Marat Zakiyanov (Mario79) c1c36c0b6a TASK PANEL v2.0
1) New logic of switching windows (turnoff/restore)
2) New logic of button "clear desktop".
3) Win+D (restore/clear desktop), Win+R (start RUN application).
4) Using the library LibINI to set the parameters.
5) New style of panel.
6) Start application Menu with boot options.
7) Two versions of the location of the panel - the bottom of the desktop and on top of the desktop.

git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@2619 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2012-04-16 23:46:54 +00:00

422 lines
7.6 KiB

align 4
draw_tray: ; draw cpu usage, time, date etc.
; cmp [tray_enable],dword 1
; jne no_setup
call draw_tray_buttons
call draw_time_skin
call draw_time
mov [draw_flag_certainly],1
call draw_flag ; language
call draw_list_button
;align 4
mov [offset_x_tray],0
cmp [minimize_right],dword 0
je @f
add [offset_x_tray],MR_SIZE
align 4
mov ecx,3 shl 16
add ecx,[height]
sub cx,6
mov esi,[wcolor]
mov eax,8
cmp [clock_enable],dword 0
je @f
add [offset_x_tray],CLOCK_SIZE
mov ebx,[max_x]
sub ebx,[offset_x_tray]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,CLOCK_SIZE-2
mov [pos_x_clock],ebx
mcall ,,,0x40000000+2 ; time/date button
align 4
cmp [cpu_usage_enable],dword 0
je @f
add [offset_x_tray],CPU_USAGE_SIZE
mov ebx,[max_x]
sub ebx,[offset_x_tray]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,CPU_USAGE_SIZE-2
mov [pos_x_cpu_usage],ebx
mcall ,,,0x40000000+18 ;button 18 - sysmeter_name (GMON)
align 4
cmp [chlang_enable],dword 0
je @f
add [offset_x_tray],CHLANG_SIZE
mov ebx,[max_x]
sub ebx,[offset_x_tray]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,CHLANG_SIZE-2
mov [pos_x_cpu_chlang],ebx
mcall ,,,0x40000000+16 ;button 16 - chang language
align 4
cmp [page_list_enable],dword 0
je @f
add [offset_x_tray],PAGE_LIST_SIZE
mov ebx,[max_x]
sub ebx,[offset_x_tray]
shl ebx,16
add ebx,10
mov [pos_x_page_list],ebx
mcall ,,,0x40000000+22 ;button 22 - page list decrease
add ebx,24 shl 16
mcall ,,,0x40000000+21 ;button 21 - page list decrease
align 4
cmp [clock_enable],dword 0
je .exit
mov ebx,[pos_x_clock]
call calculate_button_y_coordinate_and_size
mov edx,[Clock_color] ;time_bgr_color
mov esi,[wcolor]
call draw_appl_button
align 4
cmp [clock_enable],dword 0
je .exit
mcall 3
cmp eax,[ptime]
jz .exit
mov [ptime],eax
; draw hours and minutes
movzx ebx,al
shr eax,8
movzx ecx,al
shr eax,8
movzx edx,al
; ebx ecx edx h m s
push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx,[pos_x_clock]
call calculate_button_y_coordinate_and_size
movzx eax,cx
shr eax,1
sub eax,4
shr ecx,16
add eax,ecx
mov bx,ax
add ebx,18 shl 16
mov ecx,[bte]
mov edx,[esp] ; __:_X
and edx,15
add ebx,10*65536
add edx,text
mcall 4,,0x40ffffff,,1,[Clock_color] ;time_bgr_color
pop edx ; __:X_
shr edx,4
and edx,15
sub ebx,6*65536
add edx,text
mov edx,[esp] ; _X:__
and edx,15
sub ebx,11*65536
add edx,text
pop edx ; X_:__
shr edx,4
and edx,15
sub ebx,6*65536
add edx,text
; draw seconds
mov ebx,[pos_x_clock]
call calculate_button_y_coordinate_and_size
movzx eax,cx
shr eax,1
sub eax,4
shr ecx,16
add eax,ecx
mov bx,ax
add ebx,17 shl 16
mcall 3
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,16
and ecx,1
mov edx,[bte]
sub edx,[Clock_color] ;time_bgr_color;[wcolor]
imul ecx,edx
add ecx,[Clock_color] ;time_bgr_color;[wcolor]
mcall 4,,,sec,1
call draw_cpu_usage
align 4
align 4
cmp [page_list_enable],dword 0
je .exit
; draw page list button "skin"
mov ebx,[pos_x_page_list]
mov bx,10
mov ecx,3 shl 16
add ecx,[height]
sub cx,6
xor edx,edx
; mcall 13
mov edx,[PageList_color] ;0xffffff
mov esi,[wcolor]
call draw_appl_button
add ebx,24 shl 16 ; 18 shl 16
; mcall
mov edx,[PageList_color] ;0xffffff
mov esi,[wcolor]
call draw_appl_button
; sub ebx,23 shl 16 ; 19 shl 16
; sub bx,2
; add ecx,1 shl 16
; sub ecx,2
; mcall ,,,0xffffff
; add ebx,24 shl 16
; mcall
; draw page list button text <>
mov ebx,[pos_x_page_list]
add ebx,2 shl 16
mov eax,[height]
shr eax,1
sub eax,4
mov bx,ax
xor ecx,ecx
mcall 4,,,page_a1,5
add ebx,1 shl 16
; draw page list number
mov edx,ebx
add edx,9 shl 16
mcall 47,0x20000,[page_list],,0xffffff
align 4
cmp [cpu_usage_enable],dword 0
je .exit
mov eax,[height]
sub eax,[button_top_offset]
sub eax,[button_bottom_offset]
sub eax,2
mov [ysi],eax ;12
mcall 18,5 ; TSC / SEC
shr eax,20
push eax
mcall 18,4 ; IDLE / SEC
shr eax,20
xor edx,edx
imul eax,[ysi]
pop ebx
inc ebx
div ebx
cmp eax,[ysi]
jng .no_bug
mov eax,[ysi]
align 4
push eax
mov ebx,[pos_x_cpu_usage]
mov ecx,[button_top_offset]
shl ecx,16
add ecx,[ysi]
add ecx,2
mov edx,[CpuUsageBckgr_color] ;0xdd2222
mov esi,[wcolor]
call draw_appl_button
pop eax
; mov ecx,4 shl 16
mov ecx,[button_top_offset]
inc ecx
shl ecx,16
add ecx,eax
add ebx,1 shl 16
sub ebx,2
mcall 13,,,[CpuUsage_color] ;0x44aa44
align 4
; eax = number (1 or 2)
; ebx = language id
cmp [chlang_enable],dword 0
je .exit
cmp [draw_flag_certainly],0
je .exit
; get and draw keyboard layout
mcall 26,2,9
mov ebx,eax
; mov eax,2
mov [type_lang],al
; eax = 2 BIG
; eax = 1 small
mov edx,ebx
mov ebx,[pos_x_cpu_chlang]
call calculate_button_y_coordinate_and_size
; cmp [type_lang],1
; je .label_1
mov edx,[ChangeLang_color] ;time_bgr_color ;0xff ;[wcolor]
; jmp .label_2
;align 4
; mov edx,0x7700
;align 4
mov esi,[wcolor]
call draw_appl_button
mov ebx,[pos_x_cpu_chlang]
mov ax,bx
shr eax,1
shl eax,16
add ebx,eax
sub ebx,6 shl 16
call calculate_button_y_coordinate_and_size
movzx eax,cx
shr eax,1
sub eax,4
shr ecx,16
add eax,ecx
mov bx,ax
mov ecx,[bte] ; color
if caps_lock_check
; make flag_text 'enfigerufretua' or 'ENFIGERUFRETUA' depending on CapsLock state.
call flag_text_setup
end if
dec edx
shl edx,1
add edx,flag_text
mcall 4,,,,2
mov [draw_flag_certainly],0
align 4
if caps_lock_check
mcall 66,3
mov edi, flag_text
mov esi, flag_text_caps_off
test eax, 0x40
jz @f
add esi, 14
align 4
mov ecx, 14
rep movsb
;flag_text_caps_off db 'enfigerufretua'
db 'EnFiGeRuFrEtUa'
end if