Kirill Lipatov (Leency) 5bb70bb219 Eolite/KFM2: global refactoring, use proper multi-panes PATH variable
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@8949 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2021-06-27 09:28:59 +00:00

681 lines
13 KiB

//CODED by Veliant, Leency, Nable, Pavelyakov. GNU GPL licence.
#pragma option OST
#pragma option ON
#pragma option cri-
#pragma option -CPA
#initallvar 0
#jumptomain FALSE
#startaddress 0
#code32 TRUE
#define ENTRY_POINT #______INIT______
char os_name[] = "MENUET01"n;
dword os_version = 0x00000001;
dword start_addr = ENTRY_POINT;
dword final_addr = #______STOP______+32;
dword alloc_mem = MEMSIZE;
dword x86esp_reg = MEMSIZE;
dword I_Param = #param;
dword I_Path = #program_path;
char param[4096];
char program_path[4096];
#define bool int
#define NULL 0
#define OLD -1
#define true 1
#define false 0
//Process Events
#define evReDraw 1
#define evKey 2
#define evButton 3
#define evExit 4
#define evDesktop 5
#define evMouse 6
#define evIPC 7
#define evNetwork 8
#define evDebug 9
//Event mask bits for function 40
#define EVM_REDRAW 1b
#define EVM_KEY 10b
#define EVM_BUTTON 100b
#define EVM_EXIT 1000b
#define EVM_DESKTOPBG 10000b
#define EVM_MOUSE 100000b
#define EVM_IPC 1000000b
#define EVM_STACK 10000000b
#define EVM_DEBUG 100000000b
#define EVM_STACK2 1000000000b
#define EVM_MOUSE_FILTER 0x80000000
#define EVM_CURSOR_FILTER 0x40000000
//Button options
#define BT_DEL 0x80000000
#define BT_HIDE 0x40000000
#define BT_NOFRAME 0x20000000
#define CLOSE_BTN 1
#include "../lib/system.h"
#include "../lib/mouse.h"
#include "../lib/keyboard.h"
inline fastcall dword calc(EAX) { return EAX; }
:struct raw_image {
dword w, h, data;
inline fastcall dword WaitEvent()
$mov eax,10
$int 0x40
inline fastcall dword CheckEvent()
$mov eax,11
$int 0x40
inline fastcall dword WaitEventTimeout(EBX)
EAX = 23;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall dword SetEventMask(EBX)
$mov eax,40
$int 0x40
inline fastcall pause(EBX)
$mov eax, 5
$int 0x40
inline fastcall word GetButtonID()
$mov eax,17
$int 0x40
$shr eax,8
inline fastcall int GetKernelRev()
char buf[16];
EAX = 18;
EBX = 13;
ECX = #buf;
$int 0x40
EAX = ESDWORD[#buf+5];
inline fastcall dword GetFreeRAM()
$mov eax, 18
$mov ebx, 16
$int 0x40
//return eax = free RAM size in Kb
inline fastcall dword GetTotalRAM()
$mov eax, 18
$mov ebx, 17
$int 0x40
//return eax = total RAM size in Kb
inline fastcall int GetCpuIdleCount()
EAX = 18;
EBX = 4;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int GetCpuFrequency()
EAX = 18;
EBX = 5;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall dword LoadDriver(ECX) //ECX - èìÿ äðàéâåðà
$mov eax, 68
$mov ebx, 16
$int 0x40
//return 0 - íåóäà÷à, èíà÷å eax = õýíäë äðàéâåðà
inline fastcall dword RuleDriver(ECX) //óêàçàòåëü íà óïðàâëÿþùóþ ñòðóêòóðó
$mov eax, 68
$mov ebx, 17
$int 0x40
//return eax = îïðåäåëÿåòñÿ äðàéâåðîì
struct proc_info
#define SelfInfo -1
dword use_cpu;
word pos_in_stack,slot,rezerv1;
unsigned char name[11];
char rezerv2;
dword adress,use_memory,ID,left,top,width,height;
word status_slot,rezerv3;
dword cleft,ctop,cwidth,cheight;
char status_window;
byte reserved[1024-71-8];
:void GetProcessInfo(dword _process_struct_pointer, _process_id)
EAX = 9;
EBX = _process_struct_pointer;
ECX = _process_id;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int GetPointOwner( EBX, ECX) //ebx=m.x, ecx=m.y
$mov eax,34
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int GetProcessSlot( ECX)
EAX = 18;
EBX = 21;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int GetActiveProcess()
EAX = 18;
EBX = 7;
$int 0x40
:int CheckActiveProcess(int Form_ID)
int id9=GetProcessSlot(Form_ID);
if (id9==GetActiveProcess()) return 1;
return 0;
inline fastcall void ActivateWindow( ECX) //ECX - slot
EAX = 18;
EBX = 3;
$int 0x40
:void RefreshWindow(dword ID_REFRESH,ID_ACTIVE)
inline fastcall int MinimizeWindow()
EAX = 18;
EBX = 10;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int CreateThread(ECX,EDX)
$mov eax,51
$mov ebx,1
$int 0x40
inline fastcall void SwitchToAnotherThread()
$mov eax,68
$mov ebx,1
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int SendWindowMessage( ECX, EDX)
$mov eax, 72
$mov ebx, 1
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int KillProcess( ECX)
$mov eax,18;
$mov ebx,18;
$int 0x40
#define TURN_OFF 2
#define REBOOT 3
#define KERNEL 4
inline fastcall int ExitSystem( ECX)
$mov eax, 18
$mov ebx, 9
$int 0x40
inline fastcall ExitProcess()
$mov eax,-1;
$int 0x40
//eax = ÿçûê ñèñòåìû (1=eng, 2=fi, 3=ger, 4=rus)
///SYSFUNC DOESN'T WORK!!! => https://bit.ly/2XNdiTD
#define SYS_LANG_ENG 1
#define SYS_LANG_FIN 2
#define SYS_LANG_GER 3
#define SYS_LANG_RUS 4
inline fastcall int GetSystemLanguage()
EAX = 26;
EBX = 5;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall SetButtonStyle(ECX) //ECX - button style
$mov eax,48
$mov ebx,1
int 64
inline fastcall GetSkinHeight()
$push ebx
$mov eax,48
$mov ebx,4
$int 0x40
$pop ebx
inline fastcall void SetSystemSkin( ECX)
EAX = 48;
EBX = 8;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int GetScreenWidth()
$mov eax, 14
$int 0x40
$shr eax, 16
inline fastcall int GetScreenHeight()
$mov eax, 14
$int 0x40
$and eax,0x0000FFFF
inline fastcall int GetClientTop()
$mov eax, 48
$mov ebx, 5
$int 0x40
$mov eax, ebx
$shr eax, 16
inline fastcall int GetClientHeight()
$mov eax, 48
$mov ebx, 5
$int 0x40
$mov eax, ebx
inline fastcall dword LoadLibrary( ECX)
$mov eax, 68
$mov ebx, 19
$int 0x40
inline fastcall int TestBit( EAX, CL)
$shr eax,cl
$and eax,1
:void SetClientScreenArea(dword _left, _right, _top, _bottom)
EAX = 48;
EBX = 6;
ECX = _left * 65536 + _right;
EDX = _top * 65536 + _bottom;
$int 64;
#define ROLLED_UP 0x04
:void DefineAndDrawWindow(dword _x, _y, _w, _h, _window_type, _bgcolor, _title, _flags)
EAX = 12; // function 12:tell os about windowdraw
EBX = 1;
$int 0x40
$xor EAX,EAX
EBX = _x << 16 + _w;
ECX = _y << 16 + _h;
EDX = _window_type << 24 | _bgcolor;
EDI = _title;
ESI = _flags;
$int 0x40
EAX = 12; // function 12:tell os about windowdraw
EBX = 2;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall MoveSize( EBX,ECX,EDX,ESI)
$mov eax, 67
$int 0x40
inline fastcall void DrawTitle( ECX)
EAX = 71;
EBX = 1;
$int 0x40;
// @EDX is a process id, -1 for self
// @ESI is a new LayerBehaviour
// @RETURN: EAX, 0 is fail, 1 is success
#define ZPOS_DESKTOP -2
#define ZPOS_NORMAL 0
inline fastcall dword SetWindowLayerBehaviour(EDX, ESI)
EAX = 18;
EBX = 25;
ECX = 2;
$int 64
:void WriteTextB(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, str_offset)
EAX = 4;
EBX = x<<16+y;
ECX = fontType<<24+color;
EDX = str_offset;
ESI = 0;
$int 0x40;
$add ebx, 1<<16
$int 0x40
:void WriteText(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, str_offset)
EAX = 4;
EBX = x<<16+y;
ECX = fontType<<24+color;
EDX = str_offset;
$int 0x40;
:dword WriteBufText(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, str_offset, buf_offset)
EDI = buf_offset;
WriteText(x,y, fontType, color, str_offset);
:void WriteTextWithBg(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, str_offset, bgcolor)
EDI = bgcolor;
WriteText(x,y, fontType, color, str_offset);
:void WriteNumber(dword x,y,byte fontType, dword color, count, number_or_offset)
EAX = 47;
EBX = count<<16;
ECX = number_or_offset;
EDX = x<<16+y;
ESI = fontType<<24+color;
$int 0x40;
:void CopyScreen(dword dst_offset, x, y, w, h)
EAX = 36;
EBX = dst_offset;
ECX = w << 16 + h;
EDX = x << 16 + y;
$int 0x40;
:dword GetPixelColorFromScreen(dword _x, _y)
EAX = 35;
EBX = _y * screen.width + _x;
$int 64
:void SetBackgroundImage(dword w,h, image, mode)
$mov eax,15 // SF_BACKGROUND_SET 15 - work with desktop background graphics
$mov ebx,4 // SSF_MODE_BG 4 - set drawing mode for the background
$mov ecx,mode // drawing mode - tile (1), stretch (2)
$int 64
$mov eax,15 // SF_BACKGROUND_SET 15 - work with desktop background graphics
$mov ebx,1 // SSF_SIZE_BG=1 - set a size of the background image
$mov ecx,w // width
$mov edx,h // height
$int 64
$mov eax,15 // SF_BACKGROUND_SET 15 - work with desktop background graphics
$mov ebx,5 // SSF_IMAGE_BG=5 - put block of pixels on the background image
$mov ecx,image // pointer to the data in the format BBGGRRBBGGRR...
$mov edx,0 // offset in data of the background image
ESI = 3*w*h; // size of data in bytes = 3 * number of pixels
$int 64
$mov eax,15 // SF_BACKGROUND_SET 15 - work with desktop background graphics
$mov ebx,3 // SSF_REDRAW_BG=3 - redraw background
$int 64
:void _PutImage(dword x,y, w,h, data_offset)
EAX = 7;
EBX = data_offset;
ECX = w<<16+h;
EDX = x<<16+y;
$int 0x40
:void PutPaletteImage(dword inbuf,w,h,x,y,bits,pal)
if (h<1) || (w<0) return;
EAX = 65;
EBX = inbuf;
ECX = w<<16+h;
EDX = x<<16+y;
ESI = bits;
EDI = pal;
EBP = 0;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall void PutPixel( EBX,ECX,EDX)
$int 0x40
:void DrawBar(dword x,y,w,h,color)
if (h<=0) || (h>60000) || (w<=0) || (w>60000) return; //bad boy :)
EAX = 13;
EBX = x<<16+w;
ECX = y<<16+h;
EDX = color;
$int 0x40
:void DefineButton(dword x,y,w,h,id,color)
EAX = 8;
EDX = id + BT_DEL;
$int 0x40;
EDX = id;
ESI = color;
EBX = x<<16+w;
ECX = y<<16+h;
$int 0x40
:void UnsafeDefineButton(dword x,y,w,h,id,color)
EAX = 8;
EBX = x<<16+w;
ECX = y<<16+h;
EDX = id;
ESI = color;
$int 0x40
:void DefineDragableWindow(dword _x, _y, _w, _h)
DefineAndDrawWindow(_x, _y, _w, _h, 0x41,0x000000,NULL,0b);
:void DefineUnDragableWindow(dword _x, _y, _w, _h)
DefineAndDrawWindow(_x, _y, _w, _h, 0x01, 0, 0, 0x01fffFFF);
:void EventDragWindow()
proc_info Form1;
dword tmp_x,tmp_y;
dword z1,z2;
tmp_x = mouse.x;
tmp_y = mouse.y;
do {
GetProcessInfo(#Form1, SelfInfo);
if (tmp_x!=mouse.x) || (tmp_y!=mouse.y)
z1 = Form1.left + mouse.x - tmp_x;
z2 = Form1.top + mouse.y - tmp_y;
if(z1<=10) || (z1>20000) z1=0; else if(z1>screen.width-Form1.width-10)z1=screen.width-Form1.width;
if(z2<=10) || (z2>20000) z2=0; else if(z2>screen.height-Form1.height-10)z2=screen.height-Form1.height;
MoveSize(z1 , z2, OLD, OLD);
} while (mouse.lkm);
:void DefineHiddenButton(dword _x, _y, _w, _h, _id)
DefineButton(_x, _y, _w, _h, _id + BT_HIDE, 0);
inline fastcall void DeleteButton( EDX)
EAX = 8;
$int 0x40
inline fastcall dword GetStartTime()
$mov eax,26
$mov ebx,9
$int 0x40
:dword X_EventRedrawWindow,Y_EventRedrawWindow;
:void _EventRedrawWindow()
:char REDRAW_BUFF_EVENT_[4096];
:void EventRedrawWindow(dword x,y)
X_EventRedrawWindow = x;
Y_EventRedrawWindow = y;
:struct _screen
dword width,height;
} screen;
:byte skin_height;
dword __generator; // random number generator init
//The initialization of the initial data before running
:void ______INIT______()
skin_height = @GetSkinHeight();
screen.width = @GetScreenWidth()+1;
screen.height = @GetScreenHeight()+1;
__generator = @GetStartTime();
#include "../lib/mem.h"
#include "../lib/debug.h"
#include "../lib/ipc.h"