/> umka_boot /> net_get_dev_count active network devices: 0 /> stack_init /> net_get_dev_count active network devices: 1 /> net_add_device device number: 1 /> net_get_dev_count active network devices: 2 /> net_add_device device number: 2 /> net_get_dev_count active network devices: 3 /> net_add_device device number: 3 /> net_get_dev_count active network devices: 4 /> net_get_dev_type 0 status: ok type of network device #0: 0 /> net_get_dev_type 1 status: ok type of network device #1: 1 /> net_get_dev_type 2 status: ok type of network device #2: 1 /> net_get_dev_name 0 status: ok name of network device #0: loopback /> net_get_dev_name 1 status: ok name of network device #1: UMKNUL0 /> net_get_dev_name 2 status: ok name of network device #2: UMKNUL0 /> net_dev_stop 0 status: ok /> net_dev_stop 1 status: ok /> net_dev_reset 0 status: ok /> net_dev_reset 1 status: ok /> net_get_dev 0 status: ok /> net_get_dev 1 status: ok /> net_get_packet_tx_count 0 status: ok packet tx count of net dev #0: 0 /> net_get_packet_tx_count 1 status: ok packet tx count of net dev #1: 0 /> net_get_packet_tx_count 2 status: ok packet tx count of net dev #2: 0 /> net_get_packet_rx_count 0 status: ok packet rx count of net dev #0: 0 /> net_get_packet_rx_count 1 status: ok packet rx count of net dev #1: 0 /> net_get_packet_rx_count 2 status: ok packet rx count of net dev #2: 0 /> /> net_get_byte_tx_count 0 status: ok byte tx count of net dev #0: 0 /> net_get_byte_tx_count 1 status: ok byte tx count of net dev #1: 0 /> net_get_byte_tx_count 2 status: ok byte tx count of net dev #2: 0 /> net_get_byte_rx_count 0 status: ok byte rx count of net dev #0: 0 /> net_get_byte_rx_count 1 status: ok byte rx count of net dev #1: 0 /> net_get_byte_rx_count 2 status: ok byte rx count of net dev #2: 0 /> /> net_get_link_status 0 status: fail /> net_get_link_status 1 status: ok link status of net dev #1: 6 ETH_LINK_FD + ETH_LINK_10M /> net_get_link_status 2 status: ok link status of net dev #2: 6 ETH_LINK_FD + ETH_LINK_10M