2) add function glClear git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@5159 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
166 lines
3.6 KiB
166 lines
3.6 KiB
align 4
proc ZB_plot uses eax ebx ecx edx edi, zb:dword, p:dword
mov eax,[zb]
mov ebx,[p]
mov ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
imul ecx,[eax+offs_zbuf_xsize]
add ecx,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
shl ecx,1
add ecx,[eax+offs_zbuf_zbuf]
mov edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_linesize]
imul edx,[ebx+offs_zbup_y]
mov edi,[ebx+offs_zbup_x]
imul edi,PSZB
add edx,edi
add edx,[eax+offs_zbuf_pbuf]
mov edi,[ebx+offs_zbup_z]
cmp di,word[ecx]
jl .end_f
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_r]
mov byte[edx],ah
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_g]
mov byte[edx+1],ah
mov eax,[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov byte[edx+2],ah
; *pp = RGB_TO_PIXEL(p->r, p->g, p->b);
end if
mov word[ecx],di
INTERP_Z equ 1
align 4
proc ZB_line_flat_z, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword, color:dword
include 'zline.inc'
; line with color interpolation
INTERP_Z equ 1
align 4
proc ZB_line_interp_z, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword
include 'zline_r.inc'
; no Z interpolation
align 4
proc ZB_line_flat, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword, color:dword
include 'zline.inc'
align 4
proc ZB_line_interp, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword
include 'zline_r.inc'
align 4
proc ZB_line_z uses eax ebx ecx, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword
if DEBUG ;ZB_line_z
push edi
mov ecx,80
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_zbz,buf_param
pop edi
end if
mov ebx,[p1]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,[p2]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
; choose if the line should have its color interpolated or not
cmp ecx,eax
jne .els
stdcall ZB_line_flat_z, dword[zb], dword[p1], ebx, ecx
jmp @f
stdcall ZB_line_interp_z, dword[zb], dword[p1], ebx
align 4
proc ZB_line uses eax ebx ecx, zb:dword, p1:dword, p2:dword
if DEBUG ;ZB_line
push edi
mov ecx,80
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
lea edi,[buf_param]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p1]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_x]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_zp_sp,2
stdcall str_len,edi
add edi,eax
sub ecx,eax
mov eax,[p2]
mov eax,[eax+offs_zbup_y]
stdcall convert_int_to_str,ecx
stdcall str_n_cat,edi,txt_nl,2
stdcall dbg_print,f_zb,buf_param
pop edi
end if
mov ebx,[p1]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
mov ecx,eax
mov ebx,[p2]
RGB_TO_PIXEL dword[ebx+offs_zbup_r],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_g],dword[ebx+offs_zbup_b]
; choose if the line should have its color interpolated or not
cmp ecx,eax
jne .els
stdcall ZB_line_flat, dword[zb], dword[p1], ebx, ecx
jmp @f
stdcall ZB_line_interp, dword[zb], dword[p1], ebx