354 lines
9.0 KiB
354 lines
9.0 KiB
Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later
(the contents of which are also included in unzip.h) for terms of use.
If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
also may be found at: ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html
#pragma library
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sc.h>
#include <peek.h>
#include <lub.h>
#include <fdb.h>
#include <fsa.h>
#include "theos/stat.h"
/* replacement for standard library functions stat and fstat */
int _stat_(struct stat* st, struct fdb* fdb);
int _dstat_(struct stat* st);
#define peekucb() peeknuc()
/* map THEOS protection code to Unix modes */
unsigned short _tm2um_(char protect)
unsigned short umask = 0;
if (!(protect & _FDB_READ_PROTECT))
umask = S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP;
if (!(protect & _FDB_WRITE_PROTECT))
umask |= S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP;
if (!(protect & _FDB_EXECUTE_PROTECT))
umask |= S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP;
if (!(protect & _FDB_ERASE_PROTECT))
umask |= S_IEUSR|S_IEGRP;
if (!(protect & _FDB_SHARED_READ_PROTECT)) {
if (_osmajor > 3)
umask |= S_IROTH|S_IXOTH;
umask |= S_IROTH;
if (!(protect & _FDB_SHARED_WRITE_PROTECT))
umask |= S_IWOTH;
if (!(protect & _FDB_MODIFIED)) {
if (_osmajor > 3)
umask |= S_IMODF;
umask |= S_IXOTH;
if (protect & _FDB_NOT_HIDDEN)
umask |= S_INHID;
return umask;
/* map Unix modes to THEOS protections */
char _um2tm_(unsigned short mask)
char protect = 0;
if (!(mask & (S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP)))
protect |= _FDB_READ_PROTECT;
if (!(mask & (S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP)))
protect |= _FDB_WRITE_PROTECT;
if (!(mask & (S_IXUSR|S_IXGRP)))
if (!(mask & (S_IEUSR|S_IEGRP)))
protect |= _FDB_ERASE_PROTECT;
if (_osmajor < 4) {
if (!(mask & S_IROTH))
} else {
if (!(mask & (S_IROTH|S_IXOTH)))
if (!(mask & S_IWOTH))
if (mask & S_IMODF && _osmajor > 3)
protect |= _FDB_MODIFIED;
if (mask & S_INHID && _osmajor > 3)
protect |= _FDB_NOT_HIDDEN;
return protect;
/* root directory stat */
static int rdirstat(char* fn, struct stat *st)
register char* p = strchr(fn, ':');
char drive;
drive = p ? p[1] : 'S';
if (drive >= 'a' && drive <= 'Z')
drive -= 0x40;
memset(st, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
if (getlub(drive - 'A') != 255) {
st->st_org = _FDB_STAT_DIRECTORY;
st->st_nlink = 1;
st->st_dev = st->st_rdev = drive - 'A';
st->st_uid = st->st_gid = getuid();
st->st_protect = _FDB_ERASE_PROTECT;
return 0;
errno = _errnum = ENOENT;
_errarg = fn;
return -1;
/* file stat */
int _stat(const char *fn, struct stat *st)
char buf[256], buf2[256];
char *ifn;
register struct fdb *fdb;
register char *p;
if ((ifn = (char *)malloc(strlen(fn)+1)) == NULL) {
errno = _errnum = ENOMEM;
return -1;
if (p = strrchr(ifn, ':'))
*p = 0;
/* on current drive ./:d and .:m point to current dir
* on another drive to root directory */
if (! strcmp(ifn, "/") || ! strcmp(ifn, ".") || ! strcmp(ifn, "./")) {
if (p == NULL) {
/* current dir on current drive */
ifn = getcwd(buf2, 256);
/* getcwd returns NULL on root dir on drive S */
if (ifn == NULL)
strcpy(ifn = buf2, "/:S");
/* getcwd returns /:d on root dir on any other drive */
if (ifn[1] == ':')
return rdirstat(ifn, st);
} else {
int rstat;
*p = ':';
rstat = rdirstat(ifn, st);
return rstat;
if (p)
*p = ':';
strcpy(buf2, ifn);
/* remove trailing slash before optional disk name */
if (p = strrchr(buf2, '/')) {
if (p[1] == ':') {
*p = p[1];
p[1] = p[2];
p[2] = p[3];
} else if (p[1] == '\0')
*p = '\0';
/* if ifn is a file get file directory block structure and device */
if (fdb = _locate(buf2, buf, &st->st_dev)) {
/* is it a file from another user... */
if (strchr(buf2, '\\')
/* a public system file */
|| fdb->fileowner == 0
/* or a file from the current user account ? */
|| fdb->fileowner == getuid()) {
/* yes, return stat */
return _stat_(st, fdb);
} else {
/* no, say file doesn't exist */
errno = _errnum = ENOENT;
_errarg = fn;
return -1;
/* else should be a device */
st->st_rdev = st->st_dev = _lub_name(*ifn == ':' ? ifn+1 : ifn);
if (st->st_dev != -1 && getlub(st->st_dev) != 255)
return _dstat_(st);
errno = _errnum = ENOENT;
_errarg = fn;
return -1;
int _fstat(int fd, struct stat *st)
unsigned short fsanum;
struct fsa fsa;
register FILE *fp;
int status;
register int i;
register char *p;
if (fd < FOPEN_MAX) {
fp = &stdin[fd];
if (_fcntl(fp,1,0) & 0x80) {
fsanum = (unsigned short) _fcntl(fp,83,0);
st->st_dev = (unsigned short) _fcntl(fp,5,0);
if (st->st_dev >= A_DISK && st->st_dev <= Z_DISK) {
for (i = 0, fsanum *= sizeof(fsa), p = (char *) &fsa;
i < (sizeof(fsa));
i++, fsanum++, p++)
*p = _peekfsa((char *) fsanum);
status = _stat_(st, (struct fdb*) &fsa);
if ((st->st_blksize = _fcntl(fp,817,0)) == 0)
st->st_blksize = BUFSIZ;
return status;
return _dstat_(st);
errno = _errnum = EBADF;
return -1;
static int _isprt(int dev)
return IS_PRT_LUB(dev);
/* device stat */
int _dstat_(st)
register struct stat* st;
register struct ucb* ucb;
ucb = getucb(st->st_dev);
st->st_ino = 0;
if (st->st_dev <= Z_DISK
|| (st->st_dev >= TAPE1 && st->st_dev <= TAPE4)) {
st->st_mode = S_IFBLK | S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR;
if (peekucb(&ucb->devowner) == 255)
st->st_mode |= S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
} else {
st->st_mode = S_IFCHR | S_IWUSR;
if (_isprt(st->st_dev))
st->st_mode |= S_IRUSR;
if (peekucb(&ucb->devowner) == 255) {
st->st_mode |= S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH;
if (_isprt(st->st_dev))
st->st_mode |= S_IRGRP | S_IROTH;
st->st_nlink = 1;
st->st_uid = st->st_gid = getuid();
st->st_size = 0;
st->st_atime = st->st_mtime = st->st_ctime = 0;
st->st_rlen = 0;
st->st_klen = 0;
st->st_grow = 0;
st->st_blksize = 0;
return 0;
/* regular file stat */
int _stat_(st, fdb)
register struct stat* st;
register struct fdb* fdb;
st->st_rdev = st->st_dev;
st->st_ino = 0;
st->st_org = fdb->filestat;
switch (fdb->filestat) {
case _FDB_STAT_LIBRARY: st->st_mode = S_IFLIB; break;
case _FDB_STAT_DIRECTORY: st->st_mode = S_IFDIR; break;
case _FDB_STAT_STREAM: st->st_mode = S_IFREG; break;
case _FDB_STAT_RELATIVE: st->st_mode = S_IFREL; break;
case _FDB_STAT_KEYED: st->st_mode = S_IFKEY; break;
case _FDB_STAT_INDEXED: st->st_mode = S_IFIND; break;
case _FDB_STAT_RANDOM: st->st_mode = S_IFRND; break;
case _FDB_STAT_PROGRAM: st->st_mode = S_IFR16; break;
case _FDB_STAT_16_BIT_PROGRAM: st->st_mode = S_IFP16; break;
case _FDB_STAT_32_BIT_PROGRAM: st->st_mode = S_IFP32; break;
st->st_mode |= _tm2um_(st->st_protect = fdb->protect);
st->st_nlink = 1;
st->st_uid = st->st_gid = fdb->fileowner;
st->st_size = fdb->filesize;
st->st_atime = st->st_mtime = st->st_ctime = getfiledate(fdb);
st->st_rlen = fdb->reclen;
st->st_klen = fdb->keylen;
st->st_grow = fdb->filegrow;
st->st_blksize = 0;
return 0;
#include <direct.h>
struct dirent* _opendir(const char* dirpath)
int l;
char *p;
struct dirent* dir;
char *mypath = NULL;
if (dirpath != NULL &&
(mypath = (char *)malloc(strlen(dirpath)+1)) == NULL) {
errno = _errnum = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
if (mypath) {
l = strlen(mypath);
if (l) {
p = dirpath + l - 1;
if (*p == '/') {
*p = '\0';
dir = opendir(dirpath);
*p = '/';
return dir;
return opendir(mypath);