GetStrLength: ; string: [in] edi ; string length: [out] ecx ; [unchanged] ebx, edx, esi, edi, ebp, esp or ecx, -1 xor eax, eax cld repne scasb not ecx sub edi,ecx ret GetProcAddress: ; hInstance (export table): [in] esi ; proc name: [in] edi ; proc address: [out] eax ; [unchanged] ebp, esp call GetStrLength mov edx, ecx mov ebx, edi mov eax, esi .import_find: mov esi, ebx mov edi, [eax] test edi, edi jz .import_not_found repe cmpsb je .import_found mov ecx, edx add eax, 8 jmp .import_find .import_not_found: sub eax, 4 .import_found: mov eax, [eax+4] ret ResolveImports: ; hInstance (export table): [in] esi ; lib.lookup table: [in] ebp ; ?isResolved: [out] eax ; [unchanged] esi, esp .retFrom = 4 .import_loop: mov edi, [ebp] test edi, edi jz .import_done push esi call GetProcAddress pop esi test eax, eax jz .import_not_found mov [ebp],eax add ebp,4 jmp .import_loop .import_not_found: mov eax, sz_EPnotFound mov ebx, sizeof.sz_EPnotFound mov ecx, 3 mov edx, [ebp] call ShowErrorWindow or [LoadLibraries.errStatus+ResolveImports.retFrom],1 mcall SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS ;uncomment to stop after 1st error jmp .import_loop .import_done: ret @copy_path_wo_pdname: ; library name: [in] edx ; library path: [in] esi ; current directory path: [in] edi ; [out] no ; [unchanged] ebx, edx, ebp, esp call GetStrLength add edi,ecx mov al, '/' std repne scasb cld sub edi,ecx add ecx,2 xchg esi, edi mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, eax and ecx, 3 rep movsb mov esi, edx xchg esi, edi call GetStrLength xchg esi, edi mov eax, ecx shr ecx, 2 rep movsd mov ecx, eax and ecx, 3 rep movsb ret LoadLibrary: ; library name: [in] edx ; hInstance (export table): [out] eax ; [unchanged] edx, ebp, esp mov edi, cur_dir_path mov esi, library_path call @copy_path_wo_pdname mcall SF_SYS_MISC,SSF_LOAD_DLL,library_path test eax, eax jnz .ret lea ecx, [edx-9] mcall SF_SYS_MISC,SSF_LOAD_DLL,ecx ; load of sys directory .ret: ret LoadLibraries: ; [in/out] no ; [unchanged] esp push 0 push virtual at esp+4 .errStatus dd ? end virtual .LoopLibraries: mov eax, [esp] mov ebp, [eax] test ebp, ebp jz .done mov edx, [eax+4] call LoadLibrary;edx=name test eax, eax jz .onError mov esi,eax mov eax, [esp] call ResolveImports add dword[esp],8 jmp .LoopLibraries .onError: mov eax, sz_cantLL mov ebx, sizeof.sz_cantLL mov ecx, 1 or [LoadLibraries.errStatus],1 mcall SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS ;uncomment to stop after 1st error jmp .LoopLibraries .done: test [LoadLibraries.errStatus],1 jz .exit mcall SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS .exit: add esp,8 ret ShowErrorWindow: ; error string: [in] edx ; [unchanged] edx, ebp, esp mov edi, [file_io_notify.flags] xor ecx, [import_loader.state] test ecx, ecx jz .rns.FlagsInited cmp ecx, 2 jz .rns.FlagsPreInited .rns.FlagsPreInit: mov esi, sz_system_error mov ecx, sizeof.sz_system_error-1 cld rep movsb or [import_loader.state],1 jmp .rns.FlagsInit .rns.FlagsPreInited: add edi, sizeof.sz_system_error-1 .rns.FlagsInit: mov esi, eax xchg esi, edi call GetStrLength dec ecx xchg esi, edi rep movsb xor [import_loader.state],2 jmp .rns.FlagsDone .rns.FlagsInited: lea edi, [edi+ebx-1+sizeof.sz_system_error-1] .rns.FlagsDone: mov esi, edx xchg esi, edi call GetStrLength xchg esi, edi rep movsb mcall SF_FILE,file_io_notify ret