The control key combinations for zSea v1.00 Beta (or the current version). Main window: PageUp - move the file pointer by one position to the top of the list. PageDown - move the file pointer by one position to the end of the list. Home - move the file pointer to the top of the list. End - move the file pointer to the end of the list. "0" (main keyb.) or "*" (add. keyb.) - autoscaling to fit the screen. "+" - zoom in "-" - zoom out "|" (main keyb.) or "/" (add. keyb.) - zoom to 100% W - secondary window "Set desktop background" I - secondary window "Information about the file" S - secondary window "Select the sort mode" O - secondary window "Application options" Cursor arrows (main keyb. and add. keyb.) - pictures shift if it is bigger than the display region. Enter (main keyb. and add. keyb.) - display area on the whole screen and return to normal. PrintScreen - start SlideShow, stop it by pressing Esc or Space. Alt+F1 - menu activation. Menu: Arrow cursor up and down - move to item. Esc - close the window. Enter - close the window with confirmation. Arrow cursor left and right - to move into the adjacent menu. Secondary windows: Esc - close the window. Enter - close the window with confirmation. Arrow cursor up and down - moving to item. "+" and "-" change the numeric data. Space - enable or disable the item if it's a checkbox. In the windows that do not use keys - all keys lead to the close of the window. OpenDialog - file open dialog (standalone program): 1) Move the cursor inside the panel: a) up and down arrows (including add. keyb.) - move the cursor one position up or down. b) PageUp - list page up. c) PageDown - list page down. d) Home - move to the top of directory. e) End - move to the end of directory. 2) Enter - operations with the selected file: a) enter the folder. b) choose a file. 3) Using the menu: Alt+F1 - call disk selection menu. Alt+F2 - call sort menu. Alt+F3 - call filter menu. Inside the menu: Arrow cursor up and down - move to item. Esc - close the window. Enter - close the window with confirmation. Arrow cursor left and right - move into the adjacent menu. 4) Ctrl+R - update the contents of a directory. 5) Backspace - exit from the directory. 6) Insert - highlighted by red color the file at the cursor and move the cursor one position down. 7) Ctrl+A and Ctrl+(NumPad(+) Up) - select all files and directories in the active panel, with the exception of the directory '..' 8) Ctrl+(NumPad(-) Up) - deselect all files and directories in the active panel with the exception of the directory '..' 9) Ctrl+(NumPad(*) Up) - invert the selection of all files and directories in the active panel, with the exception of the directory '..' 10) Esc - shutdown the program, without opening of a file.