; ; Slovarik 0.3.1 (10 August 2005) ; DoomEd Archangel ; ;*********HEADER************ use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x01 dd lblSTART dd lblIMG_END dd lblMEMORY dd lblSTACK dd 0x0,0x0 ;**************************** include 'ascl.inc' lblSTART: call load_ini ;Load ini file (path to last opened dictionary call load_dict ;Load dictionary ;----if no errors then continue win_redraw: call draw_window still: mov eax,10 int 0x40 cmp eax,1 je win_redraw cmp eax,2 je key_pressed cmp eax,3 je button_pressed jmp still key_pressed: ;mov eax,2 int 0x40 cmp ah,27 je clear_all_2 cmp ah,13 je translate_now cmp [inputboxpressed],1 jne not_print cmp ah,8 jne not_backspace mov bl,[inputboxlen] cmp bl,1 jb not_print dec [inputboxcurchar] dec [inputboxlen] xor ebx,ebx mov bl,[inputboxcurchar] mov byte [inputbox+ebx],0 sub [xcursor],6 call draw_inputbox call draw_cursor jmp still not_backspace: cmp [inputboxlen],52 je not_print xor ebx,ebx mov bl,[inputboxcurchar] mov [inputbox+ebx],ah inc [inputboxcurchar] inc [inputboxlen] call draw_inputbox add [xcursor],6 call draw_cursor not_print: jmp still button_pressed: mov eax,17 int 0x40 cmp ah,1 je lbl_close_now cmp ah,2 je inputbox_pressed cmp ah,3 je translate_now cmp ah,4 je change_dict jmp still draw_window: pusha mov eax,12 mov ebx,1 int 0x40 mov eax,0 mov ebx,30*65536+400 mov ecx,30*65536+170 mov edx,0x14cccccc mov edi,win_header int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,10*65536+41 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtWord mov esi,txtWord_l-txtWord ; 6 int 0x40 ;mov eax,4 mov ebx,10*65536+67 ;mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtVariants mov esi,txtVariants_l-txtVariants ;9 int 0x40 ;mov eax,4 mov ebx,10*65536+91 ;mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtTranslate mov esi,txtTranslate_l-txtTranslate ;8 int 0x40 ;mov eax,4 mov ebx,10*65536+115 ;mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtTranscript mov esi,txtTranscript_l-txtTranscript ;9 int 0x40 mov eax,8 mov ebx,125*65536+150 mov ecx,135*65536+20 mov edx,3 mov esi,0x00dddddd int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,168*65536+142 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtTranslatenow mov esi,txtTranslatenow_l-txtTranslatenow ;9 int 0x40 mov eax,8 mov ebx,10*65536+50 mov ecx,135*65536+20 mov edx,4 mov esi,0x00dddddd int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,14*65536+142 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,txtChangeDict mov esi,txtChangeDict_l-txtChangeDict ;7 int 0x40 ;------------------------------- call draw_inputbox call print_variants call print_trans_word call print_transcript ;-------------------------------- mov eax,12 mov ebx,2 int 0x40 popa ret draw_inputbox: mov eax,8 mov ebx,68*65536+320 mov ecx,38*65536+14 mov edx,2 int 0x40 mov eax,13 mov ebx,68*65536+320 mov ecx,38*65536+14 mov edx,0x00ffffff int 0x40 call draw_inputbox_text ret draw_inputbox_text: mov eax,4 mov ebx,70*65536+40 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,inputbox mov esi,52 int 0x40 ret draw_cursor: mov eax,13 mov bx,[xcursor] shl ebx,16 mov bx,1 ; mov ebx,68*65536+1 mov ecx,40*65536+10 mov edx,0x000000ff int 0x40 ret ; END DRAW WINDOW ;-------------------PROGRAM------------------- lbl_close_now: call save_ini mov eax,-1 int 0x40 inputbox_pressed: mov [inputboxpressed],1 jmp still print_variants: mov eax,13 mov ebx,68*65536+320 mov ecx,65*65536+14 mov edx,0x00eeeeee int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,70*65536+67 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,variants mov esi,52 int 0x40 ret translate_now: mov [inputboxpressed],0 mov edi,inputbox ;определяем длину введённой строки mov ecx,52 ;50 xor eax,eax repne scasb sub edi,inputbox dec edi mov [search_len],edi inc [search_len] ;------------increase cmp [search_len],1 je nothing_in_inputbox call count_dict_size cmp [dict_size],0 je still call clear_tr_word call clear_variants call clear_transcript jmp search count_dict_size: pusha mov edi,dictionary ;определяем длину словаря mov ecx,0x7FFFF xor eax,eax repne scasb sub edi,dictionary dec edi mov [dict_size],edi popa ret nothing_in_inputbox: call clear_tr_word call clear_variants call clear_transcript cld mov esi,errNothingEntered mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,14 rep movsb jmp win_redraw clear_inputbox: cld mov edi,inputbox mov ecx,13 ;52/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd mov [inputboxcurchar],0 mov [xcursor],69 ret clear_tr_word: cld mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,13 ;52/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ret clear_variants: cld mov edi,variants mov ecx,13 ;52/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ret clear_transcript: cld mov edi,trscript_word mov ecx,13 ;52/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ret clear_all_in_1: cld mov edi,inputbox ; 52*4 = 208 / 4 = 52 mov ecx,52 xor eax,eax rep stosd mov [inputboxpressed],1 mov [inputboxcurchar],0 mov [xcursor],69 ret clear_all_2: call clear_all_in_1 call draw_window jmp still print_trans_word: mov eax,13 mov ebx,68*65536+320 mov ecx,89*65536+14 mov edx,0x00eeeeee int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,70*65536+91 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,tr_word mov esi,52 int 0x40 ret trans_not_found: cld mov esi,tr_not_found_text mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,18 ;200 rep movsb call clear_transcript call clear_variants call draw_window ret print_transcript: mov eax,13 mov ebx,68*65536+320 mov ecx,113*65536+14 mov edx,0x00eeeeee int 0x40 mov eax,4 mov ebx,70*65536+115 mov ecx,0x00000000 mov edx,trscript_word mov esi,52 int 0x40 ret ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ПОИСК ПО ФАЙЛУ СПРАВОЧНИКА search: xor esi,esi mov edi,dictionary ;НАЧАЛО В ЕДИ mov ecx,[dict_size] ;РАЗМЕР В ЕСХ news: push edi news2: ; 1) LOAD BYTES mov al,[esi+inputboxplus] ; [esi+inputbox] mov bl,[edi] ; 2) COMPARE BYTES cmp al,bl je yes_char ; 3) LETTER? cmp al,'A' jb notequal cmp al,'ё' ja notequal ;---------- cmp al,'z' ;122 ;z=122 jbe cpLAT ;cpCYR ;---------------------TEST cmp al,'а' ;cyr A jb .bigletter ;if letter<128 ;-------- cmp al,'р' jae .more_175 ;if letter>175 sub al,32 jmp compare_bytes .more_175: sub al,80 jmp compare_bytes .bigletter: cmp al,'Р' jae .more_175_2 add al,32 jmp compare_bytes .more_175_2: add al,80 jmp compare_bytes ;---------------TEST ;cpLAT cpLAT: ; 4) A->a OR a->A cmp al,'a' jb @f add al,-32 jmp compare_bytes @@: cmp al,'Z' ja notequal add al,32 ;----- compare_bytes: cmp al,bl jne notequal yes_char: inc edi inc esi cmp esi,[search_len] jge sfound jmp news2 notequal: pop edi xor esi,esi inc edi loop news call trans_not_found jmp still sfound: mov [total_smesh],edi ;смещение по файлу словаря ;------------------- ;-------search for transcription mov esi,[total_smesh] cld again0: lodsb cmp al,'|' jne again0 mov [starting_transcrtiontion],esi cld again00: lodsb cmp al,'|' ;13 jne again00 mov [ending_transcrtiontion],esi mov eax,[starting_transcrtiontion] sub [ending_transcrtiontion],eax dec [ending_transcrtiontion] cld ;ВЫВОД СЛОВА mov esi,[starting_transcrtiontion] mov edi,trscript_word mov ecx,[ending_transcrtiontion] rep movsb ;-------search for translation mov esi,[starting_transcrtiontion] add esi,[ending_transcrtiontion] cld again: lodsb cmp al,'|' jne again mov [starting_kav],esi cld again2: lodsb cmp al,10 ;13 jne again2 mov [ending_kav],esi mov eax,[starting_kav] sub [ending_kav],eax dec [ending_kav] ;----------------------------------------------- cld ;ВЫВОД СЛОВА mov esi,[starting_kav] mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,[ending_kav] rep movsb ;-------- ;search backward mov esi,[total_smesh] cld again3: lodsb cmp al,'|' jne again3 mov [endingword],esi dec [endingword] again4: dec esi dec esi cld lodsb cmp al,10 ;13;' ' jne again4 mov [startingword],esi mov eax,[startingword] sub [endingword],eax cld ;ВЫВОД СЛОВА mov esi,[startingword] mov edi,variants mov ecx,[endingword] rep movsb ;----------------------------------------------- call draw_window jmp still ;----------------------------------------------------- ;---clear dictionary clear_dict: mov edi,dictionary mov ecx,131072 ; 0x80000 / 4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ret ;---- change dictionary change_dict: opendialog draw_window,open_ok,open_err,fileinfo.path open_ok: call clear_dict call clear_all_in_1 call load_dict jmp still open_err: call load_dict.call_error jmp still ;---- load dictionary load_dict: ;-open from ASCL 9 mov dword [fileinfo+8],1 mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo int 0x40 mov eax,[dictionary+2] shr eax,9 inc eax mov dword [fileinfo+8],eax mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo int 0x40 ;-------- cmp eax,0 ;0- open ok je .return ; win_redraw cmp eax,5 ;5- open ok je .return cmp eax,6 ;6- open ok??????????? je .return ; if we can't open the dictionary .call_error: cld mov esi,errDictNotFound mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,errDictNotFound_l-errDictNotFound ;23 rep movsb call draw_window mov eax,5 ;delay mov ebx,100 ;1 sec int 0x40 .return: call check_header ret ;--- copy path to dictionary copy_path: call count_dict_size ;int [dict_size] will be size of path to dictionary mov esi,dictionary mov edi,fileinfo.path ;40 mov ecx,[dict_size] cld rep movsb ret ;----------load config file load_ini: cld mov esi,fileinfo_ini.inipath mov edi,fileinfo.path mov ecx,19 rep movsb mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo int 0x40 call copy_path mov [dict_size],0 call clear_dict ret ;---------------------------- clear_fileinfo_path: mov edi,fileinfo.path mov ecx,256/4 xor eax,eax rep stosd ret ;-------save config file save_ini: cmp dword [dictionary],0 jne .save call clear_fileinfo_path cld mov esi,default_dict_path mov edi,fileinfo.path mov ecx,14 rep movsb .save: mov edi,fileinfo.path ;определяем длину словаря mov ecx,256 xor eax,eax repne scasb sub edi,fileinfo.path dec edi mov [fileinfo_ini.size],edi mov eax,58 mov ebx,fileinfo_ini int 0x40 ret ;------ check dictionary header check_header: mov eax,'DICT' cmp dword [dictionary],eax je .return call clear_tr_word cld mov esi,errDictHeader mov edi,tr_word mov ecx,errDictHeader_l-errDictHeader ;23 rep movsb .return: ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;data;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; win_header: db 'Словарик', 0 win_header_l: tr_not_found_text: db 'ПЕРЕВОД НЕ НАЙДЕН!' tr_not_found_text_l: txtWord: db 'Слово:' txtWord_l: txtTranslate: db 'Перевод:' txtTranslate_l: txtVariants: db 'Варианты:' txtVariants_l: errDictNotFound: db 'Ошибка открытия файла или открытие отменено!' errDictNotFound_l: txtTranslatenow: db 'Перевести' txtTranslatenow_l: errNothingEntered: db 'Введите слово!' errNothingEntered_l: txtTranscript: db 'Транскр.:' txtTranscript_l: txtChangeDict: db 'Словарь' txtChangeDict_l: errDictHeader: db 'Этот файл не является словарем!' errDictHeader_l: xcursor dw 69 default_dict_path db '/RD/1/DICT.TXT' fileinfo_ini: .oper: dd 1 dd 0x0 .size: dd 256 dd fileinfo.path dd os_work_mem .inipath: db '/rd/1/slovarik.ini',0 fileinfo: dd 0 ; 0 = ЧТЕНИЕ ФАЙЛА dd 0x0 ; номер блока файла (512 байт, нумерация начинается с нуля) dd 0x1 ; сколько блоков считывать dd dictionary ; куда считывать dd os_work_mem ; 0x10000 ; память для работы ОС - 4096 байт .path: db '',0 ;'/RD/1/DICT.TXT',0 lblIMG_END: rb 257 ;times 257 db 0 ;for path starting_kav dd 0 ending_kav dd 0 starting_transcrtiontion dd 0 ending_transcrtiontion dd 0 total_smesh dd 0 inputboxpressed db 0 search_len dd 0 inputboxcurchar db 0 inputboxlen db 0 inputboxplus: ;db ' ' db 10 ;for search inputbox: rb 52 ;times 52 db 0 tr_word: rb 52 ;times 52 db 0 trscript_word: rb 52 ;times 52 db 0 variants: rb 52 ;times 52 db 0 startingword dd 0 endingword dd 0 dict_size dd 0 dictionary: rb 0x80000;~524 kb for dictionary ;0x100000 ;1 mb for future BIG dictionary :) os_work_mem: rb 0x10000 rb 4096 lblMEMORY: lblSTACK: