Kirill Lipatov (Leency) 3c1b36e8f4 kfont: remove italic style, some code cleanup in browser and lib/font.h
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@6803 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2016-12-21 10:56:06 +00:00

199 lines
6.6 KiB

void PreparePage()
list.SetSizes(0, TOOLBAR_H, Form.cwidth-scroll.size_x-1, Form.cheight-TOOLBAR_H, label.size.pt+2);
strcpy(#title, history.current()+strrchr(history.current(),'/'));
//get font chars width, need to increase performance
ChangeCharset(charsets[encoding], "CP866", io.buffer_data);
if (strstri(io.buffer_data, "<html")==-1) {
debugln("no <html> found");
DrawProgress(STEP_2_COUNT_PAGE_HEIGHT); ParceTxt(false); //get page height to calculate buffer size
DrawProgress(STEP_3_DRAW_PAGE_INTO_BUFFER); ParceTxt(true); //draw text in buffer
} else {
debugln("<html> tag found");
DrawProgress(STEP_2_COUNT_PAGE_HEIGHT); ParceHtml(false); //get page height to calculate buffer size
// debugln("DONE STEP 2");
DrawProgress(STEP_3_DRAW_PAGE_INTO_BUFFER); ParceHtml(true); //draw text in buffer
// debugln("DONE STEP 3");
strcat(#title, " - Aelia");
DrawProgress(STEP_4_SMOOTH_FONT); label.ApplySmooth();
DrawProgress(STEP_5_STOP); DrawPage();
void ParceTxt(byte draw)
byte ch, zeroch=0;
dword bufoff, buflen, line_start, srch_pos;
int stroka_y=5, line_length=0;
buflen = strlen(io.buffer_data) + io.buffer_data;
for (bufoff=io.buffer_data; bufoff<buflen; bufoff++)
ch = ESBYTE[bufoff];
line_length += char_width[ch];
if (line_length>=list.w-30) || (ch==10) {
srch_pos = bufoff;
if (__isWhite(ESBYTE[srch_pos])) { bufoff=srch_pos+1; break; } //normal word-break
if (srch_pos == line_start) break; //no white space found in whole line
if (draw==true) {
ESBYTE[bufoff] >< zeroch; //set line end
WriteTextIntoBuf(8, stroka_y, 0x000000, line_start);
ESBYTE[bufoff] >< zeroch; //restore line
stroka_y += list.item_h;
line_start = bufoff;
line_length = 0;
if (draw==false) {
list.count = stroka_y/list.item_h+3;
if (list.count < list.visible) list.count = list.visible;
label.size.height = list.count+5*list.item_h;
label.raw_size = 0;
if (draw==true) WriteTextIntoBuf(8, stroka_y, 0x000000, line_start);
= =
= HTML =
= =
#define HTML_PADDING_X 8;
#define HTML_PADDING_Y 5;
void ParceHtml(byte draw)
dword DOM_start, DOM_end, DOM_len, DOM_pos, aux2;
int stroka_x = HTML_PADDING_X;
int stroka_y = HTML_PADDING_Y;
int size_pt_change = 0;
dword line_break;
byte ch, zeroch;
_text text;
_tag tag;
/* Create DOM */
debugln("creating DOM");
DOM_len = strlen(io.buffer_data);
DOM_start = malloc(DOM_len);
DOM_end = DOM_start + DOM_len;
strlcpy(DOM_start, io.buffer_data, DOM_len);
/* Parce DOM */
debugln("starting DOM parce...");
text.start = DOM_start;
for (DOM_pos=DOM_start; DOM_pos<DOM_end; DOM_pos++)
if (ESBYTE[DOM_pos]==0x0D) || (ESBYTE[DOM_pos]==0x0A) ESBYTE[DOM_pos]=' ';
ch = ESBYTE[DOM_pos];
if (ch=='<') {
ESBYTE[DOM_pos] = '\0';
tag.start = DOM_pos + 1;
if (style.ignore) continue;
if (tag.nameis("title")) {
strcpy(#title, text.start);
// try to change the special symbols that may appear
while (get_label_len(text.start) + stroka_x + 30 > list.w)
zeroch = 0;
for (line_break=tag.start-1; line_break>text.start; line_break--;)
ESBYTE[line_break] >< zeroch; //set line end
if (get_label_len(text.start) + stroka_x + 30 <= list.w) break;
ESBYTE[line_break] >< zeroch; //restore line
if (draw==true) {
if (style.a) {
link.add(stroka_x,stroka_y + size_pt_change,get_label_len(text.start),list.item_h,text.start," ");
label_draw_bar(stroka_x, stroka_y+label.size.pt+1, get_label_len(text.start), style.color);
WriteTextIntoBuf(stroka_x, stroka_y, style.color, text.start);
stroka_x+=char_width[' '];
ESBYTE[line_break] >< zeroch; //restore line
text.start = line_break;
stroka_x = HTML_PADDING_X;
stroka_y += list.item_h;
if (draw==true) {
if (style.a) {
link.add(stroka_x,stroka_y + size_pt_change,get_label_len(text.start),list.item_h,text.start," ");
label_draw_bar(stroka_x, stroka_y+label.size.pt+1, get_label_len(text.start), style.color);
WriteTextIntoBuf(stroka_x, stroka_y, style.color, text.start);
stroka_x+=char_width[' '];
stroka_x += get_label_len(text.start);
if (ch=='>') {
ESBYTE[DOM_pos] = '\0';
text.start = DOM_pos + 1;
if (tag.nameis("br"))
|| (tag.nameis("p"))
|| (tag.nameis("div"))
|| (tag.nameis("tr")) {
stroka_y+= list.item_h;
stroka_x = HTML_PADDING_X;
if (tag.nameis("h1")) || (tag.nameis("/h1")) ||
(tag.nameis("h2")) || (tag.nameis("/h2")) ||
(tag.nameis("h3")) || (tag.nameis("/h3")) {
if (tag.nameis("h1")) {
size_pt_change = 8;
} else if (tag.nameis("/h1")) {
size_pt_change = -8;
} else if (tag.nameis("h2")) {
size_pt_change = 6;
} else if (tag.nameis("/h2")) {
size_pt_change = -6;
} else if (tag.nameis("h3")) {
size_pt_change = 4;
} else if (tag.nameis("/h3")) {
size_pt_change = -4;
label.size.pt += size_pt_change;
if (size_pt_change > 0) {
stroka_y+= list.item_h;//что если будет очень длинная строка в теге?
} else {//коммент выше и коммент ниже связаны
stroka_y+= list.item_h - size_pt_change;//не очень понятна логика этого места
size_pt_change = 0;
stroka_x = HTML_PADDING_X;
if (tag.nameis("script")) || (tag.nameis("style")) style.ignore = true;
if (tag.nameis("/script")) || (tag.nameis("/style")) style.ignore = false;
if (tag.nameis("a")) { style.a = true; style.color=0x0000FF; }
if (tag.nameis("/a")) { style.a = false; style.color=0x000000; }
if (draw==false) {
list.count = stroka_y/list.item_h+3;
if (list.count < list.visible) list.count = list.visible;
label.size.height = list.count+5*list.item_h;
label.raw_size = 0;