME.Data + ARP_Packet.TargetIP], esi ;Required IP-addr(we get it as function parameter) DEBUGF 1,"6" mov esi, [SenderMAC_ptr] lea edi, [ebx + ETH_FRAME.SrcMAC] movsd movsw DEBUGF 1,"7" mov ax , ETHER_ARP stosw DEBUGF 1,"8" ;;; TODO: get device number in edx !! xor edx, edx shl edx, 2 push dword .returnaddr push dword 60 push ebx mov ebx, [ETH_DRV_LIST + edx] jmp [ebx + ETH_DEVICE.transmit] .returnaddr: ; Add an entry in the ARP table, awaiting response sub esp, ARP_ENTRY.size ;allocate memory for ARP-entry mov esi, dword[TargetIP] mov dword[esp + ARP_ENTRY.IP],esi lea edi, [esp + ARP_ENTRY.MAC] xor eax, eax stosd stosw mov word[esp + ARP_ENTRY.Status], ARP_AWAITING_RESPONSE mov word[esp + ARP_ENTRY.TTL], 10 ; 10 seconds stdcall arp_table_manager,ARP_TABLE_ADD,EXTRA_IS_ARP_ENTRY_PTR,esp add esp, ARP_ENTRY.size ; free memory .exit: DEBUGF 1,"ARP request - end\n" ret endp ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ; ARP_Handler: ; ; This function handles ARP protocol over ethernet ; (other protocols may follow in the future) ; ; IN: Pointer to buffer in [esp] ; size of buffer in [esp+4] ; packet size (without ethernet header) in ecx ; OUT: / ; ;----------------------------------------------------- align 4 ARP_Handler: DEBUGF 1,"ARP_Handler - start\n" cmp ecx, 28 jl .exit ; Is this a REQUEST? ; Is this a request for My Host IP ; Yes - So construct a response message. ; Send this message to the ethernet card for transmission ; push ebx edx stdcall arp_table_manager, ARP_TABLE_ADD, EXTRA_IS_ARP_PACKET_PTR, edx ; pop edx ebx cmp word [edx + ARP_Packet.Opcode], ARP_REQ_OPCODE ; Is this a request packet? jne .exit call ETH_struc2dev DEBUGF 1,"Packet came from device: %u\n", edi cmp edi, -1 jz .exit mov eax, edi shl eax, 2 add eax, IP_LIST mov eax, [eax] cmp eax, [edx + ARP_Packet.TargetIP] ; Is it looking for my IP address? jnz .exit push eax push edi ; DEBUGF 1,"ETH_ARP_Handler - request for %u.%u.%u.%u\n",[edi+0]:1,[edi+1]:1,[edi+2]:1,[edi+3]:1 ; OK, it is a request for one of our MAC addresses. Build the frame and send it ; We can reuse the buffer. cld lea esi, [edx + ARP_Packet.SenderMAC] lea edi, [edx + ARP_Packet.TargetMAC] movsd ; Move Sender Mac to Dest MAC movsw ; movsd ; Move sender IP to Dest IP pop esi mov esi, [ETH_DRV_LIST + 4*esi] lea esi, [esi + ETH_DEVICE.mac] lea edi, [edx + ARP_Packet.SenderMAC] movsd ; Copy MAC address from in MAC_LIST movsw ; pop eax stosd ; Write our IP mov word [edx + ARP_Packet.Opcode], ARP_REP_OPCODE ; Now, Fill in ETHERNET header mov edi, [esp] lea esi, [edx + ARP_Packet.TargetMAC] movsd movsw lea esi, [edx + ARP_Packet.SenderMAC] movsd movsw mov ax , ETHER_ARP stosw jmp ETH_Sender ; And send it! .exit: call kernel_free add esp, 4 ; pop (balance stack) DEBUGF 1,"ARP_Handler - fail\n" ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ARP_API ; ; This function is called by system function 75 ; ; IN: subfunction number in bl ; device number in bh ; ecx, edx, .. depends on subfunction ; ; OUT: ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- align 4 ARP_API: movzx eax, bh shl eax, 2 test bl, bl jz .packets_tx ; 0 dec bl jz .packets_rx ; 1 dec bl jz .entries ; 2 dec bl jz .read ; 3 dec bl jz .write ; 4 dec bl jz .remove ; 5 dec bl .error: mov eax, -1 ret .packets_tx: add eax, ARP_PACKETS_TX mov eax, [eax] ret .packets_rx: add eax, ARP_PACKETS_RX mov eax, [eax] ret .entries: mov eax, [NumARP] ret .read: ; TODO: write code ret .write: ; TODO: write code ret .remove: ; TODO: write code ret