mkdoubledirs creates pairs of directories a/a, b/b, c/c etc. This is to
test file lookup code: there must be a directory named blah only if the
current directory is named blah too.
gensamehash generates file names with the same XFS hash to test the
code that resolves collisions. In principle, can be updated for other
hashes: ext*, exfat, etc.
* lfbviewx: LFB viewer for X. Reads framebuffer of umka_os and displays
the picture in X window.
* New shell commands: dump_appdata, dump_taskdata, mouse_move.
* Bug with process_info is because SLOT_BASE in umka_os is not aligned
on 0x10000. Mitigated with a macro.
Use -c key for umka_shell to trace branches, no recompilation needed.
Create >4GiB file for tests.
Create empty kolibri.img and put built default.skn there.